/* eslint-disable no-console */ import commander from "commander"; import globCb from "glob"; import {exists, mkdir, readdir, readFile, stat, writeFile} from "mz/fs"; import {dirname, join, relative} from "path"; import {promisify} from "util"; import { transform} from "./index"; const glob = promisify(globCb); export default function run() { commander .description(`Sucrase: super-fast Babel alternative.`) .usage("[options] ") .option( "-d, --out-dir ", "Compile an input directory of modules into an output directory.", ) .option( "-p, --project ", "Compile a TypeScript project, will read from tsconfig.json in ", ) .option("--out-extension ", "File extension to use for all output files.", "js") .option("--exclude-dirs ", "Names of directories that should not be traversed.") .option("-t, --transforms ", "Comma-separated list of transforms to run.") .option("-q, --quiet", "Don't print the names of converted files.") .option( "--enable-legacy-typescript-module-interop", "Use default TypeScript ESM/CJS interop strategy.", ) .option("--enable-legacy-babel5-module-interop", "Use Babel 5 ESM/CJS interop strategy.") .option("--jsx-pragma ", "Element creation function, defaults to `React.createElement`") .option("--jsx-fragment-pragma ", "Fragment component, defaults to `React.Fragment`") .option("--production", "Disable debugging information from JSX in output.") .parse(process.argv); if (commander.project) { if ( commander.outDir || commander.transforms || commander.args[0] || commander.enableLegacyTypescriptModuleInterop ) { console.error( "If TypeScript project is specified, out directory, transforms, source " + "directory, and --enable-legacy-typescript-module-interop may not be specified.", ); process.exit(1); } } else { if (!commander.outDir) { console.error("Out directory is required"); process.exit(1); } if (!commander.transforms) { console.error("Transforms option is required."); process.exit(1); } if (!commander.args[0]) { console.error("Source directory is required."); process.exit(1); } } const options = { outDirPath: commander.outDir, srcDirPath: commander.args[0], project: commander.project, outExtension: commander.outExtension, excludeDirs: commander.excludeDirs ? commander.excludeDirs.split(",") : [], quiet: commander.quiet, sucraseOptions: { transforms: commander.transforms ? commander.transforms.split(",") : [], enableLegacyTypeScriptModuleInterop: commander.enableLegacyTypescriptModuleInterop, enableLegacyBabel5ModuleInterop: commander.enableLegacyBabel5ModuleInterop, jsxPragma: commander.jsxPragma || "React.createElement", jsxFragmentPragma: commander.jsxFragmentPragma || "React.Fragment", production: commander.production, }, }; buildDirectory(options).catch((e) => { process.exitCode = 1; console.error(e); }); } async function findFiles(options) { const outDirPath = options.outDirPath; const srcDirPath = options.srcDirPath; const extensions = options.sucraseOptions.transforms.includes("typescript") ? [".ts", ".tsx"] : [".js", ".jsx"]; if (!(await exists(outDirPath))) { await mkdir(outDirPath); } const outArr = []; for (const child of await readdir(srcDirPath)) { if (["node_modules", ".git"].includes(child) || options.excludeDirs.includes(child)) { continue; } const srcChildPath = join(srcDirPath, child); const outChildPath = join(outDirPath, child); if ((await stat(srcChildPath)).isDirectory()) { const innerOptions = {...options}; innerOptions.srcDirPath = srcChildPath; innerOptions.outDirPath = outChildPath; const innerFiles = await findFiles(innerOptions); outArr.push(...innerFiles); } else if (extensions.some((ext) => srcChildPath.endsWith(ext))) { const outPath = outChildPath.replace(/\.\w+$/, `.${options.outExtension}`); outArr.push({ srcPath: srcChildPath, outPath, }); } } return outArr; } async function runGlob(options) { const tsConfigPath = join(options.project, "tsconfig.json"); let str; try { str = await readFile(tsConfigPath, "utf8"); } catch (err) { console.error("Could not find project tsconfig.json"); console.error(` --project=${options.project}`); console.error(err); process.exit(1); } const json = JSON.parse(str); const foundFiles = []; const files = json.files; const include = json.include; const absProject = join(process.cwd(), options.project); const outDirs = []; if (!(await exists(options.outDirPath))) { await mkdir(options.outDirPath); } if (files) { for (const file of files) { if (file.endsWith(".d.ts")) { continue; } if (!file.endsWith(".ts") && !file.endsWith(".js")) { continue; } const srcFile = join(absProject, file); const outFile = join(options.outDirPath, file); const outPath = outFile.replace(/\.\w+$/, `.${options.outExtension}`); const outDir = dirname(outPath); if (!outDirs.includes(outDir)) { outDirs.push(outDir); } foundFiles.push({ srcPath: srcFile, outPath, }); } } if (include) { for (const pattern of include) { const globFiles = await glob(join(absProject, pattern)); for (const file of globFiles) { if (!file.endsWith(".ts") && !file.endsWith(".js")) { continue; } if (file.endsWith(".d.ts")) { continue; } const relativeFile = relative(absProject, file); const outFile = join(options.outDirPath, relativeFile); const outPath = outFile.replace(/\.\w+$/, `.${options.outExtension}`); const outDir = dirname(outPath); if (!outDirs.includes(outDir)) { outDirs.push(outDir); } foundFiles.push({ srcPath: file, outPath, }); } } } for (const outDirPath of outDirs) { if (!(await exists(outDirPath))) { await mkdir(outDirPath); } } // TODO: read exclude return foundFiles; } async function updateOptionsFromProject(options) { /** * Read the project information and assign the following. * - outDirPath * - transform: imports * - transform: typescript * - enableLegacyTypescriptModuleInterop: true/false. */ const tsConfigPath = join(options.project, "tsconfig.json"); let str; try { str = await readFile(tsConfigPath, "utf8"); } catch (err) { console.error("Could not find project tsconfig.json"); console.error(` --project=${options.project}`); console.error(err); process.exit(1); } const json = JSON.parse(str); const sucraseOpts = options.sucraseOptions; if (!sucraseOpts.transforms.includes("typescript")) { sucraseOpts.transforms.push("typescript"); } const compilerOpts = json.compilerOptions; if (compilerOpts.outDir) { options.outDirPath = join(process.cwd(), options.project, compilerOpts.outDir); } if (compilerOpts.esModuleInterop !== true) { sucraseOpts.enableLegacyTypeScriptModuleInterop = true; } if (compilerOpts.module === "commonjs") { if (!sucraseOpts.transforms.includes("imports")) { sucraseOpts.transforms.push("imports"); } } } async function buildDirectory(options) { let files; if (options.outDirPath && options.srcDirPath) { files = await findFiles(options); } else if (options.project) { await updateOptionsFromProject(options); files = await runGlob(options); } else { console.error("Project or Source directory required."); process.exit(1); } for (const file of files) { await buildFile(file.srcPath, file.outPath, options); } } async function buildFile(srcPath, outPath, options) { if (!options.quiet) { console.log(`${srcPath} -> ${outPath}`); } const code = (await readFile(srcPath)).toString(); const transformedCode = transform(code, {...options.sucraseOptions, filePath: srcPath}).code; await writeFile(outPath, transformedCode); }