#!/bin/bash FILE=/lib/libncursest.so work_dir="${PWD}" cores="$(nproc)" curses_url="https://invisible-mirror.net/archives/ncurses/current/ncurses.tar.gz" #if test -f "$FILE"; then # echo "$FILE exists; skipping ncurses compile." #else # echo "$FILE does not exist, fetching and compiling ncurses source code now..." mkdir ncurses wget -q -O- "${curses_url}" | tar -xz -C ncurses echo "Fetched ncurses source code from ${curses_url}..." cd ncurses/*/ || exit echo "Runnning configure script..." ./configure --with-pthread --with-shared > /dev/null echo "Running make..." make -j"${cores}" > /dev/null #fi if cmp --silent -- "./lib/libncursest.so" "/lib/libncursest.so"; then echo "You have a version of ncurses that was identical to the one that was compiled." echo " Quitting..." exit else echo "You have a different version of ncurses than the one that was just compiled." read -p "Would you like to install the new version? [y/N] " userchoice if [ "$userchoice" = "Y" ]; then echo "The program will now attempt to install the new version of ncurses (the one that was just compiled). In order to do this, the sudo password is required." echo "Installing the new version of ncurses..." sudo make install echo "The new version has been installed. The program will now quit." echo "Quitting..." exit else echo "You chose to not install the new ncurses version. This program will now quit." echo "Quitting..." exit fi fi