diff --git a/misc.go b/misc.go
index ba6191a..fb22c21 100644
--- a/misc.go
+++ b/misc.go
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ package main
 import (
+	"strings"
@@ -124,13 +125,21 @@ func genRangeInclusive[T character](start, end T) []T {
 	return toRet
-// Returns a rune-slice containing all possible cases of the given rune.
+// Returns a rune-slice containing all possible cases of the given rune, given the
+// 'caseInsensitive' boolean variable.
+// If this variable is false, the rune is returned as-is, without modifications.
+// If it is true, then we return all possible cases of the
+// rune.
 // At the moment, this includes:
 // 1. Upper case
 // 2. Lower case
 // 3. Title case
-func allCases(r rune) []rune {
-	return []rune{unicode.ToLower(r), unicode.ToUpper(r), unicode.ToTitle(r)}
+func allCases(r rune, caseInsensitive bool) []rune {
+	if caseInsensitive {
+		return []rune{unicode.ToLower(r), unicode.ToUpper(r), unicode.ToTitle(r)}
+	} else {
+		return []rune{r}
+	}
 func isHex(c rune) bool {
@@ -150,3 +159,17 @@ func replaceByValue[T comparable](slc []T, toReplace T, replaceWith T) []T {
 	return slc
+// swapCase swaps the case of every character in the given string, and returns
+// the new string.
+func swapCase(str string) string {
+	return strings.Map(func(r rune) rune {
+		switch {
+		case unicode.IsLower(r):
+			return unicode.ToUpper(r)
+		case unicode.IsUpper(r):
+			return unicode.ToLower(r)
+		}
+		return r
+	}, str)