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#ifndef BALL_H
#define BALL_H
class Ball {
/* Variables */
raylib::Vector2 pos;
raylib::Vector2 initial_pos;
raylib::Vector2 vel;
raylib::Vector2 initial_vel;
int radius;
raylib::Color color;
/* Functions */
Ball(int pos_x, int pos_y, int radius, int vel_x = 0, int vel_y = 0) {
this->pos = raylib::Vector2(pos_x, pos_y);
this->initial_pos = this->pos; // Create a copy of the position vector
this->radius = radius;
this->color = raylib::Color::White();
this->vel = raylib::Vector2(vel_x, vel_y);
this->initial_vel = this->vel; // Create a copy of the velocity vector
void setPosition(Vector2 pos) {
this->pos = pos;
void reset() {
this->pos = this->initial_pos;
this->vel = this->initial_vel;
void updatePosition() {
this->pos.x += this->vel.x;
this->pos.y += this->vel.y;
void draw() {
DrawCircle(this->pos.x, this->pos.y, this->radius, this->color); // This is a raylib function, not a raylib-cpp function