package main
import (
//go:embed config
var storedConfigs embed . FS // Embed the folder containing config files
// runningOnWindows: At the moment this function isn't used. When Window support is added,
// it will be used to determine if the program is being run on Windows.
func runningOnWindows ( ) bool {
return runtime . GOOS == "windows"
// generateDefaultConfigs is used to generate a folder of default config files
// for common languages. These default config files are embedded into the program, and will
// be outputted into the given directory.
// If there is an error encountered, the error is returned.
func generateDefaultConfigs ( configOutputPath string ) error {
err := os . MkdirAll ( configOutputPath , 0755 )
if err != nil {
if os . IsExist ( err ) {
return errors . New ( "Directory already exists." )
} else {
return errors . New ( "Unable to create directory." )
// Copy each folder from the embedded filesystem, into the destination path
err = fs . WalkDir ( storedConfigs , "config" , func ( path string , d fs . DirEntry , err error ) error {
if err != nil {
return err
if d . IsDir ( ) { // Skip directories
return nil
relPath , _ := filepath . Rel ( "config" , path )
dstPath := filepath . Join ( configOutputPath , relPath ) // Destination path
data , err := os . ReadFile ( path )
if err != nil {
return err
if err := os . WriteFile ( dstPath , data , 0644 ) ; err != nil {
return err
return nil
} )
return nil
// loadConfig takes in the filename of a config file. It reads the file,
// and returns a stack of RegColors, with the item at the bottom being the one that
// was read first. This ensures that, _when accessing the RegColors in the stack, the last
// one (ie. the one that was read first) has highest precedence_.
// If there is an error compiling the regular expressions, the error is returned.
func loadConfig ( configFilename string ) ( stack . Stack [ regColor ] , error ) {
configFile , err := os . ReadFile ( configFilename )
if err != nil {
return * stack . NewStack [ regColor ] ( 0 ) , err
// Here, I create a MapSlice. This is a slice of key-value pairs, and will
// store the results of unmarshalling the YAML file.
tempMapSlice := yaml . MapSlice { }
if err := yaml . Unmarshal ( configFile , & tempMapSlice ) ; err != nil {
return * stack . NewStack [ regColor ] ( 0 ) , err
// Here, I create the stack which will eventually be returned.
// Each element of the MapSlice (created above) stores the key and value of a line
// in the file.
// Each regex string is compiled, and if there is an error, that error is
// returned.
regColorStack := stack . NewStack [ regColor ] ( len ( strings . Split ( string ( configFile ) , "\n" ) ) ) // The stack will have the same size as the number of lines in the file
for _ , item := range tempMapSlice {
re := regexp . MustCompile ( item . Key . ( string ) )
clr , err := newColor ( item . Value . ( string ) )
if err != nil {
return * stack . NewStack [ regColor ] ( 0 ) , err
// If we got past the errors, then the color _must_ be valid.
regColorStack . Push ( regColor { re , clr } )
return * regColorStack , nil