"use strict"; var Parser = require("fastparse"); var uniRegexp = require("./uni-regexp"); function unescape(str) { return str.replace(/\\(.)/g, "$1"); } function commentMatch(match, content) { this.selector.nodes.push({ type: "comment", content: content }); } function typeMatch(type) { return function(match, name) { this.selector.nodes.push({ type: type, name: unescape(name) }); }; } function pseudoClassStartMatch(match, name) { var newToken = { type: "pseudo-class", name: unescape(name), content: "" }; this.selector.nodes.push(newToken); this.token = newToken; this.brackets = 1; return "inBrackets"; } function nestedPseudoClassStartMatch(match, name, after) { var newSelector = { type: "selector", nodes: [] }; var newToken = { type: "nested-pseudo-class", name: unescape(name), nodes: [newSelector] }; if(after) { newSelector.before = after; } this.selector.nodes.push(newToken); this.stack.push(this.root); this.root = newToken; this.selector = newSelector; } function nestedEnd(match, before) { if(this.stack.length > 0) { if(before) { this.selector.after = before; } this.root = this.stack.pop(); this.selector = this.root.nodes[this.root.nodes.length - 1]; } else { this.selector.nodes.push({ type: "invalid", value: match }); } } function operatorMatch(match, before, operator, after) { var token = { type: "operator", operator: operator }; if(before) { token.before = before; } if(after) { token.after = after; } this.selector.nodes.push(token); } function spacingMatch(match) { this.selector.nodes.push({ type: "spacing", value: match }); } function elementMatch(match, namespace, name) { var newToken = { type: "element", name: unescape(name) }; if(namespace) { newToken.namespace = unescape(namespace.substr(0, namespace.length - 1)); } this.selector.nodes.push(newToken); } function universalMatch(match, namespace) { var newToken = { type: "universal" }; if(namespace) { newToken.namespace = unescape(namespace.substr(0, namespace.length - 1)); } this.selector.nodes.push(newToken); } function attributeMatch(match, content) { this.selector.nodes.push({ type: "attribute", content: content }); } function invalidMatch(match) { this.selector.nodes.push({ type: "invalid", value: match }); } function irrelevantSpacingStartMatch(match) { this.selector.before = match; } function irrelevantSpacingEndMatch(match) { this.selector.after = match; } function nextSelectorMatch(match, before, after) { var newSelector = { type: "selector", nodes: [] }; if(before) { this.selector.after = before; } if(after) { newSelector.before = after; } this.root.nodes.push(newSelector); this.selector = newSelector; } function addToCurrent(match) { this.token.content += match; } function bracketStart(match) { this.token.content += match; this.brackets++; } function bracketEnd(match) { if(--this.brackets === 0) { return "selector"; } this.token.content += match; } function getSelectors() { // The assignment here is split to preserve the property enumeration order. var selectors = { "/\\*([\\s\\S]*?)\\*/": commentMatch }; // https://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/syndata.html#characters // 4.1.3: identifiers (...) can contain only the characters [a-zA-Z0-9] and // ISO 10646 characters U+00A0 and higher, plus the hyphen (-) and the underscore (_) // // 10ffff is the maximum allowed in current Unicode selectors[uniRegexp.typeMatchClass] = typeMatch("class"); selectors[uniRegexp.typeMatchId] = typeMatch("id"); var selectorsSecondHalf = { ":(not|any|-\\w+?-any|matches|is|where|has|local|global)\\((\\s*)": nestedPseudoClassStartMatch, ":((?:\\\\.|[A-Za-z_\\-0-9])+)\\(": pseudoClassStartMatch, ":((?:\\\\.|[A-Za-z_\\-0-9])+)": typeMatch("pseudo-class"), "::((?:\\\\.|[A-Za-z_\\-0-9])+)": typeMatch("pseudo-element"), "(\\*\\|)((?:\\\\.|[A-Za-z_\\-0-9])+)": elementMatch, "(\\*\\|)\\*": universalMatch, "((?:\\\\.|[A-Za-z_\\-0-9])*\\|)?\\*": universalMatch, "((?:\\\\.|[A-Za-z_\\-0-9])*\\|)?((?:\\\\.|[A-Za-z_\\-])(?:\\\\.|[A-Za-z_\\-0-9])*)": elementMatch, "\\[([^\\]]+)\\]": attributeMatch, "(\\s*)\\)": nestedEnd, "(\\s*)((?:\\|\\|)|(?:>>)|[>+~])(\\s*)": operatorMatch, "(\\s*),(\\s*)": nextSelectorMatch, "\\s+$": irrelevantSpacingEndMatch, "^\\s+": irrelevantSpacingStartMatch, "\\s+": spacingMatch, ".": invalidMatch }; var selector; for (selector in selectorsSecondHalf) { if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(selectorsSecondHalf, selector)) { selectors[selector] = selectorsSecondHalf[selector]; } } return selectors; } var parser = new Parser({ selector: getSelectors(), inBrackets: { "/\\*[\\s\\S]*?\\*/": addToCurrent, "\"([^\\\\\"]|\\\\.)*\"": addToCurrent, "'([^\\\\']|\\\\.)*'": addToCurrent, "[^()'\"/]+": addToCurrent, "\\(": bracketStart, "\\)": bracketEnd, ".": addToCurrent } }); function parse(str) { var selectorNode = { type: "selector", nodes: [] }; var rootNode = { type: "selectors", nodes: [ selectorNode ] }; parser.parse("selector", str, { stack: [], root: rootNode, selector: selectorNode }); return rootNode; } module.exports = parse;