
61 lines
1.8 KiB

package main
// match tries to match the regex represented by given start-state, with
// the given string
func match(start *State, str string) (startIdx int, endIdx int, matched bool) {
currentStates := make([]*State, 0)
tempStates := make([]*State, 0) // Used to store states that should be used in next loop iteration
i := 0 // Index in string
// Increment until we hit a character matching the start state
if start.isEmpty == false {
for int(str[i]) != start.content {
currentStates = append(currentStates, start)
startIdx = i
i++ // Advance to next character so that we can check for transitions
// Main loop
for i < len(str) {
// If there are any 0-transitions, take those
// TODO: Maybe I need to keep taking 0-transitions until I don't have anymore. Needs to be tested
for _, state := range currentStates {
if len(state.transitions[EPSILON]) > 0 {
tempStates = append(tempStates, state.transitions[EPSILON]...)
copy(currentStates, tempStates)
tempStates = nil
// Take any transitions corresponding to current character
for _, state := range currentStates {
if len(state.transitions[int(str[i])]) > 0 {
tempStates = append(tempStates, state.transitions[int(str[i])]...)
} else {
// This enables the 'greedy' behavior - last-state status is only checked if we can't match anything else
if state.isLast {
endIdx = i
return startIdx, endIdx, true
copy(currentStates, tempStates)
tempStates = nil
// End-of-string reached. Check if any of our states is in the end position.
for _, state := range currentStates {
if state.isLast {
endIdx = i
return startIdx, endIdx, true
} else {
return -1, -1, false
// Default
return -1, -1, false