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#include <string>
#include "./raylib.hpp"
#include "./raylib-cpp-utils.hpp"
#include "./RaylibException.hpp"
#include "./Color.hpp"
namespace raylib {
* Image type, bpp always RGBA (32bit)
* Data stored in CPU memory (RAM)
class Image : public ::Image {
Image(void* data = nullptr,
int width = 0,
int height = 0,
int mipmaps = 1,
int format = PIXELFORMAT_UNCOMPRESSED_R8G8B8A8) : ::Image{data, width, height, mipmaps, format} {
// Nothing.
Image(const ::Image& image) {
* Load an image from the given file.
* @throws raylib::RaylibException Thrown if the image failed to load from the file.
* @see Load()
Image(const std::string& fileName) {
* Load a raw image from the given file, with the provided width, height, and formats.
* @throws raylib::RaylibException Thrown if the image failed to load from the file.
* @see LoadRaw()
Image(const std::string& fileName, int width, int height, int format, int headerSize = 0) {
Load(fileName, width, height, format, headerSize);
* Load an animation image from the given file.
* @throws raylib::RaylibException Thrown if the image failed to load from the file.
* @see LoadAnim()
Image(const std::string& fileName, int* frames) {
Load(fileName, frames);
* Load an image from the given file.
* @throws raylib::RaylibException Thrown if the image failed to load from the file.
Image(const std::string& fileType, const unsigned char* fileData, int dataSize) {
Load(fileType, fileData, dataSize);
* Load an image from the given file.
* @throws raylib::RaylibException Thrown if the image failed to load from the file.
Image(const ::Texture2D& texture) {
Image(int width, int height, ::Color color = {255, 255, 255, 255}) {
set(::GenImageColor(width, height, color));
Image(const std::string& text, int fontSize, ::Color color = {255, 255, 255, 255}) {
set(::ImageText(text.c_str(), fontSize, color));
Image(const ::Font& font, const std::string& text, float fontSize, float spacing,
::Color tint = {255, 255, 255, 255}) {
set(::ImageTextEx(font, text.c_str(), fontSize, spacing, tint));
Image(const Image& other) {
Image(Image&& other) {
set(other); = nullptr;
other.width = 0;
other.height = 0;
other.mipmaps = 0;
other.format = 0;
static ::Image Text(const std::string& text, int fontSize,
::Color color = {255, 255, 255, 255}) {
return ::ImageText(text.c_str(), fontSize, color);
static ::Image Text(const ::Font& font, const std::string& text, float fontSize, float spacing,
::Color tint = {255, 255, 255, 255}) {
return ::ImageTextEx(font, text.c_str(), fontSize, spacing, tint);
* Get pixel data from screen buffer and return an Image (screenshot)
static ::Image LoadFromScreen() {
return ::LoadImageFromScreen();
* Generate image: plain color
static ::Image Color(int width, int height, ::Color color = {255, 255, 255, 255}) {
return ::GenImageColor(width, height, color);
* Generate image: linear gradient
static ::Image GradientLinear(int width, int height, int direction, ::Color start, ::Color end) {
return ::GenImageGradientLinear(width, height, direction, start, end);
* Generate image: radial gradient
static ::Image GradientRadial(int width, int height, float density,
::Color inner, ::Color outer) {
return ::GenImageGradientRadial(width, height, density, inner, outer);
* Generate image: checked
static ::Image Checked(int width, int height, int checksX, int checksY,
::Color col1 = {255, 255, 255, 255}, ::Color col2 = {0, 0, 0, 255}) {
return ::GenImageChecked(width, height, checksX, checksY, col1, col2);
* Generate image: white noise
static ::Image WhiteNoise(int width, int height, float factor) {
return ::GenImageWhiteNoise(width, height, factor);
* Generate image: cellular algorithm. Bigger tileSize means bigger cells
static ::Image Cellular(int width, int height, int tileSize) {
return ::GenImageCellular(width, height, tileSize);
~Image() {
Image& operator=(const ::Image& image) {
return *this;
Image& operator=(const Image& other) {
if (this == &other) {
return *this;
return *this;
Image& operator=(Image&& other) noexcept {
if (this == &other) {
return *this;
set(other); = nullptr;
other.width = 0;
other.height = 0;
other.mipmaps = 0;
other.format = 0;
return *this;
* Load image from file into CPU memory (RAM)
* @throws raylib::RaylibException Thrown if the image failed to load from the file.
* @see ::LoadImage()
void Load(const std::string& fileName) {
if (!IsReady()) {
throw RaylibException("Failed to load Image from file: " + fileName);
* Load image from RAW file data.
* @throws raylib::RaylibException Thrown if the image failed to load from the file.
* @see ::LoadImageRaw()
void Load(const std::string& fileName, int width, int height, int format, int headerSize) {
set(::LoadImageRaw(fileName.c_str(), width, height, format, headerSize));
if (!IsReady()) {
throw RaylibException("Failed to load Image from file: " + fileName);
* Load image sequence from file (frames appended to
* @throws raylib::RaylibException Thrown if the image animation to load from the file.
* @see ::LoadImageAnim()
void Load(const std::string& fileName, int* frames) {
set(::LoadImageAnim(fileName.c_str(), frames));
if (!IsReady()) {
throw RaylibException("Failed to load Image from file: " + fileName);
* Load image from memory buffer, fileType refers to extension: i.e. "png".
* @throws raylib::RaylibException Thrown if the image animation to load from the file.
* @see ::LoadImageFromMemory()
void Load(
const std::string& fileType,
const unsigned char *fileData,
int dataSize) {
set(::LoadImageFromMemory(fileType.c_str(), fileData, dataSize));
if (!IsReady()) {
throw RaylibException("Failed to load Image data with file type: " + fileType);
* Load an image from the given file.
* @throws raylib::RaylibException Thrown if the image animation to load from the file.
* @see ::LoadImageFromTexture()
void Load(const ::Texture2D& texture) {
if (!IsReady()) {
throw RaylibException("Failed to load Image from texture.");
* Unload image from CPU memory (RAM)
inline void Unload() {
if (data != nullptr) {
data = nullptr;
* Export image data to file, returns true on success
* @throws raylib::RaylibException Thrown if the image failed to load from the file.
inline void Export(const std::string& fileName) const {
if (!::ExportImage(*this, fileName.c_str())) {
throw RaylibException(TextFormat("Failed to export Image to file: %s", fileName.c_str()));
* Export image to memory buffer
inline unsigned char* ExportToMemory(const char *fileType, int *fileSize) {
return ::ExportImageToMemory(*this, fileType, fileSize);
* Export image as code file defining an array of bytes, returns true on success
* @throws raylib::RaylibException Thrown if the image failed to load from the file.
inline void ExportAsCode(const std::string& fileName) const {
if (!::ExportImageAsCode(*this, fileName.c_str())) {
throw RaylibException(TextFormat("Failed to export Image code to file: %s", fileName.c_str()));
GETTERSETTER(void*, Data, data)
GETTERSETTER(int, Width, width)
GETTERSETTER(int, Height, height)
GETTERSETTER(int, Mipmaps, mipmaps)
GETTERSETTER(int, Format, format)
* Retrieve the width and height of the image.
inline ::Vector2 GetSize() const {
return {static_cast<float>(width), static_cast<float>(height)};
* Create an image duplicate (useful for transformations)
inline ::Image Copy() const {
return ::ImageCopy(*this);
* Create an image from another image piece
inline ::Image FromImage(::Rectangle rec) const {
return ::ImageFromImage(*this, rec);
* Convert image data to desired format
inline Image& Format(int newFormat) {
::ImageFormat(this, newFormat);
return *this;
* Convert image to POT (power-of-two)
inline Image& ToPOT(::Color fillColor) {
::ImageToPOT(this, fillColor);
return *this;
* Crop an image to area defined by a rectangle
inline Image& Crop(::Rectangle crop) {
::ImageCrop(this, crop);
return *this;
* Crop image depending on alpha value
inline Image& AlphaCrop(float threshold) {
::ImageAlphaCrop(this, threshold);
return *this;
* Clear alpha channel to desired color
inline Image& AlphaClear(::Color color, float threshold) {
::ImageAlphaClear(this, color, threshold);
return *this;
* Apply alpha mask to image
inline Image& AlphaMask(const ::Image& alphaMask) {
::ImageAlphaMask(this, alphaMask);
return *this;
* Premultiply alpha channel
inline Image& AlphaPremultiply() {
return *this;
* Crop an image to a new given width and height.
inline Image& Crop(int newWidth, int newHeight) {
return Crop(0, 0, newWidth, newHeight);
* Crop an image to a new given width and height based on a vector.
inline Image& Crop(::Vector2 size) {
return Crop(0, 0, static_cast<int>(size.x), static_cast<int>(size.y));
* Crop an image to area defined by a rectangle
inline Image& Crop(int offsetX, int offsetY, int newWidth, int newHeight) {
::Rectangle rect{
::ImageCrop(this, rect);
return *this;
* Resize and image to new size
inline Image& Resize(int newWidth, int newHeight) {
::ImageResize(this, newWidth, newHeight);
return *this;
* Resize and image to new size using Nearest-Neighbor scaling algorithm
inline Image& ResizeNN(int newWidth, int newHeight) {
::ImageResizeNN(this, newWidth, newHeight);
return *this;
* Resize canvas and fill with color
inline Image& ResizeCanvas(int newWidth, int newHeight, int offsetX = 0, int offsetY = 0,
::Color color = {255, 255, 255, 255}) {
::ImageResizeCanvas(this, newWidth, newHeight, offsetX, offsetY, color);
return *this;
* Generate all mipmap levels for a provided image
inline Image& Mipmaps() {
return *this;
* Dither image data to 16bpp or lower (Floyd-Steinberg dithering)
inline Image& Dither(int rBpp, int gBpp, int bBpp, int aBpp) {
::ImageDither(this, rBpp, gBpp, bBpp, aBpp);
return *this;
* Flip image vertically
inline Image& FlipVertical() {
return *this;
* Flip image horizontally
inline Image& FlipHorizontal() {
return *this;
* Rotate image by input angle in degrees (-359 to 359)
inline Image& Rotate(int degrees) {
::ImageRotate(this, degrees);
return *this;
* Rotate image clockwise 90deg
inline Image& RotateCW() {
return *this;
* Rotate image counter-clockwise 90deg
inline Image& RotateCCW() {
return *this;
* Modify image color: tint
inline Image& ColorTint(::Color color = {255, 255, 255, 255}) {
::ImageColorTint(this, color);
return *this;
* Modify image color: invert
inline Image& ColorInvert() {
return *this;
* Modify image color: grayscale
inline Image& ColorGrayscale() {
return *this;
* Modify image color: contrast
* @param contrast Contrast values between -100 and 100
inline Image& ColorContrast(float contrast) {
::ImageColorContrast(this, contrast);
return *this;
* Modify image color: brightness
* @param brightness Brightness values between -255 and 255
inline Image& ColorBrightness(int brightness) {
::ImageColorBrightness(this, brightness);
return *this;
* Modify image color: replace color
inline Image& ColorReplace(::Color color, ::Color replace) {
::ImageColorReplace(this, color, replace);
return *this;
* Get image alpha border rectangle
* @param threshold Threshold is defined as a percentatge: 0.0f -> 1.0f
inline Rectangle GetAlphaBorder(float threshold) const {
return ::GetImageAlphaBorder(*this, threshold);
* Get image pixel color at (x, y) position
inline raylib::Color GetColor(int x = 0, int y = 0) const {
return ::GetImageColor(*this, x, y);
* Get image pixel color at vector position
inline raylib::Color GetColor(::Vector2 position) const {
return ::GetImageColor(*this, static_cast<int>(position.x), static_cast<int>(position.y));
* Clear image background with given color
inline Image& ClearBackground(::Color color = {0, 0, 0, 255}) {
::ImageClearBackground(this, color);
return *this;
* Draw pixel within an image
inline void DrawPixel(int posX, int posY, ::Color color = {255, 255, 255, 255}) {
::ImageDrawPixel(this, posX, posY, color);
inline void DrawPixel(::Vector2 position, ::Color color = {255, 255, 255, 255}) {
::ImageDrawPixelV(this, position, color);
inline void DrawLine(int startPosX, int startPosY, int endPosX, int endPosY,
::Color color = {255, 255, 255, 255}) {
::ImageDrawLine(this, startPosX, startPosY, endPosX, endPosY, color);
inline void DrawLine(::Vector2 start, ::Vector2 end, ::Color color = {255, 255, 255, 255}) {
::ImageDrawLineV(this, start, end, color);
inline void DrawCircle(int centerX, int centerY, int radius,
::Color color = {255, 255, 255, 255}) {
::ImageDrawCircle(this, centerX, centerY, radius, color);
inline void DrawCircle(::Vector2 center, int radius,
::Color color = {255, 255, 255, 255}) {
::ImageDrawCircleV(this, center, radius, color);
inline void DrawRectangle(int posX, int posY, int width, int height,
::Color color = {255, 255, 255, 255}) {
::ImageDrawRectangle(this, posX, posY, width, height, color);
inline void DrawRectangle(Vector2 position, Vector2 size,
::Color color = {255, 255, 255, 255}) {
::ImageDrawRectangleV(this, position, size, color);
inline void DrawRectangle(::Rectangle rec, ::Color color = {255, 255, 255, 255}) {
::ImageDrawRectangleRec(this, rec, color);
inline void DrawRectangleLines(::Rectangle rec, int thick = 1,
::Color color = {255, 255, 255, 255}) {
::ImageDrawRectangleLines(this, rec, thick, color);
inline void Draw(const ::Image& src, ::Rectangle srcRec, ::Rectangle dstRec,
::Color tint = {255, 255, 255, 255}) {
::ImageDraw(this, src, srcRec, dstRec, tint);
inline void DrawText(const std::string& text, ::Vector2 position, int fontSize,
::Color color = {255, 255, 255, 255}) {
inline void DrawText(const std::string& text, int x, int y, int fontSize,
::Color color = {255, 255, 255, 255}) {
::ImageDrawText(this, text.c_str(), x, y, fontSize, color);
inline void DrawText(const ::Font& font, const std::string& text, ::Vector2 position,
float fontSize, float spacing, ::Color tint = {255, 255, 255, 255}) {
::ImageDrawTextEx(this, font, text.c_str(), position, fontSize, spacing, tint);
* Load color data from image as a Color array (RGBA - 32bit)
inline ::Color* LoadColors() const {
return ::LoadImageColors(*this);
* Load colors palette from image as a Color array (RGBA - 32bit)
inline ::Color* LoadPalette(int maxPaletteSize, int *colorsCount) const {
return ::LoadImagePalette(*this, maxPaletteSize, colorsCount);
* Unload color data loaded with LoadImageColors()
inline void UnloadColors(::Color* colors) const {
* Unload colors palette loaded with LoadImagePalette()
inline void UnloadPalette(::Color* colors) const {
* Load texture from image data.
inline ::Texture2D LoadTexture() const {
return ::LoadTextureFromImage(*this);
* Loads a texture from the image data.
* @see LoadTexture()
inline operator ::Texture2D() {
return LoadTexture();
* Get pixel data size in bytes for certain format
static int GetPixelDataSize(int width, int height, int format = PIXELFORMAT_UNCOMPRESSED_R32G32B32A32) {
return ::GetPixelDataSize(width, height, format);
* Returns the pixel data size based on the current image.
* @return The pixel data size of the image.
inline int GetPixelDataSize() const {
return ::GetPixelDataSize(width, height, format);
* Retrieve whether or not the Image has been loaded.
* @return True or false depending on whether the Image has been loaded.
inline bool IsReady() const {
return ::IsImageReady(*this);
void set(const ::Image& image) {
data =;
width = image.width;
height = image.height;
mipmaps = image.mipmaps;
format = image.format;
} // namespace raylib
using RImage = raylib::Image;