/* * Copyright DataStax, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ 'use strict'; const events = require('events'); const util = require('util'); /** * Module containing classes and fields related to metadata. * @module metadata */ const t = require('../tokenizer'); const utils = require('../utils'); const errors = require('../errors'); const types = require('../types'); const requests = require('../requests'); const schemaParserFactory = require('./schema-parser'); const promiseUtils = require('../promise-utils'); const { TokenRange } = require('../token'); const { ExecutionOptions } = require('../execution-options'); /** * @const * @private */ const _selectTraceSession = "SELECT * FROM system_traces.sessions WHERE session_id=%s"; /** * @const * @private */ const _selectTraceEvents = "SELECT * FROM system_traces.events WHERE session_id=%s"; /** * @const * @private */ const _selectSchemaVersionPeers = "SELECT schema_version FROM system.peers"; /** * @const * @private */ const _selectSchemaVersionLocal = "SELECT schema_version FROM system.local"; /** * @const * @private */ const _traceMaxAttemps = 5; /** * @const * @private */ const _traceAttemptDelay = 400; /** * Represents cluster and schema information. * The metadata class acts as a internal state of the driver. */ class Metadata { /** * Creates a new instance of {@link Metadata}. * @param {ClientOptions} options * @param {ControlConnection} controlConnection Control connection used to retrieve information. */ constructor(options, controlConnection) { if (!options) { throw new errors.ArgumentError('Options are not defined'); } Object.defineProperty(this, 'options', { value: options, enumerable: false, writable: false }); Object.defineProperty(this, 'controlConnection', { value: controlConnection, enumerable: false, writable: false }); this.keyspaces = {}; this.initialized = false; this._isDbaas = false; this._schemaParser = schemaParserFactory.getByVersion(options, controlConnection, this.getUdt.bind(this)); this.log = utils.log; this._preparedQueries = new PreparedQueries(options.maxPrepared, (...args) => this.log(...args)); } /** * Sets the cassandra version * @internal * @ignore * @param {Array.} version */ setCassandraVersion(version) { this._schemaParser = schemaParserFactory.getByVersion( this.options, this.controlConnection, this.getUdt.bind(this), version, this._schemaParser); } /** * Determines whether the cluster is provided as a service. * @returns {boolean} true when the cluster is provided as a service (DataStax Astra), false when it's a * different deployment (on-prem). */ isDbaas() { return this._isDbaas; } /** * Sets the product type as DBaaS. * @internal * @ignore */ setProductTypeAsDbaas() { this._isDbaas = true; } /** * @ignore * @param {String} partitionerName */ setPartitioner(partitionerName) { if (/RandomPartitioner$/.test(partitionerName)) { return this.tokenizer = new t.RandomTokenizer(); } if (/ByteOrderedPartitioner$/.test(partitionerName)) { return this.tokenizer = new t.ByteOrderedTokenizer(); } return this.tokenizer = new t.Murmur3Tokenizer(); } /** * Populates the information regarding primary replica per token, datacenters (+ racks) and sorted token ring. * @ignore * @param {HostMap} hosts */ buildTokens(hosts) { if (!this.tokenizer) { return this.log('error', 'Tokenizer could not be determined'); } //Get a sorted array of tokens const allSorted = []; //Get a map of const primaryReplicas = {}; //Depending on the amount of tokens, this could be an expensive operation const hostArray = hosts.values(); const stringify = this.tokenizer.stringify; const datacenters = {}; hostArray.forEach((h) => { if (!h.tokens) { return; } h.tokens.forEach((tokenString) => { const token = this.tokenizer.parse(tokenString); utils.insertSorted(allSorted, token, (t1, t2) => t1.compare(t2)); primaryReplicas[stringify(token)] = h; }); let dc = datacenters[h.datacenter]; if (!dc) { dc = datacenters[h.datacenter] = { hostLength: 0, racks: new utils.HashSet() }; } dc.hostLength++; dc.racks.add(h.rack); }); //Primary replica for given token this.primaryReplicas = primaryReplicas; //All the tokens in ring order this.ring = allSorted; // Build TokenRanges. const tokenRanges = new Set(); if (this.ring.length === 1) { // If there is only one token, return the range ]minToken, minToken] const min = this.tokenizer.minToken(); tokenRanges.add(new TokenRange(min, min, this.tokenizer)); } else { for (let i = 0; i < this.ring.length; i++) { const start = this.ring[i]; const end = this.ring[(i + 1) % this.ring.length]; tokenRanges.add(new TokenRange(start, end, this.tokenizer)); } } this.tokenRanges = tokenRanges; //Compute string versions as it's potentially expensive and frequently reused later this.ringTokensAsStrings = new Array(allSorted.length); for (let i = 0; i < allSorted.length; i++) { this.ringTokensAsStrings[i] = stringify(allSorted[i]); } //Datacenter metadata (host length and racks) this.datacenters = datacenters; } /** * Gets the keyspace metadata information and updates the internal state of the driver. *

* If a callback is provided, the callback is invoked when the keyspaces metadata refresh completes. * Otherwise, it returns a Promise. *

* @param {String} name Name of the keyspace. * @param {Function} [callback] Optional callback. */ refreshKeyspace(name, callback) { return promiseUtils.optionalCallback(this._refreshKeyspace(name), callback); } /** * @param {String} name * @private */ async _refreshKeyspace(name) { if (!this.initialized) { throw this._uninitializedError(); } this.log('info', util.format('Retrieving keyspace %s metadata', name)); try { const ksInfo = await this._schemaParser.getKeyspace(name); if (!ksInfo) { // the keyspace was dropped delete this.keyspaces[name]; return null; } // Tokens are lazily init on the keyspace, once a replica from that keyspace is retrieved. this.keyspaces[ksInfo.name] = ksInfo; return ksInfo; } catch (err) { this.log('error', 'There was an error while trying to retrieve keyspace information', err); throw err; } } /** * Gets the metadata information of all the keyspaces and updates the internal state of the driver. *

* If a callback is provided, the callback is invoked when the keyspace metadata refresh completes. * Otherwise, it returns a Promise. *

* @param {Boolean|Function} [waitReconnect] Determines if it should wait for reconnection in case the control connection is not * connected at the moment. Default: true. * @param {Function} [callback] Optional callback. */ refreshKeyspaces(waitReconnect, callback) { if (typeof waitReconnect === 'function' || typeof waitReconnect === 'undefined') { callback = waitReconnect; waitReconnect = true; } if (!this.initialized) { const err = this._uninitializedError(); if (callback) { return callback(err); } return Promise.reject(err); } return promiseUtils.optionalCallback(this.refreshKeyspacesInternal(waitReconnect), callback); } /** * @param {Boolean} waitReconnect * @returns {Promise>} * @ignore * @internal */ async refreshKeyspacesInternal(waitReconnect) { this.log('info', 'Retrieving keyspaces metadata'); try { this.keyspaces = await this._schemaParser.getKeyspaces(waitReconnect); return this.keyspaces; } catch (err) { this.log('error', 'There was an error while trying to retrieve keyspaces information', err); throw err; } } _getKeyspaceReplicas(keyspace) { if (!keyspace.replicas) { //Calculate replicas the first time for the keyspace keyspace.replicas = keyspace.tokenToReplica(this.tokenizer, this.ringTokensAsStrings, this.primaryReplicas, this.datacenters); } return keyspace.replicas; } /** * Gets the host list representing the replicas that contain the given partition key, token or token range. *

* It uses the pre-loaded keyspace metadata to retrieve the replicas for a token for a given keyspace. * When the keyspace metadata has not been loaded, it returns null. *

* @param {String} keyspaceName * @param {Buffer|Token|TokenRange} token Can be Buffer (serialized partition key), Token or TokenRange * @returns {Array} */ getReplicas(keyspaceName, token) { if (!this.ring) { return null; } if (Buffer.isBuffer(token)) { token = this.tokenizer.hash(token); } if (token instanceof TokenRange) { token = token.end; } let keyspace; if (keyspaceName) { keyspace = this.keyspaces[keyspaceName]; if (!keyspace) { // the keyspace was not found, the metadata should be loaded beforehand return null; } } let i = utils.binarySearch(this.ring, token, (t1, t2) => t1.compare(t2)); if (i < 0) { i = ~i; } if (i >= this.ring.length) { //it circled back i = i % this.ring.length; } const closestToken = this.ringTokensAsStrings[i]; if (!keyspaceName) { return [this.primaryReplicas[closestToken]]; } const replicas = this._getKeyspaceReplicas(keyspace); return replicas[closestToken]; } /** * Gets the token ranges that define data distribution in the ring. * * @returns {Set} The ranges of the ring or empty set if schema metadata is not enabled. */ getTokenRanges() { return this.tokenRanges; } /** * Gets the token ranges that are replicated on the given host, for * the given keyspace. * * @param {String} keyspaceName The name of the keyspace to get ranges for. * @param {Host} host The host. * @returns {Set|null} Ranges for the keyspace on this host or null if keyspace isn't found or hasn't been loaded. */ getTokenRangesForHost(keyspaceName, host) { if (!this.ring) { return null; } let keyspace; if (keyspaceName) { keyspace = this.keyspaces[keyspaceName]; if (!keyspace) { // the keyspace was not found, the metadata should be loaded beforehand return null; } } // If the ring has only 1 token, just return the ranges as we should only have a single node cluster. if (this.ring.length === 1) { return this.getTokenRanges(); } const replicas = this._getKeyspaceReplicas(keyspace); const ranges = new Set(); // for each range, find replicas for end token, if replicas include host, add range. this.tokenRanges.forEach((tokenRange) => { const replicasForToken = replicas[this.tokenizer.stringify(tokenRange.end)]; if (replicasForToken.indexOf(host) !== -1) { ranges.add(tokenRange); } }); return ranges; } /** * Constructs a Token from the input buffer(s) or string input. If a string is passed in * it is assumed this matches the token representation reported by cassandra. * @param {Array|Buffer|String} components * @returns {Token} constructed token from the input buffer. */ newToken(components) { if (!this.tokenizer) { throw new Error('Partitioner not established. This should only happen if metadata was disabled or you have not connected yet.'); } if (Array.isArray(components)) { return this.tokenizer.hash(Buffer.concat(components)); } else if (util.isString(components)) { return this.tokenizer.parse(components); } return this.tokenizer.hash(components); } /** * Constructs a TokenRange from the given start and end tokens. * @param {Token} start * @param {Token} end * @returns TokenRange build range spanning from start (exclusive) to end (inclusive). */ newTokenRange(start, end) { if (!this.tokenizer) { throw new Error('Partitioner not established. This should only happen if metadata was disabled or you have not connected yet.'); } return new TokenRange(start, end, this.tokenizer); } /** * Gets the metadata information already stored associated to a prepared statement * @param {String} keyspaceName * @param {String} query * @internal * @ignore */ getPreparedInfo(keyspaceName, query) { return this._preparedQueries.getOrAdd(keyspaceName, query); } /** * Clears the internal state related to the prepared statements. * Following calls to the Client using the prepare flag will re-prepare the statements. */ clearPrepared() { this._preparedQueries.clear(); } /** @ignore */ getPreparedById(id) { return this._preparedQueries.getById(id); } /** @ignore */ setPreparedById(info) { return this._preparedQueries.setById(info); } /** @ignore */ getAllPrepared() { return this._preparedQueries.getAll(); } /** @ignore */ _uninitializedError() { return new Error('Metadata has not been initialized. This could only happen if you have not connected yet.'); } /** * Gets the definition of an user-defined type. *

* If a callback is provided, the callback is invoked when the metadata retrieval completes. * Otherwise, it returns a Promise. *


* When trying to retrieve the same UDT definition concurrently, it will query once and invoke all callbacks * with the retrieved information. *

* @param {String} keyspaceName Name of the keyspace. * @param {String} name Name of the UDT. * @param {Function} [callback] The callback to invoke when retrieval completes. */ getUdt(keyspaceName, name, callback) { return promiseUtils.optionalCallback(this._getUdt(keyspaceName, name), callback); } /** * @param {String} keyspaceName * @param {String} name * @returns {Promise} * @private */ async _getUdt(keyspaceName, name) { if (!this.initialized) { throw this._uninitializedError(); } let cache; if (this.options.isMetadataSyncEnabled) { const keyspace = this.keyspaces[keyspaceName]; if (!keyspace) { return null; } cache = keyspace.udts; } return await this._schemaParser.getUdt(keyspaceName, name, cache); } /** * Gets the definition of a table. *

* If a callback is provided, the callback is invoked when the metadata retrieval completes. * Otherwise, it returns a Promise. *


* When trying to retrieve the same table definition concurrently, it will query once and invoke all callbacks * with the retrieved information. *

* @param {String} keyspaceName Name of the keyspace. * @param {String} name Name of the Table. * @param {Function} [callback] The callback with the err as a first parameter and the {@link TableMetadata} as * second parameter. */ getTable(keyspaceName, name, callback) { return promiseUtils.optionalCallback(this._getTable(keyspaceName, name), callback); } /** * @param {String} keyspaceName * @param {String} name * @private */ async _getTable(keyspaceName, name) { if (!this.initialized) { throw this._uninitializedError(); } let cache; let virtual; if (this.options.isMetadataSyncEnabled) { const keyspace = this.keyspaces[keyspaceName]; if (!keyspace) { return null; } cache = keyspace.tables; virtual = keyspace.virtual; } return await this._schemaParser.getTable(keyspaceName, name, cache, virtual); } /** * Gets the definition of CQL functions for a given name. *

* If a callback is provided, the callback is invoked when the metadata retrieval completes. * Otherwise, it returns a Promise. *


* When trying to retrieve the same function definition concurrently, it will query once and invoke all callbacks * with the retrieved information. *

* @param {String} keyspaceName Name of the keyspace. * @param {String} name Name of the Function. * @param {Function} [callback] The callback with the err as a first parameter and the array of {@link SchemaFunction} * as second parameter. */ getFunctions(keyspaceName, name, callback) { return promiseUtils.optionalCallback(this._getFunctionsWrapper(keyspaceName, name), callback); } /** * @param {String} keyspaceName * @param {String} name * @private */ async _getFunctionsWrapper(keyspaceName, name) { if (!keyspaceName || !name) { throw new errors.ArgumentError('You must provide the keyspace name and cql function name to retrieve the metadata'); } const functionsMap = await this._getFunctions(keyspaceName, name, false); return Array.from(functionsMap.values()); } /** * Gets a definition of CQL function for a given name and signature. *

* If a callback is provided, the callback is invoked when the metadata retrieval completes. * Otherwise, it returns a Promise. *


* When trying to retrieve the same function definition concurrently, it will query once and invoke all callbacks * with the retrieved information. *

* @param {String} keyspaceName Name of the keyspace * @param {String} name Name of the Function * @param {Array.|Array.<{code, info}>} signature Array of types of the parameters. * @param {Function} [callback] The callback with the err as a first parameter and the {@link SchemaFunction} as second * parameter. */ getFunction(keyspaceName, name, signature, callback) { return promiseUtils.optionalCallback(this._getSingleFunction(keyspaceName, name, signature, false), callback); } /** * Gets the definition of CQL aggregate for a given name. *

* If a callback is provided, the callback is invoked when the metadata retrieval completes. * Otherwise, it returns a Promise. *


* When trying to retrieve the same aggregates definition concurrently, it will query once and invoke all callbacks * with the retrieved information. *

* @param {String} keyspaceName Name of the keyspace * @param {String} name Name of the Function * @param {Function} [callback] The callback with the err as a first parameter and the array of {@link Aggregate} as * second parameter. */ getAggregates(keyspaceName, name, callback) { return promiseUtils.optionalCallback(this._getAggregates(keyspaceName, name), callback); } /** * @param {String} keyspaceName * @param {String} name * @private */ async _getAggregates(keyspaceName, name) { if (!keyspaceName || !name) { throw new errors.ArgumentError('You must provide the keyspace name and cql aggregate name to retrieve the metadata'); } const functionsMap = await this._getFunctions(keyspaceName, name, true); return Array.from(functionsMap.values()); } /** * Gets a definition of CQL aggregate for a given name and signature. *

* If a callback is provided, the callback is invoked when the metadata retrieval completes. * Otherwise, it returns a Promise. *


* When trying to retrieve the same aggregate definition concurrently, it will query once and invoke all callbacks * with the retrieved information. *

* @param {String} keyspaceName Name of the keyspace * @param {String} name Name of the aggregate * @param {Array.|Array.<{code, info}>} signature Array of types of the parameters. * @param {Function} [callback] The callback with the err as a first parameter and the {@link Aggregate} as second parameter. */ getAggregate(keyspaceName, name, signature, callback) { return promiseUtils.optionalCallback(this._getSingleFunction(keyspaceName, name, signature, true), callback); } /** * Gets the definition of a CQL materialized view for a given name. *

* If a callback is provided, the callback is invoked when the metadata retrieval completes. * Otherwise, it returns a Promise. *


* Note that, unlike the rest of the {@link Metadata} methods, this method does not cache the result for following * calls, as the current version of the Cassandra native protocol does not support schema change events for * materialized views. Each call to this method will produce one or more queries to the cluster. *

* @param {String} keyspaceName Name of the keyspace * @param {String} name Name of the materialized view * @param {Function} [callback] The callback with the err as a first parameter and the {@link MaterializedView} as * second parameter. */ getMaterializedView(keyspaceName, name, callback) { return promiseUtils.optionalCallback(this._getMaterializedView(keyspaceName, name), callback); } /** * @param {String} keyspaceName * @param {String} name * @returns {Promise} * @private */ async _getMaterializedView(keyspaceName, name) { if (!this.initialized) { throw this._uninitializedError(); } let cache; if (this.options.isMetadataSyncEnabled) { const keyspace = this.keyspaces[keyspaceName]; if (!keyspace) { return null; } cache = keyspace.views; } return await this._schemaParser.getMaterializedView(keyspaceName, name, cache); } /** * Gets a map of cql function definitions or aggregates based on signature. * @param {String} keyspaceName * @param {String} name Name of the function or aggregate * @param {Boolean} aggregate * @returns {Promise} * @private */ async _getFunctions(keyspaceName, name, aggregate) { if (!this.initialized) { throw this._uninitializedError(); } let cache; if (this.options.isMetadataSyncEnabled) { const keyspace = this.keyspaces[keyspaceName]; if (!keyspace) { return new Map(); } cache = aggregate ? keyspace.aggregates : keyspace.functions; } return await this._schemaParser.getFunctions(keyspaceName, name, aggregate, cache); } /** * Gets a single cql function or aggregate definition * @param {String} keyspaceName * @param {String} name * @param {Array} signature * @param {Boolean} aggregate * @returns {Promise} * @private */ async _getSingleFunction(keyspaceName, name, signature, aggregate) { if (!keyspaceName || !name) { throw new errors.ArgumentError('You must provide the keyspace name and cql function name to retrieve the metadata'); } if (!Array.isArray(signature)) { throw new errors.ArgumentError('Signature must be an array of types'); } signature = signature.map(item => { if (typeof item === 'string') { return item; } return types.getDataTypeNameByCode(item); }); const functionsMap = await this._getFunctions(keyspaceName, name, aggregate); return functionsMap.get(signature.join(',')) || null; } /** * Gets the trace session generated by Cassandra when query tracing is enabled for the * query. The trace itself is stored in Cassandra in the sessions and * events table in the system_traces keyspace and can be * retrieve manually using the trace identifier. *

* If a callback is provided, the callback is invoked when the metadata retrieval completes. * Otherwise, it returns a Promise. *

* @param {Uuid} traceId Identifier of the trace session. * @param {Number} [consistency] The consistency level to obtain the trace. * @param {Function} [callback] The callback with the err as first parameter and the query trace as second parameter. */ getTrace(traceId, consistency, callback) { if (!callback && typeof consistency === 'function') { // Both callback and consistency are optional parameters // In this case, the second parameter is the callback callback = consistency; consistency = null; } return promiseUtils.optionalCallback(this._getTrace(traceId, consistency), callback); } /** * @param {Uuid} traceId * @param {Number} consistency * @returns {Promise} * @private */ async _getTrace(traceId, consistency) { if (!this.initialized) { throw this._uninitializedError(); } let trace; let attempts = 0; const info = ExecutionOptions.empty(); info.getConsistency = () => consistency; const sessionRequest = new requests.QueryRequest(util.format(_selectTraceSession, traceId), null, info); const eventsRequest = new requests.QueryRequest(util.format(_selectTraceEvents, traceId), null, info); while (!trace && (attempts++ < _traceMaxAttemps)) { const sessionResponse = await this.controlConnection.query(sessionRequest); const sessionRow = sessionResponse.rows[0]; if (!sessionRow || typeof sessionRow['duration'] !== 'number') { await promiseUtils.delay(_traceAttemptDelay); continue; } trace = { requestType: sessionRow['request'], coordinator: sessionRow['coordinator'], parameters: sessionRow['parameters'], startedAt: sessionRow['started_at'], duration: sessionRow['duration'], clientAddress: sessionRow['client'], events: null }; const eventsResponse = await this.controlConnection.query(eventsRequest); trace.events = eventsResponse.rows.map(row => ({ id: row['event_id'], activity: row['activity'], source: row['source'], elapsed: row['source_elapsed'], thread: row['thread'] })); } if (!trace) { throw new Error(`Trace ${traceId.toString()} could not fully retrieved after ${_traceMaxAttemps} attempts`); } return trace; } /** * Checks whether hosts that are currently up agree on the schema definition. *

* This method performs a one-time check only, without any form of retry; therefore * protocolOptions.maxSchemaAgreementWaitSeconds setting does not apply in this case. *

* @param {Function} [callback] A function that is invoked with a value * true when all hosts agree on the schema and false when there is no agreement or when * the check could not be performed (for example, if the control connection is down). * @returns {Promise} Returns a Promise when a callback is not provided. The promise resolves to * true when all hosts agree on the schema and false when there is no agreement or when * the check could not be performed (for example, if the control connection is down). */ checkSchemaAgreement(callback) { return promiseUtils.optionalCallback(this._checkSchemaAgreement(), callback); } /** * Async-only version of check schema agreement. * @private */ async _checkSchemaAgreement() { const connection = this.controlConnection.connection; if (!connection) { return false; } try { return await this.compareSchemaVersions(connection); } catch (err) { return false; } } /** * Uses the metadata to fill the user provided parameter hints * @param {String} keyspace * @param {Array} hints * @internal * @ignore */ async adaptUserHints(keyspace, hints) { if (!Array.isArray(hints)) { return; } const udts = []; // Check for udts and get the metadata for (let i = 0; i < hints.length; i++) { const hint = hints[i]; if (typeof hint !== 'string') { continue; } const type = types.dataTypes.getByName(hint); this._checkUdtTypes(udts, type, keyspace); hints[i] = type; } for (const type of udts) { const udtInfo = await this.getUdt(type.info.keyspace, type.info.name); if (!udtInfo) { throw new TypeError('User defined type not found: ' + type.info.keyspace + '.' + type.info.name); } type.info = udtInfo; } } /** * @param {Array} udts * @param {{code, info}} type * @param {string} keyspace * @private */ _checkUdtTypes(udts, type, keyspace) { if (type.code === types.dataTypes.udt) { const udtName = type.info.split('.'); type.info = { keyspace: udtName[0], name: udtName[1] }; if (!type.info.name) { if (!keyspace) { throw new TypeError('No keyspace specified for udt: ' + udtName.join('.')); } //use the provided keyspace type.info.name = type.info.keyspace; type.info.keyspace = keyspace; } udts.push(type); return; } if (!type.info) { return; } if (type.code === types.dataTypes.list || type.code === types.dataTypes.set) { return this._checkUdtTypes(udts, type.info, keyspace); } if (type.code === types.dataTypes.map) { this._checkUdtTypes(udts, type.info[0], keyspace); this._checkUdtTypes(udts, type.info[1], keyspace); } } /** * Uses the provided connection to query the schema versions and compare them. * @param {Connection} connection * @internal * @ignore */ async compareSchemaVersions(connection) { const versions = new Set(); const response1 = await connection.send(new requests.QueryRequest(_selectSchemaVersionLocal), null); if (response1 && response1.rows && response1.rows.length === 1) { versions.add(response1.rows[0]['schema_version'].toString()); } const response2 = await connection.send(new requests.QueryRequest(_selectSchemaVersionPeers), null); if (response2 && response2.rows) { for (const row of response2.rows) { const value = row['schema_version']; if (!value) { continue; } versions.add(value.toString()); } } return versions.size === 1; } } /** * Allows to store prepared queries and retrieval by query or query id. * @ignore */ class PreparedQueries { /** * @param {Number} maxPrepared * @param {Function} logger */ constructor(maxPrepared, logger) { this.length = 0; this._maxPrepared = maxPrepared; this._mapByKey = new Map(); this._mapById = new Map(); this._logger = logger; } _getKey(keyspace, query) { return (keyspace || '') + query; } getOrAdd(keyspace, query) { const key = this._getKey(keyspace, query); let info = this._mapByKey.get(key); if (info) { return info; } this._validateOverflow(); info = new events.EventEmitter(); info.setMaxListeners(0); info.query = query; // The keyspace in which it was prepared info.keyspace = keyspace; this._mapByKey.set(key, info); this.length++; return info; } _validateOverflow() { if (this.length < this._maxPrepared) { return; } const toRemove = []; this._logger('warning', 'Prepared statements exceeded maximum. This could be caused by preparing queries that contain parameters'); const toRemoveLength = this.length - this._maxPrepared + 1; for (const [key, info] of this._mapByKey) { if (!info.queryId) { // Only remove queries that contain queryId continue; } const length = toRemove.push([key, info]); if (length >= toRemoveLength) { break; } } for (const [key, info] of toRemove) { this._mapByKey.delete(key); this._mapById.delete(info.queryId.toString('hex')); this.length--; } } setById(info) { this._mapById.set(info.queryId.toString('hex'), info); } getById(id) { return this._mapById.get(id.toString('hex')); } clear() { this._mapByKey = new Map(); this._mapById = new Map(); this.length = 0; } getAll() { return Array.from(this._mapByKey.values()).filter(info => !!info.queryId); } } module.exports = Metadata;