#ifndef RAYLIB_CPP_INCLUDE_WINDOW_HPP_ #define RAYLIB_CPP_INCLUDE_WINDOW_HPP_ #include #include "./raylib.hpp" #include "./RaylibException.hpp" #include "./Vector2.hpp" namespace raylib { /** * Window and Graphics Device Functions. */ class Window { public: /** * Build a Window object, but defer the initialization. Ensure you call Init() manually. * * @see Init() */ Window() { // Nothing. } /** * Initialize window and OpenGL context. * * @param width The width of the window. * @param height The height of the window. * @param title The desired title of the window. * @param flags The ConfigFlags to set prior to initializing the window. See SetConfigFlags for more details. * * @see ::SetConfigFlags() * @see ConfigFlags * * @throws raylib::RaylibException Thrown if the window failed to initiate. */ Window(int width, int height, const std::string& title = "raylib", unsigned int flags = 0) { Init(width, height, title, flags); } /** * Close window and unload OpenGL context */ ~Window() { Close(); } /** * Initializes the window. * * @param width The width of the window. * @param height The height of the window. * @param title The desired title of the window. * @param flags The ConfigFlags to set prior to initializing the window. See SetConfigFlags for more details. * * @see ::SetConfigFlags() * @see ConfigFlags * * @throws raylib::RaylibException Thrown if the window failed to initiate. */ inline void Init(int width = 800, int height = 450, const std::string& title = "raylib", unsigned int flags = 0) { if (flags != 0) { ::SetConfigFlags(flags); } ::InitWindow(width, height, title.c_str()); if (!::IsWindowReady()) { throw RaylibException("Failed to create Window"); } } /** * Check if KEY_ESCAPE pressed or Close icon pressed */ inline bool ShouldClose() const { return ::WindowShouldClose(); } /** * Close window and unload OpenGL context */ inline void Close() { if (::IsWindowReady()) { ::CloseWindow(); } } /** * Check if cursor is on the current screen */ inline bool IsCursorOnScreen() const { return ::IsCursorOnScreen(); } /** * Check if window is currently fullscreen */ inline bool IsFullscreen() const { return ::IsWindowFullscreen(); } /** * Check if window is currently hidden */ inline bool IsHidden() const { return ::IsWindowHidden(); } /** * Check if window is currently minimized */ inline bool IsMinimized() const { return ::IsWindowMinimized(); } /** * Check if window is currently minimized */ inline bool IsMaximized() const { return ::IsWindowMaximized(); } /** * Check if window is currently focused */ inline bool IsFocused() const { return ::IsWindowFocused(); } /** * Check if window has been resized last frame */ inline bool IsResized() const { return ::IsWindowResized(); } /** * Check if one specific window flag is enabled */ inline bool IsState(unsigned int flag) const { return ::IsWindowState(flag); } /** * Set window configuration state using flags */ inline Window& SetState(unsigned int flag) { ::SetWindowState(flag); return *this; } /** * Clear window configuration state flags */ inline Window& ClearState(unsigned int flag) { ::ClearWindowState(flag); return *this; } /** * Clear window with given color. */ inline Window& ClearBackground(const ::Color& color = BLACK) { ::ClearBackground(color); return *this; } /** * Toggle window state: fullscreen/windowed */ inline Window& ToggleFullscreen() { ::ToggleFullscreen(); return *this; } /** * Set whether or not the application should be fullscreen. */ inline Window& SetFullscreen(bool fullscreen) { if (fullscreen) { if (!IsFullscreen()) { ToggleFullscreen(); } } else { if (IsFullscreen()) { ToggleFullscreen(); } } return *this; } /** * Toggle window state: borderless/windowed */ inline Window& ToggleBorderless() { ::ToggleBorderlessWindowed(); return *this; } /** * Set window state: maximized, if resizable (only PLATFORM_DESKTOP) */ inline Window& Maximize() { ::MaximizeWindow(); return *this; } /** * Set window state: minimized, if resizable (only PLATFORM_DESKTOP) */ inline Window& Minimize() { ::MinimizeWindow(); return *this; } /** * Set window state: not minimized/maximized (only PLATFORM_DESKTOP) */ inline Window& Restore() { ::RestoreWindow(); return *this; } /** * Set icon for window */ inline Window& SetIcon(const ::Image& image) { ::SetWindowIcon(image); return *this; } /** * Set icon for window (multiple images, RGBA 32bit, only PLATFORM_DESKTOP) */ inline Window& SetIcons(Image* images, int count) { ::SetWindowIcons(images, count); return *this; } /** * Set title for window */ inline Window& SetTitle(const std::string& title) { ::SetWindowTitle(title.c_str()); return *this; } /** * Set window position on screen */ inline Window& SetPosition(int x, int y) { ::SetWindowPosition(x, y); return *this; } /** * Set window position on screen */ inline Window& SetPosition(const ::Vector2& position) { return SetPosition(static_cast(position.x), static_cast(position.y)); } /** * Set monitor for the current window */ inline Window& SetMonitor(int monitor) { ::SetWindowMonitor(monitor); return *this; } /** * Set window minimum dimensions */ inline Window& SetMinSize(int width, int height) { ::SetWindowMinSize(width, height); return *this; } /** * Set window minimum dimensions */ inline Window& SetMinSize(const ::Vector2& size) { ::SetWindowMinSize(static_cast(size.x), static_cast(size.y)); return *this; } /** * Set window dimensions */ inline Window& SetSize(int width, int height) { ::SetWindowSize(width, height); return *this; } /** * Set window opacity [0.0f..1.0f] (only PLATFORM_DESKTOP) */ inline Window& SetOpacity(float opacity) { ::SetWindowOpacity(opacity); return *this; } /** * Set window focused (only PLATFORM_DESKTOP) */ inline Window& SetFocused() { ::SetWindowFocused(); return *this; } /** * Set window dimensions */ inline Window& SetSize(const ::Vector2& size) { return SetSize(static_cast(size.x), static_cast(size.y)); } /** * Get the screen's width and height. */ inline Vector2 GetSize() const { return {static_cast(GetWidth()), static_cast(GetHeight())}; } /** * Get native window handle */ inline void* GetHandle() const { return ::GetWindowHandle(); } /** * Setup canvas (framebuffer) to start drawing */ inline Window& BeginDrawing() { ::BeginDrawing(); return *this; } /** * End canvas drawing and swap buffers (double buffering) */ inline Window& EndDrawing() { ::EndDrawing(); return *this; } /** * Get current screen width */ inline int GetWidth() const { return ::GetScreenWidth(); } /** * Get current screen height */ inline int GetHeight() const { return ::GetScreenHeight(); } /** * Get current render width (it considers HiDPI) */ inline int GetRenderWidth() const { return ::GetRenderWidth(); } /** * Get current render height (it considers HiDPI) */ inline int GetRenderHeight() const { return ::GetRenderHeight(); } /** * Get window position XY on monitor */ inline Vector2 GetPosition() const { return ::GetWindowPosition(); } /** * Get window scale DPI factor */ inline Vector2 GetScaleDPI() const { return ::GetWindowScaleDPI(); } /** * Set clipboard text content */ inline void SetClipboardText(const std::string& text) { ::SetClipboardText(text.c_str()); } /** * Get clipboard text content */ inline const std::string GetClipboardText() { return ::GetClipboardText(); } /** * Set target FPS (maximum) */ inline Window& SetTargetFPS(int fps) { ::SetTargetFPS(fps); return *this; } /** * Returns current FPS */ inline int GetFPS() const { return ::GetFPS(); } /** * Draw current FPS */ inline void DrawFPS(int posX = 10, int posY = 10) const { ::DrawFPS(posX, posY); } /** * Returns time in seconds for last frame drawn */ inline float GetFrameTime() const { return ::GetFrameTime(); } /** * Returns elapsed time in seconds since InitWindow() */ inline double GetTime() const { return ::GetTime(); } /** * Check if window has been initialized successfully */ inline static bool IsReady() { return ::IsWindowReady(); } /** * Sets the configuration flags for raylib. * * @param flags The ConfigFlags to apply to the configuration. * * @see ::SetConfigFlags */ inline void SetConfigFlags(unsigned int flags) { ::SetConfigFlags(flags); } }; } // namespace raylib using RWindow = raylib::Window; #endif // RAYLIB_CPP_INCLUDE_WINDOW_HPP_