#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "message.h" #include "user.h" #include "easysock.h" #include "file_helpers.h" #include "message_helpers.h" #include "stack.h" #define BUFFER_SIZE 10000 #define MAX_CONNECTIONS 100 #define DATA_SIZE 50000 #define MESSAGE_SIZE 50000 User** create_user_list(char* filename); void sigint_handler(int dummy); User* fetch_user(char* username); int user_to_index(User* user); bool user_equals(User* this, User* other); User** users; int num_users; bool stop_running; int main() { stop_running = false; signal(SIGINT,sigint_handler); struct sockaddr temp_addr; socklen_t temp_addrlen; fd_set read_fd_set; int conn_sockets[MAX_CONNECTIONS] = {-1}; User* to_user[MAX_CONNECTIONS] = {NULL}; User* from_user[MAX_CONNECTIONS] = {NULL}; FD_ZERO(&read_fd_set); char buffer[BUFFER_SIZE]; char data[DATA_SIZE]; num_users = num_of_lines("user_file.txt"); users = create_user_list("user_file.txt"); Stack* message_stack[num_users]; for (int i=0;i < num_users; i++) { message_stack[i] = new_stack(10); } struct sockaddr addr_struct; int server_sock = create_local(4,'T',"",30000,&addr_struct); conn_sockets[0] = server_sock; assert(listen(server_sock,MAX_CONNECTIONS) == 0); while (true) { FD_ZERO(&read_fd_set); for (int i=0; i < MAX_CONNECTIONS; i++) { if (conn_sockets[i] > 0) { FD_SET(conn_sockets[i],&read_fd_set); } } int num_conns = select(FD_SETSIZE, &read_fd_set, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (num_conns > 0) { if (FD_ISSET(conn_sockets[0],&read_fd_set)) { int client_sock = accept(conn_sockets[0],&temp_addr,&temp_addrlen); for (int i=0;i < MAX_CONNECTIONS; i++) { if (conn_sockets[i] <= 0) { conn_sockets[i] = client_sock; break; } } } for (int i=1; i < MAX_CONNECTIONS; i++) { memset(data,0x00,DATA_SIZE); if (FD_ISSET(conn_sockets[i],&read_fd_set)) { while ( strstr(buffer,"END_OF_DATA") == NULL ) { int num_bytes_read = recv(conn_sockets[i],buffer,sizeof(buffer),0); if (num_bytes_read <= 0) { close(conn_sockets[i]); conn_sockets[i] = 0; to_user[i] = NULL; goto continue_for_loop; } strcat(data, buffer); } strcat(data,"\0"); buffer[0] = '\0'; /* Clear the buffer */ char* send_or_receive = malloc(10); int k=0; while (*(data + k) != '\n') { k++; } memcpy(send_or_receive,data,k); if (strstr(send_or_receive, "SENDING") != NULL) { if (from_user[i] == NULL) { from_user[i] = fetch_user(fetch_from_string(data,"IAM")); if (from_user[i] == NULL) { printf("Please identify yourself.\n"); close(conn_sockets[i]); continue; } else { printf("You are %s\n",from_user[i]->username); } } if (to_user[i] == NULL) { to_user[i] = fetch_user(fetch_from_string(data,"TO")); if (to_user[i] == NULL) { printf("Invalid user or message format.\n"); close(conn_sockets[i]); continue; } else { printf("Message intended for %s\n",to_user[i]->username); } } char* message_string = malloc(sizeof(char) * MESSAGE_SIZE); memset(message_string, 0x00, MESSAGE_SIZE); message_string = fetch_message_string(data); if (message_string == NULL) { printf("Invalid message.\n"); return -10; } printf("Your message is: \n------------------\n%s\n------------------\n",message_string); if (user_to_index(to_user[i]) < 0) { printf("Recipient user does not exist!\n"); return -20; } Message* message = new_message(message_string,from_user[i],to_user[i]); stack_push( message_stack[user_to_index(to_user[i])],message ); printf("Message has been pushed onto stack for %s\n",to_user[i]->username); } else if (strstr(send_or_receive, "RECEIVING") != NULL) { if (from_user[i] == NULL) { from_user[i] = fetch_user(fetch_from_string(data,"IAM")); if (from_user[i] == NULL) { printf("Please identify yourself.\n"); close(conn_sockets[i]); continue; } else { printf("You are %s\n",from_user[i]->username); } } int num_of_messages; char* num_of_messages_string = fetch_from_string(data,"GETLAST"); if (num_of_messages_string == NULL) { printf("Invalid GET request.\n"); return -30; } else { if (strstr(num_of_messages_string,"ALL") != NULL) { num_of_messages = stack_size(message_stack[user_to_index(from_user[i])]); } else { num_of_messages = atoi(num_of_messages_string); } } if (num_of_messages > stack_size(message_stack[user_to_index(from_user[i])])) { num_of_messages = stack_size(message_stack[user_to_index(from_user[i])]); } for (int k=0;ksender->username, asctime(message->timeinfo), message->text); } } else { printf("You are not sending or receiving.\n"); } close(conn_sockets[i]); conn_sockets[i] = -1; continue_for_loop: memset(data,0,DATA_SIZE); memset(buffer,0,BUFFER_SIZE); to_user[i] = NULL; from_user[i] = NULL; } } if (stop_running == true) { printf("Stopping...\n"); for (int i=MAX_CONNECTIONS-1; i>= 0; i--) { close(i); close(conn_sockets[i]); } return 130; } } } } User** create_user_list(char* filename) { /* Structure of user file - on every line */ int num_users = num_of_lines(filename); char* file_str = file_to_string(filename); char* token = malloc(sizeof(char) * 30); User** users = malloc (num_users * sizeof(User*)); for (int i=0;iusername = strdup(token); token = strtok(NULL," \r\n"); (*(users + i))->password = strdup(token); token = strtok(NULL," \r\n"); } return users; } void sigint_handler(int dummy) { stop_running = true; printf("sigint_handler is stopping...\n"); exit(130); } User* fetch_user(char* username) { if (username == NULL) { return NULL; } for (int i=0;iusername, username) == 0) { return users[i]; } } return NULL; } int user_to_index(User* user) { int index = -1; for (int i=0;i < num_users; i++) { if (user_equals(users[i],user) == true) { index = i; break; } } return index; } bool user_equals(User* this, User* other) { if (( strcmp(this->username,other->username) == 0 ) && ( strcmp(this->password,other->password) == 0 )) { return true; } else { return false; } }