# include <iostream>
# include "includes/easysock.h"
# include "includes/connect_code.hpp"
# include "includes/server.hpp"
# include "includes/client.hpp"
# include "includes/check_input.hpp"
# include "includes/raygui/raygui.h"
# include "includes/exception_consts.hpp"
# include "includes/raygui_helpers.hpp"
# include "includes/timer.h"
GameType check_server ( char * ip_text , char * port_text ) {
GameType type ;
std : : string addr ;
uint16_t port ;
/* Check if IP address and port are in valid forms */
if ( check_ip_ver ( ip_text ) < 0 ) {
throw std : : invalid_argument ( " Invalid IP address " ) ;
if ( port_to_num ( port_text ) < 0 ) {
throw std : : invalid_argument ( " Invalid port " ) ;
/* From here on, we assume that the IP and port are valid */
addr = std : : string ( ip_text ) ;
port = std : : stoi ( std : : string ( port_text ) ) ;
std : : string code = connect_code : : encode ( addr , std : : to_string ( port ) ) ;
/* Create server socket and wait for client to connect */
Server * server = new Server ( 4 , ES_UDP , addr . data ( ) , port ) ;
server - > create_socket ( ) ;
display_text_centered ( " Your code is " + code + " \n Waiting for connection... " ) ;
std : : string response = " " ;
char * temp_response = NULL ;
/* Wait for the client to connect. Since recvAll returns a char*, we need to create a temporary variable to check for NULL.
TODO - Check that the client actually sends ' GG ' . */
do {
temp_response = server - > recvAll ( ) ;
} while ( temp_response = = NULL ) ;
response = std : : string ( temp_response ) ;
server - > sendAll ( " U2 " ) ;
display_text_centered ( " Connection received from " + server - > get_peer_addr ( ) ) ;
Timer timer = timer_init ( 3 ) ;
while ( ! timer_done ( timer ) ) ; // Wait for five seconds
type . mode = M_SERVER ;
type . netsock = server ;
return type ;
GameType check_client ( char * code_text ) {
GameType type ;
std : : vector < std : : string > addr_port ;
std : : string connect_code = std : : string ( code_text ) ; /* The connect code is a special string, that contains the server address and port. It is given by the server. */
try {
addr_port = connect_code : : decode ( connect_code ) ;
Client * client = new Client ( 4 , ES_UDP , addr_port [ 0 ] . data ( ) , std : : stoi ( addr_port [ 1 ] ) ) ;
client - > create_socket ( ) ;
/* Send a specific message to the server, and wait for the appropriate response, to know that the server is ready */
client - > sendAll ( " GG " ) ;
// display_text_centered("Connecting...");
std : : string msg_from_server = client - > recvAll ( ) ;
if ( msg_from_server = = " U2 " ) {
display_text_centered ( " Connection made " ) ;
Timer timer = timer_init ( 3 ) ;
while ( ! timer_done ( timer ) ) ;
} else {
type . mode = M_CLIENT ;
type . netsock = client ;
return type ;
} catch ( int e ) {
throw ;
} catch ( std : : exception & e ) {
throw ;