/* eslint max-len: 0 */ import {File} from "../index"; import { flowAfterParseClassSuper, flowAfterParseVarHead, flowParseExportDeclaration, flowParseExportStar, flowParseIdentifierStatement, flowParseImportSpecifier, flowParseTypeAnnotation, flowParseTypeParameterDeclaration, flowShouldDisallowExportDefaultSpecifier, flowShouldParseExportDeclaration, flowShouldParseExportStar, flowStartParseFunctionParams, flowStartParseImportSpecifiers, flowTryParseExportDefaultExpression, flowTryParseStatement, } from "../plugins/flow"; import { tsAfterParseClassSuper, tsAfterParseVarHead, tsIsDeclarationStart, tsParseExportDeclaration, tsParseExportSpecifier, tsParseIdentifierStatement, tsParseImportEqualsDeclaration, tsParseImportSpecifier, tsParseMaybeDecoratorArguments, tsParseModifiers, tsStartParseFunctionParams, tsTryParseClassMemberWithIsStatic, tsTryParseExport, tsTryParseExportDefaultExpression, tsTryParseStatementContent, tsTryParseTypeAnnotation, tsTryParseTypeParameters, } from "../plugins/typescript"; import { eat, eatTypeToken, IdentifierRole, lookaheadType, lookaheadTypeAndKeyword, match, next, nextTokenStart, nextTokenStartSince, popTypeContext, pushTypeContext, } from "../tokenizer"; import {ContextualKeyword} from "../tokenizer/keywords"; import {Scope} from "../tokenizer/state"; import { TokenType as tt} from "../tokenizer/types"; import {charCodes} from "../util/charcodes"; import {getNextContextId, input, isFlowEnabled, isTypeScriptEnabled, state} from "./base"; import { parseCallExpressionArguments, parseExprAtom, parseExpression, parseExprSubscripts, parseFunctionBodyAndFinish, parseIdentifier, parseMaybeAssign, parseMethod, parseObj, parseParenExpression, parsePropertyName, } from "./expression"; import { parseBindingAtom, parseBindingIdentifier, parseBindingList, parseImportedIdentifier, } from "./lval"; import { canInsertSemicolon, eatContextual, expect, expectContextual, hasFollowingLineBreak, hasPrecedingLineBreak, isContextual, isLineTerminator, isLookaheadContextual, semicolon, unexpected, } from "./util"; export function parseTopLevel() { parseBlockBody(tt.eof); state.scopes.push(new Scope(0, state.tokens.length, true)); if (state.scopeDepth !== 0) { throw new Error(`Invalid scope depth at end of file: ${state.scopeDepth}`); } return new File(state.tokens, state.scopes); } // Parse a single statement. // // If expecting a statement and finding a slash operator, parse a // regular expression literal. This is to handle cases like // `if (foo) /blah/.exec(foo)`, where looking at the previous token // does not help. export function parseStatement(declaration) { if (isFlowEnabled) { if (flowTryParseStatement()) { return; } } if (match(tt.at)) { parseDecorators(); } parseStatementContent(declaration); } function parseStatementContent(declaration) { if (isTypeScriptEnabled) { if (tsTryParseStatementContent()) { return; } } const starttype = state.type; // Most types of statements are recognized by the keyword they // start with. Many are trivial to parse, some require a bit of // complexity. switch (starttype) { case tt._break: case tt._continue: parseBreakContinueStatement(); return; case tt._debugger: parseDebuggerStatement(); return; case tt._do: parseDoStatement(); return; case tt._for: parseForStatement(); return; case tt._function: if (lookaheadType() === tt.dot) break; if (!declaration) unexpected(); parseFunctionStatement(); return; case tt._class: if (!declaration) unexpected(); parseClass(true); return; case tt._if: parseIfStatement(); return; case tt._return: parseReturnStatement(); return; case tt._switch: parseSwitchStatement(); return; case tt._throw: parseThrowStatement(); return; case tt._try: parseTryStatement(); return; case tt._let: case tt._const: if (!declaration) unexpected(); // NOTE: falls through to _var case tt._var: parseVarStatement(starttype !== tt._var); return; case tt._while: parseWhileStatement(); return; case tt.braceL: parseBlock(); return; case tt.semi: parseEmptyStatement(); return; case tt._export: case tt._import: { const nextType = lookaheadType(); if (nextType === tt.parenL || nextType === tt.dot) { break; } next(); if (starttype === tt._import) { parseImport(); } else { parseExport(); } return; } case tt.name: if (state.contextualKeyword === ContextualKeyword._async) { const functionStart = state.start; // peek ahead and see if next token is a function const snapshot = state.snapshot(); next(); if (match(tt._function) && !canInsertSemicolon()) { expect(tt._function); parseFunction(functionStart, true); return; } else { state.restoreFromSnapshot(snapshot); } } else if ( state.contextualKeyword === ContextualKeyword._using && !hasFollowingLineBreak() && // Statements like `using[0]` and `using in foo` aren't actual using // declarations. lookaheadType() === tt.name ) { parseVarStatement(true); return; } default: // Do nothing. break; } // If the statement does not start with a statement keyword or a // brace, it's an ExpressionStatement or LabeledStatement. We // simply start parsing an expression, and afterwards, if the // next token is a colon and the expression was a simple // Identifier node, we switch to interpreting it as a label. const initialTokensLength = state.tokens.length; parseExpression(); let simpleName = null; if (state.tokens.length === initialTokensLength + 1) { const token = state.tokens[state.tokens.length - 1]; if (token.type === tt.name) { simpleName = token.contextualKeyword; } } if (simpleName == null) { semicolon(); return; } if (eat(tt.colon)) { parseLabeledStatement(); } else { // This was an identifier, so we might want to handle flow/typescript-specific cases. parseIdentifierStatement(simpleName); } } export function parseDecorators() { while (match(tt.at)) { parseDecorator(); } } function parseDecorator() { next(); if (eat(tt.parenL)) { parseExpression(); expect(tt.parenR); } else { parseIdentifier(); while (eat(tt.dot)) { parseIdentifier(); } parseMaybeDecoratorArguments(); } } function parseMaybeDecoratorArguments() { if (isTypeScriptEnabled) { tsParseMaybeDecoratorArguments(); } else { baseParseMaybeDecoratorArguments(); } } export function baseParseMaybeDecoratorArguments() { if (eat(tt.parenL)) { parseCallExpressionArguments(); } } function parseBreakContinueStatement() { next(); if (!isLineTerminator()) { parseIdentifier(); semicolon(); } } function parseDebuggerStatement() { next(); semicolon(); } function parseDoStatement() { next(); parseStatement(false); expect(tt._while); parseParenExpression(); eat(tt.semi); } function parseForStatement() { state.scopeDepth++; const startTokenIndex = state.tokens.length; parseAmbiguousForStatement(); const endTokenIndex = state.tokens.length; state.scopes.push(new Scope(startTokenIndex, endTokenIndex, false)); state.scopeDepth--; } /** * Determine if this token is a `using` declaration (explicit resource * management) as part of a loop. * https://github.com/tc39/proposal-explicit-resource-management */ function isUsingInLoop() { if (!isContextual(ContextualKeyword._using)) { return false; } // This must be `for (using of`, where `using` is the name of the loop // variable. if (isLookaheadContextual(ContextualKeyword._of)) { return false; } return true; } // Disambiguating between a `for` and a `for`/`in` or `for`/`of` // loop is non-trivial. Basically, we have to parse the init `var` // statement or expression, disallowing the `in` operator (see // the second parameter to `parseExpression`), and then check // whether the next token is `in` or `of`. When there is no init // part (semicolon immediately after the opening parenthesis), it // is a regular `for` loop. function parseAmbiguousForStatement() { next(); let forAwait = false; if (isContextual(ContextualKeyword._await)) { forAwait = true; next(); } expect(tt.parenL); if (match(tt.semi)) { if (forAwait) { unexpected(); } parseFor(); return; } if (match(tt._var) || match(tt._let) || match(tt._const) || isUsingInLoop()) { next(); parseVar(true, state.type !== tt._var); if (match(tt._in) || isContextual(ContextualKeyword._of)) { parseForIn(forAwait); return; } parseFor(); return; } parseExpression(true); if (match(tt._in) || isContextual(ContextualKeyword._of)) { parseForIn(forAwait); return; } if (forAwait) { unexpected(); } parseFor(); } function parseFunctionStatement() { const functionStart = state.start; next(); parseFunction(functionStart, true); } function parseIfStatement() { next(); parseParenExpression(); parseStatement(false); if (eat(tt._else)) { parseStatement(false); } } function parseReturnStatement() { next(); // In `return` (and `break`/`continue`), the keywords with // optional arguments, we eagerly look for a semicolon or the // possibility to insert one. if (!isLineTerminator()) { parseExpression(); semicolon(); } } function parseSwitchStatement() { next(); parseParenExpression(); state.scopeDepth++; const startTokenIndex = state.tokens.length; expect(tt.braceL); // Don't bother validation; just go through any sequence of cases, defaults, and statements. while (!match(tt.braceR) && !state.error) { if (match(tt._case) || match(tt._default)) { const isCase = match(tt._case); next(); if (isCase) { parseExpression(); } expect(tt.colon); } else { parseStatement(true); } } next(); // Closing brace const endTokenIndex = state.tokens.length; state.scopes.push(new Scope(startTokenIndex, endTokenIndex, false)); state.scopeDepth--; } function parseThrowStatement() { next(); parseExpression(); semicolon(); } function parseCatchClauseParam() { parseBindingAtom(true /* isBlockScope */); if (isTypeScriptEnabled) { tsTryParseTypeAnnotation(); } } function parseTryStatement() { next(); parseBlock(); if (match(tt._catch)) { next(); let catchBindingStartTokenIndex = null; if (match(tt.parenL)) { state.scopeDepth++; catchBindingStartTokenIndex = state.tokens.length; expect(tt.parenL); parseCatchClauseParam(); expect(tt.parenR); } parseBlock(); if (catchBindingStartTokenIndex != null) { // We need a special scope for the catch binding which includes the binding itself and the // catch block. const endTokenIndex = state.tokens.length; state.scopes.push(new Scope(catchBindingStartTokenIndex, endTokenIndex, false)); state.scopeDepth--; } } if (eat(tt._finally)) { parseBlock(); } } export function parseVarStatement(isBlockScope) { next(); parseVar(false, isBlockScope); semicolon(); } function parseWhileStatement() { next(); parseParenExpression(); parseStatement(false); } function parseEmptyStatement() { next(); } function parseLabeledStatement() { parseStatement(true); } /** * Parse a statement starting with an identifier of the given name. Subclasses match on the name * to handle statements like "declare". */ function parseIdentifierStatement(contextualKeyword) { if (isTypeScriptEnabled) { tsParseIdentifierStatement(contextualKeyword); } else if (isFlowEnabled) { flowParseIdentifierStatement(contextualKeyword); } else { semicolon(); } } // Parse a semicolon-enclosed block of statements. export function parseBlock(isFunctionScope = false, contextId = 0) { const startTokenIndex = state.tokens.length; state.scopeDepth++; expect(tt.braceL); if (contextId) { state.tokens[state.tokens.length - 1].contextId = contextId; } parseBlockBody(tt.braceR); if (contextId) { state.tokens[state.tokens.length - 1].contextId = contextId; } const endTokenIndex = state.tokens.length; state.scopes.push(new Scope(startTokenIndex, endTokenIndex, isFunctionScope)); state.scopeDepth--; } export function parseBlockBody(end) { while (!eat(end) && !state.error) { parseStatement(true); } } // Parse a regular `for` loop. The disambiguation code in // `parseStatement` will already have parsed the init statement or // expression. function parseFor() { expect(tt.semi); if (!match(tt.semi)) { parseExpression(); } expect(tt.semi); if (!match(tt.parenR)) { parseExpression(); } expect(tt.parenR); parseStatement(false); } // Parse a `for`/`in` and `for`/`of` loop, which are almost // same from parser's perspective. function parseForIn(forAwait) { if (forAwait) { eatContextual(ContextualKeyword._of); } else { next(); } parseExpression(); expect(tt.parenR); parseStatement(false); } // Parse a list of variable declarations. function parseVar(isFor, isBlockScope) { while (true) { parseVarHead(isBlockScope); if (eat(tt.eq)) { const eqIndex = state.tokens.length - 1; parseMaybeAssign(isFor); state.tokens[eqIndex].rhsEndIndex = state.tokens.length; } if (!eat(tt.comma)) { break; } } } function parseVarHead(isBlockScope) { parseBindingAtom(isBlockScope); if (isTypeScriptEnabled) { tsAfterParseVarHead(); } else if (isFlowEnabled) { flowAfterParseVarHead(); } } // Parse a function declaration or literal (depending on the // `isStatement` parameter). export function parseFunction( functionStart, isStatement, optionalId = false, ) { if (match(tt.star)) { next(); } if (isStatement && !optionalId && !match(tt.name) && !match(tt._yield)) { unexpected(); } let nameScopeStartTokenIndex = null; if (match(tt.name)) { // Expression-style functions should limit their name's scope to the function body, so we make // a new function scope to enforce that. if (!isStatement) { nameScopeStartTokenIndex = state.tokens.length; state.scopeDepth++; } parseBindingIdentifier(false); } const startTokenIndex = state.tokens.length; state.scopeDepth++; parseFunctionParams(); parseFunctionBodyAndFinish(functionStart); const endTokenIndex = state.tokens.length; // In addition to the block scope of the function body, we need a separate function-style scope // that includes the params. state.scopes.push(new Scope(startTokenIndex, endTokenIndex, true)); state.scopeDepth--; if (nameScopeStartTokenIndex !== null) { state.scopes.push(new Scope(nameScopeStartTokenIndex, endTokenIndex, true)); state.scopeDepth--; } } export function parseFunctionParams( allowModifiers = false, funcContextId = 0, ) { if (isTypeScriptEnabled) { tsStartParseFunctionParams(); } else if (isFlowEnabled) { flowStartParseFunctionParams(); } expect(tt.parenL); if (funcContextId) { state.tokens[state.tokens.length - 1].contextId = funcContextId; } parseBindingList( tt.parenR, false /* isBlockScope */, false /* allowEmpty */, allowModifiers, funcContextId, ); if (funcContextId) { state.tokens[state.tokens.length - 1].contextId = funcContextId; } } // Parse a class declaration or literal (depending on the // `isStatement` parameter). export function parseClass(isStatement, optionalId = false) { // Put a context ID on the class keyword, the open-brace, and the close-brace, so that later // code can easily navigate to meaningful points on the class. const contextId = getNextContextId(); next(); state.tokens[state.tokens.length - 1].contextId = contextId; state.tokens[state.tokens.length - 1].isExpression = !isStatement; // Like with functions, we declare a special "name scope" from the start of the name to the end // of the class, but only with expression-style classes, to represent the fact that the name is // available to the body of the class but not an outer declaration. let nameScopeStartTokenIndex = null; if (!isStatement) { nameScopeStartTokenIndex = state.tokens.length; state.scopeDepth++; } parseClassId(isStatement, optionalId); parseClassSuper(); const openBraceIndex = state.tokens.length; parseClassBody(contextId); if (state.error) { return; } state.tokens[openBraceIndex].contextId = contextId; state.tokens[state.tokens.length - 1].contextId = contextId; if (nameScopeStartTokenIndex !== null) { const endTokenIndex = state.tokens.length; state.scopes.push(new Scope(nameScopeStartTokenIndex, endTokenIndex, false)); state.scopeDepth--; } } function isClassProperty() { return match(tt.eq) || match(tt.semi) || match(tt.braceR) || match(tt.bang) || match(tt.colon); } function isClassMethod() { return match(tt.parenL) || match(tt.lessThan); } function parseClassBody(classContextId) { expect(tt.braceL); while (!eat(tt.braceR) && !state.error) { if (eat(tt.semi)) { continue; } if (match(tt.at)) { parseDecorator(); continue; } const memberStart = state.start; parseClassMember(memberStart, classContextId); } } function parseClassMember(memberStart, classContextId) { if (isTypeScriptEnabled) { tsParseModifiers([ ContextualKeyword._declare, ContextualKeyword._public, ContextualKeyword._protected, ContextualKeyword._private, ContextualKeyword._override, ]); } let isStatic = false; if (match(tt.name) && state.contextualKeyword === ContextualKeyword._static) { parseIdentifier(); // eats 'static' if (isClassMethod()) { parseClassMethod(memberStart, /* isConstructor */ false); return; } else if (isClassProperty()) { parseClassProperty(); return; } // otherwise something static state.tokens[state.tokens.length - 1].type = tt._static; isStatic = true; if (match(tt.braceL)) { // This is a static block. Mark the word "static" with the class context ID for class element // detection and parse as a regular block. state.tokens[state.tokens.length - 1].contextId = classContextId; parseBlock(); return; } } parseClassMemberWithIsStatic(memberStart, isStatic, classContextId); } function parseClassMemberWithIsStatic( memberStart, isStatic, classContextId, ) { if (isTypeScriptEnabled) { if (tsTryParseClassMemberWithIsStatic(isStatic)) { return; } } if (eat(tt.star)) { // a generator parseClassPropertyName(classContextId); parseClassMethod(memberStart, /* isConstructor */ false); return; } // Get the identifier name so we can tell if it's actually a keyword like "async", "get", or // "set". parseClassPropertyName(classContextId); let isConstructor = false; const token = state.tokens[state.tokens.length - 1]; // We allow "constructor" as either an identifier or a string. if (token.contextualKeyword === ContextualKeyword._constructor) { isConstructor = true; } parsePostMemberNameModifiers(); if (isClassMethod()) { parseClassMethod(memberStart, isConstructor); } else if (isClassProperty()) { parseClassProperty(); } else if (token.contextualKeyword === ContextualKeyword._async && !isLineTerminator()) { state.tokens[state.tokens.length - 1].type = tt._async; // an async method const isGenerator = match(tt.star); if (isGenerator) { next(); } // The so-called parsed name would have been "async": get the real name. parseClassPropertyName(classContextId); parsePostMemberNameModifiers(); parseClassMethod(memberStart, false /* isConstructor */); } else if ( (token.contextualKeyword === ContextualKeyword._get || token.contextualKeyword === ContextualKeyword._set) && !(isLineTerminator() && match(tt.star)) ) { if (token.contextualKeyword === ContextualKeyword._get) { state.tokens[state.tokens.length - 1].type = tt._get; } else { state.tokens[state.tokens.length - 1].type = tt._set; } // `get\n*` is an uninitialized property named 'get' followed by a generator. // a getter or setter // The so-called parsed name would have been "get/set": get the real name. parseClassPropertyName(classContextId); parseClassMethod(memberStart, /* isConstructor */ false); } else if (token.contextualKeyword === ContextualKeyword._accessor && !isLineTerminator()) { parseClassPropertyName(classContextId); parseClassProperty(); } else if (isLineTerminator()) { // an uninitialized class property (due to ASI, since we don't otherwise recognize the next token) parseClassProperty(); } else { unexpected(); } } function parseClassMethod(functionStart, isConstructor) { if (isTypeScriptEnabled) { tsTryParseTypeParameters(); } else if (isFlowEnabled) { if (match(tt.lessThan)) { flowParseTypeParameterDeclaration(); } } parseMethod(functionStart, isConstructor); } // Return the name of the class property, if it is a simple identifier. export function parseClassPropertyName(classContextId) { parsePropertyName(classContextId); } export function parsePostMemberNameModifiers() { if (isTypeScriptEnabled) { const oldIsType = pushTypeContext(0); eat(tt.question); popTypeContext(oldIsType); } } export function parseClassProperty() { if (isTypeScriptEnabled) { eatTypeToken(tt.bang); tsTryParseTypeAnnotation(); } else if (isFlowEnabled) { if (match(tt.colon)) { flowParseTypeAnnotation(); } } if (match(tt.eq)) { const equalsTokenIndex = state.tokens.length; next(); parseMaybeAssign(); state.tokens[equalsTokenIndex].rhsEndIndex = state.tokens.length; } semicolon(); } function parseClassId(isStatement, optionalId = false) { if ( isTypeScriptEnabled && (!isStatement || optionalId) && isContextual(ContextualKeyword._implements) ) { return; } if (match(tt.name)) { parseBindingIdentifier(true); } if (isTypeScriptEnabled) { tsTryParseTypeParameters(); } else if (isFlowEnabled) { if (match(tt.lessThan)) { flowParseTypeParameterDeclaration(); } } } // Returns true if there was a superclass. function parseClassSuper() { let hasSuper = false; if (eat(tt._extends)) { parseExprSubscripts(); hasSuper = true; } else { hasSuper = false; } if (isTypeScriptEnabled) { tsAfterParseClassSuper(hasSuper); } else if (isFlowEnabled) { flowAfterParseClassSuper(hasSuper); } } // Parses module export declaration. export function parseExport() { const exportIndex = state.tokens.length - 1; if (isTypeScriptEnabled) { if (tsTryParseExport()) { return; } } // export * from '...' if (shouldParseExportStar()) { parseExportStar(); } else if (isExportDefaultSpecifier()) { // export default from parseIdentifier(); if (match(tt.comma) && lookaheadType() === tt.star) { expect(tt.comma); expect(tt.star); expectContextual(ContextualKeyword._as); parseIdentifier(); } else { parseExportSpecifiersMaybe(); } parseExportFrom(); } else if (eat(tt._default)) { // export default ... parseExportDefaultExpression(); } else if (shouldParseExportDeclaration()) { parseExportDeclaration(); } else { // export { x, y as z } [from '...'] parseExportSpecifiers(); parseExportFrom(); } state.tokens[exportIndex].rhsEndIndex = state.tokens.length; } function parseExportDefaultExpression() { if (isTypeScriptEnabled) { if (tsTryParseExportDefaultExpression()) { return; } } if (isFlowEnabled) { if (flowTryParseExportDefaultExpression()) { return; } } const functionStart = state.start; if (eat(tt._function)) { parseFunction(functionStart, true, true); } else if (isContextual(ContextualKeyword._async) && lookaheadType() === tt._function) { // async function declaration eatContextual(ContextualKeyword._async); eat(tt._function); parseFunction(functionStart, true, true); } else if (match(tt._class)) { parseClass(true, true); } else if (match(tt.at)) { parseDecorators(); parseClass(true, true); } else { parseMaybeAssign(); semicolon(); } } function parseExportDeclaration() { if (isTypeScriptEnabled) { tsParseExportDeclaration(); } else if (isFlowEnabled) { flowParseExportDeclaration(); } else { parseStatement(true); } } function isExportDefaultSpecifier() { if (isTypeScriptEnabled && tsIsDeclarationStart()) { return false; } else if (isFlowEnabled && flowShouldDisallowExportDefaultSpecifier()) { return false; } if (match(tt.name)) { return state.contextualKeyword !== ContextualKeyword._async; } if (!match(tt._default)) { return false; } const _next = nextTokenStart(); const lookahead = lookaheadTypeAndKeyword(); const hasFrom = lookahead.type === tt.name && lookahead.contextualKeyword === ContextualKeyword._from; if (lookahead.type === tt.comma) { return true; } // lookahead again when `export default from` is seen if (hasFrom) { const nextAfterFrom = input.charCodeAt(nextTokenStartSince(_next + 4)); return nextAfterFrom === charCodes.quotationMark || nextAfterFrom === charCodes.apostrophe; } return false; } function parseExportSpecifiersMaybe() { if (eat(tt.comma)) { parseExportSpecifiers(); } } export function parseExportFrom() { if (eatContextual(ContextualKeyword._from)) { parseExprAtom(); maybeParseImportAssertions(); } semicolon(); } function shouldParseExportStar() { if (isFlowEnabled) { return flowShouldParseExportStar(); } else { return match(tt.star); } } function parseExportStar() { if (isFlowEnabled) { flowParseExportStar(); } else { baseParseExportStar(); } } export function baseParseExportStar() { expect(tt.star); if (isContextual(ContextualKeyword._as)) { parseExportNamespace(); } else { parseExportFrom(); } } function parseExportNamespace() { next(); state.tokens[state.tokens.length - 1].type = tt._as; parseIdentifier(); parseExportSpecifiersMaybe(); parseExportFrom(); } function shouldParseExportDeclaration() { return ( (isTypeScriptEnabled && tsIsDeclarationStart()) || (isFlowEnabled && flowShouldParseExportDeclaration()) || state.type === tt._var || state.type === tt._const || state.type === tt._let || state.type === tt._function || state.type === tt._class || isContextual(ContextualKeyword._async) || match(tt.at) ); } // Parses a comma-separated list of module exports. export function parseExportSpecifiers() { let first = true; // export { x, y as z } [from '...'] expect(tt.braceL); while (!eat(tt.braceR) && !state.error) { if (first) { first = false; } else { expect(tt.comma); if (eat(tt.braceR)) { break; } } parseExportSpecifier(); } } function parseExportSpecifier() { if (isTypeScriptEnabled) { tsParseExportSpecifier(); return; } parseIdentifier(); state.tokens[state.tokens.length - 1].identifierRole = IdentifierRole.ExportAccess; if (eatContextual(ContextualKeyword._as)) { parseIdentifier(); } } /** * Starting at the `module` token in an import, determine if it was truly an * import reflection token or just looks like one. * * Returns true for: * import module foo from "foo"; * import module from from "foo"; * * Returns false for: * import module from "foo"; * import module, {bar} from "foo"; */ function isImportReflection() { const snapshot = state.snapshot(); expectContextual(ContextualKeyword._module); if (eatContextual(ContextualKeyword._from)) { if (isContextual(ContextualKeyword._from)) { state.restoreFromSnapshot(snapshot); return true; } else { state.restoreFromSnapshot(snapshot); return false; } } else if (match(tt.comma)) { state.restoreFromSnapshot(snapshot); return false; } else { state.restoreFromSnapshot(snapshot); return true; } } /** * Eat the "module" token from the import reflection proposal. * https://github.com/tc39/proposal-import-reflection */ function parseMaybeImportReflection() { // isImportReflection does snapshot/restore, so only run it if we see the word // "module". if (isContextual(ContextualKeyword._module) && isImportReflection()) { next(); } } // Parses import declaration. export function parseImport() { if (isTypeScriptEnabled && match(tt.name) && lookaheadType() === tt.eq) { tsParseImportEqualsDeclaration(); return; } if (isTypeScriptEnabled && isContextual(ContextualKeyword._type)) { const lookahead = lookaheadTypeAndKeyword(); if (lookahead.type === tt.name && lookahead.contextualKeyword !== ContextualKeyword._from) { // One of these `import type` cases: // import type T = require('T'); // import type A from 'A'; expectContextual(ContextualKeyword._type); if (lookaheadType() === tt.eq) { tsParseImportEqualsDeclaration(); return; } // If this is an `import type...from` statement, then we already ate the // type token, so proceed to the regular import parser. } else if (lookahead.type === tt.star || lookahead.type === tt.braceL) { // One of these `import type` cases, in which case we can eat the type token // and proceed as normal: // import type * as A from 'A'; // import type {a} from 'A'; expectContextual(ContextualKeyword._type); } // Otherwise, we are importing the name "type". } // import '...' if (match(tt.string)) { parseExprAtom(); } else { parseMaybeImportReflection(); parseImportSpecifiers(); expectContextual(ContextualKeyword._from); parseExprAtom(); } maybeParseImportAssertions(); semicolon(); } // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars function shouldParseDefaultImport() { return match(tt.name); } function parseImportSpecifierLocal() { parseImportedIdentifier(); } // Parses a comma-separated list of module imports. function parseImportSpecifiers() { if (isFlowEnabled) { flowStartParseImportSpecifiers(); } let first = true; if (shouldParseDefaultImport()) { // import defaultObj, { x, y as z } from '...' parseImportSpecifierLocal(); if (!eat(tt.comma)) return; } if (match(tt.star)) { next(); expectContextual(ContextualKeyword._as); parseImportSpecifierLocal(); return; } expect(tt.braceL); while (!eat(tt.braceR) && !state.error) { if (first) { first = false; } else { // Detect an attempt to deep destructure if (eat(tt.colon)) { unexpected( "ES2015 named imports do not destructure. Use another statement for destructuring after the import.", ); } expect(tt.comma); if (eat(tt.braceR)) { break; } } parseImportSpecifier(); } } function parseImportSpecifier() { if (isTypeScriptEnabled) { tsParseImportSpecifier(); return; } if (isFlowEnabled) { flowParseImportSpecifier(); return; } parseImportedIdentifier(); if (isContextual(ContextualKeyword._as)) { state.tokens[state.tokens.length - 1].identifierRole = IdentifierRole.ImportAccess; next(); parseImportedIdentifier(); } } /** * Parse import assertions like `assert {type: "json"}`. * * Import assertions technically have their own syntax, but are always parseable * as a plain JS object, so just do that for simplicity. */ function maybeParseImportAssertions() { if (isContextual(ContextualKeyword._assert) && !hasPrecedingLineBreak()) { next(); parseObj(false, false); } }