package main
import (
const CONCAT rune = '~'
func isOperator ( c rune ) bool {
if c == '+' || c == '?' || c == '*' || c == '|' || c == CONCAT {
return true
return false
/* priority returns the priority of the given operator */
func priority ( op rune ) int {
precedence := [ ] rune { '|' , CONCAT , '+' , '*' , '?' }
return slices . Index ( precedence , op )
/ *
The Shunting - Yard algorithm is used to convert the given infix ( regeular ) expression to postfix .
The primary benefit of this is getting rid of parentheses .
It also inserts explicit concatenation operators to make parsing easier in Thompson ' s algorithm .
See : https : //
* /
func shuntingYard ( re string ) [ ] postfixNode {
re_postfix := make ( [ ] rune , 0 )
re_runes := [ ] rune ( re ) // Convert the string to a slice of runes to allow iteration through it
/ * Add concatenation operators .
Only add a concatenation operator between two characters if both the following conditions are met :
1. The first character isn ' t an opening parantheses or alteration operator ( or an escape character )
a . This makes sense , because these operators can ' t be _concatenated_ with anything else .
2. The second character isn ' t a ' closing operator ' - one that applies to something before it
a . Again , these operators can ' be concatenated _to_ . They can , however , be concatenated _from_ .
* /
i := 0
for i < len ( re_runes ) {
re_postfix = append ( re_postfix , re_runes [ i ] )
if re_runes [ i ] == '[' && ( i == 0 || re_runes [ i - 1 ] != '\\' ) { // We do not touch things inside brackets, unless they are escaped
re_postfix [ len ( re_postfix ) - 1 ] = LBRACKET // Replace the '[' character with LBRACKET. This allows for easier parsing of all characters (including opening and closing brackets) within the character class
invertMatch := false
toAppend := make ( [ ] rune , 0 ) // Holds all the runes in the current character class
if i < len ( re_runes ) - 1 && re_runes [ i + 1 ] == '^' { // Inverting class - match everything NOT in brackets
invertMatch = true
i ++
if i < len ( re_runes ) - 1 && re_runes [ i + 1 ] == ']' { // Nothing inside brackets - panic.
panic ( "Empty character class." )
for re_runes [ i ] != ']' {
i ++ // Skip all characters inside brackets
// TODO: Check for escaped characters
// Check ahead for character range
if i < len ( re_runes ) - 2 && re_runes [ i + 1 ] == '-' {
rangeStart := re_runes [ i ]
rangeEnd := re_runes [ i + 2 ]
if int ( rangeEnd ) < int ( rangeStart ) {
panic ( "Range is out of order." )
for i := rangeStart ; i <= rangeEnd ; i ++ {
toAppend = append ( toAppend , i )
i += 2 // Skip start and hyphen (end will automatically be skipped on next iteration of loop)
toAppend = append ( toAppend , re_runes [ i ] )
// Replace the last character (which should have been ']', with RBRACKET
toAppend [ len ( toAppend ) - 1 ] = RBRACKET
if invertMatch {
toAppend = setDifference ( dotChars ( ) , toAppend ) // Take the inverse of the set by getting the difference between it and all dot characters
toAppend = append ( toAppend , RBRACKET ) // Since RBRACKET doesn't exist in dotChars, it wouldn't have been return in setDifference. We manually append it here.
re_postfix = append ( re_postfix , toAppend ... )
if re_runes [ i ] == '{' && ( i > 0 && re_runes [ i - 1 ] != '\\' ) { // We don't touch things inside braces, either
i ++ // Skip opening brace
for i < len ( re_runes ) && re_runes [ i ] != '}' {
re_postfix = append ( re_postfix , re_runes [ i ] )
i ++
if i == len ( re_runes ) {
panic ( "Invalid numeric specifier." )
re_postfix = append ( re_postfix , re_runes [ i ] ) // Append closing brace
if ( re_runes [ i ] != '(' && re_runes [ i ] != '|' && re_runes [ i ] != '\\' ) || ( i > 0 && re_runes [ i - 1 ] == '\\' ) { // Every character should be concatenated if it is escaped
if i < len ( re_runes ) - 1 {
if re_runes [ i + 1 ] != '|' && re_runes [ i + 1 ] != '*' && re_runes [ i + 1 ] != '+' && re_runes [ i + 1 ] != '?' && re_runes [ i + 1 ] != ')' && re_runes [ i + 1 ] != '{' {
re_postfix = append ( re_postfix , CONCAT )
i ++
opStack := make ( [ ] rune , 0 ) // Operator stack
outQueue := make ( [ ] postfixNode , 0 ) // Output queue
// Actual algorithm
for i := 0 ; i < len ( re_postfix ) ; i ++ {
/ * Two cases :
1. Current character is alphanumeric - send to output queue
2. Current character is operator - do the following :
a . If current character has greater priority than top of opStack , push to opStack .
b . If not , keep popping from opStack ( and appending to outQueue ) until :
i . opStack is empty , OR
ii . current character has greater priority than top of opStack
3. If current character is '(' , push to opStack
4. If current character is ')' , pop from opStack ( and append to outQueue ) until '(' is found . Discard parantheses .
5. If current character is '[' , find all the characters until ']' , then create a postfixNode containing all these contents . Add this node to outQueue .
6. If current character is '{' , find the appropriate numeric specifier ( range start , range end ) . Apply the range to the postfixNode at the end of outQueue .
* /
c := re_postfix [ i ]
if isAlphaNum ( c ) {
outQueue = append ( outQueue , newPostfixNode ( c ) )
// Escape character
if c == '\\' { // Escape character - invert special and non-special characters eg. \( is treated as a literal parentheses, \b is treated as word boundary
if i == len ( re_postfix ) - 1 { // End of string - panic, because backslash is an escape character (something needs to come after it)
panic ( "ERROR: Backslash with no escape character." )
i ++
outQueue = append ( outQueue , newEscapedNode ( re_postfix [ i ] ) )
continue // Escaped character will automatically be skipped when loop variable increments
if c == '.' { // Dot metacharacter - represents 'any' character, but I am only adding Unicode 0020-007E
outQueue = append ( outQueue , newPostfixDotNode ( ) )
if c == '^' { // Start-of-string assertion
outQueue = append ( outQueue , newPostfixNode ( c ) )
if c == '$' { // End-of-string assertion
outQueue = append ( outQueue , newPostfixNode ( c ) )
if isOperator ( c ) {
if len ( opStack ) == 0 {
opStack = append ( opStack , c )
} else {
topStack , err := peek ( opStack )
if err != nil {
panic ( "ERROR: Operator without operand." )
if priority ( c ) > priority ( topStack ) { // 2a
opStack = append ( opStack , c )
} else {
for priority ( c ) <= priority ( topStack ) { // 2b
to_append := mustPop ( & opStack )
outQueue = append ( outQueue , newPostfixNode ( to_append ) )
topStack , _ = peek ( opStack )
opStack = append ( opStack , c )
if c == LBRACKET { // Used for character classes
i ++ // Step forward so we can look at the character class
chars := make ( [ ] rune , 0 ) // List of characters - used only for character classes
for i < len ( re_postfix ) {
if re_postfix [ i ] == RBRACKET {
chars = append ( chars , re_postfix [ i ] )
i ++
if i == len ( re_postfix ) { // We have reached the end of the string, so we didn't encounter a closing brakcet. Panic.
panic ( "ERROR: Opening bracket without closing bracket." )
outQueue = append ( outQueue , newPostfixNode ( chars ... ) )
// i++ // Step forward to skip closing bracket
if c == '{' {
i ++ // Skip opening brace
// Three possibilities:
// 1. Single number - {5}
// 2. Range - {3,5}
// 3. Start with no end, {3,}
startRange := make ( [ ] rune , 0 )
startRangeNum := 0
endRange := make ( [ ] rune , 0 )
endRangeNum := 0
for i < len ( re_postfix ) && unicode . IsDigit ( re_postfix [ i ] ) {
startRange = append ( startRange , re_postfix [ i ] )
i ++
if len ( startRange ) == 0 { // {} is not valid, neither is {,5}
panic ( "ERROR: Invalid numeric specifier." )
if i == len ( re_postfix ) {
panic ( "ERROR: Brace not closed." )
startRangeNum , err := strconv . Atoi ( string ( startRange ) )
if err != nil {
panic ( err )
if re_postfix [ i ] == '}' { // Case 1 above
endRangeNum = startRangeNum
} else {
if re_postfix [ i ] != ',' {
panic ( "ERROR: Invalid numeric specifier." )
i ++ // Skip comma
for i < len ( re_postfix ) && unicode . IsDigit ( re_postfix [ i ] ) {
endRange = append ( endRange , re_postfix [ i ] )
i ++
if i == len ( re_postfix ) {
panic ( "ERROR: Brace not closed." )
if re_postfix [ i ] != '}' {
panic ( "ERROR: Invalid numeric specifier." )
if len ( endRange ) == 0 { // Case 3 above
} else { // Case 2 above
var err error
endRangeNum , err = strconv . Atoi ( string ( endRange ) )
if err != nil {
panic ( err )
node , err := pop ( & outQueue )
if err != nil {
panic ( "Numeric specifier with no content." )
node . startReps = startRangeNum
node . endReps = endRangeNum
outQueue = append ( outQueue , node )
if c == '(' {
opStack = append ( opStack , c )
if c == ')' {
// Keep popping from opStack until we encounter an opening parantheses. Panic if we reach the end of the stack.
for val , err := peek ( opStack ) ; val != '(' ; val , err = peek ( opStack ) {
if err != nil {
panic ( "ERROR: Imbalanced parantheses." )
to_append := mustPop ( & opStack )
outQueue = append ( outQueue , newPostfixNode ( to_append ) )
_ = mustPop ( & opStack ) // Get rid of opening parantheses
// Pop all remaining operators (and append to outQueue)
for len ( opStack ) > 0 {
to_append := mustPop ( & opStack )
outQueue = append ( outQueue , newPostfixNode ( to_append ) )
return outQueue
// Thompson's algorithm. Constructs Finite-State Automaton from given string.
// Returns start state.
func thompson ( re [ ] postfixNode ) * State {
nfa := make ( [ ] * State , 0 ) // Stack of states
for _ , c := range re {
if c . nodetype == CHARACTER || c . nodetype == ASSERTION {
state := State { }
state . transitions = make ( map [ int ] [ ] * State )
if c . isDot {
state . isDot = true
state . content = rune2Contents ( c . contents )
state . output = make ( [ ] * State , 0 )
state . output = append ( state . output , & state )
state . isEmpty = false
if c . nodetype == ASSERTION {
state . content = newContents ( EPSILON ) // Ideally, an assertion shouldn't have any content, since it doesn't say anything about the content of string
state . isEmpty = true
switch c . contents [ 0 ] {
case '^' :
state . assert = SOS
case '$' :
state . assert = EOS
case 'b' :
state . assert = WBOUND
case 'B' :
state . assert = NONWBOUND
nfa = append ( nfa , & state )
// Must be an operator if it isn't a character
switch c . nodetype {
s2 := mustPop ( & nfa )
s1 := mustPop ( & nfa )
s1 = concatenate ( s1 , s2 )
nfa = append ( nfa , s1 )
case KLEENE : // Create a 0-state, concat the popped state after it, concat the 0-state after the popped state
s1 := mustPop ( & nfa )
stateToAdd := kleene ( * s1 )
nfa = append ( nfa , stateToAdd )
case PLUS : // a+ is equivalent to aa*
s1 := mustPop ( & nfa )
s2 := kleene ( * s1 )
s1 = concatenate ( s1 , s2 )
nfa = append ( nfa , s1 )
case QUESTION : // ab? is equivalent to a(b|)
s1 := mustPop ( & nfa )
s2 := question ( s1 )
nfa = append ( nfa , s2 )
case PIPE :
s1 := mustPop ( & nfa )
s2 := mustPop ( & nfa )
s3 := alternate ( s1 , s2 )
nfa = append ( nfa , s3 )
if c . startReps != 1 || c . endReps != 1 { // Must have a numeric specifier attached to it
if c . endReps != - 1 && c . endReps < c . startReps {
panic ( "ERROR: Numeric specifier - start greater than end." )
state := mustPop ( & nfa )
var stateToAdd * State = nil
// Take advantage of the following facts:
// a{5} == aaaaa
// a{3,5} == aaaa?a?
// a{5,} == aaaaa+
// Nov. 3 2024 - I have two choices on how I want to implement numeric
// specifiers.
// a. Encode the logic while creating the states. I will have to create a function
// that creates a deep-copy of a given state / NFA, so that I can concatenate them to
// each other (concatenating them with the 'concatenate' method - which takes addresses - does
// not work). Creating this function might be a lot of work.
// b. Encode the logic while parsing the string (shunting-yard). If I can expand the numeric specifier
// at this point, I can leave thompson untouched.
for i := 0 ; i < c . startReps ; i ++ { // Case 1
stateToAdd = concatenate ( stateToAdd , cloneState ( state ) )
if c . endReps == INFINITE_REPS { // Case 3
s2 := kleene ( * state )
stateToAdd = concatenate ( stateToAdd , s2 )
} else { // Case 2
for i := c . startReps ; i < c . endReps ; i ++ {
stateToAdd = concatenate ( stateToAdd , question ( state ) )
nfa = append ( nfa , stateToAdd )
if len ( nfa ) != 1 {
panic ( "ERROR: Invalid Regex." )
verifyLastStates ( nfa )
return nfa [ 0 ]
func main ( ) {
invertFlag := flag . Bool ( "v" , false , "Invert match." )
// This flag has two 'modes':
// 1. Without '-v': Prints only matches. Prints a newline after every match.
// 2. With '-v': Substitutes all matches with empty string.
onlyFlag := flag . Bool ( "o" , false , "Print only colored content. Overrides -l." )
lineFlag := flag . Bool ( "l" , false , "Only print lines with a match (or with no matches, if -v is enabled" )
flag . Parse ( )
// -l and -o are mutually exclusive: -o overrides -l
if * onlyFlag {
* lineFlag = false
// Process:
// 1. Convert regex into postfix notation (Shunting-Yard algorithm)
// a. Add explicit concatenation operators to facilitate this
// 2. Build NFA from postfix representation (Thompson's algorithm)
// 3. Run the string against the NFA
if len ( flag . Args ( ) ) != 1 { // flag.Args() also strips out program name
fmt . Println ( "ERROR: Missing cmdline args" )
os . Exit ( 22 )
var re string
re = flag . Args ( ) [ 0 ]
var test_str string
var test_runes [ ] rune // Rune-slice representation of test_str
var err error
// Create reader for stdin and writer for stdout // End index is one more than last index of match
reader := bufio . NewReader ( os . Stdin )
out := bufio . NewWriter ( os . Stdout )
re_postfix := shuntingYard ( re )
startState := thompson ( re_postfix )
// Read every string from stdin until we encounter an error. If the error isn't EOF, panic.'
for test_str , err = reader . ReadString ( '\n' ) ; err == nil ; test_str , err = reader . ReadString ( '\n' ) {
test_runes = [ ] rune ( test_str )
matchIndices := findAllMatches ( startState , [ ] rune ( test_runes ) )
// Decompose the array of matchIndex structs into a flat unique array of ints - if matchIndex is {4,7}, flat array will contain 4,5,6
// This should make checking O(1) instead of O(n)
indicesToPrint := new_uniq_arr [ int ] ( )
for _ , idx := range matchIndices {
indicesToPrint . add ( genRange ( idx . startIdx , idx . endIdx ) ... )
// If we are inverting, then we should print the indices which _didn't_ match
// in color.
if * invertFlag {
oldIndices := indicesToPrint . values ( )
indicesToPrint = new_uniq_arr [ int ] ( )
// Explanation:
// Find all numbers from 0 to len(test_str) that are NOT in oldIndices.
// These are the values we want to print, now that we have inverted the match.
// Re-initialize indicesToPrint and add all of these values to it.
indicesToPrint . add ( setDifference ( genRange ( 0 , len ( test_runes ) ) , oldIndices ) ... )
// If lineFlag is enabled, we should only print something if:
// a. We are not inverting, and have at least one match on the current line
// OR
// b. We are inverting, and have no matches at all on the current line.
// This checks for the inverse, and continues if it is true.
if * lineFlag {
if ! ( * invertFlag ) && len ( matchIndices ) == 0 || * invertFlag && len ( matchIndices ) > 0 {
for i , c := range test_runes {
if indicesToPrint . contains ( i ) {
color . New ( color . FgRed ) . Fprintf ( out , "%c" , c )
// Newline after every match - only if -o is enabled and -v is disabled.
if * onlyFlag && ! ( * invertFlag ) {
for _ , idx := range matchIndices {
if i + 1 == idx . endIdx { // End index is one more than last index of match
fmt . Fprintf ( out , "\n" )
} else {
if ! ( * onlyFlag ) {
fmt . Fprintf ( out , "%c" , c )
err = out . Flush ( )
if err != nil {
panic ( err )
if err != io . EOF {
panic ( err )