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#include "./raylib.hpp"
#include "./raylib-cpp-utils.hpp"
#include "./raymath.hpp"
#include <cmath>
namespace raylib {
* Matrix type (OpenGL style 4x4 - right handed, column major)
class Matrix : public ::Matrix {
Matrix(const ::Matrix& mat) : ::Matrix{
mat.m0, mat.m4, mat.m8, mat.m12,
mat.m1, mat.m5, mat.m9, mat.m13,
mat.m2, mat.m6, mat.m10, mat.m14,
mat.m3, mat.m7, mat.m11, mat.m15} {
// Nothing.
float m0 = 0, float m4 = 0, float m8 = 0, float m12 = 0,
float m1 = 0, float m5 = 0, float m9 = 0, float m13 = 0,
float m2 = 0, float m6 = 0, float m10 = 0, float m14 = 0,
float m3 = 0, float m7 = 0, float m11 = 0, float m15 = 0) :
m0, m4, m8, m12,
m1, m5, m9, m13,
m2, m6, m10, m14,
m3, m7, m11, m15} {
// Nothing.
GETTERSETTER(float, M0, m0)
GETTERSETTER(float, M1, m1)
GETTERSETTER(float, M2, m2)
GETTERSETTER(float, M3, m3)
GETTERSETTER(float, M4, m4)
GETTERSETTER(float, M5, m5)
GETTERSETTER(float, M6, m6)
GETTERSETTER(float, M7, m7)
GETTERSETTER(float, M8, m8)
GETTERSETTER(float, M9, m9)
GETTERSETTER(float, M10, m10)
GETTERSETTER(float, M11, m11)
GETTERSETTER(float, M12, m12)
GETTERSETTER(float, M13, m13)
GETTERSETTER(float, M14, m14)
GETTERSETTER(float, M15, m15)
Matrix& operator=(const ::Matrix& matrix) {
return *this;
Matrix& operator=(const Matrix& matrix) {
return *this;
bool operator==(const ::Matrix& other) {
return m0 == other.m0
&& m1 == other.m1
&& m2 == other.m2
&& m3 == other.m3
&& m4 == other.m4
&& m5 == other.m5
&& m6 == other.m6
&& m7 == other.m7
&& m8 == other.m8
&& m9 == other.m9
&& m10 == other.m10
&& m11 == other.m11
&& m12 == other.m12
&& m13 == other.m13
&& m14 == other.m14
&& m15 == other.m15;
bool operator!=(const ::Matrix& other) {
return !(*this == other);
* Returns the trace of the matrix (sum of the values along the diagonal)
inline float Trace() const {
return ::MatrixTrace(*this);
* Transposes provided matrix
inline Matrix Transpose() const {
return ::MatrixTranspose(*this);
inline Matrix Invert() const {
return ::MatrixInvert(*this);
static Matrix Identity() {
return ::MatrixIdentity();
Matrix Add(const ::Matrix& right) {
return ::MatrixAdd(*this, right);
Matrix operator+(const ::Matrix& matrix) {
return ::MatrixAdd(*this, matrix);
Matrix Subtract(const ::Matrix& right) {
return ::MatrixSubtract(*this, right);
Matrix operator-(const ::Matrix& matrix) {
return ::MatrixSubtract(*this, matrix);
static Matrix Translate(float x, float y, float z) {
return ::MatrixTranslate(x, y, z);
static Matrix Rotate(Vector3 axis, float angle) {
return ::MatrixRotate(axis, angle);
static Matrix RotateXYZ(Vector3 angle) {
return ::MatrixRotateXYZ(angle);
static Matrix RotateX(float angle) {
return ::MatrixRotateX(angle);
static Matrix RotateY(float angle) {
return ::MatrixRotateY(angle);
static Matrix RotateZ(float angle) {
return ::MatrixRotateZ(angle);
static Matrix Scale(float x, float y, float z) {
return ::MatrixScale(x, y, z);
Matrix Multiply(const ::Matrix& right) const {
return ::MatrixMultiply(*this, right);
Matrix operator*(const ::Matrix& matrix) {
return ::MatrixMultiply(*this, matrix);
static Matrix Frustum(double left, double right, double bottom, double top,
double near, double far) {
return ::MatrixFrustum(left, right, bottom, top, near, far);
static Matrix Perspective(double fovy, double aspect, double near, double far) {
return ::MatrixPerspective(fovy, aspect, near, far);
static Matrix Ortho(double left, double right, double bottom, double top,
double near, double far) {
return ::MatrixOrtho(left, right, bottom, top, near, far);
static Matrix LookAt(Vector3 eye, Vector3 target, Vector3 up) {
return ::MatrixLookAt(eye, target, up);
inline float16 ToFloatV() const {
return ::MatrixToFloatV(*this);
operator float16() {
return ToFloatV();
* Set shader uniform value (matrix 4x4)
inline Matrix& SetShaderValue(const ::Shader& shader, int uniformLoc) {
::SetShaderValueMatrix(shader, uniformLoc, *this);
return *this;
inline static Matrix GetCamera(const ::Camera& camera) {
return ::GetCameraMatrix(camera);
inline static Matrix GetCamera(const ::Camera2D& camera) {
return ::GetCameraMatrix2D(camera);
void set(const ::Matrix& mat) {
m0 = mat.m0;
m1 = mat.m1;
m2 = mat.m2;
m3 = mat.m3;
m4 = mat.m4;
m5 = mat.m5;
m6 = mat.m6;
m7 = mat.m7;
m8 = mat.m8;
m9 = mat.m9;
m10 = mat.m10;
m11 = mat.m11;
m12 = mat.m12;
m13 = mat.m13;
m14 = mat.m14;
m15 = mat.m15;
} // namespace raylib
using RMatrix = raylib::Matrix;