project('Pong', ['cpp', 'c'], version: '0.1') add_global_arguments('-g', '-Wall', '-pedantic', '-Wno-unused-function', language : ['cpp', 'c']) compiler = meson.get_compiler('cpp') cmake = import('cmake') if get_option('default_library') == 'shared' raylib = dependency('raylib', required: false) # Try to find dependency with pkg-config if not raylib.found() raylib = compiler.find_library('raylib', has_headers: ['raylib.h', 'raymath.h'], required: true) # Try to manually search for the dependency endif # if not raylib.found() # opt_var = cmake.subproject_options() # opt_var.add_cmake_defines({'BUILD_SHARED_LIBS' : true}) # opt_var.add_cmake_defines({'CMAKE_SKIP_RPATH' : true}) # raylib_proj = cmake.subproject('raylib', options: opt_var) # raylib = raylib_proj.dependency('raylib') # endif endif if get_option('default_library') == 'static' raylib_proj = cmake.subproject('raylib') raylib = raylib_proj.dependency('raylib') endif #For Windows only ws2_dep = compiler.find_library('ws2_32', required: false) winmm = compiler.find_library('winmm', required: false) if build_machine.system() == 'windows' add_global_arguments('-Wl,--subsystem,windows', '-mwindows', language: ['cpp', 'c']) # Prevent opening console when game is run endif executable('pong', 'main.cpp', 'easysock.cpp', 'sock.cpp','paddle.cpp', 'ball.cpp', 'numeric_base.cpp', 'connect_code.cpp', 'server.cpp', 'client.cpp', 'serialization.c', dependencies: [raylib, ws2_dep, winmm] )