You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

213 lines
8.0 KiB

1 year ago
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.CommaAndColonSeparatedRecord = exports.ConnectionString = exports.redactConnectionString = void 0;
const whatwg_url_1 = require("whatwg-url");
const redact_1 = require("./redact");
Object.defineProperty(exports, "redactConnectionString", { enumerable: true, get: function () { return redact_1.redactConnectionString; } });
const DUMMY_HOSTNAME = '__this_is_a_placeholder__';
function connectionStringHasValidScheme(connectionString) {
return (connectionString.startsWith('mongodb://') ||
const HOSTS_REGEX = /^(?<protocol>[^/]+):\/\/(?:(?<username>[^:@]*)(?::(?<password>[^@]*))?@)?(?<hosts>(?!:)[^/?@]*)(?<rest>.*)/;
class CaseInsensitiveMap extends Map {
delete(name) {
return super.delete(this._normalizeKey(name));
get(name) {
return super.get(this._normalizeKey(name));
has(name) {
return super.has(this._normalizeKey(name));
set(name, value) {
return super.set(this._normalizeKey(name), value);
_normalizeKey(name) {
name = `${name}`;
for (const key of this.keys()) {
if (key.toLowerCase() === name.toLowerCase()) {
name = key;
return name;
function caseInsenstiveURLSearchParams(Ctor) {
return class CaseInsenstiveURLSearchParams extends Ctor {
append(name, value) {
return super.append(this._normalizeKey(name), value);
delete(name) {
return super.delete(this._normalizeKey(name));
get(name) {
return super.get(this._normalizeKey(name));
getAll(name) {
return super.getAll(this._normalizeKey(name));
has(name) {
return super.has(this._normalizeKey(name));
set(name, value) {
return super.set(this._normalizeKey(name), value);
keys() {
return super.keys();
values() {
return super.values();
entries() {
return super.entries();
[Symbol.iterator]() {
return super[Symbol.iterator]();
_normalizeKey(name) {
return, name);
class URLWithoutHost extends whatwg_url_1.URL {
class MongoParseError extends Error {
get name() {
return 'MongoParseError';
class ConnectionString extends URLWithoutHost {
constructor(uri, options = {}) {
var _a;
const { looseValidation } = options;
if (!looseValidation && !connectionStringHasValidScheme(uri)) {
throw new MongoParseError('Invalid scheme, expected connection string to start with "mongodb://" or "mongodb+srv://"');
const match = uri.match(HOSTS_REGEX);
if (!match) {
throw new MongoParseError(`Invalid connection string "${uri}"`);
const { protocol, username, password, hosts, rest } = (_a = match.groups) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : {};
if (!looseValidation) {
if (!protocol || !hosts) {
throw new MongoParseError(`Protocol and host list are required in "${uri}"`);
try {
decodeURIComponent(username !== null && username !== void 0 ? username : '');
decodeURIComponent(password !== null && password !== void 0 ? password : '');
catch (err) {
throw new MongoParseError(err.message);
const illegalCharacters = /[:/?#[\]@]/gi;
if (username === null || username === void 0 ? void 0 : username.match(illegalCharacters)) {
throw new MongoParseError(`Username contains unescaped characters ${username}`);
if (!username || !password) {
const uriWithoutProtocol = uri.replace(`${protocol}://`, '');
if (uriWithoutProtocol.startsWith('@') || uriWithoutProtocol.startsWith(':')) {
throw new MongoParseError('URI contained empty userinfo section');
if (password === null || password === void 0 ? void 0 : password.match(illegalCharacters)) {
throw new MongoParseError('Password contains unescaped characters');
let authString = '';
if (typeof username === 'string')
authString += username;
if (typeof password === 'string')
authString += `:${password}`;
if (authString)
authString += '@';
try {
catch (err) {
if (looseValidation) {
new ConnectionString(uri, {
looseValidation: false
if (typeof err.message === 'string') {
err.message = err.message.replace(DUMMY_HOSTNAME, hosts);
throw err;
this._hosts = hosts.split(',');
if (!looseValidation) {
if (this.isSRV && this.hosts.length !== 1) {
throw new MongoParseError('mongodb+srv URI cannot have multiple service names');
if (this.isSRV && this.hosts.some(host => host.includes(':'))) {
throw new MongoParseError('mongodb+srv URI cannot have port number');
if (!this.pathname) {
this.pathname = '/';
Object.setPrototypeOf(this.searchParams, caseInsenstiveURLSearchParams(this.searchParams.constructor).prototype);
get host() { return DUMMY_HOSTNAME; }
set host(_ignored) { throw new Error('No single host for connection string'); }
get hostname() { return DUMMY_HOSTNAME; }
set hostname(_ignored) { throw new Error('No single host for connection string'); }
get port() { return ''; }
set port(_ignored) { throw new Error('No single host for connection string'); }
get href() { return this.toString(); }
set href(_ignored) { throw new Error('Cannot set href for connection strings'); }
get isSRV() {
return this.protocol.includes('srv');
get hosts() {
return this._hosts;
set hosts(list) {
this._hosts = list;
toString() {
return super.toString().replace(DUMMY_HOSTNAME, this.hosts.join(','));
clone() {
return new ConnectionString(this.toString(), {
looseValidation: true
redact(options) {
return (0, redact_1.redactValidConnectionString)(this, options);
typedSearchParams() {
const sametype = false && new (caseInsenstiveURLSearchParams(whatwg_url_1.URLSearchParams))();
return this.searchParams;
[Symbol.for('nodejs.util.inspect.custom')]() {
const { href, origin, protocol, username, password, hosts, pathname, search, searchParams, hash } = this;
return { href, origin, protocol, username, password, hosts, pathname, search, searchParams, hash };
exports.ConnectionString = ConnectionString;
class CommaAndColonSeparatedRecord extends CaseInsensitiveMap {
constructor(from) {
for (const entry of (from !== null && from !== void 0 ? from : '').split(',')) {
if (!entry)
const colonIndex = entry.indexOf(':');
if (colonIndex === -1) {
this.set(entry, '');
else {
this.set(entry.slice(0, colonIndex), entry.slice(colonIndex + 1));
toString() {
return [...this].map(entry => entry.join(':')).join(',');
exports.CommaAndColonSeparatedRecord = CommaAndColonSeparatedRecord;
exports.default = ConnectionString;