"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "default", { enumerable: true, get: function() { return resolveConfig; } }); const _negateValue = /*#__PURE__*/ _interop_require_default(require("./negateValue")); const _corePluginList = /*#__PURE__*/ _interop_require_default(require("../corePluginList")); const _configurePlugins = /*#__PURE__*/ _interop_require_default(require("./configurePlugins")); const _colors = /*#__PURE__*/ _interop_require_default(require("../public/colors")); const _defaults = require("./defaults"); const _toPath = require("./toPath"); const _normalizeConfig = require("./normalizeConfig"); const _isPlainObject = /*#__PURE__*/ _interop_require_default(require("./isPlainObject")); const _cloneDeep = require("./cloneDeep"); const _pluginUtils = require("./pluginUtils"); const _withAlphaVariable = require("./withAlphaVariable"); const _toColorValue = /*#__PURE__*/ _interop_require_default(require("./toColorValue")); function _interop_require_default(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; } function isFunction(input) { return typeof input === "function"; } function mergeWith(target, ...sources) { let customizer = sources.pop(); for (let source of sources){ for(let k in source){ let merged = customizer(target[k], source[k]); if (merged === undefined) { if ((0, _isPlainObject.default)(target[k]) && (0, _isPlainObject.default)(source[k])) { target[k] = mergeWith({}, target[k], source[k], customizer); } else { target[k] = source[k]; } } else { target[k] = merged; } } } return target; } const configUtils = { colors: _colors.default, negative (scale) { // TODO: Log that this function isn't really needed anymore? return Object.keys(scale).filter((key)=>scale[key] !== "0").reduce((negativeScale, key)=>{ let negativeValue = (0, _negateValue.default)(scale[key]); if (negativeValue !== undefined) { negativeScale[`-${key}`] = negativeValue; } return negativeScale; }, {}); }, breakpoints (screens) { return Object.keys(screens).filter((key)=>typeof screens[key] === "string").reduce((breakpoints, key)=>({ ...breakpoints, [`screen-${key}`]: screens[key] }), {}); } }; function value(valueToResolve, ...args) { return isFunction(valueToResolve) ? valueToResolve(...args) : valueToResolve; } function collectExtends(items) { return items.reduce((merged, { extend })=>{ return mergeWith(merged, extend, (mergedValue, extendValue)=>{ if (mergedValue === undefined) { return [ extendValue ]; } if (Array.isArray(mergedValue)) { return [ extendValue, ...mergedValue ]; } return [ extendValue, mergedValue ]; }); }, {}); } function mergeThemes(themes) { return { ...themes.reduce((merged, theme)=>(0, _defaults.defaults)(merged, theme), {}), // In order to resolve n config objects, we combine all of their `extend` properties // into arrays instead of objects so they aren't overridden. extend: collectExtends(themes) }; } function mergeExtensionCustomizer(merged, value) { // When we have an array of objects, we do want to merge it if (Array.isArray(merged) && (0, _isPlainObject.default)(merged[0])) { return merged.concat(value); } // When the incoming value is an array, and the existing config is an object, prepend the existing object if (Array.isArray(value) && (0, _isPlainObject.default)(value[0]) && (0, _isPlainObject.default)(merged)) { return [ merged, ...value ]; } // Override arrays (for example for font-families, box-shadows, ...) if (Array.isArray(value)) { return value; } // Execute default behaviour return undefined; } function mergeExtensions({ extend , ...theme }) { return mergeWith(theme, extend, (themeValue, extensions)=>{ // The `extend` property is an array, so we need to check if it contains any functions if (!isFunction(themeValue) && !extensions.some(isFunction)) { return mergeWith({}, themeValue, ...extensions, mergeExtensionCustomizer); } return (resolveThemePath, utils)=>mergeWith({}, ...[ themeValue, ...extensions ].map((e)=>value(e, resolveThemePath, utils)), mergeExtensionCustomizer); }); } /** * * @param {string} key * @return {Iterable<string[] & {alpha: string | undefined}>} */ function* toPaths(key) { let path = (0, _toPath.toPath)(key); if (path.length === 0) { return; } yield path; if (Array.isArray(key)) { return; } let pattern = /^(.*?)\s*\/\s*([^/]+)$/; let matches = key.match(pattern); if (matches !== null) { let [, prefix, alpha] = matches; let newPath = (0, _toPath.toPath)(prefix); newPath.alpha = alpha; yield newPath; } } function resolveFunctionKeys(object) { // theme('colors.red.500 / 0.5') -> ['colors', 'red', '500 / 0', '5] const resolvePath = (key, defaultValue)=>{ for (const path of toPaths(key)){ let index = 0; let val = object; while(val !== undefined && val !== null && index < path.length){ val = val[path[index++]]; let shouldResolveAsFn = isFunction(val) && (path.alpha === undefined || index <= path.length - 1); val = shouldResolveAsFn ? val(resolvePath, configUtils) : val; } if (val !== undefined) { if (path.alpha !== undefined) { let normalized = (0, _pluginUtils.parseColorFormat)(val); return (0, _withAlphaVariable.withAlphaValue)(normalized, path.alpha, (0, _toColorValue.default)(normalized)); } if ((0, _isPlainObject.default)(val)) { return (0, _cloneDeep.cloneDeep)(val); } return val; } } return defaultValue; }; Object.assign(resolvePath, { theme: resolvePath, ...configUtils }); return Object.keys(object).reduce((resolved, key)=>{ resolved[key] = isFunction(object[key]) ? object[key](resolvePath, configUtils) : object[key]; return resolved; }, {}); } function extractPluginConfigs(configs) { let allConfigs = []; configs.forEach((config)=>{ allConfigs = [ ...allConfigs, config ]; var _config_plugins; const plugins = (_config_plugins = config === null || config === void 0 ? void 0 : config.plugins) !== null && _config_plugins !== void 0 ? _config_plugins : []; if (plugins.length === 0) { return; } plugins.forEach((plugin)=>{ if (plugin.__isOptionsFunction) { plugin = plugin(); } var _plugin_config; allConfigs = [ ...allConfigs, ...extractPluginConfigs([ (_plugin_config = plugin === null || plugin === void 0 ? void 0 : plugin.config) !== null && _plugin_config !== void 0 ? _plugin_config : {} ]) ]; }); }); return allConfigs; } function resolveCorePlugins(corePluginConfigs) { const result = [ ...corePluginConfigs ].reduceRight((resolved, corePluginConfig)=>{ if (isFunction(corePluginConfig)) { return corePluginConfig({ corePlugins: resolved }); } return (0, _configurePlugins.default)(corePluginConfig, resolved); }, _corePluginList.default); return result; } function resolvePluginLists(pluginLists) { const result = [ ...pluginLists ].reduceRight((resolved, pluginList)=>{ return [ ...resolved, ...pluginList ]; }, []); return result; } function resolveConfig(configs) { let allConfigs = [ ...extractPluginConfigs(configs), { prefix: "", important: false, separator: ":" } ]; var _t_theme, _c_plugins; return (0, _normalizeConfig.normalizeConfig)((0, _defaults.defaults)({ theme: resolveFunctionKeys(mergeExtensions(mergeThemes(allConfigs.map((t)=>{ return (_t_theme = t === null || t === void 0 ? void 0 : t.theme) !== null && _t_theme !== void 0 ? _t_theme : {}; })))), corePlugins: resolveCorePlugins(allConfigs.map((c)=>c.corePlugins)), plugins: resolvePluginLists(configs.map((c)=>{ return (_c_plugins = c === null || c === void 0 ? void 0 : c.plugins) !== null && _c_plugins !== void 0 ? _c_plugins : []; })) }, ...allConfigs)); }