.global func .section .text func: MOV R0,#3 @Move 3 to R0 MOV R1,#5 @Move 5 to R1 MOV R2,#0 @Move 0 to R2 loop: add5: ADD R2,R2,R1 @Add R1 to R2 ADD R1,R1,#5 @Increment R1 by 5 add3: ADD R2,R2,R0 @Add R0 to R2 ADD R0,R0,#3 @Increment R0 by 3 check3: CMP R0,#1000 @Is R0 less than 1000? BLT check5 @If true, check 5 BGE rmv15 @If the multiple of 3 is greater than 1000, go to rmv15 check5: CMP R1,#1000 @Is R1 less than 1000? BLT loop @If true, go back to loop BGE add3 @If the multiple of 5 reaches 1000, go to add3 - Continue adding multiples of 3, because those wouldn't have reached 1000 yet rmv15: MOV R0,#15 @The loop that follows is intended to subtract multiples of 15, which would have been added twice - 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18 ; 5, 10, 15, 20 loop2: SUB R2,R2,R0 ADD R0,R0,#15 CMP R0,#1000 BLT loop2 return: MOV R0,R2 BX lr .section .data