"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.assertUninitialized = exports.next = exports.AbstractCursor = exports.CURSOR_FLAGS = void 0; const stream_1 = require("stream"); const util_1 = require("util"); const bson_1 = require("../bson"); const error_1 = require("../error"); const mongo_types_1 = require("../mongo_types"); const execute_operation_1 = require("../operations/execute_operation"); const get_more_1 = require("../operations/get_more"); const kill_cursors_1 = require("../operations/kill_cursors"); const read_concern_1 = require("../read_concern"); const read_preference_1 = require("../read_preference"); const sessions_1 = require("../sessions"); const utils_1 = require("../utils"); /** @internal */ const kId = Symbol('id'); /** @internal */ const kDocuments = Symbol('documents'); /** @internal */ const kServer = Symbol('server'); /** @internal */ const kNamespace = Symbol('namespace'); /** @internal */ const kClient = Symbol('client'); /** @internal */ const kSession = Symbol('session'); /** @internal */ const kOptions = Symbol('options'); /** @internal */ const kTransform = Symbol('transform'); /** @internal */ const kInitialized = Symbol('initialized'); /** @internal */ const kClosed = Symbol('closed'); /** @internal */ const kKilled = Symbol('killed'); /** @internal */ const kInit = Symbol('kInit'); /** @public */ exports.CURSOR_FLAGS = [ 'tailable', 'oplogReplay', 'noCursorTimeout', 'awaitData', 'exhaust', 'partial' ]; /** @public */ class AbstractCursor extends mongo_types_1.TypedEventEmitter { /** @internal */ constructor(client, namespace, options = {}) { super(); if (!client.s.isMongoClient) { throw new error_1.MongoRuntimeError('Cursor must be constructed with MongoClient'); } this[kClient] = client; this[kNamespace] = namespace; this[kId] = null; this[kDocuments] = new utils_1.List(); this[kInitialized] = false; this[kClosed] = false; this[kKilled] = false; this[kOptions] = { readPreference: options.readPreference && options.readPreference instanceof read_preference_1.ReadPreference ? options.readPreference : read_preference_1.ReadPreference.primary, ...(0, bson_1.pluckBSONSerializeOptions)(options) }; const readConcern = read_concern_1.ReadConcern.fromOptions(options); if (readConcern) { this[kOptions].readConcern = readConcern; } if (typeof options.batchSize === 'number') { this[kOptions].batchSize = options.batchSize; } // we check for undefined specifically here to allow falsy values // eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-syntax if (options.comment !== undefined) { this[kOptions].comment = options.comment; } if (typeof options.maxTimeMS === 'number') { this[kOptions].maxTimeMS = options.maxTimeMS; } if (typeof options.maxAwaitTimeMS === 'number') { this[kOptions].maxAwaitTimeMS = options.maxAwaitTimeMS; } if (options.session instanceof sessions_1.ClientSession) { this[kSession] = options.session; } else { this[kSession] = this[kClient].startSession({ owner: this, explicit: false }); } } get id() { return this[kId] ?? undefined; } /** @internal */ get client() { return this[kClient]; } /** @internal */ get server() { return this[kServer]; } get namespace() { return this[kNamespace]; } get readPreference() { return this[kOptions].readPreference; } get readConcern() { return this[kOptions].readConcern; } /** @internal */ get session() { return this[kSession]; } set session(clientSession) { this[kSession] = clientSession; } /** @internal */ get cursorOptions() { return this[kOptions]; } get closed() { return this[kClosed]; } get killed() { return this[kKilled]; } get loadBalanced() { return !!this[kClient].topology?.loadBalanced; } /** Returns current buffered documents length */ bufferedCount() { return this[kDocuments].length; } /** Returns current buffered documents */ readBufferedDocuments(number) { const bufferedDocs = []; const documentsToRead = Math.min(number ?? this[kDocuments].length, this[kDocuments].length); for (let count = 0; count < documentsToRead; count++) { const document = this[kDocuments].shift(); if (document != null) { bufferedDocs.push(document); } } return bufferedDocs; } async *[Symbol.asyncIterator]() { if (this.closed) { return; } try { while (true) { const document = await this.next(); // Intentional strict null check, because users can map cursors to falsey values. // We allow mapping to all values except for null. // eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-syntax if (document === null) { if (!this.closed) { const message = 'Cursor returned a `null` document, but the cursor is not exhausted. Mapping documents to `null` is not supported in the cursor transform.'; await cleanupCursorAsync(this, { needsToEmitClosed: true }).catch(() => null); throw new error_1.MongoAPIError(message); } break; } yield document; if (this[kId] === bson_1.Long.ZERO) { // Cursor exhausted break; } } } finally { // Only close the cursor if it has not already been closed. This finally clause handles // the case when a user would break out of a for await of loop early. if (!this.closed) { await this.close().catch(() => null); } } } stream(options) { if (options?.transform) { const transform = options.transform; const readable = new ReadableCursorStream(this); return readable.pipe(new stream_1.Transform({ objectMode: true, highWaterMark: 1, transform(chunk, _, callback) { try { const transformed = transform(chunk); callback(undefined, transformed); } catch (err) { callback(err); } } })); } return new ReadableCursorStream(this); } async hasNext() { if (this[kId] === bson_1.Long.ZERO) { return false; } if (this[kDocuments].length !== 0) { return true; } const doc = await nextAsync(this, true); if (doc) { this[kDocuments].unshift(doc); return true; } return false; } /** Get the next available document from the cursor, returns null if no more documents are available. */ async next() { if (this[kId] === bson_1.Long.ZERO) { throw new error_1.MongoCursorExhaustedError(); } return nextAsync(this, true); } /** * Try to get the next available document from the cursor or `null` if an empty batch is returned */ async tryNext() { if (this[kId] === bson_1.Long.ZERO) { throw new error_1.MongoCursorExhaustedError(); } return nextAsync(this, false); } /** * Iterates over all the documents for this cursor using the iterator, callback pattern. * * If the iterator returns `false`, iteration will stop. * * @param iterator - The iteration callback. * @deprecated - Will be removed in a future release. Use for await...of instead. */ async forEach(iterator) { if (typeof iterator !== 'function') { throw new error_1.MongoInvalidArgumentError('Argument "iterator" must be a function'); } for await (const document of this) { const result = iterator(document); if (result === false) { break; } } } async close() { const needsToEmitClosed = !this[kClosed]; this[kClosed] = true; await cleanupCursorAsync(this, { needsToEmitClosed }); } /** * Returns an array of documents. The caller is responsible for making sure that there * is enough memory to store the results. Note that the array only contains partial * results when this cursor had been previously accessed. In that case, * cursor.rewind() can be used to reset the cursor. */ async toArray() { const array = []; for await (const document of this) { array.push(document); } return array; } /** * Add a cursor flag to the cursor * * @param flag - The flag to set, must be one of following ['tailable', 'oplogReplay', 'noCursorTimeout', 'awaitData', 'partial' -. * @param value - The flag boolean value. */ addCursorFlag(flag, value) { assertUninitialized(this); if (!exports.CURSOR_FLAGS.includes(flag)) { throw new error_1.MongoInvalidArgumentError(`Flag ${flag} is not one of ${exports.CURSOR_FLAGS}`); } if (typeof value !== 'boolean') { throw new error_1.MongoInvalidArgumentError(`Flag ${flag} must be a boolean value`); } this[kOptions][flag] = value; return this; } /** * Map all documents using the provided function * If there is a transform set on the cursor, that will be called first and the result passed to * this function's transform. * * @remarks * * **Note** Cursors use `null` internally to indicate that there are no more documents in the cursor. Providing a mapping * function that maps values to `null` will result in the cursor closing itself before it has finished iterating * all documents. This will **not** result in a memory leak, just surprising behavior. For example: * * ```typescript * const cursor = collection.find({}); * cursor.map(() => null); * * const documents = await cursor.toArray(); * // documents is always [], regardless of how many documents are in the collection. * ``` * * Other falsey values are allowed: * * ```typescript * const cursor = collection.find({}); * cursor.map(() => ''); * * const documents = await cursor.toArray(); * // documents is now an array of empty strings * ``` * * **Note for Typescript Users:** adding a transform changes the return type of the iteration of this cursor, * it **does not** return a new instance of a cursor. This means when calling map, * you should always assign the result to a new variable in order to get a correctly typed cursor variable. * Take note of the following example: * * @example * ```typescript * const cursor: FindCursor = coll.find(); * const mappedCursor: FindCursor = cursor.map(doc => Object.keys(doc).length); * const keyCounts: number[] = await mappedCursor.toArray(); // cursor.toArray() still returns Document[] * ``` * @param transform - The mapping transformation method. */ map(transform) { assertUninitialized(this); const oldTransform = this[kTransform]; // TODO(NODE-3283): Improve transform typing if (oldTransform) { this[kTransform] = doc => { return transform(oldTransform(doc)); }; } else { this[kTransform] = transform; } return this; } /** * Set the ReadPreference for the cursor. * * @param readPreference - The new read preference for the cursor. */ withReadPreference(readPreference) { assertUninitialized(this); if (readPreference instanceof read_preference_1.ReadPreference) { this[kOptions].readPreference = readPreference; } else if (typeof readPreference === 'string') { this[kOptions].readPreference = read_preference_1.ReadPreference.fromString(readPreference); } else { throw new error_1.MongoInvalidArgumentError(`Invalid read preference: ${readPreference}`); } return this; } /** * Set the ReadPreference for the cursor. * * @param readPreference - The new read preference for the cursor. */ withReadConcern(readConcern) { assertUninitialized(this); const resolvedReadConcern = read_concern_1.ReadConcern.fromOptions({ readConcern }); if (resolvedReadConcern) { this[kOptions].readConcern = resolvedReadConcern; } return this; } /** * Set a maxTimeMS on the cursor query, allowing for hard timeout limits on queries (Only supported on MongoDB 2.6 or higher) * * @param value - Number of milliseconds to wait before aborting the query. */ maxTimeMS(value) { assertUninitialized(this); if (typeof value !== 'number') { throw new error_1.MongoInvalidArgumentError('Argument for maxTimeMS must be a number'); } this[kOptions].maxTimeMS = value; return this; } /** * Set the batch size for the cursor. * * @param value - The number of documents to return per batch. See {@link https://www.mongodb.com/docs/manual/reference/command/find/|find command documentation}. */ batchSize(value) { assertUninitialized(this); if (this[kOptions].tailable) { throw new error_1.MongoTailableCursorError('Tailable cursor does not support batchSize'); } if (typeof value !== 'number') { throw new error_1.MongoInvalidArgumentError('Operation "batchSize" requires an integer'); } this[kOptions].batchSize = value; return this; } /** * Rewind this cursor to its uninitialized state. Any options that are present on the cursor will * remain in effect. Iterating this cursor will cause new queries to be sent to the server, even * if the resultant data has already been retrieved by this cursor. */ rewind() { if (!this[kInitialized]) { return; } this[kId] = null; this[kDocuments].clear(); this[kClosed] = false; this[kKilled] = false; this[kInitialized] = false; const session = this[kSession]; if (session) { // We only want to end this session if we created it, and it hasn't ended yet if (session.explicit === false) { if (!session.hasEnded) { session.endSession().catch(() => null); } this[kSession] = this.client.startSession({ owner: this, explicit: false }); } } } /** @internal */ _getMore(batchSize, callback) { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion const getMoreOperation = new get_more_1.GetMoreOperation(this[kNamespace], this[kId], this[kServer], { ...this[kOptions], session: this[kSession], batchSize }); (0, execute_operation_1.executeOperation)(this[kClient], getMoreOperation, callback); } /** * @internal * * This function is exposed for the unified test runner's createChangeStream * operation. We cannot refactor to use the abstract _initialize method without * a significant refactor. */ [kInit](callback) { this._initialize(this[kSession], (error, state) => { if (state) { const response = state.response; this[kServer] = state.server; if (response.cursor) { // TODO(NODE-2674): Preserve int64 sent from MongoDB this[kId] = typeof response.cursor.id === 'number' ? bson_1.Long.fromNumber(response.cursor.id) : typeof response.cursor.id === 'bigint' ? bson_1.Long.fromBigInt(response.cursor.id) : response.cursor.id; if (response.cursor.ns) { this[kNamespace] = (0, utils_1.ns)(response.cursor.ns); } this[kDocuments].pushMany(response.cursor.firstBatch); } // When server responses return without a cursor document, we close this cursor // and return the raw server response. This is often the case for explain commands // for example if (this[kId] == null) { this[kId] = bson_1.Long.ZERO; // TODO(NODE-3286): ExecutionResult needs to accept a generic parameter this[kDocuments].push(state.response); } } // the cursor is now initialized, even if an error occurred or it is dead this[kInitialized] = true; if (error) { return cleanupCursor(this, { error }, () => callback(error, undefined)); } if (cursorIsDead(this)) { return cleanupCursor(this, undefined, () => callback()); } callback(); }); } } exports.AbstractCursor = AbstractCursor; /** @event */ AbstractCursor.CLOSE = 'close'; function nextDocument(cursor) { const doc = cursor[kDocuments].shift(); if (doc && cursor[kTransform]) { return cursor[kTransform](doc); } return doc; } const nextAsync = (0, util_1.promisify)(next); /** * @param cursor - the cursor on which to call `next` * @param blocking - a boolean indicating whether or not the cursor should `block` until data * is available. Generally, this flag is set to `false` because if the getMore returns no documents, * the cursor has been exhausted. In certain scenarios (ChangeStreams, tailable await cursors and * `tryNext`, for example) blocking is necessary because a getMore returning no documents does * not indicate the end of the cursor. * @param callback - callback to return the result to the caller * @returns */ function next(cursor, blocking, callback) { const cursorId = cursor[kId]; if (cursor.closed) { return callback(undefined, null); } if (cursor[kDocuments].length !== 0) { callback(undefined, nextDocument(cursor)); return; } if (cursorId == null) { // All cursors must operate within a session, one must be made implicitly if not explicitly provided cursor[kInit](err => { if (err) return callback(err); return next(cursor, blocking, callback); }); return; } if (cursorIsDead(cursor)) { return cleanupCursor(cursor, undefined, () => callback(undefined, null)); } // otherwise need to call getMore const batchSize = cursor[kOptions].batchSize || 1000; cursor._getMore(batchSize, (error, response) => { if (response) { const cursorId = typeof response.cursor.id === 'number' ? bson_1.Long.fromNumber(response.cursor.id) : typeof response.cursor.id === 'bigint' ? bson_1.Long.fromBigInt(response.cursor.id) : response.cursor.id; cursor[kDocuments].pushMany(response.cursor.nextBatch); cursor[kId] = cursorId; } if (error || cursorIsDead(cursor)) { return cleanupCursor(cursor, { error }, () => callback(error, nextDocument(cursor))); } if (cursor[kDocuments].length === 0 && blocking === false) { return callback(undefined, null); } next(cursor, blocking, callback); }); } exports.next = next; function cursorIsDead(cursor) { const cursorId = cursor[kId]; return !!cursorId && cursorId.isZero(); } const cleanupCursorAsync = (0, util_1.promisify)(cleanupCursor); function cleanupCursor(cursor, options, callback) { const cursorId = cursor[kId]; const cursorNs = cursor[kNamespace]; const server = cursor[kServer]; const session = cursor[kSession]; const error = options?.error; const needsToEmitClosed = options?.needsToEmitClosed ?? cursor[kDocuments].length === 0; if (error) { if (cursor.loadBalanced && error instanceof error_1.MongoNetworkError) { return completeCleanup(); } } if (cursorId == null || server == null || cursorId.isZero() || cursorNs == null) { if (needsToEmitClosed) { cursor[kClosed] = true; cursor[kId] = bson_1.Long.ZERO; cursor.emit(AbstractCursor.CLOSE); } if (session) { if (session.owner === cursor) { session.endSession({ error }).finally(() => { callback(); }); return; } if (!session.inTransaction()) { (0, sessions_1.maybeClearPinnedConnection)(session, { error }); } } return callback(); } function completeCleanup() { if (session) { if (session.owner === cursor) { session.endSession({ error }).finally(() => { cursor.emit(AbstractCursor.CLOSE); callback(); }); return; } if (!session.inTransaction()) { (0, sessions_1.maybeClearPinnedConnection)(session, { error }); } } cursor.emit(AbstractCursor.CLOSE); return callback(); } cursor[kKilled] = true; if (session.hasEnded) { return completeCleanup(); } (0, execute_operation_1.executeOperation)(cursor[kClient], new kill_cursors_1.KillCursorsOperation(cursorId, cursorNs, server, { session })) .catch(() => null) .finally(completeCleanup); } /** @internal */ function assertUninitialized(cursor) { if (cursor[kInitialized]) { throw new error_1.MongoCursorInUseError(); } } exports.assertUninitialized = assertUninitialized; class ReadableCursorStream extends stream_1.Readable { constructor(cursor) { super({ objectMode: true, autoDestroy: false, highWaterMark: 1 }); this._readInProgress = false; this._cursor = cursor; } // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars _read(size) { if (!this._readInProgress) { this._readInProgress = true; this._readNext(); } } _destroy(error, callback) { this._cursor.close().then(() => callback(error), closeError => callback(closeError)); } _readNext() { next(this._cursor, true, (err, result) => { if (err) { // NOTE: This is questionable, but we have a test backing the behavior. It seems the // desired behavior is that a stream ends cleanly when a user explicitly closes // a client during iteration. Alternatively, we could do the "right" thing and // propagate the error message by removing this special case. if (err.message.match(/server is closed/)) { this._cursor.close().catch(() => null); return this.push(null); } // NOTE: This is also perhaps questionable. The rationale here is that these errors tend // to be "operation was interrupted", where a cursor has been closed but there is an // active getMore in-flight. This used to check if the cursor was killed but once // that changed to happen in cleanup legitimate errors would not destroy the // stream. There are change streams test specifically test these cases. if (err.message.match(/operation was interrupted/)) { return this.push(null); } // NOTE: The two above checks on the message of the error will cause a null to be pushed // to the stream, thus closing the stream before the destroy call happens. This means // that either of those error messages on a change stream will not get a proper // 'error' event to be emitted (the error passed to destroy). Change stream resumability // relies on that error event to be emitted to create its new cursor and thus was not // working on 4.4 servers because the error emitted on failover was "interrupted at // shutdown" while on 5.0+ it is "The server is in quiesce mode and will shut down". // See NODE-4475. return this.destroy(err); } if (result == null) { this.push(null); } else if (this.destroyed) { this._cursor.close().catch(() => null); } else { if (this.push(result)) { return this._readNext(); } this._readInProgress = false; } }); } } //# sourceMappingURL=abstract_cursor.js.map