const Utils = require("./util"); const pth = require("path"); const ZipEntry = require("./zipEntry"); const ZipFile = require("./zipFile"); const get_Bool = (val, def) => (typeof val === "boolean" ? val : def); const get_Str = (val, def) => (typeof val === "string" ? val : def); const defaultOptions = { // option "noSort" : if true it disables files sorting noSort: false, // read entries during load (initial loading may be slower) readEntries: false, // default method is none method: Utils.Constants.NONE, // file system fs: null }; module.exports = function (/**String*/ input, /** object */ options) { let inBuffer = null; // create object based default options, allowing them to be overwritten const opts = Object.assign(Object.create(null), defaultOptions); // test input variable if (input && "object" === typeof input) { // if value is not buffer we accept it to be object with options if (!(input instanceof Uint8Array)) { Object.assign(opts, input); input = opts.input ? opts.input : undefined; if (opts.input) delete opts.input; } // if input is buffer if (Buffer.isBuffer(input)) { inBuffer = input; opts.method = Utils.Constants.BUFFER; input = undefined; } } // assign options Object.assign(opts, options); // instanciate utils filesystem const filetools = new Utils(opts); // if input is file name we retrieve its content if (input && "string" === typeof input) { // load zip file if (filetools.fs.existsSync(input)) { opts.method = Utils.Constants.FILE; opts.filename = input; inBuffer = filetools.fs.readFileSync(input); } else { throw new Error(Utils.Errors.INVALID_FILENAME); } } // create variable const _zip = new ZipFile(inBuffer, opts); const { canonical, sanitize } = Utils; function getEntry(/**Object*/ entry) { if (entry && _zip) { var item; // If entry was given as a file name if (typeof entry === "string") item = _zip.getEntry(entry); // if entry was given as a ZipEntry object if (typeof entry === "object" && typeof entry.entryName !== "undefined" && typeof entry.header !== "undefined") item = _zip.getEntry(entry.entryName); if (item) { return item; } } return null; } function fixPath(zipPath) { const { join, normalize, sep } = pth.posix; // convert windows file separators and normalize return join(".", normalize(sep + zipPath.split("\\").join(sep) + sep)); } return { /** * Extracts the given entry from the archive and returns the content as a Buffer object * @param entry ZipEntry object or String with the full path of the entry * * @return Buffer or Null in case of error */ readFile: function (/**Object*/ entry, /*String, Buffer*/ pass) { var item = getEntry(entry); return (item && item.getData(pass)) || null; }, /** * Asynchronous readFile * @param entry ZipEntry object or String with the full path of the entry * @param callback * * @return Buffer or Null in case of error */ readFileAsync: function (/**Object*/ entry, /**Function*/ callback) { var item = getEntry(entry); if (item) { item.getDataAsync(callback); } else { callback(null, "getEntry failed for:" + entry); } }, /** * Extracts the given entry from the archive and returns the content as plain text in the given encoding * @param entry ZipEntry object or String with the full path of the entry * @param encoding Optional. If no encoding is specified utf8 is used * * @return String */ readAsText: function (/**Object*/ entry, /**String=*/ encoding) { var item = getEntry(entry); if (item) { var data = item.getData(); if (data && data.length) { return data.toString(encoding || "utf8"); } } return ""; }, /** * Asynchronous readAsText * @param entry ZipEntry object or String with the full path of the entry * @param callback * @param encoding Optional. If no encoding is specified utf8 is used * * @return String */ readAsTextAsync: function (/**Object*/ entry, /**Function*/ callback, /**String=*/ encoding) { var item = getEntry(entry); if (item) { item.getDataAsync(function (data, err) { if (err) { callback(data, err); return; } if (data && data.length) { callback(data.toString(encoding || "utf8")); } else { callback(""); } }); } else { callback(""); } }, /** * Remove the entry from the file or the entry and all it's nested directories and files if the given entry is a directory * * @param entry */ deleteFile: function (/**Object*/ entry) { // @TODO: test deleteFile var item = getEntry(entry); if (item) { _zip.deleteEntry(item.entryName); } }, /** * Adds a comment to the zip. The zip must be rewritten after adding the comment. * * @param comment */ addZipComment: function (/**String*/ comment) { // @TODO: test addZipComment _zip.comment = comment; }, /** * Returns the zip comment * * @return String */ getZipComment: function () { return _zip.comment || ""; }, /** * Adds a comment to a specified zipEntry. The zip must be rewritten after adding the comment * The comment cannot exceed 65535 characters in length * * @param entry * @param comment */ addZipEntryComment: function (/**Object*/ entry, /**String*/ comment) { var item = getEntry(entry); if (item) { item.comment = comment; } }, /** * Returns the comment of the specified entry * * @param entry * @return String */ getZipEntryComment: function (/**Object*/ entry) { var item = getEntry(entry); if (item) { return item.comment || ""; } return ""; }, /** * Updates the content of an existing entry inside the archive. The zip must be rewritten after updating the content * * @param entry * @param content */ updateFile: function (/**Object*/ entry, /**Buffer*/ content) { var item = getEntry(entry); if (item) { item.setData(content); } }, /** * Adds a file from the disk to the archive * * @param localPath File to add to zip * @param zipPath Optional path inside the zip * @param zipName Optional name for the file */ addLocalFile: function (/**String*/ localPath, /**String=*/ zipPath, /**String=*/ zipName, /**String*/ comment) { if (filetools.fs.existsSync(localPath)) { // fix ZipPath zipPath = zipPath ? fixPath(zipPath) : ""; // p - local file name var p = localPath.split("\\").join("/").split("/").pop(); // add file name into zippath zipPath += zipName ? zipName : p; // read file attributes const _attr = filetools.fs.statSync(localPath); // add file into zip file this.addFile(zipPath, filetools.fs.readFileSync(localPath), comment, _attr); } else { throw new Error(Utils.Errors.FILE_NOT_FOUND.replace("%s", localPath)); } }, /** * Adds a local directory and all its nested files and directories to the archive * * @param localPath * @param zipPath optional path inside zip * @param filter optional RegExp or Function if files match will * be included. * @param {number | object} attr - number as unix file permissions, object as filesystem Stats object */ addLocalFolder: function (/**String*/ localPath, /**String=*/ zipPath, /**=RegExp|Function*/ filter, /**=number|object*/ attr) { // Prepare filter if (filter instanceof RegExp) { // if filter is RegExp wrap it filter = (function (rx) { return function (filename) { return rx.test(filename); }; })(filter); } else if ("function" !== typeof filter) { // if filter is not function we will replace it filter = function () { return true; }; } // fix ZipPath zipPath = zipPath ? fixPath(zipPath) : ""; // normalize the path first localPath = pth.normalize(localPath); if (filetools.fs.existsSync(localPath)) { const items = filetools.findFiles(localPath); const self = this; if (items.length) { items.forEach(function (filepath) { var p = pth.relative(localPath, filepath).split("\\").join("/"); //windows fix if (filter(p)) { var stats = filetools.fs.statSync(filepath); if (stats.isFile()) { self.addFile(zipPath + p, filetools.fs.readFileSync(filepath), "", attr ? attr : stats); } else { self.addFile(zipPath + p + "/", Buffer.alloc(0), "", attr ? attr : stats); } } }); } } else { throw new Error(Utils.Errors.FILE_NOT_FOUND.replace("%s", localPath)); } }, /** * Asynchronous addLocalFile * @param localPath * @param callback * @param zipPath optional path inside zip * @param filter optional RegExp or Function if files match will * be included. */ addLocalFolderAsync: function (/*String*/ localPath, /*Function*/ callback, /*String*/ zipPath, /*RegExp|Function*/ filter) { if (filter instanceof RegExp) { filter = (function (rx) { return function (filename) { return rx.test(filename); }; })(filter); } else if ("function" !== typeof filter) { filter = function () { return true; }; } // fix ZipPath zipPath = zipPath ? fixPath(zipPath) : ""; // normalize the path first localPath = pth.normalize(localPath); var self = this;, "r", function (err) { if (err && err.code === "ENOENT") { callback(undefined, Utils.Errors.FILE_NOT_FOUND.replace("%s", localPath)); } else if (err) { callback(undefined, err); } else { var items = filetools.findFiles(localPath); var i = -1; var next = function () { i += 1; if (i < items.length) { var filepath = items[i]; var p = pth.relative(localPath, filepath).split("\\").join("/"); //windows fix p = p .normalize("NFD") .replace(/[\u0300-\u036f]/g, "") .replace(/[^\x20-\x7E]/g, ""); // accent fix if (filter(p)) { filetools.fs.stat(filepath, function (er0, stats) { if (er0) callback(undefined, er0); if (stats.isFile()) { filetools.fs.readFile(filepath, function (er1, data) { if (er1) { callback(undefined, er1); } else { self.addFile(zipPath + p, data, "", stats); next(); } }); } else { self.addFile(zipPath + p + "/", Buffer.alloc(0), "", stats); next(); } }); } else { process.nextTick(() => { next(); }); } } else { callback(true, undefined); } }; next(); } }); }, /** * * @param {string} localPath - path where files will be extracted * @param {object} props - optional properties * @param {string} props.zipPath - optional path inside zip * @param {regexp, function} props.filter - RegExp or Function if files match will be included. */ addLocalFolderPromise: function (/*String*/ localPath, /* object */ props) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const { filter, zipPath } = Object.assign({}, props); this.addLocalFolderAsync( localPath, (done, err) => { if (err) reject(err); if (done) resolve(this); }, zipPath, filter ); }); }, /** * Allows you to create a entry (file or directory) in the zip file. * If you want to create a directory the entryName must end in / and a null buffer should be provided. * Comment and attributes are optional * * @param {string} entryName * @param {Buffer | string} content - file content as buffer or utf8 coded string * @param {string} comment - file comment * @param {number | object} attr - number as unix file permissions, object as filesystem Stats object */ addFile: function (/**String*/ entryName, /**Buffer*/ content, /**String*/ comment, /**Number*/ attr) { let entry = getEntry(entryName); const update = entry != null; // prepare new entry if (!update) { entry = new ZipEntry(); entry.entryName = entryName; } entry.comment = comment || ""; const isStat = "object" === typeof attr && attr instanceof filetools.fs.Stats; // last modification time from file stats if (isStat) { entry.header.time = attr.mtime; } // Set file attribute var fileattr = entry.isDirectory ? 0x10 : 0; // (MS-DOS directory flag) // extended attributes field for Unix // set file type either S_IFDIR / S_IFREG let unix = entry.isDirectory ? 0x4000 : 0x8000; if (isStat) { // File attributes from file stats unix |= 0xfff & attr.mode; } else if ("number" === typeof attr) { // attr from given attr values unix |= 0xfff & attr; } else { // Default values: unix |= entry.isDirectory ? 0o755 : 0o644; // permissions (drwxr-xr-x) or (-r-wr--r--) } fileattr = (fileattr | (unix << 16)) >>> 0; // add attributes entry.attr = fileattr; entry.setData(content); if (!update) _zip.setEntry(entry); }, /** * Returns an array of ZipEntry objects representing the files and folders inside the archive * * @return Array */ getEntries: function () { return _zip ? _zip.entries : []; }, /** * Returns a ZipEntry object representing the file or folder specified by ``name``. * * @param name * @return ZipEntry */ getEntry: function (/**String*/ name) { return getEntry(name); }, getEntryCount: function () { return _zip.getEntryCount(); }, forEach: function (callback) { return _zip.forEach(callback); }, /** * Extracts the given entry to the given targetPath * If the entry is a directory inside the archive, the entire directory and it's subdirectories will be extracted * * @param entry ZipEntry object or String with the full path of the entry * @param targetPath Target folder where to write the file * @param maintainEntryPath If maintainEntryPath is true and the entry is inside a folder, the entry folder * will be created in targetPath as well. Default is TRUE * @param overwrite If the file already exists at the target path, the file will be overwriten if this is true. * Default is FALSE * @param keepOriginalPermission The file will be set as the permission from the entry if this is true. * Default is FALSE * @param outFileName String If set will override the filename of the extracted file (Only works if the entry is a file) * * @return Boolean */ extractEntryTo: function ( /**Object*/ entry, /**String*/ targetPath, /**Boolean*/ maintainEntryPath, /**Boolean*/ overwrite, /**Boolean*/ keepOriginalPermission, /**String**/ outFileName ) { overwrite = get_Bool(overwrite, false); keepOriginalPermission = get_Bool(keepOriginalPermission, false); maintainEntryPath = get_Bool(maintainEntryPath, true); outFileName = get_Str(outFileName, get_Str(keepOriginalPermission, undefined)); var item = getEntry(entry); if (!item) { throw new Error(Utils.Errors.NO_ENTRY); } var entryName = canonical(item.entryName); var target = sanitize(targetPath, outFileName && !item.isDirectory ? outFileName : maintainEntryPath ? entryName : pth.basename(entryName)); if (item.isDirectory) { var children = _zip.getEntryChildren(item); children.forEach(function (child) { if (child.isDirectory) return; var content = child.getData(); if (!content) { throw new Error(Utils.Errors.CANT_EXTRACT_FILE); } var name = canonical(child.entryName); var childName = sanitize(targetPath, maintainEntryPath ? name : pth.basename(name)); // The reverse operation for attr depend on method addFile() const fileAttr = keepOriginalPermission ? child.header.fileAttr : undefined; filetools.writeFileTo(childName, content, overwrite, fileAttr); }); return true; } var content = item.getData(); if (!content) throw new Error(Utils.Errors.CANT_EXTRACT_FILE); if (filetools.fs.existsSync(target) && !overwrite) { throw new Error(Utils.Errors.CANT_OVERRIDE); } // The reverse operation for attr depend on method addFile() const fileAttr = keepOriginalPermission ? entry.header.fileAttr : undefined; filetools.writeFileTo(target, content, overwrite, fileAttr); return true; }, /** * Test the archive * */ test: function (pass) { if (!_zip) { return false; } for (var entry in _zip.entries) { try { if (entry.isDirectory) { continue; } var content = _zip.entries[entry].getData(pass); if (!content) { return false; } } catch (err) { return false; } } return true; }, /** * Extracts the entire archive to the given location * * @param targetPath Target location * @param overwrite If the file already exists at the target path, the file will be overwriten if this is true. * Default is FALSE * @param keepOriginalPermission The file will be set as the permission from the entry if this is true. * Default is FALSE */ extractAllTo: function (/**String*/ targetPath, /**Boolean*/ overwrite, /**Boolean*/ keepOriginalPermission, /*String, Buffer*/ pass) { overwrite = get_Bool(overwrite, false); pass = get_Str(keepOriginalPermission, pass); keepOriginalPermission = get_Bool(keepOriginalPermission, false); if (!_zip) { throw new Error(Utils.Errors.NO_ZIP); } _zip.entries.forEach(function (entry) { var entryName = sanitize(targetPath, canonical(entry.entryName.toString())); if (entry.isDirectory) { filetools.makeDir(entryName); return; } var content = entry.getData(pass); if (!content) { throw new Error(Utils.Errors.CANT_EXTRACT_FILE); } // The reverse operation for attr depend on method addFile() const fileAttr = keepOriginalPermission ? entry.header.fileAttr : undefined; filetools.writeFileTo(entryName, content, overwrite, fileAttr); try { filetools.fs.utimesSync(entryName, entry.header.time, entry.header.time); } catch (err) { throw new Error(Utils.Errors.CANT_EXTRACT_FILE); } }); }, /** * Asynchronous extractAllTo * * @param targetPath Target location * @param overwrite If the file already exists at the target path, the file will be overwriten if this is true. * Default is FALSE * @param keepOriginalPermission The file will be set as the permission from the entry if this is true. * Default is FALSE * @param callback The callback will be executed when all entries are extracted successfully or any error is thrown. */ extractAllToAsync: function (/**String*/ targetPath, /**Boolean*/ overwrite, /**Boolean*/ keepOriginalPermission, /**Function*/ callback) { overwrite = get_Bool(overwrite, false); if (typeof keepOriginalPermission === "function" && !callback) callback = keepOriginalPermission; keepOriginalPermission = get_Bool(keepOriginalPermission, false); if (!callback) { callback = function (err) { throw new Error(err); }; } if (!_zip) { callback(new Error(Utils.Errors.NO_ZIP)); return; } targetPath = pth.resolve(targetPath); // convert entryName to const getPath = (entry) => sanitize(targetPath, pth.normalize(canonical(entry.entryName.toString()))); const getError = (msg, file) => new Error(msg + ': "' + file + '"'); // separate directories from files const dirEntries = []; const fileEntries = new Set(); _zip.entries.forEach((e) => { if (e.isDirectory) { dirEntries.push(e); } else { fileEntries.add(e); } }); // Create directory entries first synchronously // this prevents race condition and assures folders are there before writing files for (const entry of dirEntries) { const dirPath = getPath(entry); // The reverse operation for attr depend on method addFile() const dirAttr = keepOriginalPermission ? entry.header.fileAttr : undefined; try { filetools.makeDir(dirPath); if (dirAttr) filetools.fs.chmodSync(dirPath, dirAttr); // in unix timestamp will change if files are later added to folder, but still filetools.fs.utimesSync(dirPath, entry.header.time, entry.header.time); } catch (er) { callback(getError("Unable to create folder", dirPath)); } } // callback wrapper, for some house keeping const done = () => { if (fileEntries.size === 0) { callback(); } }; // Extract file entries asynchronously for (const entry of fileEntries.values()) { const entryName = pth.normalize(canonical(entry.entryName.toString())); const filePath = sanitize(targetPath, entryName); entry.getDataAsync(function (content, err_1) { if (err_1) { callback(new Error(err_1)); return; } if (!content) { callback(new Error(Utils.Errors.CANT_EXTRACT_FILE)); } else { // The reverse operation for attr depend on method addFile() const fileAttr = keepOriginalPermission ? entry.header.fileAttr : undefined; filetools.writeFileToAsync(filePath, content, overwrite, fileAttr, function (succ) { if (!succ) { callback(getError("Unable to write file", filePath)); return; } filetools.fs.utimes(filePath, entry.header.time, entry.header.time, function (err_2) { if (err_2) { callback(getError("Unable to set times", filePath)); return; } fileEntries.delete(entry); // call the callback if it was last entry done(); }); }); } }); } // call the callback if fileEntries was empty done(); }, /** * Writes the newly created zip file to disk at the specified location or if a zip was opened and no ``targetFileName`` is provided, it will overwrite the opened zip * * @param targetFileName * @param callback */ writeZip: function (/**String*/ targetFileName, /**Function*/ callback) { if (arguments.length === 1) { if (typeof targetFileName === "function") { callback = targetFileName; targetFileName = ""; } } if (!targetFileName && opts.filename) { targetFileName = opts.filename; } if (!targetFileName) return; var zipData = _zip.compressToBuffer(); if (zipData) { var ok = filetools.writeFileTo(targetFileName, zipData, true); if (typeof callback === "function") callback(!ok ? new Error("failed") : null, ""); } }, writeZipPromise: function (/**String*/ targetFileName, /* object */ props) { const { overwrite, perm } = Object.assign({ overwrite: true }, props); return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { // find file name if (!targetFileName && opts.filename) targetFileName = opts.filename; if (!targetFileName) reject("ADM-ZIP: ZIP File Name Missing"); this.toBufferPromise().then((zipData) => { const ret = (done) => (done ? resolve(done) : reject("ADM-ZIP: Wasn't able to write zip file")); filetools.writeFileToAsync(targetFileName, zipData, overwrite, perm, ret); }, reject); }); }, toBufferPromise: function () { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { _zip.toAsyncBuffer(resolve, reject); }); }, /** * Returns the content of the entire zip file as a Buffer object * * @return Buffer */ toBuffer: function (/**Function=*/ onSuccess, /**Function=*/ onFail, /**Function=*/ onItemStart, /**Function=*/ onItemEnd) { this.valueOf = 2; if (typeof onSuccess === "function") { _zip.toAsyncBuffer(onSuccess, onFail, onItemStart, onItemEnd); return null; } return _zip.compressToBuffer(); } }; };