import type { DeserializeOptions, SerializeOptions } from 'bson'; export { Binary, BSON, BSONRegExp, BSONSymbol, BSONType, calculateObjectSize, Code, DBRef, Decimal128, deserialize, Document, Double, Int32, Long, MaxKey, MinKey, ObjectId, serialize, Timestamp } from 'bson'; /** * BSON Serialization options. * @public */ export interface BSONSerializeOptions extends Omit, Omit< DeserializeOptions, | 'evalFunctions' | 'cacheFunctions' | 'cacheFunctionsCrc32' | 'allowObjectSmallerThanBufferSize' | 'index' | 'validation' > { /** * Enabling the raw option will return a [Node.js Buffer]( * which is allocated using [allocUnsafe API]( * See this section from the [Node.js Docs here]( * for more detail about what "unsafe" refers to in this context. * If you need to maintain your own editable clone of the bytes returned for an extended life time of the process, it is recommended you allocate * your own buffer and clone the contents: * * @example * ```ts * const raw = await collection.findOne({}, { raw: true }); * const myBuffer = Buffer.alloc(raw.byteLength); * myBuffer.set(raw, 0); * // Only save and use `myBuffer` beyond this point * ``` * * @remarks * Please note there is a known limitation where this option cannot be used at the MongoClient level (see [NODE-3946]( * It does correctly work at `Db`, `Collection`, and per operation the same as other BSON options work. */ raw?: boolean; /** Enable utf8 validation when deserializing BSON documents. Defaults to true. */ enableUtf8Validation?: boolean; } export function pluckBSONSerializeOptions(options: BSONSerializeOptions): BSONSerializeOptions { const { fieldsAsRaw, useBigInt64, promoteValues, promoteBuffers, promoteLongs, serializeFunctions, ignoreUndefined, bsonRegExp, raw, enableUtf8Validation } = options; return { fieldsAsRaw, useBigInt64, promoteValues, promoteBuffers, promoteLongs, serializeFunctions, ignoreUndefined, bsonRegExp, raw, enableUtf8Validation }; } /** * Merge the given BSONSerializeOptions, preferring options over the parent's options, and * substituting defaults for values not set. * * @internal */ export function resolveBSONOptions( options?: BSONSerializeOptions, parent?: { bsonOptions?: BSONSerializeOptions } ): BSONSerializeOptions { const parentOptions = parent?.bsonOptions; return { raw: options?.raw ?? parentOptions?.raw ?? false, useBigInt64: options?.useBigInt64 ?? parentOptions?.useBigInt64 ?? false, promoteLongs: options?.promoteLongs ?? parentOptions?.promoteLongs ?? true, promoteValues: options?.promoteValues ?? parentOptions?.promoteValues ?? true, promoteBuffers: options?.promoteBuffers ?? parentOptions?.promoteBuffers ?? false, ignoreUndefined: options?.ignoreUndefined ?? parentOptions?.ignoreUndefined ?? false, bsonRegExp: options?.bsonRegExp ?? parentOptions?.bsonRegExp ?? false, serializeFunctions: options?.serializeFunctions ?? parentOptions?.serializeFunctions ?? false, fieldsAsRaw: options?.fieldsAsRaw ?? parentOptions?.fieldsAsRaw ?? {}, enableUtf8Validation: options?.enableUtf8Validation ?? parentOptions?.enableUtf8Validation ?? true }; }