#include #include #include "includes/serialization.h" /* Takes in float values, casts them to uint16_t and creates a Serial_Data struct */ Serial_Data Serial_create_data(float pad_x, float pad_y, float ball_x, float ball_y) { Serial_Data data; data.pad_x = (uint16_t)pad_x; data.pad_y = (uint16_t)pad_y; data.ball_x = (uint16_t)ball_x; data.ball_y = (uint16_t)ball_y; return data; } /* Serializes a 'Data' struct into a byte array */ uint8_t* Serial_serialize(Serial_Data data) { /* Create a pointer that can fit the entire struct */ uint8_t* serialized = malloc(sizeof(Serial_Data)); /* Store the data into the pointer, by using an incremented memory address for each successive store */ *serialized = data.pad_x; *(serialized + sizeof(uint16_t)) = data.pad_y; *(serialized + 2 * sizeof(uint16_t)) = data.ball_x; *(serialized + 3 * sizeof(uint16_t)) = data.ball_y; return serialized; } /* Deserialize a byte array into a 'Data' struct */ Serial_Data Serial_deserialize(uint8_t* serialized) { Serial_Data deserialized; /* Use successive chunks of memory address to create pointers to the data */ uint8_t* pad_x_ptr = serialized; uint8_t* pad_y_ptr = serialized + sizeof(uint16_t); uint8_t* ball_x_ptr = pad_y_ptr + sizeof(uint16_t); uint8_t* ball_y_ptr = ball_x_ptr + sizeof(uint16_t); /* Dereference (and cast) the pointers, and store them into the struct */ deserialized.pad_x = *((uint16_t *)pad_x_ptr); deserialized.pad_y = *((uint16_t *)pad_y_ptr); deserialized.ball_x = *((uint16_t *)ball_x_ptr); deserialized.ball_y = *((uint16_t *)ball_y_ptr); return deserialized; }