.global evenFib .section .text evenFib: init: PUSH {R4} @The ARM calling convention only allows callee functions to use R0-R3. Since I need R4 as well, I am going to push R4 onto the stack, and pop it off when I am done using it. MOV R0,#0 @Return value - where all the addition is going to happen to LDR R4,=#4000000 @ARM doesn't allow you to 'MOV' constants greater than 8 bits. To get around that, we use the LDR instruction, which lets the assembler place the value in memory, and then load it from there. MOV R1,#1 @Main fibonacci number MOV R2,#0 @Used to hold temporary values when incrementing the main fibonacci number MOV R3,#0 @Previous fibonacci number - This will be 0 at the start loop: incr: MOV R2,R1 @Store the current fibonacci number in R2 ADD R1,R1,R3 @Add the previous fibonacci number with the current one MOV R3,R2 @Move R2 (the 'old current' fibonacci number) into R3 checkbnd: CMP R1,R4 @Check if R1 is greater than the upper bound for fibonacci numbers BGE return @If it is, then we return checkparity: @Parity - The fact of being even or odd. TST R1,#0x1 @Equivalent of an ANDS operation, but the result is discarded. In this case, we are checking if R1's parity by checking the last bit, which would be set to 0 if it is even, and 1 if it is odd. BNE loop @If R1 is odd, don't do the addition. Instead, go back to the loop, where we move on to the next fibonacci number. isEven: @The program goes here if R1 is even ADD R0,R0,R1 @Add the fibonacci number to R0 B loop return: POP {R4} @Pop the R4 that we pushed onto the stack earlier BX lr .section .data