"use strict"; // node crypt, we use it for generate salt // eslint-disable-next-line node/no-unsupported-features/node-builtins const { randomFillSync } = require("crypto"); // generate CRC32 lookup table const crctable = new Uint32Array(256).map((t, crc) => { for (let j = 0; j < 8; j++) { if (0 !== (crc & 1)) { crc = (crc >>> 1) ^ 0xedb88320; } else { crc >>>= 1; } } return crc >>> 0; }); // C-style uInt32 Multiply (discards higher bits, when JS multiply discards lower bits) const uMul = (a, b) => Math.imul(a, b) >>> 0; // crc32 byte single update (actually same function is part of utils.crc32 function :) ) const crc32update = (pCrc32, bval) => { return crctable[(pCrc32 ^ bval) & 0xff] ^ (pCrc32 >>> 8); }; // function for generating salt for encrytion header const genSalt = () => { if ("function" === typeof randomFillSync) { return randomFillSync(Buffer.alloc(12)); } else { // fallback if function is not defined return genSalt.node(); } }; // salt generation with node random function (mainly as fallback) genSalt.node = () => { const salt = Buffer.alloc(12); const len = salt.length; for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) salt[i] = (Math.random() * 256) & 0xff; return salt; }; // general config const config = { genSalt }; // Class Initkeys handles same basic ops with keys function Initkeys(pw) { const pass = Buffer.isBuffer(pw) ? pw : Buffer.from(pw); this.keys = new Uint32Array([0x12345678, 0x23456789, 0x34567890]); for (let i = 0; i < pass.length; i++) { this.updateKeys(pass[i]); } } Initkeys.prototype.updateKeys = function (byteValue) { const keys = this.keys; keys[0] = crc32update(keys[0], byteValue); keys[1] += keys[0] & 0xff; keys[1] = uMul(keys[1], 134775813) + 1; keys[2] = crc32update(keys[2], keys[1] >>> 24); return byteValue; }; Initkeys.prototype.next = function () { const k = (this.keys[2] | 2) >>> 0; // key return (uMul(k, k ^ 1) >> 8) & 0xff; // decode }; function make_decrypter(/*Buffer*/ pwd) { // 1. Stage initialize key const keys = new Initkeys(pwd); // return decrypter function return function (/*Buffer*/ data) { // result - we create new Buffer for results const result = Buffer.alloc(data.length); let pos = 0; // process input data for (let c of data) { //c ^= keys.next(); //result[pos++] = c; // decode & Save Value result[pos++] = keys.updateKeys(c ^ keys.next()); // update keys with decoded byte } return result; }; } function make_encrypter(/*Buffer*/ pwd) { // 1. Stage initialize key const keys = new Initkeys(pwd); // return encrypting function, result and pos is here so we dont have to merge buffers later return function (/*Buffer*/ data, /*Buffer*/ result, /* Number */ pos = 0) { // result - we create new Buffer for results if (!result) result = Buffer.alloc(data.length); // process input data for (let c of data) { const k = keys.next(); // save key byte result[pos++] = c ^ k; // save val keys.updateKeys(c); // update keys with decoded byte } return result; }; } function decrypt(/*Buffer*/ data, /*Object*/ header, /*String, Buffer*/ pwd) { if (!data || !Buffer.isBuffer(data) || data.length < 12) { return Buffer.alloc(0); } // 1. We Initialize and generate decrypting function const decrypter = make_decrypter(pwd); // 2. decrypt salt what is always 12 bytes and is a part of file content const salt = decrypter(data.slice(0, 12)); // 3. does password meet expectations if (salt[11] !== header.crc >>> 24) { throw "ADM-ZIP: Wrong Password"; } // 4. decode content return decrypter(data.slice(12)); } // lets add way to populate salt, NOT RECOMMENDED for production but maybe useful for testing general functionality function _salter(data) { if (Buffer.isBuffer(data) && data.length >= 12) { // be aware - currently salting buffer data is modified config.genSalt = function () { return data.slice(0, 12); }; } else if (data === "node") { // test salt generation with node random function config.genSalt = genSalt.node; } else { // if value is not acceptable config gets reset. config.genSalt = genSalt; } } function encrypt(/*Buffer*/ data, /*Object*/ header, /*String, Buffer*/ pwd, /*Boolean*/ oldlike = false) { // 1. test data if data is not Buffer we make buffer from it if (data == null) data = Buffer.alloc(0); // if data is not buffer be make buffer from it if (!Buffer.isBuffer(data)) data = Buffer.from(data.toString()); // 2. We Initialize and generate encrypting function const encrypter = make_encrypter(pwd); // 3. generate salt (12-bytes of random data) const salt = config.genSalt(); salt[11] = (header.crc >>> 24) & 0xff; // old implementations (before PKZip 2.04g) used two byte check if (oldlike) salt[10] = (header.crc >>> 16) & 0xff; // 4. create output const result = Buffer.alloc(data.length + 12); encrypter(salt, result); // finally encode content return encrypter(data, result, 12); } module.exports = { decrypt, encrypt, _salter };