#ifndef RAYLIB_CPP_INCLUDE_CAMERA3D_HPP_ #define RAYLIB_CPP_INCLUDE_CAMERA3D_HPP_ #include "./raylib.hpp" #include "./Vector3.hpp" #include "./raylib-cpp-utils.hpp" namespace raylib { /** * Camera type, defines a camera position/orientation in 3d space */ class Camera3D : public ::Camera3D { public: Camera3D(const ::Camera3D& camera) { set(camera); } /** * Create a new Camera3D. * * @param position Camera position * @param target Camera target it looks-at * @param up Camera up vector (rotation over its axis) * @param fovy Camera field-of-view apperture in Y (degrees) in perspective, used as near plane width in orthographic * @param projection Camera projection: CAMERA_PERSPECTIVE or CAMERA_ORTHOGRAPHIC */ Camera3D(::Vector3 position, ::Vector3 target = ::Vector3{0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f}, ::Vector3 up = ::Vector3{0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f}, float fovy = 0, int projection = CAMERA_PERSPECTIVE) : ::Camera3D{position, target, up, fovy, projection} {} Camera3D() {} GETTERSETTER(::Vector3, Position, position) GETTERSETTER(::Vector3, Target, target) GETTERSETTER(::Vector3, Up, up) GETTERSETTER(float, Fovy, fovy) GETTERSETTER(int, Projection, projection) Camera3D& operator=(const ::Camera3D& camera) { set(camera); return *this; } /** * Initializes 3D mode with custom camera (3D) */ Camera3D& BeginMode() { ::BeginMode3D(*this); return *this; } /** * Ends 3D mode and returns to default 2D orthographic mode */ Camera3D& EndMode() { ::EndMode3D(); return *this; } /** * Get camera transform matrix (view matrix) */ inline Matrix GetMatrix() const { return ::GetCameraMatrix(*this); } /** * Update camera position for selected mode */ inline Camera3D& Update(int mode) { ::UpdateCamera(this, mode); return *this; } /** * Update camera movement/rotation */ inline Camera3D& Update(::Vector3 movement, ::Vector3 rotation, float zoom = 1.0f) { ::UpdateCameraPro(this, movement, rotation, zoom); return *this; } /** * Returns a ray trace from mouse position */ inline Ray GetMouseRay(::Vector2 mousePosition) const { return ::GetMouseRay(mousePosition, *this); } /** * Returns the screen space position for a 3d world space position */ inline Vector2 GetWorldToScreen(::Vector3 position) const { return ::GetWorldToScreen(position, *this); } /** * Draw a billboard texture. */ inline void DrawBillboard( const ::Texture2D& texture, ::Vector3 center, float size, ::Color tint = {255, 255, 255, 255}) const { ::DrawBillboard(*this, texture, center, size, tint); } /** * Draw a billboard texture defined by source. */ inline void DrawBillboard( const ::Texture2D& texture, ::Rectangle sourceRec, ::Vector3 center, ::Vector2 size, ::Color tint = {255, 255, 255, 255}) const { ::DrawBillboardRec(*this, texture, sourceRec, center, size, tint); } protected: void set(const ::Camera3D& camera) { position = camera.position; target = camera.target; up = camera.up; fovy = camera.fovy; projection = camera.projection; } }; typedef Camera3D Camera; } // namespace raylib using RCamera = raylib::Camera; using RCamera3D = raylib::Camera3D; #endif // RAYLIB_CPP_INCLUDE_CAMERA3D_HPP_