'use strict' // A readable tar stream creator // Technically, this is a transform stream that you write paths into, // and tar format comes out of. // The `add()` method is like `write()` but returns this, // and end() return `this` as well, so you can // do `new Pack(opt).add('files').add('dir').end().pipe(output) // You could also do something like: // streamOfPaths().pipe(new Pack()).pipe(new fs.WriteStream('out.tar')) class PackJob { constructor (path, absolute) { this.path = path || './' this.absolute = absolute this.entry = null this.stat = null this.readdir = null this.pending = false this.ignore = false this.piped = false } } const { Minipass } = require('minipass') const zlib = require('minizlib') const ReadEntry = require('./read-entry.js') const WriteEntry = require('./write-entry.js') const WriteEntrySync = WriteEntry.Sync const WriteEntryTar = WriteEntry.Tar const Yallist = require('yallist') const EOF = Buffer.alloc(1024) const ONSTAT = Symbol('onStat') const ENDED = Symbol('ended') const QUEUE = Symbol('queue') const CURRENT = Symbol('current') const PROCESS = Symbol('process') const PROCESSING = Symbol('processing') const PROCESSJOB = Symbol('processJob') const JOBS = Symbol('jobs') const JOBDONE = Symbol('jobDone') const ADDFSENTRY = Symbol('addFSEntry') const ADDTARENTRY = Symbol('addTarEntry') const STAT = Symbol('stat') const READDIR = Symbol('readdir') const ONREADDIR = Symbol('onreaddir') const PIPE = Symbol('pipe') const ENTRY = Symbol('entry') const ENTRYOPT = Symbol('entryOpt') const WRITEENTRYCLASS = Symbol('writeEntryClass') const WRITE = Symbol('write') const ONDRAIN = Symbol('ondrain') const fs = require('fs') const path = require('path') const warner = require('./warn-mixin.js') const normPath = require('./normalize-windows-path.js') const Pack = warner(class Pack extends Minipass { constructor (opt) { super(opt) opt = opt || Object.create(null) this.opt = opt this.file = opt.file || '' this.cwd = opt.cwd || process.cwd() this.maxReadSize = opt.maxReadSize this.preservePaths = !!opt.preservePaths this.strict = !!opt.strict this.noPax = !!opt.noPax this.prefix = normPath(opt.prefix || '') this.linkCache = opt.linkCache || new Map() this.statCache = opt.statCache || new Map() this.readdirCache = opt.readdirCache || new Map() this[WRITEENTRYCLASS] = WriteEntry if (typeof opt.onwarn === 'function') { this.on('warn', opt.onwarn) } this.portable = !!opt.portable this.zip = null if (opt.gzip) { if (typeof opt.gzip !== 'object') { opt.gzip = {} } if (this.portable) { opt.gzip.portable = true } this.zip = new zlib.Gzip(opt.gzip) this.zip.on('data', chunk => super.write(chunk)) this.zip.on('end', _ => super.end()) this.zip.on('drain', _ => this[ONDRAIN]()) this.on('resume', _ => this.zip.resume()) } else { this.on('drain', this[ONDRAIN]) } this.noDirRecurse = !!opt.noDirRecurse this.follow = !!opt.follow this.noMtime = !!opt.noMtime this.mtime = opt.mtime || null this.filter = typeof opt.filter === 'function' ? opt.filter : _ => true this[QUEUE] = new Yallist() this[JOBS] = 0 this.jobs = +opt.jobs || 4 this[PROCESSING] = false this[ENDED] = false } [WRITE] (chunk) { return super.write(chunk) } add (path) { this.write(path) return this } end (path) { if (path) { this.write(path) } this[ENDED] = true this[PROCESS]() return this } write (path) { if (this[ENDED]) { throw new Error('write after end') } if (path instanceof ReadEntry) { this[ADDTARENTRY](path) } else { this[ADDFSENTRY](path) } return this.flowing } [ADDTARENTRY] (p) { const absolute = normPath(path.resolve(this.cwd, p.path)) // in this case, we don't have to wait for the stat if (!this.filter(p.path, p)) { p.resume() } else { const job = new PackJob(p.path, absolute, false) job.entry = new WriteEntryTar(p, this[ENTRYOPT](job)) job.entry.on('end', _ => this[JOBDONE](job)) this[JOBS] += 1 this[QUEUE].push(job) } this[PROCESS]() } [ADDFSENTRY] (p) { const absolute = normPath(path.resolve(this.cwd, p)) this[QUEUE].push(new PackJob(p, absolute)) this[PROCESS]() } [STAT] (job) { job.pending = true this[JOBS] += 1 const stat = this.follow ? 'stat' : 'lstat' fs[stat](job.absolute, (er, stat) => { job.pending = false this[JOBS] -= 1 if (er) { this.emit('error', er) } else { this[ONSTAT](job, stat) } }) } [ONSTAT] (job, stat) { this.statCache.set(job.absolute, stat) job.stat = stat // now we have the stat, we can filter it. if (!this.filter(job.path, stat)) { job.ignore = true } this[PROCESS]() } [READDIR] (job) { job.pending = true this[JOBS] += 1 fs.readdir(job.absolute, (er, entries) => { job.pending = false this[JOBS] -= 1 if (er) { return this.emit('error', er) } this[ONREADDIR](job, entries) }) } [ONREADDIR] (job, entries) { this.readdirCache.set(job.absolute, entries) job.readdir = entries this[PROCESS]() } [PROCESS] () { if (this[PROCESSING]) { return } this[PROCESSING] = true for (let w = this[QUEUE].head; w !== null && this[JOBS] < this.jobs; w = w.next) { this[PROCESSJOB](w.value) if (w.value.ignore) { const p = w.next this[QUEUE].removeNode(w) w.next = p } } this[PROCESSING] = false if (this[ENDED] && !this[QUEUE].length && this[JOBS] === 0) { if (this.zip) { this.zip.end(EOF) } else { super.write(EOF) super.end() } } } get [CURRENT] () { return this[QUEUE] && this[QUEUE].head && this[QUEUE].head.value } [JOBDONE] (job) { this[QUEUE].shift() this[JOBS] -= 1 this[PROCESS]() } [PROCESSJOB] (job) { if (job.pending) { return } if (job.entry) { if (job === this[CURRENT] && !job.piped) { this[PIPE](job) } return } if (!job.stat) { if (this.statCache.has(job.absolute)) { this[ONSTAT](job, this.statCache.get(job.absolute)) } else { this[STAT](job) } } if (!job.stat) { return } // filtered out! if (job.ignore) { return } if (!this.noDirRecurse && job.stat.isDirectory() && !job.readdir) { if (this.readdirCache.has(job.absolute)) { this[ONREADDIR](job, this.readdirCache.get(job.absolute)) } else { this[READDIR](job) } if (!job.readdir) { return } } // we know it doesn't have an entry, because that got checked above job.entry = this[ENTRY](job) if (!job.entry) { job.ignore = true return } if (job === this[CURRENT] && !job.piped) { this[PIPE](job) } } [ENTRYOPT] (job) { return { onwarn: (code, msg, data) => this.warn(code, msg, data), noPax: this.noPax, cwd: this.cwd, absolute: job.absolute, preservePaths: this.preservePaths, maxReadSize: this.maxReadSize, strict: this.strict, portable: this.portable, linkCache: this.linkCache, statCache: this.statCache, noMtime: this.noMtime, mtime: this.mtime, prefix: this.prefix, } } [ENTRY] (job) { this[JOBS] += 1 try { return new this[WRITEENTRYCLASS](job.path, this[ENTRYOPT](job)) .on('end', () => this[JOBDONE](job)) .on('error', er => this.emit('error', er)) } catch (er) { this.emit('error', er) } } [ONDRAIN] () { if (this[CURRENT] && this[CURRENT].entry) { this[CURRENT].entry.resume() } } // like .pipe() but using super, because our write() is special [PIPE] (job) { job.piped = true if (job.readdir) { job.readdir.forEach(entry => { const p = job.path const base = p === './' ? '' : p.replace(/\/*$/, '/') this[ADDFSENTRY](base + entry) }) } const source = job.entry const zip = this.zip if (zip) { source.on('data', chunk => { if (!zip.write(chunk)) { source.pause() } }) } else { source.on('data', chunk => { if (!super.write(chunk)) { source.pause() } }) } } pause () { if (this.zip) { this.zip.pause() } return super.pause() } }) class PackSync extends Pack { constructor (opt) { super(opt) this[WRITEENTRYCLASS] = WriteEntrySync } // pause/resume are no-ops in sync streams. pause () {} resume () {} [STAT] (job) { const stat = this.follow ? 'statSync' : 'lstatSync' this[ONSTAT](job, fs[stat](job.absolute)) } [READDIR] (job, stat) { this[ONREADDIR](job, fs.readdirSync(job.absolute)) } // gotta get it all in this tick [PIPE] (job) { const source = job.entry const zip = this.zip if (job.readdir) { job.readdir.forEach(entry => { const p = job.path const base = p === './' ? '' : p.replace(/\/*$/, '/') this[ADDFSENTRY](base + entry) }) } if (zip) { source.on('data', chunk => { zip.write(chunk) }) } else { source.on('data', chunk => { super[WRITE](chunk) }) } } } Pack.Sync = PackSync module.exports = Pack