/* * Copyright DataStax, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import { Client, EmptyCallback, ExecutionOptions, Host, HostMap } from '../../'; import { types } from '../types'; export namespace policies { function defaultAddressTranslator(): addressResolution.AddressTranslator; function defaultLoadBalancingPolicy(localDc?: string): loadBalancing.LoadBalancingPolicy; function defaultReconnectionPolicy(): reconnection.ReconnectionPolicy; function defaultRetryPolicy(): retry.RetryPolicy; function defaultSpeculativeExecutionPolicy(): speculativeExecution.SpeculativeExecutionPolicy; function defaultTimestampGenerator(): timestampGeneration.TimestampGenerator; namespace addressResolution { interface AddressTranslator { translate(address: string, port: number, callback: Function): void; } class EC2MultiRegionTranslator implements AddressTranslator { translate(address: string, port: number, callback: Function): void; } } namespace loadBalancing { abstract class LoadBalancingPolicy { init(client: Client, hosts: HostMap, callback: EmptyCallback): void; getDistance(host: Host): types.distance; newQueryPlan( keyspace: string, executionOptions: ExecutionOptions, callback: (error: Error, iterator: Iterator) => void): void; getOptions(): Map; } class DCAwareRoundRobinPolicy extends LoadBalancingPolicy { constructor(localDc: string); } class TokenAwarePolicy extends LoadBalancingPolicy { constructor(childPolicy: LoadBalancingPolicy); } class AllowListPolicy extends LoadBalancingPolicy { constructor(childPolicy: LoadBalancingPolicy, allowList: string[]); } class WhiteListPolicy extends AllowListPolicy { } class RoundRobinPolicy extends LoadBalancingPolicy { constructor(); } class DefaultLoadBalancingPolicy extends LoadBalancingPolicy { constructor(options?: { localDc?: string, filter?: (host: Host) => boolean }); } } namespace reconnection { class ConstantReconnectionPolicy implements ReconnectionPolicy { constructor(delay: number); getOptions(): Map; newSchedule(): Iterator; } class ExponentialReconnectionPolicy implements ReconnectionPolicy { constructor(baseDelay: number, maxDelay: number, startWithNoDelay?: boolean); getOptions(): Map; newSchedule(): Iterator; } interface ReconnectionPolicy { getOptions(): Map; newSchedule(): Iterator; } } namespace retry { class DecisionInfo { decision: number; consistency: types.consistencies; } class OperationInfo { query: string; executionOptions: ExecutionOptions; nbRetry: number; } class IdempotenceAwareRetryPolicy extends RetryPolicy { constructor(childPolicy: RetryPolicy); } class FallthroughRetryPolicy extends RetryPolicy { constructor(); } class RetryPolicy { onReadTimeout( info: OperationInfo, consistency: types.consistencies, received: number, blockFor: number, isDataPresent: boolean): DecisionInfo; onRequestError(info: OperationInfo, consistency: types.consistencies, err: Error): DecisionInfo; onUnavailable( info: OperationInfo, consistency: types.consistencies, required: number, alive: boolean): DecisionInfo; onWriteTimeout( info: OperationInfo, consistency: types.consistencies, received: number, blockFor: number, writeType: string): DecisionInfo; rethrowResult(): DecisionInfo; retryResult(consistency: types.consistencies, useCurrentHost?: boolean): DecisionInfo; } namespace RetryDecision { enum retryDecision { ignore, rethrow, retry } } } namespace speculativeExecution { class ConstantSpeculativeExecutionPolicy implements SpeculativeExecutionPolicy { constructor(delay: number, maxSpeculativeExecutions: number); getOptions(): Map; init(client: Client): void; newPlan(keyspace: string, queryInfo: string | Array): { nextExecution: Function }; shutdown(): void; } class NoSpeculativeExecutionPolicy implements SpeculativeExecutionPolicy { constructor(); getOptions(): Map; init(client: Client): void; newPlan(keyspace: string, queryInfo: string | Array): { nextExecution: Function }; shutdown(): void; } interface SpeculativeExecutionPolicy { getOptions(): Map; init(client: Client): void; newPlan(keyspace: string, queryInfo: string|Array): { nextExecution: Function }; shutdown(): void; } } namespace timestampGeneration { class MonotonicTimestampGenerator implements TimestampGenerator { constructor(warningThreshold: number, minLogInterval: number); getDate(): number; next(client: Client): types.Long | number; } interface TimestampGenerator { next(client: Client): types.Long|number; } } }