#ifndef RAYLIB_CPP_INCLUDE_MESH_HPP_ #define RAYLIB_CPP_INCLUDE_MESH_HPP_ #include #include #include "./raylib.hpp" #include "./raylib-cpp-utils.hpp" #include "./BoundingBox.hpp" #include "./Model.hpp" namespace raylib { /** * Vertex data definning a mesh */ class Mesh : public ::Mesh { public: Mesh(const ::Mesh& mesh) { set(mesh); } /** * Load meshes from model file */ // static std::vector Load(const std::string& fileName) { // int count = 0; // ::Mesh* meshes = LoadMeshes(fileName.c_str(), &count); // return std::vector(meshes, meshes + count); // } Mesh(const Mesh&) = delete; Mesh(Mesh&& other) { set(other); other.vertexCount = 0; other.triangleCount = 0; other.vertices = nullptr; other.texcoords = nullptr; other.texcoords2 = nullptr; other.normals = nullptr; other.tangents = nullptr; other.colors = nullptr; other.indices = nullptr; other.animVertices = nullptr; other.animNormals = nullptr; other.boneIds = nullptr; other.boneWeights = nullptr; other.vaoId = 0; other.vboId = nullptr; } /** * Generate polygonal mesh */ static ::Mesh Poly(int sides, float radius) { return ::GenMeshPoly(sides, radius); } /** * Generate plane mesh (with subdivisions) */ static ::Mesh Plane(float width, float length, int resX, int resZ) { return ::GenMeshPlane(width, length, resX, resZ); } /** * Generate cuboid mesh */ static ::Mesh Cube(float width, float height, float length) { return ::GenMeshCube(width, height, length); } /** * Generate sphere mesh (standard sphere) */ static ::Mesh Sphere(float radius, int rings, int slices) { return ::GenMeshSphere(radius, rings, slices); } /** * Generate half-sphere mesh (no bottom cap) */ static ::Mesh HemiSphere(float radius, int rings, int slices) { return ::GenMeshHemiSphere(radius, rings, slices); } /** * Generate cylinder mesh */ static ::Mesh Cylinder(float radius, float height, int slices) { return ::GenMeshCylinder(radius, height, slices); } /** * Generate cone/pyramid mesh */ static ::Mesh Cone(float radius, float height, int slices) { return ::GenMeshCone(radius, height, slices); } /** * Generate torus mesh */ static ::Mesh Torus(float radius, float size, int radSeg, int sides) { return ::GenMeshTorus(radius, size, radSeg, sides); } /** * Generate trefoil knot mesh */ static ::Mesh Knot(float radius, float size, int radSeg, int sides) { return ::GenMeshKnot(radius, size, radSeg, sides); } /** * Generate heightmap mesh from image data */ static ::Mesh Heightmap(const ::Image& heightmap, ::Vector3 size) { return ::GenMeshHeightmap(heightmap, size); } /** * Generate cubes-based map mesh from image data */ static ::Mesh Cubicmap(const ::Image& cubicmap, ::Vector3 cubeSize) { return ::GenMeshCubicmap(cubicmap, cubeSize); } GETTERSETTER(int, VertexCount, vertexCount) GETTERSETTER(int, TriangleCount, triangleCount) GETTERSETTER(float*, Vertices, vertices) GETTERSETTER(float *, TexCoords, texcoords) GETTERSETTER(float *, TexCoords2, texcoords2) GETTERSETTER(float *, Normals, normals) GETTERSETTER(float *, Tangents, tangents) GETTERSETTER(unsigned char *, Colors, colors) GETTERSETTER(unsigned short *, Indices, indices) // NOLINT GETTERSETTER(float *, AnimVertices, animVertices) GETTERSETTER(float *, AnimNormals, animNormals) GETTERSETTER(unsigned char *, BoneIds, boneIds) GETTERSETTER(float *, BoneWeights, boneWeights) GETTERSETTER(unsigned int, VaoId, vaoId) GETTERSETTER(unsigned int *, VboId, vboId) Mesh& operator=(const ::Mesh& mesh) { set(mesh); return *this; } Mesh& operator=(const Mesh&) = delete; Mesh& operator=(Mesh&& other) noexcept { if (this == &other) { return *this; } Unload(); set(other); other.vertexCount = 0; other.triangleCount = 0; other.vertices = nullptr; other.texcoords = nullptr; other.texcoords2 = nullptr; other.normals = nullptr; other.tangents = nullptr; other.colors = nullptr; other.indices = nullptr; other.animVertices = nullptr; other.animNormals = nullptr; other.boneIds = nullptr; other.boneWeights = nullptr; other.vaoId = 0; other.vboId = nullptr; return *this; } ~Mesh() { Unload(); } /** * Upload mesh vertex data to GPU (VRAM) */ inline void Upload(bool dynamic = false) { ::UploadMesh(this, dynamic); } /** * Upload mesh vertex data to GPU (VRAM) */ inline void UpdateBuffer(int index, void *data, int dataSize, int offset = 0) { ::UpdateMeshBuffer(*this, index, data, dataSize, offset); } /** * Draw a 3d mesh with material and transform */ inline void Draw(const ::Material& material, const ::Matrix& transform) const { ::DrawMesh(*this, material, transform); } /** * Draw multiple mesh instances with material and different transforms */ inline void Draw(const ::Material& material, ::Matrix* transforms, int instances) const { ::DrawMeshInstanced(*this, material, transforms, instances); } /** * Export mesh data to file * * @throws raylib::RaylibException Throws if failed to export the Mesh. */ inline void Export(const std::string& fileName) { if (!::ExportMesh(*this, fileName.c_str())) { throw new RaylibException("Failed to export the Mesh"); } } /** * Unload mesh from memory (RAM and/or VRAM) */ inline void Unload() { if (vboId != nullptr) { ::UnloadMesh(*this); vboId = nullptr; } } /** * Compute mesh bounding box limits */ inline raylib::BoundingBox BoundingBox() const { return ::GetMeshBoundingBox(*this); } /** * Compute mesh bounding box limits */ operator raylib::BoundingBox() { return BoundingBox(); } /** * Compute mesh tangents */ inline Mesh& GenTangents() { ::GenMeshTangents(this); return *this; } /** * Load model from generated mesh */ inline raylib::Model LoadModelFrom() const { return ::LoadModelFromMesh(*this); } /** * Load model from generated mesh */ operator raylib::Model() { return ::LoadModelFromMesh(*this); } protected: void set(const ::Mesh& mesh) { vertexCount = mesh.vertexCount; triangleCount = mesh.triangleCount; vertices = mesh.vertices; texcoords = mesh.texcoords; texcoords2 = mesh.texcoords2; normals = mesh.normals; tangents = mesh.tangents; colors = mesh.colors; indices = mesh.indices; animVertices = mesh.animVertices; animNormals = mesh.animNormals; boneIds = mesh.boneIds; boneWeights = mesh.boneWeights; vaoId = mesh.vaoId; vboId = mesh.vboId; } }; } // namespace raylib using RMesh = raylib::Mesh; #endif // RAYLIB_CPP_INCLUDE_MESH_HPP_