You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

991 lines
23 KiB

module.exports = {
content: [],
presets: [],
darkMode: 'media', // or 'class'
theme: {
accentColor: ({ theme }) => ({
auto: 'auto',
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none: 'none',
spin: 'spin 1s linear infinite',
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backdropContrast: ({ theme }) => theme('contrast'),
backdropGrayscale: ({ theme }) => theme('grayscale'),
backdropHueRotate: ({ theme }) => theme('hueRotate'),
backdropInvert: ({ theme }) => theme('invert'),
backdropOpacity: ({ theme }) => theme('opacity'),
backdropSaturate: ({ theme }) => theme('saturate'),
backdropSepia: ({ theme }) => theme('sepia'),
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DEFAULT: theme('colors.gray.200', 'currentColor'),
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110: '1.1',
125: '1.25',
150: '1.5',
200: '2',
caretColor: ({ theme }) => theme('colors'),
colors: ({ colors }) => ({
inherit: colors.inherit,
current: colors.current,
transparent: colors.transparent,
white: colors.white,
slate: colors.slate,
gray: colors.gray,
zinc: colors.zinc,
neutral: colors.neutral,
stone: colors.stone,
amber: colors.amber,
yellow: colors.yellow,
lime: colors.lime,
emerald: colors.emerald,
teal: colors.teal,
cyan: colors.cyan,
indigo: colors.indigo,
violet: colors.violet,
purple: colors.purple,
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