#include #include "includes/easysock.hpp" #include "includes/connect_code.hpp" #include "includes/server.hpp" #include "includes/client.hpp" #include "includes/check_input.hpp" #include "includes/raygui/raygui.h" #include "includes/exception_consts.hpp" #include "includes/timer.h" /* Display the given text, centered on the screen, as a label */ void display_text_centered(std::string to_disp) { const char* to_disp_cstr = to_disp.c_str(); Vector2 label_size = MeasureTextEx(GetFontDefault(), to_disp_cstr, GuiGetStyle(DEFAULT, TEXT_SIZE)+1, GuiGetStyle(DEFAULT, TEXT_SPACING)+1); // The '+1' is there to account for any rounding errors BeginDrawing(); ClearBackground(BLACK); GuiLabel(Rectangle{(GetScreenWidth()/2) - (label_size.x/2), (GetScreenHeight()/2) - (label_size.y/2), label_size.x, label_size.y}, to_disp_cstr); EndDrawing(); return; } GameType check_server(char* ip_text, char* port_text) { GameType type; std::string addr; uint16_t port; addr = std::string(ip_text); port = std::stoi(std::string(port_text)); /* Check if IP is valid */ if (check_ip_ver(addr.data()) < 0) { throw EXCEPT_INVALIDIP; } std::string code = connect_code::encode(addr, std::to_string(port)); /* Create server socket and wait for client to connect */ Server* server = new Server(4, ES_UDP, addr.data(), port); server->create_socket(); display_text_centered("Your code is " + code + "\nWaiting for connection..."); std::string response = ""; char* temp_response = NULL; /* Wait for the client to connect. Since recvAll returns a char*, we need to create a temporary variable to check for NULL. TODO - Check that the client actually sends 'GG'. */ do { temp_response = server->recvAll(); } while (temp_response == NULL); response = std::string(temp_response); server->sendAll("U2"); display_text_centered("Connection received from " + server->get_peer_addr()); Timer timer = timer_init(3); while (!timer_done(timer)); // Wait for five seconds type.mode = M_SERVER; type.netsock = server; return type; } GameType check_client(char* code_text) { GameType type; std::vector addr_port; std::string connect_code = std::string(code_text); /* The connect code is a special string, that contains the server address and port. It is given by the server. */ try { addr_port = connect_code::decode(connect_code); Client* client = new Client(4, ES_UDP, addr_port[0].data(), std::stoi(addr_port[1])); client->create_socket(); /* Send a specific message to the server, and wait for the appropriate response, to know that the server is ready */ client->sendAll("GG"); // display_text_centered("Connecting..."); std::string msg_from_server = client->recvAll(); if (msg_from_server == "U2") { display_text_centered("Connection made"); Timer timer = timer_init(3); while (!timer_done(timer)); } else { throw EXCEPT_WRONGRESPONSE; } type.mode = M_CLIENT; type.netsock = client; return type; } catch (int e) { throw; } catch (std::exception& e) { throw; } }