import { Binary } from 'bson';
import { BSON } from 'bson';
import { BSONRegExp } from 'bson';
import { BSONSymbol } from 'bson';
import { BSONType } from 'bson';
import { Code } from 'bson';
import type { ConnectionOptions as ConnectionOptions_2 } from 'tls';
import { DBRef } from 'bson';
import { Decimal128 } from 'bson';
import { deserialize } from 'bson';
import type { DeserializeOptions } from 'bson';
import * as dns from 'dns';
import { Document } from 'bson';
import { Double } from 'bson';
import { Duplex } from 'stream';
import { DuplexOptions } from 'stream';
import { EventEmitter } from 'events';
import { Int32 } from 'bson';
import { Long } from 'bson';
import { MaxKey } from 'bson';
import { MinKey } from 'bson';
import { ObjectId } from 'bson';
import type { ObjectIdLike } from 'bson';
import { Readable } from 'stream';
import { serialize } from 'bson';
import type { SerializeOptions } from 'bson';
import type { Socket } from 'net';
import type { SrvRecord } from 'dns';
import type { TcpNetConnectOpts } from 'net';
import { Timestamp } from 'bson';
import type { TLSSocket } from 'tls';
import type { TLSSocketOptions } from 'tls';
import { Writable } from 'stream';
/** @public */
export declare abstract class AbstractCursor extends TypedEventEmitter {
/* Excluded from this release type: [kId] */
/* Excluded from this release type: [kSession] */
/* Excluded from this release type: [kServer] */
/* Excluded from this release type: [kNamespace] */
/* Excluded from this release type: [kDocuments] */
/* Excluded from this release type: [kClient] */
/* Excluded from this release type: [kTransform] */
/* Excluded from this release type: [kInitialized] */
/* Excluded from this release type: [kClosed] */
/* Excluded from this release type: [kKilled] */
/* Excluded from this release type: [kOptions] */
/** @event */
static readonly CLOSE: "close";
/* Excluded from this release type: __constructor */
get id(): Long | undefined;
/* Excluded from this release type: client */
/* Excluded from this release type: server */
get namespace(): MongoDBNamespace;
get readPreference(): ReadPreference;
get readConcern(): ReadConcern | undefined;
/* Excluded from this release type: session */
/* Excluded from this release type: session */
/* Excluded from this release type: cursorOptions */
get closed(): boolean;
get killed(): boolean;
get loadBalanced(): boolean;
/** Returns current buffered documents length */
bufferedCount(): number;
/** Returns current buffered documents */
readBufferedDocuments(number?: number): TSchema[];
[Symbol.asyncIterator](): AsyncGenerator;
stream(options?: CursorStreamOptions): Readable & AsyncIterable;
hasNext(): Promise;
/** Get the next available document from the cursor, returns null if no more documents are available. */
next(): Promise;
* Try to get the next available document from the cursor or `null` if an empty batch is returned
tryNext(): Promise;
* Iterates over all the documents for this cursor using the iterator, callback pattern.
* If the iterator returns `false`, iteration will stop.
* @param iterator - The iteration callback.
* @deprecated - Will be removed in a future release. Use for await...of instead.
forEach(iterator: (doc: TSchema) => boolean | void): Promise;
close(): Promise;
* Returns an array of documents. The caller is responsible for making sure that there
* is enough memory to store the results. Note that the array only contains partial
* results when this cursor had been previously accessed. In that case,
* cursor.rewind() can be used to reset the cursor.
toArray(): Promise;
* Add a cursor flag to the cursor
* @param flag - The flag to set, must be one of following ['tailable', 'oplogReplay', 'noCursorTimeout', 'awaitData', 'partial' -.
* @param value - The flag boolean value.
addCursorFlag(flag: CursorFlag, value: boolean): this;
* Map all documents using the provided function
* If there is a transform set on the cursor, that will be called first and the result passed to
* this function's transform.
* @remarks
* **Note** Cursors use `null` internally to indicate that there are no more documents in the cursor. Providing a mapping
* function that maps values to `null` will result in the cursor closing itself before it has finished iterating
* all documents. This will **not** result in a memory leak, just surprising behavior. For example:
* ```typescript
* const cursor = collection.find({});
* cursor.map(() => null);
* const documents = await cursor.toArray();
* // documents is always [], regardless of how many documents are in the collection.
* ```
* Other falsey values are allowed:
* ```typescript
* const cursor = collection.find({});
* cursor.map(() => '');
* const documents = await cursor.toArray();
* // documents is now an array of empty strings
* ```
* **Note for Typescript Users:** adding a transform changes the return type of the iteration of this cursor,
* it **does not** return a new instance of a cursor. This means when calling map,
* you should always assign the result to a new variable in order to get a correctly typed cursor variable.
* Take note of the following example:
* @example
* ```typescript
* const cursor: FindCursor = coll.find();
* const mappedCursor: FindCursor = cursor.map(doc => Object.keys(doc).length);
* const keyCounts: number[] = await mappedCursor.toArray(); // cursor.toArray() still returns Document[]
* ```
* @param transform - The mapping transformation method.
map(transform: (doc: TSchema) => T): AbstractCursor;
* Set the ReadPreference for the cursor.
* @param readPreference - The new read preference for the cursor.
withReadPreference(readPreference: ReadPreferenceLike): this;
* Set the ReadPreference for the cursor.
* @param readPreference - The new read preference for the cursor.
withReadConcern(readConcern: ReadConcernLike): this;
* Set a maxTimeMS on the cursor query, allowing for hard timeout limits on queries (Only supported on MongoDB 2.6 or higher)
* @param value - Number of milliseconds to wait before aborting the query.
maxTimeMS(value: number): this;
* Set the batch size for the cursor.
* @param value - The number of documents to return per batch. See {@link https://www.mongodb.com/docs/manual/reference/command/find/|find command documentation}.
batchSize(value: number): this;
* Rewind this cursor to its uninitialized state. Any options that are present on the cursor will
* remain in effect. Iterating this cursor will cause new queries to be sent to the server, even
* if the resultant data has already been retrieved by this cursor.
rewind(): void;
* Returns a new uninitialized copy of this cursor, with options matching those that have been set on the current instance
abstract clone(): AbstractCursor;
/* Excluded from this release type: _initialize */
/* Excluded from this release type: _getMore */
/* Excluded from this release type: [kInit] */
/** @public */
export declare type AbstractCursorEvents = {
[AbstractCursor.CLOSE](): void;
/** @public */
export declare interface AbstractCursorOptions extends BSONSerializeOptions {
session?: ClientSession;
readPreference?: ReadPreferenceLike;
readConcern?: ReadConcernLike;
* Specifies the number of documents to return in each response from MongoDB
batchSize?: number;
* When applicable `maxTimeMS` controls the amount of time the initial command
* that constructs a cursor should take. (ex. find, aggregate, listCollections)
maxTimeMS?: number;
* When applicable `maxAwaitTimeMS` controls the amount of time subsequent getMores
* that a cursor uses to fetch more data should take. (ex. cursor.next())
maxAwaitTimeMS?: number;
* Comment to apply to the operation.
* In server versions pre-4.4, 'comment' must be string. A server
* error will be thrown if any other type is provided.
* In server versions 4.4 and above, 'comment' can be any valid BSON type.
comment?: unknown;
* By default, MongoDB will automatically close a cursor when the
* client has exhausted all results in the cursor. However, for [capped collections](https://www.mongodb.com/docs/manual/core/capped-collections)
* you may use a Tailable Cursor that remains open after the client exhausts
* the results in the initial cursor.
tailable?: boolean;
* If awaitData is set to true, when the cursor reaches the end of the capped collection,
* MongoDB blocks the query thread for a period of time waiting for new data to arrive.
* When new data is inserted into the capped collection, the blocked thread is signaled
* to wake up and return the next batch to the client.
awaitData?: boolean;
noCursorTimeout?: boolean;
/* Excluded from this release type: AbstractOperation */
/** @public */
export declare type AcceptedFields = {
readonly [key in KeysOfAType]?: AssignableType;
/** @public */
export declare type AddToSetOperators = {
$each?: Array>;
* @public
* @deprecated Use the createUser command directly instead.
export declare interface AddUserOptions extends CommandOperationOptions {
/** Roles associated with the created user */
roles?: string | string[] | RoleSpecification | RoleSpecification[];
/** Custom data associated with the user (only Mongodb 2.6 or higher) */
customData?: Document;
* The **Admin** class is an internal class that allows convenient access to
* the admin functionality and commands for MongoDB.
* **ADMIN Cannot directly be instantiated**
* @public
* @example
* ```ts
* import { MongoClient } from 'mongodb';
* const client = new MongoClient('mongodb://localhost:27017');
* const admin = client.db().admin();
* const dbInfo = await admin.listDatabases();
* for (const db of dbInfo.databases) {
* console.log(db.name);
* }
* ```
export declare class Admin {
/* Excluded from this release type: s */
/* Excluded from this release type: __constructor */
* Execute a command
* The driver will ensure the following fields are attached to the command sent to the server:
* - `lsid` - sourced from an implicit session or options.session
* - `$readPreference` - defaults to primary or can be configured by options.readPreference
* - `$db` - sourced from the name of this database
* If the client has a serverApi setting:
* - `apiVersion`
* - `apiStrict`
* - `apiDeprecationErrors`
* When in a transaction:
* - `readConcern` - sourced from readConcern set on the TransactionOptions
* - `writeConcern` - sourced from writeConcern set on the TransactionOptions
* Attaching any of the above fields to the command will have no effect as the driver will overwrite the value.
* @param command - The command to execute
* @param options - Optional settings for the command
command(command: Document, options?: RunCommandOptions): Promise;
* Retrieve the server build information
* @param options - Optional settings for the command
buildInfo(options?: CommandOperationOptions): Promise;
* Retrieve the server build information
* @param options - Optional settings for the command
serverInfo(options?: CommandOperationOptions): Promise;
* Retrieve this db's server status.
* @param options - Optional settings for the command
serverStatus(options?: CommandOperationOptions): Promise;
* Ping the MongoDB server and retrieve results
* @param options - Optional settings for the command
ping(options?: CommandOperationOptions): Promise;
* Add a user to the database
* @param username - The username for the new user
* @param passwordOrOptions - An optional password for the new user, or the options for the command
* @param options - Optional settings for the command
* @deprecated Use the createUser command in `db.command()` instead.
* @see https://www.mongodb.com/docs/manual/reference/command/createUser/
addUser(username: string, passwordOrOptions?: string | AddUserOptions, options?: AddUserOptions): Promise;
* Remove a user from a database
* @param username - The username to remove
* @param options - Optional settings for the command
removeUser(username: string, options?: RemoveUserOptions): Promise;
* Validate an existing collection
* @param collectionName - The name of the collection to validate.
* @param options - Optional settings for the command
validateCollection(collectionName: string, options?: ValidateCollectionOptions): Promise;
* List the available databases
* @param options - Optional settings for the command
listDatabases(options?: ListDatabasesOptions): Promise;
* Get ReplicaSet status
* @param options - Optional settings for the command
replSetGetStatus(options?: CommandOperationOptions): Promise;
/* Excluded from this release type: AdminPrivate */
/* Excluded from this release type: AggregateOperation */
/** @public */
export declare interface AggregateOptions extends CommandOperationOptions {
/** allowDiskUse lets the server know if it can use disk to store temporary results for the aggregation (requires mongodb 2.6 \>). */
allowDiskUse?: boolean;
/** The number of documents to return per batch. See [aggregation documentation](https://www.mongodb.com/docs/manual/reference/command/aggregate). */
batchSize?: number;
/** Allow driver to bypass schema validation in MongoDB 3.2 or higher. */
bypassDocumentValidation?: boolean;
/** Return the query as cursor, on 2.6 \> it returns as a real cursor on pre 2.6 it returns as an emulated cursor. */
cursor?: Document;
/** specifies a cumulative time limit in milliseconds for processing operations on the cursor. MongoDB interrupts the operation at the earliest following interrupt point. */
maxTimeMS?: number;
/** The maximum amount of time for the server to wait on new documents to satisfy a tailable cursor query. */
maxAwaitTimeMS?: number;
/** Specify collation. */
collation?: CollationOptions;
/** Add an index selection hint to an aggregation command */
hint?: Hint;
/** Map of parameter names and values that can be accessed using $$var (requires MongoDB 5.0). */
let?: Document;
out?: string;
* The **AggregationCursor** class is an internal class that embodies an aggregation cursor on MongoDB
* allowing for iteration over the results returned from the underlying query. It supports
* one by one document iteration, conversion to an array or can be iterated as a Node 4.X
* or higher stream
* @public
export declare class AggregationCursor extends AbstractCursor {
/* Excluded from this release type: [kPipeline] */
/* Excluded from this release type: [kOptions] */
/* Excluded from this release type: __constructor */
get pipeline(): Document[];
clone(): AggregationCursor;
map(transform: (doc: TSchema) => T): AggregationCursor;
/* Excluded from this release type: _initialize */
/** Execute the explain for the cursor */
explain(verbosity?: ExplainVerbosityLike): Promise;
/** Add a group stage to the aggregation pipeline */
group($group: Document): AggregationCursor;
/** Add a limit stage to the aggregation pipeline */
limit($limit: number): this;
/** Add a match stage to the aggregation pipeline */
match($match: Document): this;
/** Add an out stage to the aggregation pipeline */
out($out: {
db: string;
coll: string;
} | string): this;
* Add a project stage to the aggregation pipeline
* @remarks
* In order to strictly type this function you must provide an interface
* that represents the effect of your projection on the result documents.
* By default chaining a projection to your cursor changes the returned type to the generic {@link Document} type.
* You should specify a parameterized type to have assertions on your final results.
* @example
* ```typescript
* // Best way
* const docs: AggregationCursor<{ a: number }> = cursor.project<{ a: number }>({ _id: 0, a: true });
* // Flexible way
* const docs: AggregationCursor = cursor.project({ _id: 0, a: true });
* ```
* @remarks
* In order to strictly type this function you must provide an interface
* that represents the effect of your projection on the result documents.
* **Note for Typescript Users:** adding a transform changes the return type of the iteration of this cursor,
* it **does not** return a new instance of a cursor. This means when calling project,
* you should always assign the result to a new variable in order to get a correctly typed cursor variable.
* Take note of the following example:
* @example
* ```typescript
* const cursor: AggregationCursor<{ a: number; b: string }> = coll.aggregate([]);
* const projectCursor = cursor.project<{ a: number }>({ _id: 0, a: true });
* const aPropOnlyArray: {a: number}[] = await projectCursor.toArray();
* // or always use chaining and save the final cursor
* const cursor = coll.aggregate().project<{ a: string }>({
* _id: 0,
* a: { $convert: { input: '$a', to: 'string' }
* }});
* ```
project($project: Document): AggregationCursor;
/** Add a lookup stage to the aggregation pipeline */
lookup($lookup: Document): this;
/** Add a redact stage to the aggregation pipeline */
redact($redact: Document): this;
/** Add a skip stage to the aggregation pipeline */
skip($skip: number): this;
/** Add a sort stage to the aggregation pipeline */
sort($sort: Sort): this;
/** Add a unwind stage to the aggregation pipeline */
unwind($unwind: Document | string): this;
/** Add a geoNear stage to the aggregation pipeline */
geoNear($geoNear: Document): this;
/** @public */
export declare interface AggregationCursorOptions extends AbstractCursorOptions, AggregateOptions {
* It is possible to search using alternative types in mongodb e.g.
* string types can be searched using a regex in mongo
* array types can be searched using their element type
* @public
export declare type AlternativeType = T extends ReadonlyArray ? T | RegExpOrString : RegExpOrString;
/** @public */
export declare type AnyBulkWriteOperation = {
insertOne: InsertOneModel;
} | {
replaceOne: ReplaceOneModel;
} | {
updateOne: UpdateOneModel;
} | {
updateMany: UpdateManyModel;
} | {
deleteOne: DeleteOneModel;
} | {
deleteMany: DeleteManyModel;
/** @public */
export declare type AnyError = MongoError | Error;
/** @public */
export declare type ArrayElement = Type extends ReadonlyArray ? Item : never;
/** @public */
export declare type ArrayOperator = {
$each?: Array>;
$slice?: number;
$position?: number;
$sort?: Sort;
/** @public */
export declare interface Auth {
/** The username for auth */
username?: string;
/** The password for auth */
password?: string;
/* Excluded from this release type: AuthContext */
/** @public */
export declare const AuthMechanism: Readonly<{
readonly MONGODB_SCRAM_SHA256: "SCRAM-SHA-256";
readonly MONGODB_X509: "MONGODB-X509";
/** @experimental */
/** @public */
export declare type AuthMechanism = (typeof AuthMechanism)[keyof typeof AuthMechanism];
/** @public */
export declare interface AuthMechanismProperties extends Document {
SERVICE_HOST?: string;
SERVICE_NAME?: string;
/** @experimental */
/** @experimental */
/** @experimental */
/** @experimental */
ALLOWED_HOSTS?: string[];
/** @public */
export declare interface AutoEncrypter {
new (client: MongoClient, options: AutoEncryptionOptions): AutoEncrypter;
init(cb: Callback): void;
teardown(force: boolean, callback: Callback): void;
encrypt(ns: string, cmd: Document, options: any, callback: Callback): void;
decrypt(cmd: Document, options: any, callback: Callback): void;
/** @experimental */
readonly cryptSharedLibVersionInfo: {
version: bigint;
versionStr: string;
} | null;
/** @public */
export declare const AutoEncryptionLoggerLevel: Readonly<{
readonly FatalError: 0;
readonly Error: 1;
readonly Warning: 2;
readonly Info: 3;
readonly Trace: 4;
/** @public */
export declare type AutoEncryptionLoggerLevel = (typeof AutoEncryptionLoggerLevel)[keyof typeof AutoEncryptionLoggerLevel];
/** @public */
export declare interface AutoEncryptionOptions {
/* Excluded from this release type: metadataClient */
/** A `MongoClient` used to fetch keys from a key vault */
keyVaultClient?: MongoClient;
/** The namespace where keys are stored in the key vault */
keyVaultNamespace?: string;
/** Configuration options that are used by specific KMS providers during key generation, encryption, and decryption. */
kmsProviders?: {
/** Configuration options for using 'aws' as your KMS provider */
aws?: {
/** The access key used for the AWS KMS provider */
accessKeyId: string;
/** The secret access key used for the AWS KMS provider */
secretAccessKey: string;
* An optional AWS session token that will be used as the
* X-Amz-Security-Token header for AWS requests.
sessionToken?: string;
} | Record;
/** Configuration options for using 'local' as your KMS provider */
local?: {
* The master key used to encrypt/decrypt data keys.
* A 96-byte long Buffer or base64 encoded string.
key: Buffer | string;
/** Configuration options for using 'azure' as your KMS provider */
azure?: {
/** The tenant ID identifies the organization for the account */
tenantId: string;
/** The client ID to authenticate a registered application */
clientId: string;
/** The client secret to authenticate a registered application */
clientSecret: string;
* If present, a host with optional port. E.g. "example.com" or "example.com:443".
* This is optional, and only needed if customer is using a non-commercial Azure instance
* (e.g. a government or China account, which use different URLs).
* Defaults to "login.microsoftonline.com"
identityPlatformEndpoint?: string | undefined;
} | {
* If present, an access token to authenticate with Azure.
accessToken: string;
} | Record;
/** Configuration options for using 'gcp' as your KMS provider */
gcp?: {
/** The service account email to authenticate */
email: string;
/** A PKCS#8 encrypted key. This can either be a base64 string or a binary representation */
privateKey: string | Buffer;
* If present, a host with optional port. E.g. "example.com" or "example.com:443".
* Defaults to "oauth2.googleapis.com"
endpoint?: string | undefined;
} | {
* If present, an access token to authenticate with GCP.
accessToken: string;
} | Record;
* Configuration options for using 'kmip' as your KMS provider
kmip?: {
* The output endpoint string.
* The endpoint consists of a hostname and port separated by a colon.
* E.g. "example.com:123". A port is always present.
endpoint?: string;
* A map of namespaces to a local JSON schema for encryption
* **NOTE**: Supplying options.schemaMap provides more security than relying on JSON Schemas obtained from the server.
* It protects against a malicious server advertising a false JSON Schema, which could trick the client into sending decrypted data that should be encrypted.
* Schemas supplied in the schemaMap only apply to configuring automatic encryption for Client-Side Field Level Encryption.
* Other validation rules in the JSON schema will not be enforced by the driver and will result in an error.
schemaMap?: Document;
/** Supply a schema for the encrypted fields in the document */
encryptedFieldsMap?: Document;
/** Allows the user to bypass auto encryption, maintaining implicit decryption */
bypassAutoEncryption?: boolean;
/** Allows users to bypass query analysis */
bypassQueryAnalysis?: boolean;
options?: {
/** An optional hook to catch logging messages from the underlying encryption engine */
logger?: (level: AutoEncryptionLoggerLevel, message: string) => void;
extraOptions?: {
* A local process the driver communicates with to determine how to encrypt values in a command.
* Defaults to "mongodb://%2Fvar%2Fmongocryptd.sock" if domain sockets are available or "mongodb://localhost:27020" otherwise
mongocryptdURI?: string;
/** If true, autoEncryption will not attempt to spawn a mongocryptd before connecting */
mongocryptdBypassSpawn?: boolean;
/** The path to the mongocryptd executable on the system */
mongocryptdSpawnPath?: string;
/** Command line arguments to use when auto-spawning a mongocryptd */
mongocryptdSpawnArgs?: string[];
* Full path to a MongoDB Crypt shared library to be used (instead of mongocryptd).
* This needs to be the path to the file itself, not a directory.
* It can be an absolute or relative path. If the path is relative and
* its first component is `$ORIGIN`, it will be replaced by the directory
* containing the mongodb-client-encryption native addon file. Otherwise,
* the path will be interpreted relative to the current working directory.
* Currently, loading different MongoDB Crypt shared library files from different
* MongoClients in the same process is not supported.
* If this option is provided and no MongoDB Crypt shared library could be loaded
* from the specified location, creating the MongoClient will fail.
* If this option is not provided and `cryptSharedLibRequired` is not specified,
* the AutoEncrypter will attempt to spawn and/or use mongocryptd according
* to the mongocryptd-specific `extraOptions` options.
* Specifying a path prevents mongocryptd from being used as a fallback.
* Requires the MongoDB Crypt shared library, available in MongoDB 6.0 or higher.
cryptSharedLibPath?: string;
* If specified, never use mongocryptd and instead fail when the MongoDB Crypt
* shared library could not be loaded.
* This is always true when `cryptSharedLibPath` is specified.
* Requires the MongoDB Crypt shared library, available in MongoDB 6.0 or higher.
cryptSharedLibRequired?: boolean;
/* Excluded from this release type: cryptSharedLibSearchPaths */
proxyOptions?: ProxyOptions;
/** The TLS options to use connecting to the KMS provider */
tlsOptions?: {
aws?: AutoEncryptionTlsOptions;
local?: AutoEncryptionTlsOptions;
azure?: AutoEncryptionTlsOptions;
gcp?: AutoEncryptionTlsOptions;
kmip?: AutoEncryptionTlsOptions;
/** @public */
export declare interface AutoEncryptionTlsOptions {
* Specifies the location of a local .pem file that contains
* either the client's TLS/SSL certificate and key or only the
* client's TLS/SSL key when tlsCertificateFile is used to
* provide the certificate.
tlsCertificateKeyFile?: string;
* Specifies the password to de-crypt the tlsCertificateKeyFile.
tlsCertificateKeyFilePassword?: string;
* Specifies the location of a local .pem file that contains the
* root certificate chain from the Certificate Authority.
* This file is used to validate the certificate presented by the
* KMS provider.
tlsCAFile?: string;
* Keeps the state of a unordered batch so we can rewrite the results
* correctly after command execution
* @public
export declare class Batch {
originalZeroIndex: number;
currentIndex: number;
originalIndexes: number[];
batchType: BatchType;
operations: T[];
size: number;
sizeBytes: number;
constructor(batchType: BatchType, originalZeroIndex: number);
/** @public */
export declare const BatchType: Readonly<{
readonly INSERT: 1;
readonly UPDATE: 2;
readonly DELETE: 3;
/** @public */
export declare type BatchType = (typeof BatchType)[keyof typeof BatchType];
export { Binary }
/* Excluded from this release type: BinMsg */
/** @public */
export declare type BitwiseFilter = number /** numeric bit mask */ | Binary /** BinData bit mask */ | ReadonlyArray;
export { BSON }
export { BSONRegExp }
* BSON Serialization options.
* @public
export declare interface BSONSerializeOptions extends Omit, Omit {
* Enabling the raw option will return a [Node.js Buffer](https://nodejs.org/api/buffer.html)
* which is allocated using [allocUnsafe API](https://nodejs.org/api/buffer.html#static-method-bufferallocunsafesize).
* See this section from the [Node.js Docs here](https://nodejs.org/api/buffer.html#what-makes-bufferallocunsafe-and-bufferallocunsafeslow-unsafe)
* for more detail about what "unsafe" refers to in this context.
* If you need to maintain your own editable clone of the bytes returned for an extended life time of the process, it is recommended you allocate
* your own buffer and clone the contents:
* @example
* ```ts
* const raw = await collection.findOne({}, { raw: true });
* const myBuffer = Buffer.alloc(raw.byteLength);
* myBuffer.set(raw, 0);
* // Only save and use `myBuffer` beyond this point
* ```
* @remarks
* Please note there is a known limitation where this option cannot be used at the MongoClient level (see [NODE-3946](https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/NODE-3946)).
* It does correctly work at `Db`, `Collection`, and per operation the same as other BSON options work.
raw?: boolean;
/** Enable utf8 validation when deserializing BSON documents. Defaults to true. */
enableUtf8Validation?: boolean;
export { BSONSymbol }
export { BSONType }
/** @public */
export declare type BSONTypeAlias = keyof typeof BSONType;
/* Excluded from this release type: BufferPool */
/** @public */
export declare abstract class BulkOperationBase {
isOrdered: boolean;
/* Excluded from this release type: s */
operationId?: number;
/* Excluded from this release type: __constructor */
* Add a single insert document to the bulk operation
* @example
* ```ts
* const bulkOp = collection.initializeOrderedBulkOp();
* // Adds three inserts to the bulkOp.
* bulkOp
* .insert({ a: 1 })
* .insert({ b: 2 })
* .insert({ c: 3 });
* await bulkOp.execute();
* ```
insert(document: Document): BulkOperationBase;
* Builds a find operation for an update/updateOne/delete/deleteOne/replaceOne.
* Returns a builder object used to complete the definition of the operation.
* @example
* ```ts
* const bulkOp = collection.initializeOrderedBulkOp();
* // Add an updateOne to the bulkOp
* bulkOp.find({ a: 1 }).updateOne({ $set: { b: 2 } });
* // Add an updateMany to the bulkOp
* bulkOp.find({ c: 3 }).update({ $set: { d: 4 } });
* // Add an upsert
* bulkOp.find({ e: 5 }).upsert().updateOne({ $set: { f: 6 } });
* // Add a deletion
* bulkOp.find({ g: 7 }).deleteOne();
* // Add a multi deletion
* bulkOp.find({ h: 8 }).delete();
* // Add a replaceOne
* bulkOp.find({ i: 9 }).replaceOne({writeConcern: { j: 10 }});
* // Update using a pipeline (requires Mongodb 4.2 or higher)
* bulk.find({ k: 11, y: { $exists: true }, z: { $exists: true } }).updateOne([
* { $set: { total: { $sum: [ '$y', '$z' ] } } }
* ]);
* // All of the ops will now be executed
* await bulkOp.execute();
* ```
find(selector: Document): FindOperators;
/** Specifies a raw operation to perform in the bulk write. */
raw(op: AnyBulkWriteOperation): this;
get bsonOptions(): BSONSerializeOptions;
get writeConcern(): WriteConcern | undefined;
get batches(): Batch[];
execute(options?: BulkWriteOptions): Promise;
/* Excluded from this release type: handleWriteError */
abstract addToOperationsList(batchType: BatchType, document: Document | UpdateStatement | DeleteStatement): this;
/* Excluded from this release type: BulkOperationPrivate */
/* Excluded from this release type: BulkResult */
/** @public */
export declare interface BulkWriteOperationError {
index: number;
code: number;
errmsg: string;
errInfo: Document;
op: Document | UpdateStatement | DeleteStatement;
/** @public */
export declare interface BulkWriteOptions extends CommandOperationOptions {
/** Allow driver to bypass schema validation in MongoDB 3.2 or higher. */
bypassDocumentValidation?: boolean;
/** If true, when an insert fails, don't execute the remaining writes. If false, continue with remaining inserts when one fails. */
ordered?: boolean;
/** Force server to assign _id values instead of driver. */
forceServerObjectId?: boolean;
/** Map of parameter names and values that can be accessed using $$var (requires MongoDB 5.0). */
let?: Document;
* @public
* The result of a bulk write.
export declare class BulkWriteResult {
private readonly result;
/** Number of documents inserted. */
readonly insertedCount: number;
/** Number of documents matched for update. */
readonly matchedCount: number;
/** Number of documents modified. */
readonly modifiedCount: number;
/** Number of documents deleted. */
readonly deletedCount: number;
/** Number of documents upserted. */
readonly upsertedCount: number;
/** Upserted document generated Id's, hash key is the index of the originating operation */
readonly upsertedIds: {
[key: number]: any;
/** Inserted document generated Id's, hash key is the index of the originating operation */
readonly insertedIds: {
[key: number]: any;
private static generateIdMap;
/* Excluded from this release type: __constructor */
/** Evaluates to true if the bulk operation correctly executes */
get ok(): number;
* The number of inserted documents
* @deprecated Use insertedCount instead.
get nInserted(): number;
* Number of upserted documents
* @deprecated User upsertedCount instead.
get nUpserted(): number;
* Number of matched documents
* @deprecated Use matchedCount instead.
get nMatched(): number;
* Number of documents updated physically on disk
* @deprecated Use modifiedCount instead.
get nModified(): number;
* Number of removed documents
* @deprecated Use deletedCount instead.
get nRemoved(): number;
* Returns an array of all inserted ids
* @deprecated Use insertedIds instead.
getInsertedIds(): Document[];
* Returns an array of all upserted ids
* @deprecated Use upsertedIds instead.
getUpsertedIds(): Document[];
/** Returns the upserted id at the given index */
getUpsertedIdAt(index: number): Document | undefined;
/** Returns raw internal result */
getRawResponse(): Document;
/** Returns true if the bulk operation contains a write error */
hasWriteErrors(): boolean;
/** Returns the number of write errors off the bulk operation */
getWriteErrorCount(): number;
/** Returns a specific write error object */
getWriteErrorAt(index: number): WriteError | undefined;
/** Retrieve all write errors */
getWriteErrors(): WriteError[];
/** Retrieve the write concern error if one exists */
getWriteConcernError(): WriteConcernError | undefined;
toString(): string;
isOk(): boolean;
* MongoDB Driver style callback
* @public
export declare type Callback = (error?: AnyError, result?: T) => void;
/** @public */
export declare class CancellationToken extends TypedEventEmitter<{
cancel(): void;
}> {
* Creates a new Change Stream instance. Normally created using {@link Collection#watch|Collection.watch()}.
* @public
export declare class ChangeStream> extends TypedEventEmitter> {
pipeline: Document[];
* @remarks WriteConcern can still be present on the options because
* we inherit options from the client/db/collection. The
* key must be present on the options in order to delete it.
* This allows typescript to delete the key but will
* not allow a writeConcern to be assigned as a property on options.
options: ChangeStreamOptions & {
writeConcern?: never;
parent: MongoClient | Db | Collection;
namespace: MongoDBNamespace;
type: symbol;
/* Excluded from this release type: cursor */
streamOptions?: CursorStreamOptions;
/* Excluded from this release type: [kCursorStream] */
/* Excluded from this release type: [kClosed] */
/* Excluded from this release type: [kMode] */
/** @event */
static readonly RESPONSE: "response";
/** @event */
static readonly MORE: "more";
/** @event */
static readonly INIT: "init";
/** @event */
static readonly CLOSE: "close";
* Fired for each new matching change in the specified namespace. Attaching a `change`
* event listener to a Change Stream will switch the stream into flowing mode. Data will
* then be passed as soon as it is available.
* @event
static readonly CHANGE: "change";
/** @event */
static readonly END: "end";
/** @event */
static readonly ERROR: "error";
* Emitted each time the change stream stores a new resume token.
* @event
static readonly RESUME_TOKEN_CHANGED: "resumeTokenChanged";
/* Excluded from this release type: __constructor */
/* Excluded from this release type: cursorStream */
/** The cached resume token that is used to resume after the most recently returned change. */
get resumeToken(): ResumeToken;
/** Check if there is any document still available in the Change Stream */
hasNext(): Promise;
/** Get the next available document from the Change Stream. */
next(): Promise;
* Try to get the next available document from the Change Stream's cursor or `null` if an empty batch is returned
tryNext(): Promise;
[Symbol.asyncIterator](): AsyncGenerator;
/** Is the cursor closed */
get closed(): boolean;
/** Close the Change Stream */
close(): Promise;
* Return a modified Readable stream including a possible transform method.
* NOTE: When using a Stream to process change stream events, the stream will
* NOT automatically resume in the case a resumable error is encountered.
* @throws MongoChangeStreamError if the underlying cursor or the change stream is closed
stream(options?: CursorStreamOptions): Readable & AsyncIterable;
/* Excluded from this release type: _setIsEmitter */
/* Excluded from this release type: _setIsIterator */
/* Excluded from this release type: _createChangeStreamCursor */
/* Excluded from this release type: _closeEmitterModeWithError */
/* Excluded from this release type: _streamEvents */
/* Excluded from this release type: _endStream */
/* Excluded from this release type: _processChange */
/* Excluded from this release type: _processErrorStreamMode */
/* Excluded from this release type: _processErrorIteratorMode */
/* Excluded from this release type: ChangeStreamAggregateRawResult */
* Only present when the `showExpandedEvents` flag is enabled.
* @public
* @see https://www.mongodb.com/docs/manual/reference/change-events/
export declare interface ChangeStreamCollModDocument extends ChangeStreamDocumentCommon, ChangeStreamDocumentCollectionUUID {
/** Describes the type of operation represented in this change notification */
operationType: 'modify';
* @public
* @see https://www.mongodb.com/docs/manual/reference/change-events/
export declare interface ChangeStreamCreateDocument extends ChangeStreamDocumentCommon, ChangeStreamDocumentCollectionUUID {
/** Describes the type of operation represented in this change notification */
operationType: 'create';
* Only present when the `showExpandedEvents` flag is enabled.
* @public
* @see https://www.mongodb.com/docs/manual/reference/change-events/
export declare interface ChangeStreamCreateIndexDocument extends ChangeStreamDocumentCommon, ChangeStreamDocumentCollectionUUID, ChangeStreamDocumentOperationDescription {
/** Describes the type of operation represented in this change notification */
operationType: 'createIndexes';
/* Excluded from this release type: ChangeStreamCursor */
/* Excluded from this release type: ChangeStreamCursorOptions */
* @public
* @see https://www.mongodb.com/docs/manual/reference/change-events/#delete-event
export declare interface ChangeStreamDeleteDocument extends ChangeStreamDocumentCommon, ChangeStreamDocumentKey, ChangeStreamDocumentCollectionUUID {
/** Describes the type of operation represented in this change notification */
operationType: 'delete';
/** Namespace the delete event occurred on */
ns: ChangeStreamNameSpace;
* Contains the pre-image of the modified or deleted document if the
* pre-image is available for the change event and either 'required' or
* 'whenAvailable' was specified for the 'fullDocumentBeforeChange' option
* when creating the change stream. If 'whenAvailable' was specified but the
* pre-image is unavailable, this will be explicitly set to null.
fullDocumentBeforeChange?: TSchema;
/** @public */
export declare type ChangeStreamDocument = ChangeStreamInsertDocument | ChangeStreamUpdateDocument | ChangeStreamReplaceDocument | ChangeStreamDeleteDocument | ChangeStreamDropDocument | ChangeStreamRenameDocument | ChangeStreamDropDatabaseDocument | ChangeStreamInvalidateDocument | ChangeStreamCreateIndexDocument | ChangeStreamCreateDocument | ChangeStreamCollModDocument | ChangeStreamDropIndexDocument | ChangeStreamShardCollectionDocument | ChangeStreamReshardCollectionDocument | ChangeStreamRefineCollectionShardKeyDocument;
/** @public */
export declare interface ChangeStreamDocumentCollectionUUID {
* The UUID (Binary subtype 4) of the collection that the operation was performed on.
* Only present when the `showExpandedEvents` flag is enabled.
* **NOTE:** collectionUUID will be converted to a NodeJS Buffer if the promoteBuffers
* flag is enabled.
* @sinceServerVersion 6.1.0
collectionUUID: Binary;
/** @public */
export declare interface ChangeStreamDocumentCommon {
* The id functions as an opaque token for use when resuming an interrupted
* change stream.
_id: ResumeToken;
* The timestamp from the oplog entry associated with the event.
* For events that happened as part of a multi-document transaction, the associated change stream
* notifications will have the same clusterTime value, namely the time when the transaction was committed.
* On a sharded cluster, events that occur on different shards can have the same clusterTime but be
* associated with different transactions or even not be associated with any transaction.
* To identify events for a single transaction, you can use the combination of lsid and txnNumber in the change stream event document.
clusterTime?: Timestamp;
* The transaction number.
* Only present if the operation is part of a multi-document transaction.
* **NOTE:** txnNumber can be a Long if promoteLongs is set to false
txnNumber?: number;
* The identifier for the session associated with the transaction.
* Only present if the operation is part of a multi-document transaction.
lsid?: ServerSessionId;
/** @public */
export declare interface ChangeStreamDocumentKey {
* For unsharded collections this contains a single field `_id`.
* For sharded collections, this will contain all the components of the shard key
documentKey: {
_id: InferIdType;
[shardKey: string]: any;
/** @public */
export declare interface ChangeStreamDocumentOperationDescription {
* An description of the operation.
* Only present when the `showExpandedEvents` flag is enabled.
* @sinceServerVersion 6.1.0
operationDescription?: Document;
* @public
* @see https://www.mongodb.com/docs/manual/reference/change-events/#dropdatabase-event
export declare interface ChangeStreamDropDatabaseDocument extends ChangeStreamDocumentCommon {
/** Describes the type of operation represented in this change notification */
operationType: 'dropDatabase';
/** The database dropped */
ns: {
db: string;
* @public
* @see https://www.mongodb.com/docs/manual/reference/change-events/#drop-event
export declare interface ChangeStreamDropDocument extends ChangeStreamDocumentCommon, ChangeStreamDocumentCollectionUUID {
/** Describes the type of operation represented in this change notification */
operationType: 'drop';
/** Namespace the drop event occurred on */
ns: ChangeStreamNameSpace;
* Only present when the `showExpandedEvents` flag is enabled.
* @public
* @see https://www.mongodb.com/docs/manual/reference/change-events/
export declare interface ChangeStreamDropIndexDocument extends ChangeStreamDocumentCommon, ChangeStreamDocumentCollectionUUID, ChangeStreamDocumentOperationDescription {
/** Describes the type of operation represented in this change notification */
operationType: 'dropIndexes';
/** @public */
export declare type ChangeStreamEvents> = {
resumeTokenChanged(token: ResumeToken): void;
init(response: any): void;
more(response?: any): void;
response(): void;
end(): void;
error(error: Error): void;
change(change: TChange): void;
} & AbstractCursorEvents;
* @public
* @see https://www.mongodb.com/docs/manual/reference/change-events/#insert-event
export declare interface ChangeStreamInsertDocument extends ChangeStreamDocumentCommon, ChangeStreamDocumentKey, ChangeStreamDocumentCollectionUUID {
/** Describes the type of operation represented in this change notification */
operationType: 'insert';
/** This key will contain the document being inserted */
fullDocument: TSchema;
/** Namespace the insert event occurred on */
ns: ChangeStreamNameSpace;
* @public
* @see https://www.mongodb.com/docs/manual/reference/change-events/#invalidate-event
export declare interface ChangeStreamInvalidateDocument extends ChangeStreamDocumentCommon {
/** Describes the type of operation represented in this change notification */
operationType: 'invalidate';
/** @public */
export declare interface ChangeStreamNameSpace {
db: string;
coll: string;
* Options that can be passed to a ChangeStream. Note that startAfter, resumeAfter, and startAtOperationTime are all mutually exclusive, and the server will error if more than one is specified.
* @public
export declare interface ChangeStreamOptions extends Omit {
* Allowed values: 'updateLookup', 'whenAvailable', 'required'.
* When set to 'updateLookup', the change notification for partial updates
* will include both a delta describing the changes to the document as well
* as a copy of the entire document that was changed from some time after
* the change occurred.
* When set to 'whenAvailable', configures the change stream to return the
* post-image of the modified document for replace and update change events
* if the post-image for this event is available.
* When set to 'required', the same behavior as 'whenAvailable' except that
* an error is raised if the post-image is not available.
fullDocument?: string;
* Allowed values: 'whenAvailable', 'required', 'off'.
* The default is to not send a value, which is equivalent to 'off'.
* When set to 'whenAvailable', configures the change stream to return the
* pre-image of the modified document for replace, update, and delete change
* events if it is available.
* When set to 'required', the same behavior as 'whenAvailable' except that
* an error is raised if the pre-image is not available.
fullDocumentBeforeChange?: string;
/** The maximum amount of time for the server to wait on new documents to satisfy a change stream query. */
maxAwaitTimeMS?: number;
* Allows you to start a changeStream after a specified event.
* @see https://www.mongodb.com/docs/manual/changeStreams/#resumeafter-for-change-streams
resumeAfter?: ResumeToken;
* Similar to resumeAfter, but will allow you to start after an invalidated event.
* @see https://www.mongodb.com/docs/manual/changeStreams/#startafter-for-change-streams
startAfter?: ResumeToken;
/** Will start the changeStream after the specified operationTime. */
startAtOperationTime?: OperationTime;
* The number of documents to return per batch.
* @see https://www.mongodb.com/docs/manual/reference/command/aggregate
batchSize?: number;
* When enabled, configures the change stream to include extra change events.
* - createIndexes
* - dropIndexes
* - modify
* - create
* - shardCollection
* - reshardCollection
* - refineCollectionShardKey
showExpandedEvents?: boolean;
* @public
* @see https://www.mongodb.com/docs/manual/reference/change-events/
export declare interface ChangeStreamRefineCollectionShardKeyDocument extends ChangeStreamDocumentCommon, ChangeStreamDocumentCollectionUUID, ChangeStreamDocumentOperationDescription {
/** Describes the type of operation represented in this change notification */
operationType: 'refineCollectionShardKey';
* @public
* @see https://www.mongodb.com/docs/manual/reference/change-events/#rename-event
export declare interface ChangeStreamRenameDocument extends ChangeStreamDocumentCommon, ChangeStreamDocumentCollectionUUID {
/** Describes the type of operation represented in this change notification */
operationType: 'rename';
/** The new name for the `ns.coll` collection */
to: {
db: string;
coll: string;
/** The "from" namespace that the rename occurred on */
ns: ChangeStreamNameSpace;
* @public
* @see https://www.mongodb.com/docs/manual/reference/change-events/#replace-event
export declare interface ChangeStreamReplaceDocument extends ChangeStreamDocumentCommon, ChangeStreamDocumentKey {
/** Describes the type of operation represented in this change notification */
operationType: 'replace';
/** The fullDocument of a replace event represents the document after the insert of the replacement document */
fullDocument: TSchema;
/** Namespace the replace event occurred on */
ns: ChangeStreamNameSpace;
* Contains the pre-image of the modified or deleted document if the
* pre-image is available for the change event and either 'required' or
* 'whenAvailable' was specified for the 'fullDocumentBeforeChange' option
* when creating the change stream. If 'whenAvailable' was specified but the
* pre-image is unavailable, this will be explicitly set to null.
fullDocumentBeforeChange?: TSchema;
* @public
* @see https://www.mongodb.com/docs/manual/reference/change-events/
export declare interface ChangeStreamReshardCollectionDocument extends ChangeStreamDocumentCommon, ChangeStreamDocumentCollectionUUID, ChangeStreamDocumentOperationDescription {
/** Describes the type of operation represented in this change notification */
operationType: 'reshardCollection';
* @public
* @see https://www.mongodb.com/docs/manual/reference/change-events/
export declare interface ChangeStreamShardCollectionDocument extends ChangeStreamDocumentCommon, ChangeStreamDocumentCollectionUUID, ChangeStreamDocumentOperationDescription {
/** Describes the type of operation represented in this change notification */
operationType: 'shardCollection';
* @public
* @see https://www.mongodb.com/docs/manual/reference/change-events/#update-event
export declare interface ChangeStreamUpdateDocument extends ChangeStreamDocumentCommon, ChangeStreamDocumentKey, ChangeStreamDocumentCollectionUUID {
/** Describes the type of operation represented in this change notification */
operationType: 'update';
* This is only set if `fullDocument` is set to `'updateLookup'`
* Contains the point-in-time post-image of the modified document if the
* post-image is available and either 'required' or 'whenAvailable' was
* specified for the 'fullDocument' option when creating the change stream.
fullDocument?: TSchema;
/** Contains a description of updated and removed fields in this operation */
updateDescription: UpdateDescription;
/** Namespace the update event occurred on */
ns: ChangeStreamNameSpace;
* Contains the pre-image of the modified or deleted document if the
* pre-image is available for the change event and either 'required' or
* 'whenAvailable' was specified for the 'fullDocumentBeforeChange' option
* when creating the change stream. If 'whenAvailable' was specified but the
* pre-image is unavailable, this will be explicitly set to null.
fullDocumentBeforeChange?: TSchema;
* @public
* @see https://github.com/mongodb/specifications/blob/master/source/mongodb-handshake/handshake.rst#hello-command
export declare interface ClientMetadata {
driver: {
name: string;
version: string;
os: {
type: string;
name?: NodeJS.Platform;
architecture?: string;
version?: string;
platform: string;
application?: {
name: string;
/** FaaS environment information */
env?: {
name: 'aws.lambda' | 'gcp.func' | 'azure.func' | 'vercel';
timeout_sec?: Int32;
memory_mb?: Int32;
region?: string;
url?: string;
/** @public */
export declare interface ClientMetadataOptions {
driverInfo?: {
name?: string;
version?: string;
platform?: string;
appName?: string;
* A class representing a client session on the server
* NOTE: not meant to be instantiated directly.
* @public
export declare class ClientSession extends TypedEventEmitter {
/* Excluded from this release type: client */
/* Excluded from this release type: sessionPool */
hasEnded: boolean;
clientOptions?: MongoOptions;
supports: {
causalConsistency: boolean;
clusterTime?: ClusterTime;
operationTime?: Timestamp;
explicit: boolean;
/* Excluded from this release type: owner */
defaultTransactionOptions: TransactionOptions;
transaction: Transaction;
/* Excluded from this release type: [kServerSession] */
/* Excluded from this release type: [kSnapshotTime] */
/* Excluded from this release type: [kSnapshotEnabled] */
/* Excluded from this release type: [kPinnedConnection] */
/* Excluded from this release type: [kTxnNumberIncrement] */
/* Excluded from this release type: __constructor */
/** The server id associated with this session */
get id(): ServerSessionId | undefined;
get serverSession(): ServerSession;
/** Whether or not this session is configured for snapshot reads */
get snapshotEnabled(): boolean;
get loadBalanced(): boolean;
/* Excluded from this release type: pinnedConnection */
/* Excluded from this release type: pin */
/* Excluded from this release type: unpin */
get isPinned(): boolean;
* Ends this session on the server
* @param options - Optional settings. Currently reserved for future use
endSession(options?: EndSessionOptions): Promise;
* Advances the operationTime for a ClientSession.
* @param operationTime - the `BSON.Timestamp` of the operation type it is desired to advance to
advanceOperationTime(operationTime: Timestamp): void;
* Advances the clusterTime for a ClientSession to the provided clusterTime of another ClientSession
* @param clusterTime - the $clusterTime returned by the server from another session in the form of a document containing the `BSON.Timestamp` clusterTime and signature
advanceClusterTime(clusterTime: ClusterTime): void;
* Used to determine if this session equals another
* @param session - The session to compare to
equals(session: ClientSession): boolean;
* Increment the transaction number on the internal ServerSession
* @privateRemarks
* This helper increments a value stored on the client session that will be
* added to the serverSession's txnNumber upon applying it to a command.
* This is because the serverSession is lazily acquired after a connection is obtained
incrementTransactionNumber(): void;
/** @returns whether this session is currently in a transaction or not */
inTransaction(): boolean;
* Starts a new transaction with the given options.
* @param options - Options for the transaction
startTransaction(options?: TransactionOptions): void;
* Commits the currently active transaction in this session.
commitTransaction(): Promise;
* Aborts the currently active transaction in this session.
abortTransaction(): Promise;
* This is here to ensure that ClientSession is never serialized to BSON.
toBSON(): never;
* Runs a provided callback within a transaction, retrying either the commitTransaction operation
* or entire transaction as needed (and when the error permits) to better ensure that
* the transaction can complete successfully.
* **IMPORTANT:** This method requires the user to return a Promise, and `await` all operations.
* Any callbacks that do not return a Promise will result in undefined behavior.
* @remarks
* This function:
* - Will return the command response from the final commitTransaction if every operation is successful (can be used as a truthy object)
* - Will return `undefined` if the transaction is explicitly aborted with `await session.abortTransaction()`
* - Will throw if one of the operations throws or `throw` statement is used inside the `withTransaction` callback
* Checkout a descriptive example here:
* @see https://www.mongodb.com/developer/quickstart/node-transactions/
* @param fn - callback to run within a transaction
* @param options - optional settings for the transaction
* @returns A raw command response or undefined
withTransaction(fn: WithTransactionCallback, options?: TransactionOptions): Promise;
/** @public */
export declare type ClientSessionEvents = {
ended(session: ClientSession): void;
/** @public */
export declare interface ClientSessionOptions {
/** Whether causal consistency should be enabled on this session */
causalConsistency?: boolean;
/** Whether all read operations should be read from the same snapshot for this session (NOTE: not compatible with `causalConsistency=true`) */
snapshot?: boolean;
/** The default TransactionOptions to use for transactions started on this session. */
defaultTransactionOptions?: TransactionOptions;
/* Excluded from this release type: owner */
/* Excluded from this release type: explicit */
/* Excluded from this release type: initialClusterTime */
/** @public */
export declare interface CloseOptions {
force?: boolean;
/** @public
* Configuration options for clustered collections
* @see https://www.mongodb.com/docs/manual/core/clustered-collections/
export declare interface ClusteredCollectionOptions extends Document {
name?: string;
key: Document;
unique: boolean;
/** @public */
export declare interface ClusterTime {
clusterTime: Timestamp;
signature: {
hash: Binary;
keyId: Long;
export { Code }
/** @public */
export declare interface CollationOptions {
locale: string;
caseLevel?: boolean;
caseFirst?: string;
strength?: number;
numericOrdering?: boolean;
alternate?: string;
maxVariable?: string;
backwards?: boolean;
normalization?: boolean;
* The **Collection** class is an internal class that embodies a MongoDB collection
* allowing for insert/find/update/delete and other command operation on that MongoDB collection.
* **COLLECTION Cannot directly be instantiated**
* @public
* @example
* ```ts
* import { MongoClient } from 'mongodb';
* interface Pet {
* name: string;
* kind: 'dog' | 'cat' | 'fish';
* }
* const client = new MongoClient('mongodb://localhost:27017');
* const pets = client.db().collection('pets');
* const petCursor = pets.find();
* for await (const pet of petCursor) {
* console.log(`${pet.name} is a ${pet.kind}!`);
* }
* ```
export declare class Collection {
/* Excluded from this release type: s */
/* Excluded from this release type: client */
/* Excluded from this release type: __constructor */
* The name of the database this collection belongs to
get dbName(): string;
* The name of this collection
get collectionName(): string;
* The namespace of this collection, in the format `${this.dbName}.${this.collectionName}`
get namespace(): string;
/* Excluded from this release type: fullNamespace */
* The current readConcern of the collection. If not explicitly defined for
* this collection, will be inherited from the parent DB
get readConcern(): ReadConcern | undefined;
* The current readPreference of the collection. If not explicitly defined for
* this collection, will be inherited from the parent DB
get readPreference(): ReadPreference | undefined;
get bsonOptions(): BSONSerializeOptions;
* The current writeConcern of the collection. If not explicitly defined for
* this collection, will be inherited from the parent DB
get writeConcern(): WriteConcern | undefined;
/** The current index hint for the collection */
get hint(): Hint | undefined;
set hint(v: Hint | undefined);
* Inserts a single document into MongoDB. If documents passed in do not contain the **_id** field,
* one will be added to each of the documents missing it by the driver, mutating the document. This behavior
* can be overridden by setting the **forceServerObjectId** flag.
* @param doc - The document to insert
* @param options - Optional settings for the command
insertOne(doc: OptionalUnlessRequiredId, options?: InsertOneOptions): Promise>;
* Inserts an array of documents into MongoDB. If documents passed in do not contain the **_id** field,
* one will be added to each of the documents missing it by the driver, mutating the document. This behavior
* can be overridden by setting the **forceServerObjectId** flag.
* @param docs - The documents to insert
* @param options - Optional settings for the command
insertMany(docs: OptionalUnlessRequiredId[], options?: BulkWriteOptions): Promise>;
* Perform a bulkWrite operation without a fluent API
* Legal operation types are
* - `insertOne`
* - `replaceOne`
* - `updateOne`
* - `updateMany`
* - `deleteOne`
* - `deleteMany`
* If documents passed in do not contain the **_id** field,
* one will be added to each of the documents missing it by the driver, mutating the document. This behavior
* can be overridden by setting the **forceServerObjectId** flag.
* @param operations - Bulk operations to perform
* @param options - Optional settings for the command
* @throws MongoDriverError if operations is not an array
bulkWrite(operations: AnyBulkWriteOperation[], options?: BulkWriteOptions): Promise;
* Update a single document in a collection
* @param filter - The filter used to select the document to update
* @param update - The update operations to be applied to the document
* @param options - Optional settings for the command
updateOne(filter: Filter, update: UpdateFilter | Partial, options?: UpdateOptions): Promise>;
* Replace a document in a collection with another document
* @param filter - The filter used to select the document to replace
* @param replacement - The Document that replaces the matching document
* @param options - Optional settings for the command
replaceOne(filter: Filter, replacement: WithoutId, options?: ReplaceOptions): Promise | Document>;
* Update multiple documents in a collection
* @param filter - The filter used to select the documents to update
* @param update - The update operations to be applied to the documents
* @param options - Optional settings for the command
updateMany(filter: Filter, update: UpdateFilter, options?: UpdateOptions): Promise>;
* Delete a document from a collection
* @param filter - The filter used to select the document to remove
* @param options - Optional settings for the command
deleteOne(filter?: Filter, options?: DeleteOptions): Promise;
* Delete multiple documents from a collection
* @param filter - The filter used to select the documents to remove
* @param options - Optional settings for the command
deleteMany(filter?: Filter, options?: DeleteOptions): Promise;
* Rename the collection.
* @remarks
* This operation does not inherit options from the Db or MongoClient.
* @param newName - New name of of the collection.
* @param options - Optional settings for the command
rename(newName: string, options?: RenameOptions): Promise;
* Drop the collection from the database, removing it permanently. New accesses will create a new collection.
* @param options - Optional settings for the command
drop(options?: DropCollectionOptions): Promise;
* Fetches the first document that matches the filter
* @param filter - Query for find Operation
* @param options - Optional settings for the command
findOne(): Promise | null>;
findOne(filter: Filter): Promise | null>;
findOne(filter: Filter, options: FindOptions): Promise | null>;
findOne(): Promise;
findOne(filter: Filter): Promise;
findOne(filter: Filter, options?: FindOptions): Promise;
* Creates a cursor for a filter that can be used to iterate over results from MongoDB
* @param filter - The filter predicate. If unspecified, then all documents in the collection will match the predicate
find(): FindCursor>;
find(filter: Filter, options?: FindOptions): FindCursor>;
find(filter: Filter, options?: FindOptions): FindCursor;
* Returns the options of the collection.
* @param options - Optional settings for the command
options(options?: OperationOptions): Promise;
* Returns if the collection is a capped collection
* @param options - Optional settings for the command
isCapped(options?: OperationOptions): Promise;
* Creates an index on the db and collection collection.
* @param indexSpec - The field name or index specification to create an index for
* @param options - Optional settings for the command
* @example
* ```ts
* const collection = client.db('foo').collection('bar');
* await collection.createIndex({ a: 1, b: -1 });
* // Alternate syntax for { c: 1, d: -1 } that ensures order of indexes
* await collection.createIndex([ [c, 1], [d, -1] ]);
* // Equivalent to { e: 1 }
* await collection.createIndex('e');
* // Equivalent to { f: 1, g: 1 }
* await collection.createIndex(['f', 'g'])
* // Equivalent to { h: 1, i: -1 }
* await collection.createIndex([ { h: 1 }, { i: -1 } ]);
* // Equivalent to { j: 1, k: -1, l: 2d }
* await collection.createIndex(['j', ['k', -1], { l: '2d' }])
* ```
createIndex(indexSpec: IndexSpecification, options?: CreateIndexesOptions): Promise;
* Creates multiple indexes in the collection, this method is only supported for
* MongoDB 2.6 or higher. Earlier version of MongoDB will throw a command not supported
* error.
* **Note**: Unlike {@link Collection#createIndex| createIndex}, this function takes in raw index specifications.
* Index specifications are defined {@link https://www.mongodb.com/docs/manual/reference/command/createIndexes/| here}.
* @param indexSpecs - An array of index specifications to be created
* @param options - Optional settings for the command
* @example
* ```ts
* const collection = client.db('foo').collection('bar');
* await collection.createIndexes([
* // Simple index on field fizz
* {
* key: { fizz: 1 },
* }
* // wildcard index
* {
* key: { '$**': 1 }
* },
* // named index on darmok and jalad
* {
* key: { darmok: 1, jalad: -1 }
* name: 'tanagra'
* }
* ]);
* ```
createIndexes(indexSpecs: IndexDescription[], options?: CreateIndexesOptions): Promise;
* Drops an index from this collection.
* @param indexName - Name of the index to drop.
* @param options - Optional settings for the command
dropIndex(indexName: string, options?: DropIndexesOptions): Promise;
* Drops all indexes from this collection.
* @param options - Optional settings for the command
dropIndexes(options?: DropIndexesOptions): Promise;
* Get the list of all indexes information for the collection.
* @param options - Optional settings for the command
listIndexes(options?: ListIndexesOptions): ListIndexesCursor;
* Checks if one or more indexes exist on the collection, fails on first non-existing index
* @param indexes - One or more index names to check.
* @param options - Optional settings for the command
indexExists(indexes: string | string[], options?: IndexInformationOptions): Promise;
* Retrieves this collections index info.
* @param options - Optional settings for the command
indexInformation(options?: IndexInformationOptions): Promise;
* Gets an estimate of the count of documents in a collection using collection metadata.
* This will always run a count command on all server versions.
* due to an oversight in versions 5.0.0-5.0.8 of MongoDB, the count command,
* which estimatedDocumentCount uses in its implementation, was not included in v1 of
* the Stable API, and so users of the Stable API with estimatedDocumentCount are
* recommended to upgrade their server version to 5.0.9+ or set apiStrict: false to avoid
* encountering errors.
* @see {@link https://www.mongodb.com/docs/manual/reference/command/count/#behavior|Count: Behavior}
* @param options - Optional settings for the command
estimatedDocumentCount(options?: EstimatedDocumentCountOptions): Promise;
* Gets the number of documents matching the filter.
* For a fast count of the total documents in a collection see {@link Collection#estimatedDocumentCount| estimatedDocumentCount}.
* **Note**: When migrating from {@link Collection#count| count} to {@link Collection#countDocuments| countDocuments}
* the following query operators must be replaced:
* | Operator | Replacement |
* | -------- | ----------- |
* | `$where` | [`$expr`][1] |
* | `$near` | [`$geoWithin`][2] with [`$center`][3] |
* | `$nearSphere` | [`$geoWithin`][2] with [`$centerSphere`][4] |
* [1]: https://www.mongodb.com/docs/manual/reference/operator/query/expr/
* [2]: https://www.mongodb.com/docs/manual/reference/operator/query/geoWithin/
* [3]: https://www.mongodb.com/docs/manual/reference/operator/query/center/#op._S_center
* [4]: https://www.mongodb.com/docs/manual/reference/operator/query/centerSphere/#op._S_centerSphere
* @param filter - The filter for the count
* @param options - Optional settings for the command
* @see https://www.mongodb.com/docs/manual/reference/operator/query/expr/
* @see https://www.mongodb.com/docs/manual/reference/operator/query/geoWithin/
* @see https://www.mongodb.com/docs/manual/reference/operator/query/center/#op._S_center
* @see https://www.mongodb.com/docs/manual/reference/operator/query/centerSphere/#op._S_centerSphere
countDocuments(filter?: Document, options?: CountDocumentsOptions): Promise;
* The distinct command returns a list of distinct values for the given key across a collection.
* @param key - Field of the document to find distinct values for
* @param filter - The filter for filtering the set of documents to which we apply the distinct filter.
* @param options - Optional settings for the command
distinct>(key: Key): Promise[Key]>>>;
distinct>(key: Key, filter: Filter): Promise[Key]>>>;
distinct>(key: Key, filter: Filter, options: DistinctOptions): Promise[Key]>>>;
distinct(key: string): Promise;
distinct(key: string, filter: Filter): Promise;
distinct(key: string, filter: Filter, options: DistinctOptions): Promise;
* Retrieve all the indexes on the collection.
* @param options - Optional settings for the command
indexes(options?: IndexInformationOptions): Promise;
* Get all the collection statistics.
* @deprecated the `collStats` operation will be removed in the next major release. Please
* use an aggregation pipeline with the [`$collStats`](https://www.mongodb.com/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/collStats/) stage instead
* @param options - Optional settings for the command
stats(options?: CollStatsOptions): Promise;
* Find a document and delete it in one atomic operation. Requires a write lock for the duration of the operation.
* @param filter - The filter used to select the document to remove
* @param options - Optional settings for the command
findOneAndDelete(filter: Filter, options?: FindOneAndDeleteOptions): Promise>;
* Find a document and replace it in one atomic operation. Requires a write lock for the duration of the operation.
* @param filter - The filter used to select the document to replace
* @param replacement - The Document that replaces the matching document
* @param options - Optional settings for the command
findOneAndReplace(filter: Filter, replacement: WithoutId, options?: FindOneAndReplaceOptions): Promise>;
* Find a document and update it in one atomic operation. Requires a write lock for the duration of the operation.
* @param filter - The filter used to select the document to update
* @param update - Update operations to be performed on the document
* @param options - Optional settings for the command
findOneAndUpdate(filter: Filter, update: UpdateFilter, options?: FindOneAndUpdateOptions): Promise>;
* Execute an aggregation framework pipeline against the collection, needs MongoDB \>= 2.2
* @param pipeline - An array of aggregation pipelines to execute
* @param options - Optional settings for the command
aggregate(pipeline?: Document[], options?: AggregateOptions): AggregationCursor;
* Create a new Change Stream, watching for new changes (insertions, updates, replacements, deletions, and invalidations) in this collection.
* @remarks
* watch() accepts two generic arguments for distinct use cases:
* - The first is to override the schema that may be defined for this specific collection
* - The second is to override the shape of the change stream document entirely, if it is not provided the type will default to ChangeStreamDocument of the first argument
* @example
* By just providing the first argument I can type the change to be `ChangeStreamDocument<{ _id: number }>`
* ```ts
* collection.watch<{ _id: number }>()
* .on('change', change => console.log(change._id.toFixed(4)));
* ```
* @example
* Passing a second argument provides a way to reflect the type changes caused by an advanced pipeline.
* Here, we are using a pipeline to have MongoDB filter for insert changes only and add a comment.
* No need start from scratch on the ChangeStreamInsertDocument type!
* By using an intersection we can save time and ensure defaults remain the same type!
* ```ts
* collection
* .watch & { comment: string }>([
* { $addFields: { comment: 'big changes' } },
* { $match: { operationType: 'insert' } }
* ])
* .on('change', change => {
* change.comment.startsWith('big');
* change.operationType === 'insert';
* // No need to narrow in code because the generics did that for us!
* expectType(change.fullDocument);
* });
* ```
* @param pipeline - An array of {@link https://www.mongodb.com/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation-pipeline/|aggregation pipeline stages} through which to pass change stream documents. This allows for filtering (using $match) and manipulating the change stream documents.
* @param options - Optional settings for the command
* @typeParam TLocal - Type of the data being detected by the change stream
* @typeParam TChange - Type of the whole change stream document emitted
watch>(pipeline?: Document[], options?: ChangeStreamOptions): ChangeStream;
* Initiate an Out of order batch write operation. All operations will be buffered into insert/update/remove commands executed out of order.
* @throws MongoNotConnectedError
* @remarks
* **NOTE:** MongoClient must be connected prior to calling this method due to a known limitation in this legacy implementation.
* However, `collection.bulkWrite()` provides an equivalent API that does not require prior connecting.
initializeUnorderedBulkOp(options?: BulkWriteOptions): UnorderedBulkOperation;
* Initiate an In order bulk write operation. Operations will be serially executed in the order they are added, creating a new operation for each switch in types.
* @throws MongoNotConnectedError
* @remarks
* **NOTE:** MongoClient must be connected prior to calling this method due to a known limitation in this legacy implementation.
* However, `collection.bulkWrite()` provides an equivalent API that does not require prior connecting.
initializeOrderedBulkOp(options?: BulkWriteOptions): OrderedBulkOperation;
* An estimated count of matching documents in the db to a filter.
* **NOTE:** This method has been deprecated, since it does not provide an accurate count of the documents
* in a collection. To obtain an accurate count of documents in the collection, use {@link Collection#countDocuments| countDocuments}.
* To obtain an estimated count of all documents in the collection, use {@link Collection#estimatedDocumentCount| estimatedDocumentCount}.
* @deprecated use {@link Collection#countDocuments| countDocuments} or {@link Collection#estimatedDocumentCount| estimatedDocumentCount} instead
* @param filter - The filter for the count.
* @param options - Optional settings for the command
count(filter?: Filter, options?: CountOptions): Promise;
/* Excluded from this release type: listSearchIndexes */
/* Excluded from this release type: listSearchIndexes */
/* Excluded from this release type: createSearchIndex */
/* Excluded from this release type: createSearchIndexes */
/* Excluded from this release type: dropSearchIndex */
/* Excluded from this release type: updateSearchIndex */
/** @public */
export declare interface CollectionInfo extends Document {
name: string;
type?: string;
options?: Document;
info?: {
readOnly?: false;
uuid?: Binary;
idIndex?: Document;
/** @public */
export declare interface CollectionOptions extends BSONSerializeOptions, WriteConcernOptions {
/** Specify a read concern for the collection. (only MongoDB 3.2 or higher supported) */
readConcern?: ReadConcernLike;
/** The preferred read preference (ReadPreference.PRIMARY, ReadPreference.PRIMARY_PREFERRED, ReadPreference.SECONDARY, ReadPreference.SECONDARY_PREFERRED, ReadPreference.NEAREST). */
readPreference?: ReadPreferenceLike;
/* Excluded from this release type: CollectionPrivate */
* @deprecated the `collStats` operation will be removed in the next major release. Please
* use an aggregation pipeline with the [`$collStats`](https://www.mongodb.com/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/collStats/) stage instead
* @public
* @see https://www.mongodb.com/docs/manual/reference/command/collStats/
export declare interface CollStats extends Document {
/** Namespace */
ns: string;
/** Number of documents */
count: number;
/** Collection size in bytes */
size: number;
/** Average object size in bytes */
avgObjSize: number;
/** (Pre)allocated space for the collection in bytes */
storageSize: number;
/** Number of extents (contiguously allocated chunks of datafile space) */
numExtents: number;
/** Number of indexes */
nindexes: number;
/** Size of the most recently created extent in bytes */
lastExtentSize: number;
/** Padding can speed up updates if documents grow */
paddingFactor: number;
/** A number that indicates the user-set flags on the collection. userFlags only appears when using the mmapv1 storage engine */
userFlags?: number;
/** Total index size in bytes */
totalIndexSize: number;
/** Size of specific indexes in bytes */
indexSizes: {
_id_: number;
[index: string]: number;
/** `true` if the collection is capped */
capped: boolean;
/** The maximum number of documents that may be present in a capped collection */
max: number;
/** The maximum size of a capped collection */
maxSize: number;
/** This document contains data reported directly by the WiredTiger engine and other data for internal diagnostic use */
wiredTiger?: WiredTigerData;
/** The fields in this document are the names of the indexes, while the values themselves are documents that contain statistics for the index provided by the storage engine */
indexDetails?: any;
ok: number;
/** The amount of storage available for reuse. The scale argument affects this value. */
freeStorageSize?: number;
/** An array that contains the names of the indexes that are currently being built on the collection */
indexBuilds?: number;
/** The sum of the storageSize and totalIndexSize. The scale argument affects this value */
totalSize: number;
/** The scale value used by the command. */
scaleFactor: number;
* @public
* @deprecated the `collStats` operation will be removed in the next major release. Please
* use an aggregation pipeline with the [`$collStats`](https://www.mongodb.com/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/collStats/) stage instead
export declare interface CollStatsOptions extends CommandOperationOptions {
/** Divide the returned sizes by scale value. */
scale?: number;
* An event indicating the failure of a given command
* @public
* @category Event
export declare class CommandFailedEvent {
address: string;
connectionId?: string | number;
requestId: number;
duration: number;
commandName: string;
failure: Error;
serviceId?: ObjectId;
/* Excluded from this release type: name */
/* Excluded from this release type: __constructor */
get hasServiceId(): boolean;
/* Excluded from this release type: CommandOperation */
/** @public */
export declare interface CommandOperationOptions extends OperationOptions, WriteConcernOptions, ExplainOptions {
/** Specify a read concern and level for the collection. (only MongoDB 3.2 or higher supported) */
readConcern?: ReadConcernLike;
/** Collation */
collation?: CollationOptions;
maxTimeMS?: number;
* Comment to apply to the operation.
* In server versions pre-4.4, 'comment' must be string. A server
* error will be thrown if any other type is provided.
* In server versions 4.4 and above, 'comment' can be any valid BSON type.
comment?: unknown;
/** Should retry failed writes */
retryWrites?: boolean;
dbName?: string;
authdb?: string;
noResponse?: boolean;
/* Excluded from this release type: CommandOptions */
* An event indicating the start of a given
* @public
* @category Event
export declare class CommandStartedEvent {
commandObj?: Document;
requestId: number;
databaseName: string;
commandName: string;
command: Document;
address: string;
connectionId?: string | number;
serviceId?: ObjectId;
/* Excluded from this release type: name */
/* Excluded from this release type: __constructor */
get hasServiceId(): boolean;
* An event indicating the success of a given command
* @public
* @category Event
export declare class CommandSucceededEvent {
address: string;
connectionId?: string | number;
requestId: number;
duration: number;
commandName: string;
reply: unknown;
serviceId?: ObjectId;
/* Excluded from this release type: name */
/* Excluded from this release type: __constructor */
get hasServiceId(): boolean;
/** @public */
export declare type CommonEvents = 'newListener' | 'removeListener';
/** @public */
export declare const Compressor: Readonly<{
readonly none: 0;
readonly snappy: 1;
readonly zlib: 2;
readonly zstd: 3;
/** @public */
export declare type Compressor = (typeof Compressor)[CompressorName];
/** @public */
export declare type CompressorName = keyof typeof Compressor;
/** @public */
export declare type Condition = AlternativeType | FilterOperators>;
/* Excluded from this release type: Connection */
/* Excluded from this release type: CONNECTION_CHECK_OUT_FAILED */
/* Excluded from this release type: CONNECTION_CHECK_OUT_STARTED */
/* Excluded from this release type: CONNECTION_CHECKED_IN */
/* Excluded from this release type: CONNECTION_CHECKED_OUT */
/* Excluded from this release type: CONNECTION_CLOSED */
/* Excluded from this release type: CONNECTION_CREATED */
/* Excluded from this release type: CONNECTION_POOL_CLEARED */
/* Excluded from this release type: CONNECTION_POOL_CLOSED */
/* Excluded from this release type: CONNECTION_POOL_CREATED */
/* Excluded from this release type: CONNECTION_POOL_READY */
/* Excluded from this release type: CONNECTION_READY */
* An event published when a connection is checked into the connection pool
* @public
* @category Event
export declare class ConnectionCheckedInEvent extends ConnectionPoolMonitoringEvent {
/** The id of the connection */
connectionId: number | '';
/* Excluded from this release type: name */
/* Excluded from this release type: __constructor */
* An event published when a connection is checked out of the connection pool
* @public
* @category Event
export declare class ConnectionCheckedOutEvent extends ConnectionPoolMonitoringEvent {
/** The id of the connection */
connectionId: number | '';
/* Excluded from this release type: name */
/* Excluded from this release type: __constructor */
* An event published when a request to check a connection out fails
* @public
* @category Event
export declare class ConnectionCheckOutFailedEvent extends ConnectionPoolMonitoringEvent {
/** The reason the attempt to check out failed */
reason: string;
/* Excluded from this release type: error */
/* Excluded from this release type: name */
/* Excluded from this release type: __constructor */
* An event published when a request to check a connection out begins
* @public
* @category Event
export declare class ConnectionCheckOutStartedEvent extends ConnectionPoolMonitoringEvent {
/* Excluded from this release type: name */
/* Excluded from this release type: __constructor */
* An event published when a connection is closed
* @public
* @category Event
export declare class ConnectionClosedEvent extends ConnectionPoolMonitoringEvent {
/** The id of the connection */
connectionId: number | '';
/** The reason the connection was closed */
reason: string;
serviceId?: ObjectId;
/* Excluded from this release type: name */
/* Excluded from this release type: error */
/* Excluded from this release type: __constructor */
* An event published when a connection pool creates a new connection
* @public
* @category Event
export declare class ConnectionCreatedEvent extends ConnectionPoolMonitoringEvent {
/** A monotonically increasing, per-pool id for the newly created connection */
connectionId: number | '';
/* Excluded from this release type: name */
/* Excluded from this release type: __constructor */
/** @public */
export declare type ConnectionEvents = {
commandStarted(event: CommandStartedEvent): void;
commandSucceeded(event: CommandSucceededEvent): void;
commandFailed(event: CommandFailedEvent): void;
clusterTimeReceived(clusterTime: Document): void;
close(): void;
message(message: any): void;
pinned(pinType: string): void;
unpinned(pinType: string): void;
/** @public */
export declare interface ConnectionOptions extends SupportedNodeConnectionOptions, StreamDescriptionOptions, ProxyOptions {
id: number | '';
generation: number;
hostAddress: HostAddress;
autoEncrypter?: AutoEncrypter;
serverApi?: ServerApi;
monitorCommands: boolean;
/* Excluded from this release type: connectionType */
credentials?: MongoCredentials;
connectTimeoutMS?: number;
tls: boolean;
/** @deprecated - Will not be able to turn off in the future. */
keepAlive?: boolean;
/** @deprecated - Will not be configurable in the future. */
keepAliveInitialDelay?: number;
noDelay?: boolean;
socketTimeoutMS?: number;
cancellationToken?: CancellationToken;
metadata: ClientMetadata;
/* Excluded from this release type: ConnectionPool */
* An event published when a connection pool is cleared
* @public
* @category Event
export declare class ConnectionPoolClearedEvent extends ConnectionPoolMonitoringEvent {
/* Excluded from this release type: serviceId */
interruptInUseConnections?: boolean;
/* Excluded from this release type: name */
/* Excluded from this release type: __constructor */
* An event published when a connection pool is closed
* @public
* @category Event
export declare class ConnectionPoolClosedEvent extends ConnectionPoolMonitoringEvent {
/* Excluded from this release type: name */
/* Excluded from this release type: __constructor */
* An event published when a connection pool is created
* @public
* @category Event
export declare class ConnectionPoolCreatedEvent extends ConnectionPoolMonitoringEvent {
/** The options used to create this connection pool */
options?: ConnectionPoolOptions;
/* Excluded from this release type: name */
/* Excluded from this release type: __constructor */
/** @public */
export declare type ConnectionPoolEvents = {
connectionPoolCreated(event: ConnectionPoolCreatedEvent): void;
connectionPoolReady(event: ConnectionPoolReadyEvent): void;
connectionPoolClosed(event: ConnectionPoolClosedEvent): void;
connectionPoolCleared(event: ConnectionPoolClearedEvent): void;
connectionCreated(event: ConnectionCreatedEvent): void;
connectionReady(event: ConnectionReadyEvent): void;
connectionClosed(event: ConnectionClosedEvent): void;
connectionCheckOutStarted(event: ConnectionCheckOutStartedEvent): void;
connectionCheckOutFailed(event: ConnectionCheckOutFailedEvent): void;
connectionCheckedOut(event: ConnectionCheckedOutEvent): void;
connectionCheckedIn(event: ConnectionCheckedInEvent): void;
} & Omit;
/* Excluded from this release type: ConnectionPoolMetrics */
* The base export class for all monitoring events published from the connection pool
* @public
* @category Event
export declare abstract class ConnectionPoolMonitoringEvent {
/** A timestamp when the event was created */
time: Date;
/** The address (host/port pair) of the pool */
address: string;
/* Excluded from this release type: name */
/* Excluded from this release type: __constructor */
/** @public */
export declare interface ConnectionPoolOptions extends Omit {
/** The maximum number of connections that may be associated with a pool at a given time. This includes in use and available connections. */
maxPoolSize: number;
/** The minimum number of connections that MUST exist at any moment in a single connection pool. */
minPoolSize: number;
/** The maximum number of connections that may be in the process of being established concurrently by the connection pool. */
maxConnecting: number;
/** The maximum amount of time a connection should remain idle in the connection pool before being marked idle. */
maxIdleTimeMS: number;
/** The maximum amount of time operation execution should wait for a connection to become available. The default is 0 which means there is no limit. */
waitQueueTimeoutMS: number;
/** If we are in load balancer mode. */
loadBalanced: boolean;
/* Excluded from this release type: minPoolSizeCheckFrequencyMS */
* An event published when a connection pool is ready
* @public
* @category Event
export declare class ConnectionPoolReadyEvent extends ConnectionPoolMonitoringEvent {
/* Excluded from this release type: name */
/* Excluded from this release type: __constructor */
* An event published when a connection is ready for use
* @public
* @category Event
export declare class ConnectionReadyEvent extends ConnectionPoolMonitoringEvent {
/** The id of the connection */
connectionId: number | '';
/* Excluded from this release type: name */
/* Excluded from this release type: __constructor */
/** @public */
export declare interface ConnectOptions {
readPreference?: ReadPreference;
/** @public */
export declare interface CountDocumentsOptions extends AggregateOptions {
/** The number of documents to skip. */
skip?: number;
/** The maximum amounts to count before aborting. */
limit?: number;
/** @public */
export declare interface CountOptions extends CommandOperationOptions {
/** The number of documents to skip. */
skip?: number;
/** The maximum amounts to count before aborting. */
limit?: number;
/** Number of milliseconds to wait before aborting the query. */
maxTimeMS?: number;
/** An index name hint for the query. */
hint?: string | Document;
/** @public */
export declare interface CreateCollectionOptions extends CommandOperationOptions {
/** Create a capped collection */
capped?: boolean;
/** @deprecated Create an index on the _id field of the document. This option is deprecated in MongoDB 3.2+ and will be removed once no longer supported by the server. */
autoIndexId?: boolean;
/** The size of the capped collection in bytes */
size?: number;
/** The maximum number of documents in the capped collection */
max?: number;
/** Available for the MMAPv1 storage engine only to set the usePowerOf2Sizes and the noPadding flag */
flags?: number;
/** Allows users to specify configuration to the storage engine on a per-collection basis when creating a collection */
storageEngine?: Document;
/** Allows users to specify validation rules or expressions for the collection. For more information, see Document Validation */
validator?: Document;
/** Determines how strictly MongoDB applies the validation rules to existing documents during an update */
validationLevel?: string;
/** Determines whether to error on invalid documents or just warn about the violations but allow invalid documents to be inserted */
validationAction?: string;
/** Allows users to specify a default configuration for indexes when creating a collection */
indexOptionDefaults?: Document;
/** The name of the source collection or view from which to create the view. The name is not the full namespace of the collection or view (i.e., does not include the database name and implies the same database as the view to create) */
viewOn?: string;
/** An array that consists of the aggregation pipeline stage. Creates the view by applying the specified pipeline to the viewOn collection or view */
pipeline?: Document[];
/** A primary key factory function for generation of custom _id keys. */
pkFactory?: PkFactory;
/** A document specifying configuration options for timeseries collections. */
timeseries?: TimeSeriesCollectionOptions;
/** A document specifying configuration options for clustered collections. For MongoDB 5.3 and above. */
clusteredIndex?: ClusteredCollectionOptions;
/** The number of seconds after which a document in a timeseries or clustered collection expires. */
expireAfterSeconds?: number;
/** @experimental */
encryptedFields?: Document;
* If set, enables pre-update and post-update document events to be included for any
* change streams that listen on this collection.
changeStreamPreAndPostImages?: {
enabled: boolean;
/** @public */
export declare interface CreateIndexesOptions extends Omit {
/** Creates the index in the background, yielding whenever possible. */
background?: boolean;
/** Creates an unique index. */
unique?: boolean;
/** Override the autogenerated index name (useful if the resulting name is larger than 128 bytes) */
name?: string;
/** Creates a partial index based on the given filter object (MongoDB 3.2 or higher) */
partialFilterExpression?: Document;
/** Creates a sparse index. */
sparse?: boolean;
/** Allows you to expire data on indexes applied to a data (MongoDB 2.2 or higher) */
expireAfterSeconds?: number;
/** Allows users to configure the storage engine on a per-index basis when creating an index. (MongoDB 3.0 or higher) */
storageEngine?: Document;
/** (MongoDB 4.4. or higher) Specifies how many data-bearing members of a replica set, including the primary, must complete the index builds successfully before the primary marks the indexes as ready. This option accepts the same values for the "w" field in a write concern plus "votingMembers", which indicates all voting data-bearing nodes. */
commitQuorum?: number | string;
/** Specifies the index version number, either 0 or 1. */
version?: number;
weights?: Document;
default_language?: string;
language_override?: string;
textIndexVersion?: number;
'2dsphereIndexVersion'?: number;
bits?: number;
/** For geospatial indexes set the lower bound for the co-ordinates. */
min?: number;
/** For geospatial indexes set the high bound for the co-ordinates. */
max?: number;
bucketSize?: number;
wildcardProjection?: Document;
/** Specifies that the index should exist on the target collection but should not be used by the query planner when executing operations. (MongoDB 4.4 or higher) */
hidden?: boolean;
/** @public */
export declare const CURSOR_FLAGS: readonly ["tailable", "oplogReplay", "noCursorTimeout", "awaitData", "exhaust", "partial"];
/** @public */
export declare type CursorFlag = (typeof CURSOR_FLAGS)[number];
/** @public */
export declare interface CursorStreamOptions {
/** A transformation method applied to each document emitted by the stream */
transform?(this: void, doc: Document): Document;
* The **Db** class is a class that represents a MongoDB Database.
* @public
* @example
* ```ts
* import { MongoClient } from 'mongodb';
* interface Pet {
* name: string;
* kind: 'dog' | 'cat' | 'fish';
* }
* const client = new MongoClient('mongodb://localhost:27017');
* const db = client.db();
* // Create a collection that validates our union
* await db.createCollection('pets', {
* validator: { $expr: { $in: ['$kind', ['dog', 'cat', 'fish']] } }
* })
* ```
export declare class Db {
/* Excluded from this release type: s */
/* Excluded from this release type: client */
static SYSTEM_JS_COLLECTION: string;
* Creates a new Db instance
* @param client - The MongoClient for the database.
* @param databaseName - The name of the database this instance represents.
* @param options - Optional settings for Db construction
constructor(client: MongoClient, databaseName: string, options?: DbOptions);
get databaseName(): string;
get options(): DbOptions | undefined;
* Check if a secondary can be used (because the read preference is *not* set to primary)
get secondaryOk(): boolean;
get readConcern(): ReadConcern | undefined;
* The current readPreference of the Db. If not explicitly defined for
* this Db, will be inherited from the parent MongoClient
get readPreference(): ReadPreference;
get bsonOptions(): BSONSerializeOptions;
get writeConcern(): WriteConcern | undefined;
get namespace(): string;
* Create a new collection on a server with the specified options. Use this to create capped collections.
* More information about command options available at https://www.mongodb.com/docs/manual/reference/command/create/
* @param name - The name of the collection to create
* @param options - Optional settings for the command
createCollection(name: string, options?: CreateCollectionOptions): Promise>;
* Execute a command
* @remarks
* This command does not inherit options from the MongoClient.
* The driver will ensure the following fields are attached to the command sent to the server:
* - `lsid` - sourced from an implicit session or options.session
* - `$readPreference` - defaults to primary or can be configured by options.readPreference
* - `$db` - sourced from the name of this database
* If the client has a serverApi setting:
* - `apiVersion`
* - `apiStrict`
* - `apiDeprecationErrors`
* When in a transaction:
* - `readConcern` - sourced from readConcern set on the TransactionOptions
* - `writeConcern` - sourced from writeConcern set on the TransactionOptions
* Attaching any of the above fields to the command will have no effect as the driver will overwrite the value.
* @param command - The command to run
* @param options - Optional settings for the command
command(command: Document, options?: RunCommandOptions): Promise;
* Execute an aggregation framework pipeline against the database, needs MongoDB \>= 3.6
* @param pipeline - An array of aggregation stages to be executed
* @param options - Optional settings for the command
aggregate(pipeline?: Document[], options?: AggregateOptions): AggregationCursor;
/** Return the Admin db instance */
admin(): Admin;
* Returns a reference to a MongoDB Collection. If it does not exist it will be created implicitly.
* @param name - the collection name we wish to access.
* @returns return the new Collection instance
collection(name: string, options?: CollectionOptions): Collection;
* Get all the db statistics.
* @param options - Optional settings for the command
stats(options?: DbStatsOptions): Promise;
* List all collections of this database with optional filter
* @param filter - Query to filter collections by
* @param options - Optional settings for the command
listCollections(filter: Document, options: Exclude & {
nameOnly: true;
}): ListCollectionsCursor>;
listCollections(filter: Document, options: Exclude & {
nameOnly: false;
}): ListCollectionsCursor;
listCollections | CollectionInfo = Pick | CollectionInfo>(filter?: Document, options?: ListCollectionsOptions): ListCollectionsCursor;
* Rename a collection.
* @remarks
* This operation does not inherit options from the MongoClient.
* @param fromCollection - Name of current collection to rename
* @param toCollection - New name of of the collection
* @param options - Optional settings for the command
renameCollection(fromCollection: string, toCollection: string, options?: RenameOptions): Promise>;
* Drop a collection from the database, removing it permanently. New accesses will create a new collection.
* @param name - Name of collection to drop
* @param options - Optional settings for the command
dropCollection(name: string, options?: DropCollectionOptions): Promise;
* Drop a database, removing it permanently from the server.
* @param options - Optional settings for the command
dropDatabase(options?: DropDatabaseOptions): Promise;
* Fetch all collections for the current db.
* @param options - Optional settings for the command
collections(options?: ListCollectionsOptions): Promise;
* Creates an index on the db and collection.
* @param name - Name of the collection to create the index on.
* @param indexSpec - Specify the field to index, or an index specification
* @param options - Optional settings for the command
createIndex(name: string, indexSpec: IndexSpecification, options?: CreateIndexesOptions): Promise;
* Add a user to the database
* @param username - The username for the new user
* @param passwordOrOptions - An optional password for the new user, or the options for the command
* @param options - Optional settings for the command
* @deprecated Use the createUser command in `db.command()` instead.
* @see https://www.mongodb.com/docs/manual/reference/command/createUser/
addUser(username: string, passwordOrOptions?: string | AddUserOptions, options?: AddUserOptions): Promise;
* Remove a user from a database
* @param username - The username to remove
* @param options - Optional settings for the command
removeUser(username: string, options?: RemoveUserOptions): Promise;
* Set the current profiling level of MongoDB
* @param level - The new profiling level (off, slow_only, all).
* @param options - Optional settings for the command
setProfilingLevel(level: ProfilingLevel, options?: SetProfilingLevelOptions): Promise;
* Retrieve the current profiling Level for MongoDB
* @param options - Optional settings for the command
profilingLevel(options?: ProfilingLevelOptions): Promise;
* Retrieves this collections index info.
* @param name - The name of the collection.
* @param options - Optional settings for the command
indexInformation(name: string, options?: IndexInformationOptions): Promise;
* Create a new Change Stream, watching for new changes (insertions, updates,
* replacements, deletions, and invalidations) in this database. Will ignore all
* changes to system collections.
* @remarks
* watch() accepts two generic arguments for distinct use cases:
* - The first is to provide the schema that may be defined for all the collections within this database
* - The second is to override the shape of the change stream document entirely, if it is not provided the type will default to ChangeStreamDocument of the first argument
* @param pipeline - An array of {@link https://www.mongodb.com/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation-pipeline/|aggregation pipeline stages} through which to pass change stream documents. This allows for filtering (using $match) and manipulating the change stream documents.
* @param options - Optional settings for the command
* @typeParam TSchema - Type of the data being detected by the change stream
* @typeParam TChange - Type of the whole change stream document emitted
watch>(pipeline?: Document[], options?: ChangeStreamOptions): ChangeStream;
* A low level cursor API providing basic driver functionality:
* - ClientSession management
* - ReadPreference for server selection
* - Running getMores automatically when a local batch is exhausted
* @param command - The command that will start a cursor on the server.
* @param options - Configurations for running the command, bson options will apply to getMores
runCursorCommand(command: Document, options?: RunCursorCommandOptions): RunCommandCursor;
/* Excluded from this release type: DB_AGGREGATE_COLLECTION */
/** @public */
export declare interface DbOptions extends BSONSerializeOptions, WriteConcernOptions {
/** If the database authentication is dependent on another databaseName. */
authSource?: string;
/** Force server to assign _id values instead of driver. */
forceServerObjectId?: boolean;
/** The preferred read preference (ReadPreference.PRIMARY, ReadPreference.PRIMARY_PREFERRED, ReadPreference.SECONDARY, ReadPreference.SECONDARY_PREFERRED, ReadPreference.NEAREST). */
readPreference?: ReadPreferenceLike;
/** A primary key factory object for generation of custom _id keys. */
pkFactory?: PkFactory;
/** Specify a read concern for the collection. (only MongoDB 3.2 or higher supported) */
readConcern?: ReadConcern;
/** Should retry failed writes */
retryWrites?: boolean;
/* Excluded from this release type: DbPrivate */
export { DBRef }
/** @public */
export declare interface DbStatsOptions extends CommandOperationOptions {
/** Divide the returned sizes by scale value. */
scale?: number;
export { Decimal128 }
/** @public */
export declare interface DeleteManyModel {
/** The filter to limit the deleted documents. */
filter: Filter;
/** Specifies a collation. */
collation?: CollationOptions;
/** The index to use. If specified, then the query system will only consider plans using the hinted index. */
hint?: Hint;
/** @public */
export declare interface DeleteOneModel {
/** The filter to limit the deleted documents. */
filter: Filter;
/** Specifies a collation. */
collation?: CollationOptions;
/** The index to use. If specified, then the query system will only consider plans using the hinted index. */
hint?: Hint;
/** @public */
export declare interface DeleteOptions extends CommandOperationOptions, WriteConcernOptions {
/** If true, when an insert fails, don't execute the remaining writes. If false, continue with remaining inserts when one fails. */
ordered?: boolean;
/** Specifies the collation to use for the operation */
collation?: CollationOptions;
/** Specify that the update query should only consider plans using the hinted index */
hint?: string | Document;
/** Map of parameter names and values that can be accessed using $$var (requires MongoDB 5.0). */
let?: Document;
/** @public */
export declare interface DeleteResult {
/** Indicates whether this write result was acknowledged. If not, then all other members of this result will be undefined. */
acknowledged: boolean;
/** The number of documents that were deleted */
deletedCount: number;
/** @public */
export declare interface DeleteStatement {
/** The query that matches documents to delete. */
q: Document;
/** The number of matching documents to delete. */
limit: number;
/** Specifies the collation to use for the operation. */
collation?: CollationOptions;
/** A document or string that specifies the index to use to support the query predicate. */
hint?: Hint;
export { deserialize }
/* Excluded from this release type: DestroyOptions */
/** @public */
export declare type DistinctOptions = CommandOperationOptions;
export { Document }
export { Double }
/** @public */
export declare interface DriverInfo {
name?: string;
version?: string;
platform?: string;
/** @public */
export declare interface DropCollectionOptions extends CommandOperationOptions {
/** @experimental */
encryptedFields?: Document;
/** @public */
export declare type DropDatabaseOptions = CommandOperationOptions;
/** @public */
export declare type DropIndexesOptions = CommandOperationOptions;
/* Excluded from this release type: Encrypter */
/* Excluded from this release type: EncrypterOptions */
/** @public */
export declare interface EndSessionOptions {
/* Excluded from this release type: error */
force?: boolean;
forceClear?: boolean;
/** TypeScript Omit (Exclude to be specific) does not work for objects with an "any" indexed type, and breaks discriminated unions @public */
export declare type EnhancedOmit = string extends keyof TRecordOrUnion ? TRecordOrUnion : TRecordOrUnion extends any ? Pick> : never;
/** @public */
export declare interface ErrorDescription extends Document {
message?: string;
errmsg?: string;
$err?: string;
errorLabels?: string[];
errInfo?: Document;
/** @public */
export declare interface EstimatedDocumentCountOptions extends CommandOperationOptions {
* The maximum amount of time to allow the operation to run.
* This option is sent only if the caller explicitly provides a value. The default is to not send a value.
maxTimeMS?: number;
/** @public */
export declare interface EvalOptions extends CommandOperationOptions {
nolock?: boolean;
/** @public */
export declare type EventEmitterWithState = {
/* Excluded from this release type: stateChanged */
* Event description type
* @public
export declare type EventsDescription = Record;
/* Excluded from this release type: ExecutionResult */
/* Excluded from this release type: Explain */
/** @public */
export declare interface ExplainOptions {
/** Specifies the verbosity mode for the explain output. */
explain?: ExplainVerbosityLike;
/** @public */
export declare const ExplainVerbosity: Readonly<{
readonly queryPlanner: "queryPlanner";
readonly queryPlannerExtended: "queryPlannerExtended";
readonly executionStats: "executionStats";
readonly allPlansExecution: "allPlansExecution";
/** @public */
export declare type ExplainVerbosity = string;
* For backwards compatibility, true is interpreted as "allPlansExecution"
* and false as "queryPlanner". Prior to server version 3.6, aggregate()
* ignores the verbosity parameter and executes in "queryPlanner".
* @public
export declare type ExplainVerbosityLike = ExplainVerbosity | boolean;
/** A MongoDB filter can be some portion of the schema or a set of operators @public */
export declare type Filter = {
[P in keyof WithId]?: Condition[P]>;
} & RootFilterOperators>;
/** @public */
export declare type FilterOperations = T extends Record ? {
[key in keyof T]?: FilterOperators;
} : FilterOperators;
/** @public */
export declare interface FilterOperators extends NonObjectIdLikeDocument {
$eq?: TValue;
$gt?: TValue;
$gte?: TValue;
$in?: ReadonlyArray;
$lt?: TValue;
$lte?: TValue;
$ne?: TValue;
$nin?: ReadonlyArray;
$not?: TValue extends string ? FilterOperators | RegExp : FilterOperators;
* When `true`, `$exists` matches the documents that contain the field,
* including documents where the field value is null.
$exists?: boolean;
$type?: BSONType | BSONTypeAlias;
$expr?: Record;
$jsonSchema?: Record;
$mod?: TValue extends number ? [number, number] : never;
$regex?: TValue extends string ? RegExp | BSONRegExp | string : never;
$options?: TValue extends string ? string : never;
$geoIntersects?: {
$geometry: Document;
$geoWithin?: Document;
$near?: Document;
$nearSphere?: Document;
$maxDistance?: number;
$all?: ReadonlyArray;
$elemMatch?: Document;
$size?: TValue extends ReadonlyArray ? number : never;
$bitsAllClear?: BitwiseFilter;
$bitsAllSet?: BitwiseFilter;
$bitsAnyClear?: BitwiseFilter;
$bitsAnySet?: BitwiseFilter;
$rand?: Record;
/** @public */
export declare class FindCursor extends AbstractCursor {
/* Excluded from this release type: [kFilter] */
/* Excluded from this release type: [kNumReturned] */
/* Excluded from this release type: [kBuiltOptions] */
/* Excluded from this release type: __constructor */
clone(): FindCursor;
map(transform: (doc: TSchema) => T): FindCursor;
/* Excluded from this release type: _initialize */
/* Excluded from this release type: _getMore */
* Get the count of documents for this cursor
* @deprecated Use `collection.estimatedDocumentCount` or `collection.countDocuments` instead
count(options?: CountOptions): Promise