#ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif #ifndef EASYSOCK_H_ #define EASYSOCK_H_ #ifdef _WIN32 #define NOGDI // All GDI defines and routines #define NOUSER // All USER defines and routines #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN #include #include #include #endif #if defined(__unix) || defined(__unix) || (defined(__APPLE__) && defined(__MACH__)) #include #include #include #include #include #endif #ifndef _WIN32 typedef int SOCKET; #endif /* Constants that can be used in place of characters, when specifying the transport layer protocol */ const char ES_TCP = 'T'; const char ES_UDP = 'U'; /* This function takes: a layer 3 - network layer - integer, which must be '4' for IPv4 and 6 for IPv6; a layer 4 - transport layer - character, which must be 'T' for TCP or 'U' for UDP. It creates a _blocking_ socket, and returns the created socket, or -1 if the socket creation failed.*/ SOCKET create_socket(int network, char transport); /* This function fills in the sockaddr struct 'dest' based on the given information. 'network' is an integer that contains '4' for IPv4 or '6' for IPv6; 'address' is the address that is filled into the struct; port is self-explanatory; and dest is a pointer to the sockaddr struct that will be filled in. The function returns with -202 if the network parameter contained neither '4' nor '6'. */ int create_addr(int network, const char* address, int port,struct sockaddr_storage* dest); /* This function utilizes the above two functions; it creates the socket and _binds_ the addresses. It is used for local sockets (server sockets). Parameters are same as above. It prints the error returned by 'bind' if something went wrong, and returns ( -1 * errno ).*/ SOCKET create_local (int network, char transport, const char* address, int port,struct sockaddr_storage* addr_struct); /* This function utilizes the same functions as 'create_local' but _connects_ to the requested address. It is used for remote sockets (client sockets). The paramters are same as above. This function needs an empty 'sockaddr *' structure passed to it, which it will fill. If something goes wrong, this function returns with ( -1 * errno ). */ SOCKET create_remote (int network,char transport, const char* address,int port,struct sockaddr_storage* remote_addr_struct); /* check_ip_ver - This function checks if the given string is an IPv4 address (returns 4), IPv6 address (returns 6) or neither (returns -1). */ int check_ip_ver(const char* address); /* port_to_num - Converts a string representing a port, into a numeric value. Returns -1 if the string is not numeric, or exceeds the maximum port length. Returns -2 if the string is lower than 1024, This serves as a warning, as ports less than 1023 are reserved. */ int port_to_num(const char* port_str); /* int_to_inet - Takes an int value (4 for IPv4, 6 for IPv6) and returns AF_INET or AF_INET6 respectively. */ int int_to_inet(int network); /* char_to_socktype - Takes a character that represents a transport-layer protocol (currently only supports 'T' for TCP or 'U' for UDP - it returns -250 if the given characters is neither of these) and return the appropriate SOCKTYPE value. */ int char_to_socktype(char transport); /* inet_to_int - Takes an int value that corresponds to AF_INET or AF_INET6, and returns the appropriate int value. */ int inet_to_int(int af_type); /* sockQuit - Only for windows - Cleans up the socket */ int sock_quit(void); /* sock_close - Closes the given socket */ int sock_close(SOCKET); #endif #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif