You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

1181 lines
50 KiB

* Copyright DataStax, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
'use strict';
const events = require('events');
const util = require('util');
const utils = require('./utils.js');
const errors = require('./errors.js');
const types = require('./types');
const { ProfileManager } = require('./execution-profile');
const requests = require('./requests');
const clientOptions = require('./client-options');
const ClientState = require('./metadata/client-state');
const description = require('../package.json').description;
const { version } = require('../package.json');
const { DefaultExecutionOptions } = require('./execution-options');
const ControlConnection = require('./control-connection');
const RequestHandler = require('./request-handler');
const PrepareHandler = require('./prepare-handler');
const InsightsClient = require('./insights-client');
const cloud = require('./datastax/cloud');
const GraphExecutor = require('./datastax/graph/graph-executor');
const promiseUtils = require('./promise-utils');
* Max amount of pools being warmup in parallel, when warmup is enabled
* @private
const warmupLimit = 32;
* Client options.
* <p>While the driver provides lots of extensibility points and configurability, few client options are required.</p>
* <p>Default values for all settings are designed to be suitable for the majority of use cases, you should avoid
* fine tuning it when not needed.</p>
* <p>See [Client constructor]{@link Client} documentation for recommended options.</p>
* @typedef {Object} ClientOptions
* @property {Array.<string>} contactPoints
* Array of addresses or host names of the nodes to add as contact points.
* <p>
* Contact points are addresses of Cassandra nodes that the driver uses to discover the cluster topology.
* </p>
* <p>
* Only one contact point is required (the driver will retrieve the address of the other nodes automatically),
* but it is usually a good idea to provide more than one contact point, because if that single contact point is
* unavailable, the driver will not be able to initialize correctly.
* </p>
* @property {String} [localDataCenter] The local data center to use.
* <p>
* If using DCAwareRoundRobinPolicy (default), this option is required and only hosts from this data center are
* connected to and used in query plans.
* </p>
* @property {String} [keyspace] The logged keyspace for all the connections created within the {@link Client} instance.
* @property {Object} [credentials] An object containing the username and password for plain-text authentication.
* It configures the authentication provider to be used against Apache Cassandra's PasswordAuthenticator or DSE's
* DseAuthenticator, when default auth scheme is plain-text.
* <p>
* Note that you should configure either <code>credentials</code> or <code>authProvider</code> to connect to an
* auth-enabled cluster, but not both.
* </p>
* @property {String} [credentials.username] The username to use for plain-text authentication.
* @property {String} [credentials.password] The password to use for plain-text authentication.
* @property {Uuid} [id] A unique identifier assigned to a {@link Client} object, that will be communicated to the
* server (DSE 6.0+) to identify the client instance created with this options. When not defined, the driver will
* generate a random identifier.
* @property {String} [applicationName] An optional setting identifying the name of the application using
* the {@link Client} instance.
* <p>This value is passed to DSE and is useful as metadata for describing a client connection on the server side.</p>
* @property {String} [applicationVersion] An optional setting identifying the version of the application using
* the {@link Client} instance.
* <p>This value is passed to DSE and is useful as metadata for describing a client connection on the server side.</p>
* @property {Object} [monitorReporting] Options for reporting mechanism from the client to the DSE server, for
* versions that support it.
* @property {Boolean} [monitorReporting.enabled=true] Determines whether the reporting mechanism is enabled.
* Defaults to <code>true</code>.
* @property {Object} [cloud] The options to connect to a cloud instance.
* @property {String|URL} cloud.secureConnectBundle Determines the file path for the credentials file bundle.
* @property {Number} [refreshSchemaDelay] The default window size in milliseconds used to debounce node list and schema
* refresh metadata requests. Default: 1000.
* @property {Boolean} [isMetadataSyncEnabled] Determines whether client-side schema metadata retrieval and update is
* enabled.
* <p>Setting this value to <code>false</code> will cause keyspace information not to be automatically loaded, affecting
* replica calculation per token in the different keyspaces. When disabling metadata synchronization, use
* [Metadata.refreshKeyspaces()]{@link module:metadata~Metadata#refreshKeyspaces} to keep keyspace information up to
* date or token-awareness will not work correctly.</p>
* Default: <code>true</code>.
* @property {Boolean} [prepareOnAllHosts] Determines if the driver should prepare queries on all hosts in the cluster.
* Default: <code>true</code>.
* @property {Boolean} [rePrepareOnUp] Determines if the driver should re-prepare all cached prepared queries on a
* host when it marks it back up.
* Default: <code>true</code>.
* @property {Number} [maxPrepared] Determines the maximum amount of different prepared queries before evicting items
* from the internal cache. Reaching a high threshold hints that the queries are not being reused, like when
* hard-coding parameter values inside the queries.
* Default: <code>500</code>.
* @property {Object} [policies]
* @property {LoadBalancingPolicy} [policies.loadBalancing] The load balancing policy instance to be used to determine
* the coordinator per query.
* @property {RetryPolicy} [policies.retry] The retry policy.
* @property {ReconnectionPolicy} [policies.reconnection] The reconnection policy to be used.
* @property {AddressTranslator} [policies.addressResolution] The address resolution policy.
* @property {SpeculativeExecutionPolicy} [policies.speculativeExecution] The <code>SpeculativeExecutionPolicy</code>
* instance to be used to determine if the client should send speculative queries when the selected host takes more
* time than expected.
* <p>
* Default: <code>[NoSpeculativeExecutionPolicy]{@link
* module:policies/speculativeExecution~NoSpeculativeExecutionPolicy}</code>
* </p>
* @property {TimestampGenerator} [policies.timestampGeneration] The client-side
* [query timestamp generator]{@link module:policies/timestampGeneration~TimestampGenerator}.
* <p>
* Default: <code>[MonotonicTimestampGenerator]{@link module:policies/timestampGeneration~MonotonicTimestampGenerator}
* </code>
* </p>
* <p>Use <code>null</code> to disable client-side timestamp generation.</p>
* @property {QueryOptions} [queryOptions] Default options for all queries.
* @property {Object} [pooling] Pooling options.
* @property {Number} [pooling.heartBeatInterval] The amount of idle time in milliseconds that has to pass before the
* driver issues a request on an active connection to avoid idle time disconnections. Default: 30000.
* @property {Object} [pooling.coreConnectionsPerHost] Associative array containing amount of connections per host
* distance.
* @property {Number} [pooling.maxRequestsPerConnection] The maximum number of requests per connection. The default
* value is:
* <ul>
* <li>For modern protocol versions (v3 and above): 2048</li>
* <li>For older protocol versions (v1 and v2): 128</li>
* </ul>
* @property {Boolean} [pooling.warmup] Determines if all connections to hosts in the local datacenter must be opened on
* connect. Default: true.
* @property {Object} [protocolOptions]
* @property {Number} [protocolOptions.port] The port to use to connect to the Cassandra host. If not set through this
* method, the default port (9042) will be used instead.
* @property {Number} [protocolOptions.maxSchemaAgreementWaitSeconds] The maximum time in seconds to wait for schema
* agreement between nodes before returning from a DDL query. Default: 10.
* @property {Number} [protocolOptions.maxVersion] When set, it limits the maximum protocol version used to connect to
* the nodes.
* Useful for using the driver against a cluster that contains nodes with different major/minor versions of Cassandra.
* @property {Boolean} [protocolOptions.noCompact] When set to true, enables the NO_COMPACT startup option.
* <p>
* When this option is supplied <code>SELECT</code>, <code>UPDATE</code>, <code>DELETE</code>, and <code>BATCH</code>
* statements on <code>COMPACT STORAGE</code> tables function in "compatibility" mode which allows seeing these tables
* as if they were "regular" CQL tables.
* </p>
* <p>
* This option only effects interactions with interactions with tables using <code>COMPACT STORAGE</code> and is only
* supported by C* 3.0.16+, 3.11.2+, 4.0+ and DSE 6.0+.
* </p>
* @property {Object} [socketOptions]
* @property {Number} [socketOptions.connectTimeout] Connection timeout in milliseconds. Default: 5000.
* @property {Number} [socketOptions.defunctReadTimeoutThreshold] Determines the amount of requests that simultaneously
* have to timeout before closing the connection. Default: 64.
* @property {Boolean} [socketOptions.keepAlive] Whether to enable TCP keep-alive on the socket. Default: true.
* @property {Number} [socketOptions.keepAliveDelay] TCP keep-alive delay in milliseconds. Default: 0.
* @property {Number} [socketOptions.readTimeout] Per-host read timeout in milliseconds.
* <p>
* Please note that this is not the maximum time a call to {@link Client#execute} may have to wait;
* this is the maximum time that call will wait for one particular Cassandra host, but other hosts will be tried if
* one of them timeout. In other words, a {@link Client#execute} call may theoretically wait up to
* <code>readTimeout * number_of_cassandra_hosts</code> (though the total number of hosts tried for a given query also
* depends on the LoadBalancingPolicy in use).
* <p>When setting this value, keep in mind the following:</p>
* <ul>
* <li>the timeout settings used on the Cassandra side (*_request_timeout_in_ms in cassandra.yaml) should be taken
* into account when picking a value for this read timeout. You should pick a value a couple of seconds greater than
* the Cassandra timeout settings.
* </li>
* <li>
* the read timeout is only approximate and only control the timeout to one Cassandra host, not the full query.
* </li>
* </ul>
* Setting a value of 0 disables read timeouts. Default: <code>12000</code>.
* @property {Boolean} [socketOptions.tcpNoDelay] When set to true, it disables the Nagle algorithm. Default: true.
* @property {Number} [socketOptions.coalescingThreshold] Buffer length in bytes use by the write queue before flushing
* the frames. Default: 8000.
* @property {AuthProvider} [authProvider] Provider to be used to authenticate to an auth-enabled cluster.
* @property {RequestTracker} [requestTracker] The instance of RequestTracker used to monitor or log requests executed
* with this instance.
* @property {Object} [sslOptions] Client-to-node ssl options. When set the driver will use the secure layer.
* You can specify cert, ca, ... options named after the Node.js <code>tls.connect()</code> options.
* <p>
* It uses the same default values as Node.js <code>tls.connect()</code> except for <code>rejectUnauthorized</code>
* which is set to <code>false</code> by default (for historical reasons). This setting is likely to change
* in upcoming versions to enable validation by default.
* </p>
* @property {Object} [encoding] Encoding options.
* @property {Function} [] Map constructor to use for Cassandra map<k,v> type encoding and decoding.
* If not set, it will default to Javascript Object with map keys as property names.
* @property {Function} [encoding.set] Set constructor to use for Cassandra set<k> type encoding and decoding.
* If not set, it will default to Javascript Array.
* @property {Boolean} [encoding.copyBuffer] Determines if the network buffer should be copied for buffer based data
* types (blob, uuid, timeuuid and inet).
* <p>
* Setting it to true will cause that the network buffer is copied for each row value of those types,
* causing additional allocations but freeing the network buffer to be reused.
* Setting it to true is a good choice for cases where the Row and ResultSet returned by the queries are long-lived
* objects.
* </p>
* <p>
* Setting it to false will cause less overhead and the reference of the network buffer to be maintained until the row
* / result set are de-referenced.
* Default: true.
* </p>
* @property {Boolean} [encoding.useUndefinedAsUnset] Valid for Cassandra 2.2 and above. Determines that, if a parameter
* is set to
* <code>undefined</code> it should be encoded as <code>unset</code>.
* <p>
* By default, ECMAScript <code>undefined</code> is encoded as <code>null</code> in the driver. Cassandra 2.2
* introduced the concept of unset.
* At driver level, you can set a parameter to unset using the field <code>types.unset</code>. Setting this flag to
* true allows you to use ECMAScript undefined as Cassandra <code>unset</code>.
* </p>
* <p>
* Default: true.
* </p>
* @property {Boolean} [encoding.useBigIntAsLong] Use [BigInt ECMAScript type](
* to represent CQL bigint and counter data types.
* @property {Boolean} [encoding.useBigIntAsVarint] Use [BigInt ECMAScript
* type]( to represent CQL varint data type.
* @property {Array.<ExecutionProfile>} [profiles] The array of [execution profiles]{@link ExecutionProfile}.
* @property {Function} [promiseFactory] Function to be used to create a <code>Promise</code> from a
* callback-style function.
* <p>
* Promise libraries often provide different methods to create a promise. For example, you can use Bluebird's
* <code>Promise.fromCallback()</code> method.
* </p>
* <p>
* By default, the driver will use the
* [Promise constructor]{@link}.
* </p>
* Query options
* @typedef {Object} QueryOptions
* @property {Boolean} [autoPage] Determines if the driver must retrieve the following result pages automatically.
* <p>
* This setting is only considered by the [Client#eachRow()]{@link Client#eachRow} method. For more information,
* check the
* [paging results documentation]{@link}.
* </p>
* @property {Boolean} [captureStackTrace] Determines if the stack trace before the query execution should be
* maintained.
* <p>
* Useful for debugging purposes, it should be set to <code>false</code> under production environment as it adds an
* unnecessary overhead to each execution.
* </p>
* Default: false.
* @property {Number} [consistency] [Consistency level]{@link module:types~consistencies}.
* <p>
* Defaults to <code>localOne</code> for Apache Cassandra and DSE deployments.
* For DataStax Astra, it defaults to <code>localQuorum</code>.
* </p>
* @property {Object} [customPayload] Key-value payload to be passed to the server. On the Cassandra side,
* implementations of QueryHandler can use this data.
* @property {String} [executeAs] The user or role name to act as when executing this statement.
* <p>When set, it executes as a different user/role than the one currently authenticated (a.k.a. proxy execution).</p>
* <p>This feature is only available in DSE 5.1+.</p>
* @property {String|ExecutionProfile} [executionProfile] Name or instance of the [profile]{@link ExecutionProfile} to
* be used for this execution. If not set, it will the use "default" execution profile.
* @property {Number} [fetchSize] Amount of rows to retrieve per page.
* @property {Array|Array<Array>} [hints] Type hints for parameters given in the query, ordered as for the parameters.
* <p>For batch queries, an array of such arrays, ordered as with the queries in the batch.</p>
* @property {Host} [host] The host that should handle the query.
* <p>
* Use of this option is <em>heavily discouraged</em> and should only be used in the following cases:
* </p>
* <ol>
* <li>
* Querying node-local tables, such as tables in the <code>system</code> and <code>system_views</code>
* keyspaces.
* </li>
* <li>
* Applying a series of schema changes, where it may be advantageous to execute schema changes in sequence on the
* same node.
* </li>
* </ol>
* <p>
* Configuring a specific host causes the configured
* [LoadBalancingPolicy]{@link module:policies/loadBalancing~LoadBalancingPolicy} to be completely bypassed.
* However, if the load balancing policy dictates that the host is at a
* [distance of ignored]{@link module:types~distance} or there is no active connectivity to the host, the request will
* fail with a [NoHostAvailableError]{@link module:errors~NoHostAvailableError}.
* </p>
* @property {Boolean} [isIdempotent] Defines whether the query can be applied multiple times without changing the result
* beyond the initial application.
* <p>
* The query execution idempotence can be used at [RetryPolicy]{@link module:policies/retry~RetryPolicy} level to
* determine if an statement can be retried in case of request error or write timeout.
* </p>
* <p>Default: <code>false</code>.</p>
* @property {String} [keyspace] Specifies the keyspace for the query. It is used for the following:
* <ol>
* <li>To indicate what keyspace the statement is applicable to (protocol V5+ only). This is useful when the
* query does not provide an explicit keyspace and you want to override the current {@link Client#keyspace}.</li>
* <li>For query routing when the query operates on a different keyspace than the current {@link Client#keyspace}.</li>
* </ol>
* @property {Boolean} [logged] Determines if the batch should be written to the batchlog. Only valid for
* [Client#batch()]{@link Client#batch}, it will be ignored by other methods. Default: true.
* @property {Boolean} [counter] Determines if its a counter batch. Only valid for
* [Client#batch()]{@link Client#batch}, it will be ignored by other methods. Default: false.
* @property {Buffer|String} [pageState] Buffer or string token representing the paging state.
* <p>Useful for manual paging, if provided, the query will be executed starting from a given paging state.</p>
* @property {Boolean} [prepare] Determines if the query must be executed as a prepared statement.
* @property {Number} [readTimeout] When defined, it overrides the default read timeout
* (<code>socketOptions.readTimeout</code>) in milliseconds for this execution per coordinator.
* <p>
* Suitable for statements for which the coordinator may allow a longer server-side timeout, for example aggregation
* queries.
* </p>
* <p>
* A value of <code>0</code> disables client side read timeout for the execution. Default: <code>undefined</code>.
* </p>
* @property {RetryPolicy} [retry] Retry policy for the query.
* <p>
* This property can be used to specify a different [retry policy]{@link module:policies/retry} to the one specified
* in the {@link ClientOptions}.policies.
* </p>
* @property {Array} [routingIndexes] Index of the parameters that are part of the partition key to determine
* the routing.
* @property {Buffer|Array} [routingKey] Partition key(s) to determine which coordinator should be used for the query.
* @property {Array} [routingNames] Array of the parameters names that are part of the partition key to determine the
* routing. Only valid for non-prepared requests, it's recommended that you use the prepare flag instead.
* @property {Number} [serialConsistency] Serial consistency is the consistency level for the serial phase of
* conditional updates.
* This option will be ignored for anything else that a conditional update/insert.
* @property {Number|Long} [timestamp] The default timestamp for the query in microseconds from the unix epoch
* (00:00:00, January 1st, 1970).
* <p>If provided, this will replace the server side assigned timestamp as default timestamp.</p>
* <p>Use [generateTimestamp()]{@link module:types~generateTimestamp} utility method to generate a valid timestamp
* based on a Date and microseconds parts.</p>
* @property {Boolean} [traceQuery] Enable query tracing for the execution. Use query tracing to diagnose performance
* problems related to query executions. Default: false.
* <p>To retrieve trace, you can call [Metadata.getTrace()]{@link module:metadata~Metadata#getTrace} method.</p>
* @property {Object} [graphOptions] Default options for graph query executions.
* <p>
* These options are meant to provide defaults for all graph query executions. Consider using
* [execution profiles]{@link ExecutionProfile} if you plan to reuse different set of options across different
* query executions.
* </p>
* @property {String} [graphOptions.language] The graph language to use in graph queries. Default:
* <code>'gremlin-groovy'</code>.
* @property {String} [] The graph name to be used in all graph queries.
* <p>
* This property is required but there is no default value for it. This value can be overridden at query level.
* </p>
* @property {Number} [graphOptions.readConsistency] Overrides the
* [consistency level]{@link module:types~consistencies}
* defined in the query options for graph read queries.
* @property {Number} [graphOptions.readTimeout] Overrides the default per-host read timeout (in milliseconds) for all
* graph queries. Default: <code>0</code>.
* <p>
* Use <code>null</code> to reset the value and use the default on <code>socketOptions.readTimeout</code> .
* </p>
* @property {String} [graphOptions.source] The graph traversal source name to use in graph queries. Default:
* <code>'g'</code>.
* @property {Number} [graphOptions.writeConsistency] Overrides the [consistency
* level]{@link module:types~consistencies} defined in the query options for graph write queries.
* Creates a new instance of {@link Client}.
* @classdesc
* Represents a database client that maintains multiple connections to the cluster nodes, providing methods to
* execute CQL statements.
* <p>
* The <code>Client</code> uses [policies]{@link module:policies} to decide which nodes to connect to, which node
* to use per each query execution, when it should retry failed or timed-out executions and how reconnection to down
* nodes should be made.
* </p>
* @extends EventEmitter
* @param {ClientOptions} options The options for this instance.
* @example <caption>Creating a new client instance</caption>
* const client = new Client({
* contactPoints: ['', ''],
* localDataCenter: 'datacenter1'
* });
* @example <caption>Executing a query</caption>
* const result = await client.connect();
* console.log(`Connected to ${client.hosts.length} nodes in the cluster: ${client.hosts.keys().join(', ')}`);
* @example <caption>Executing a query</caption>
* const result = await client.execute('SELECT key FROM system.local');
* const row = result.first();
* console.log(row['key']);
* @constructor
function Client(options) {;
this.options = clientOptions.extend({ logEmitter: this.emit.bind(this), id: types.Uuid.random() }, options);
Object.defineProperty(this, 'profileManager', { value: new ProfileManager(this.options) });
Object.defineProperty(this, 'controlConnection', {
value: new ControlConnection(this.options, this.profileManager), writable: true }
Object.defineProperty(this, 'insightsClient', { value: new InsightsClient(this)});
//Unlimited amount of listeners for internal event queues by default
this.connected = false;
this.isShuttingDown = false;
* Gets the name of the active keyspace.
* @type {String}
this.keyspace = options.keyspace;
* Gets the schema and cluster metadata information.
* @type {Metadata}
this.metadata = this.controlConnection.metadata;
* Gets an associative array of cluster hosts.
* @type {HostMap}
this.hosts = this.controlConnection.hosts;
* The [ClientMetrics]{@link module:metrics~ClientMetrics} instance used to expose measurements of its internal
* behavior and of the server as seen from the driver side.
* <p>By default, a [DefaultMetrics]{@link module:metrics~DefaultMetrics} instance is used.</p>
* @type {ClientMetrics}
this.metrics = this.options.metrics;
this._graphExecutor = new GraphExecutor(this, options, this._execute);
util.inherits(Client, events.EventEmitter);
* Emitted when a new host is added to the cluster.
* <ul>
* <li>{@link Host} The host being added.</li>
* </ul>
* @event Client#hostAdd
* Emitted when a host is removed from the cluster
* <ul>
* <li>{@link Host} The host being removed.</li>
* </ul>
* @event Client#hostRemove
* Emitted when a host in the cluster changed status from down to up.
* <ul>
* <li>{@link Host host} The host that changed the status.</li>
* </ul>
* @event Client#hostUp
* Emitted when a host in the cluster changed status from up to down.
* <ul>
* <li>{@link Host host} The host that changed the status.</li>
* </ul>
* @event Client#hostDown
* Attempts to connect to one of the [contactPoints]{@link ClientOptions} and discovers the rest the nodes of the
* cluster.
* <p>When the {@link Client} is already connected, it resolves immediately.</p>
* <p>It returns a <code>Promise</code> when a <code>callback</code> is not provided.</p>
* @param {function} [callback] The optional callback that is invoked when the pool is connected or it failed to
* connect.
* @example <caption>Usage example</caption>
* await client.connect();
Client.prototype.connect = function (callback) {
if (this.connected && callback) {
// Avoid creating Promise to immediately resolve them
return callback();
return promiseUtils.optionalCallback(this._connect(), callback);
* Async-only version of {@link Client#connect()}.
* @private
Client.prototype._connect = async function () {
if (this.connected) {
if (this.isShuttingDown) {
//it is being shutdown, don't allow further calls to connect()
throw new errors.NoHostAvailableError(null, 'Connecting after shutdown is not supported');
if (this.connecting) {
return promiseUtils.fromEvent(this, 'connected');
this.connecting = true;
this.log('info', util.format("Connecting to cluster using '%s' version %s", description, version));
try {
await cloud.init(this.options);
await this.controlConnection.init();
this.hosts = this.controlConnection.hosts;
await this.profileManager.init(this, this.hosts);
if (this.keyspace) {
await RequestHandler.setKeyspace(this);
await this._warmup();
} catch (err) {
// We should close the pools (if any) and reset the state to allow successive calls to connect()
await this.controlConnection.reset();
this.connected = false;
this.connecting = false;
this.emit('connected', err);
throw err;
// Set the distance of the control connection host relatively to this instance
this.connected = true;
this.connecting = false;
* Executes a query on an available connection.
* <p>The query can be prepared (recommended) or not depending on the [prepare]{@linkcode QueryOptions} flag.</p>
* <p>
* Some execution failures can be handled transparently by the driver, according to the
* [RetryPolicy]{@linkcode module:policies/retry~RetryPolicy} or the
* [SpeculativeExecutionPolicy]{@linkcode module:policies/speculativeExecution} used.
* </p>
* <p>It returns a <code>Promise</code> when a <code>callback</code> is not provided.</p>
* @param {String} query The query to execute.
* @param {Array|Object} [params] Array of parameter values or an associative array (object) containing parameter names
* as keys and its value.
* @param {QueryOptions} [options] The query options for the execution.
* @param {ResultCallback} [callback] Executes callback(err, result) when execution completed. When not defined, the
* method will return a promise.
* @example <caption>Promise-based API, using async/await</caption>
* const query = 'SELECT name, email FROM users WHERE id = ?';
* const result = await client.execute(query, [ id ], { prepare: true });
* const row = result.first();
* console.log('%s: %s', row['name'], row['email']);
* @example <caption>Callback-based API</caption>
* const query = 'SELECT name, email FROM users WHERE id = ?';
* client.execute(query, [ id ], { prepare: true }, function (err, result) {
* assert.ifError(err);
* const row = result.first();
* console.log('%s: %s', row['name'], row['email']);
* });
* @see {@link ExecutionProfile} to reuse a set of options across different query executions.
Client.prototype.execute = function (query, params, options, callback) {
// This method acts as a wrapper for the async method _execute()
if (!callback) {
// Set default argument values for optional parameters
if (typeof options === 'function') {
callback = options;
options = null;
} else if (typeof params === 'function') {
callback = params;
params = null;
try {
const execOptions = DefaultExecutionOptions.create(options, this);
return promiseUtils.optionalCallback(this._execute(query, params, execOptions), callback);
catch (err) {
// There was an error when parsing the user options
if (callback) {
return callback(err);
return Promise.reject(err);
* Executes a graph query.
* <p>It returns a <code>Promise</code> when a <code>callback</code> is not provided.</p>
* @param {String} query The gremlin query.
* @param {Object|null} [parameters] An associative array containing the key and values of the parameters.
* @param {GraphQueryOptions|null} [options] The graph query options.
* @param {Function} [callback] Function to execute when the response is retrieved, taking two arguments:
* <code>err</code> and <code>result</code>. When not defined, the method will return a promise.
* @example <caption>Promise-based API, using async/await</caption>
* const result = await client.executeGraph('g.V()');
* // Get the first item (vertex, edge, scalar value, ...)
* const vertex = result.first();
* console.log(vertex.label);
* @example <caption>Callback-based API</caption>
* client.executeGraph('g.V()', (err, result) => {
* const vertex = result.first();
* console.log(vertex.label);
* });
* @example <caption>Iterating through the results</caption>
* const result = await client.executeGraph('g.E()');
* for (let edge of result) {
* console.log(edge.label); // created
* });
* @example <caption>Using result.forEach()</caption>
* const result = await client.executeGraph('g.V().hasLabel("person")');
* result.forEach(function(vertex) {
* console.log(vertex.type); // vertex
* console.log(vertex.label); // person
* });
* @see {@link ExecutionProfile} to reuse a set of options across different query executions.
Client.prototype.executeGraph = function (query, parameters, options, callback) {
callback = callback || (options ? options : parameters);
if (typeof callback === 'function') {
parameters = typeof parameters !== 'function' ? parameters : null;
return promiseUtils.toCallback(this._graphExecutor.send(query, parameters, options), callback);
return this._graphExecutor.send(query, parameters, options);
* Executes the query and calls <code>rowCallback</code> for each row as soon as they are received. Calls the final
* <code>callback</code> after all rows have been sent, or when there is an error.
* <p>
* The query can be prepared (recommended) or not depending on the [prepare]{@linkcode QueryOptions} flag.
* </p>
* @param {String} query The query to execute
* @param {Array|Object} [params] Array of parameter values or an associative array (object) containing parameter names
* as keys and its value.
* @param {QueryOptions} [options] The query options.
* @param {function} rowCallback Executes <code>rowCallback(n, row)</code> per each row received, where n is the row
* index and row is the current Row.
* @param {function} [callback] Executes <code>callback(err, result)</code> after all rows have been received.
* <p>
* When dealing with paged results, [ResultSet#nextPage()]{@link module:types~ResultSet#nextPage} method can be used
* to retrieve the following page. In that case, <code>rowCallback()</code> will be again called for each row and
* the final callback will be invoked when all rows in the following page has been retrieved.
* </p>
* @example <caption>Using per-row callback and arrow functions</caption>
* client.eachRow(query, params, { prepare: true }, (n, row) => console.log(n, row), err => console.error(err));
* @example <caption>Overloads</caption>
* client.eachRow(query, rowCallback);
* client.eachRow(query, params, rowCallback);
* client.eachRow(query, params, options, rowCallback);
* client.eachRow(query, params, rowCallback, callback);
* client.eachRow(query, params, options, rowCallback, callback);
Client.prototype.eachRow = function (query, params, options, rowCallback, callback) {
if (!callback && rowCallback && typeof options === 'function') {
callback = utils.validateFn(rowCallback, 'rowCallback');
rowCallback = options;
} else {
callback = callback || utils.noop;
rowCallback = utils.validateFn(rowCallback || options || params, 'rowCallback');
params = typeof params !== 'function' ? params : null;
let execOptions;
try {
execOptions = DefaultExecutionOptions.create(options, this, rowCallback);
catch (e) {
return callback(e);
let rowLength = 0;
const nextPage = () => promiseUtils.toCallback(this._execute(query, params, execOptions), pageCallback);
function pageCallback (err, result) {
if (err) {
return callback(err);
// Next requests in case paging (auto or explicit) is used
rowLength += result.rowLength;
if (result.rawPageState !== undefined) {
// Use new page state as next request page state
if (execOptions.isAutoPage()) {
// Issue next request for the next page
return nextPage();
// Allows for explicit (manual) paging, in case the caller needs it
result.nextPage = nextPage;
// Finished auto-paging
result.rowLength = rowLength;
callback(null, result);
promiseUtils.toCallback(this._execute(query, params, execOptions), pageCallback);
* Executes the query and pushes the rows to the result stream as soon as they received.
* <p>
* The stream is a [ReadableStream]{@linkcode} object
* that emits rows.
* It can be piped downstream and provides automatic pause/resume logic (it buffers when not read).
* </p>
* <p>
* The query can be prepared (recommended) or not depending on {@link QueryOptions}.prepare flag. Retries on multiple
* hosts if needed.
* </p>
* @param {String} query The query to prepare and execute.
* @param {Array|Object} [params] Array of parameter values or an associative array (object) containing parameter names
* as keys and its value
* @param {QueryOptions} [options] The query options.
* @param {function} [callback] executes callback(err) after all rows have been received or if there is an error
* @returns {ResultStream}
*/ = function (query, params, options, callback) {
callback = callback || utils.noop;
// NOTE: the nodejs stream maintains yet another internal buffer
// we rely on the default stream implementation to keep memory
// usage reasonable.
const resultStream = new types.ResultStream({ objectMode: 1 });
function onFinish(err, result) {
if (err) {
resultStream.emit('error', err);
if (result && result.nextPage ) {
// allows for throttling as per the
// default nodejs stream implementation
resultStream._valve(function pageValve() {
try {
catch( ex ) {
resultStream.emit('error', ex );
// Explicitly dropping the valve (closure)
let sync = true;
this.eachRow(query, params, options, function rowCallback(n, row) {
}, function eachRowFinished(err, result) {
if (sync) {
// Prevent sync callback
return setImmediate(function eachRowFinishedImmediate() {
onFinish(err, result);
onFinish(err, result);
sync = false;
return resultStream;
* Executes batch of queries on an available connection to a host.
* <p>It returns a <code>Promise</code> when a <code>callback</code> is not provided.</p>
* @param {Array.<string>|Array.<{query, params}>} queries The queries to execute as an Array of strings or as an array
* of object containing the query and params
* @param {QueryOptions} [options] The query options.
* @param {ResultCallback} [callback] Executes callback(err, result) when the batch was executed
Client.prototype.batch = function (queries, options, callback) {
if (!callback && typeof options === 'function') {
callback = options;
options = null;
return promiseUtils.optionalCallback(this._batch(queries, options), callback);
* Async-only version of {@link Client#batch()} .
* @param {Array.<string>|Array.<{query, params}>}queries
* @param {QueryOptions} options
* @returns {Promise<ResultSet>}
* @private
Client.prototype._batch = async function (queries, options) {
if (!Array.isArray(queries)) {
throw new errors.ArgumentError('Queries should be an Array');
if (queries.length === 0) {
throw new errors.ArgumentError('Queries array should not be empty');
await this._connect();
const execOptions = DefaultExecutionOptions.create(options, this);
let queryItems;
if (execOptions.isPrepared()) {
// use keyspace from query options if protocol supports per-query keyspace, otherwise use connection keyspace.
const version = this.controlConnection.protocolVersion;
const queryKeyspace = types.protocolVersion.supportsKeyspaceInRequest(version) && options.keyspace || this.keyspace;
queryItems = await PrepareHandler.getPreparedMultiple(
this, execOptions.getLoadBalancingPolicy(), queries, queryKeyspace);
} else {
queryItems = new Array(queries.length);
for (let i = 0; i < queries.length; i++) {
const item = queries[i];
if (!item) {
throw new errors.ArgumentError(`Invalid query at index ${i}`);
const query = typeof item === 'string' ? item : item.query;
if (!query) {
throw new errors.ArgumentError(`Invalid query at index ${i}`);
queryItems[i] = { query, params: item.params };
const request = await this._createBatchRequest(queryItems, execOptions);
return await RequestHandler.send(request, execOptions, this);
* Gets the host that are replicas of a given token.
* @param {String} keyspace
* @param {Buffer} token
* @returns {Array<Host>}
Client.prototype.getReplicas = function (keyspace, token) {
return this.metadata.getReplicas(keyspace, token);
* Gets a snapshot containing information on the connections pools held by this Client at the current time.
* <p>
* The information provided in the returned object only represents the state at the moment this method was called and
* it's not maintained in sync with the driver metadata.
* </p>
* @returns {ClientState} A [ClientState]{@linkcode module:metadata~ClientState} instance.
Client.prototype.getState = function () {
return ClientState.from(this);
Client.prototype.log = utils.log;
* Closes all connections to all hosts.
* <p>It returns a <code>Promise</code> when a <code>callback</code> is not provided.</p>
* @param {Function} [callback] Optional callback to be invoked when finished closing all connections.
Client.prototype.shutdown = function (callback) {
return promiseUtils.optionalCallback(this._shutdown(), callback);
/** @private */
Client.prototype._shutdown = async function () {
this.log('info', 'Shutting down');
if (!this.hosts || !this.connected) {
// not initialized
this.connected = false;
if (this.connecting) {
this.log('warning', 'Shutting down while connecting');
// wait until finish connecting for easier troubleshooting
await promiseUtils.fromEvent(this, 'connected');
this.connected = false;
this.isShuttingDown = true;
const hosts = this.hosts.values();
// Shutdown the ControlConnection before shutting down the pools
if (this.options.requestTracker) {
// go through all the host and shut down their pools
await Promise.all( => h.shutdown(false)));
* Waits until that the schema version in all nodes is the same or the waiting time passed.
* @param {Connection} connection
* @returns {Promise<boolean>}
* @ignore
Client.prototype._waitForSchemaAgreement = async function (connection) {
if (this.hosts.length === 1) {
return true;
const start = process.hrtime();
const maxWaitSeconds = this.options.protocolOptions.maxSchemaAgreementWaitSeconds;
this.log('info', 'Waiting for schema agreement');
let versionsMatch;
while (!versionsMatch && process.hrtime(start)[0] < maxWaitSeconds) {
versionsMatch = await this.metadata.compareSchemaVersions(connection);
if (versionsMatch) {
this.log('info', 'Schema versions match');
// Let some time pass before the next check
await promiseUtils.delay(500);
return versionsMatch;
* Waits for schema agreements and schedules schema metadata refresh.
* @param {Connection} connection
* @param event
* @returns {Promise<boolean>}
* @ignore
* @internal
Client.prototype.handleSchemaAgreementAndRefresh = async function (connection, event) {
let agreement = false;
try {
agreement = await this._waitForSchemaAgreement(connection);
} catch (err) {
//we issue a warning but we continue with the normal flow
this.log('warning', 'There was an error while waiting for the schema agreement between nodes', err);
if (!this.options.isMetadataSyncEnabled) {
return agreement;
// Refresh metadata immediately
try {
await this.controlConnection.handleSchemaChange(event, true);
} catch (err) {
this.log('warning', 'There was an error while handling schema change', err);
return agreement;
* Connects and handles the execution of prepared and simple statements.
* @param {string} query
* @param {Array} params
* @param {ExecutionOptions} execOptions
* @returns {Promise<ResultSet>}
* @private
Client.prototype._execute = async function (query, params, execOptions) {
const version = this.controlConnection.protocolVersion;
if (!execOptions.isPrepared() && params && !Array.isArray(params) &&
!types.protocolVersion.supportsNamedParameters(version)) {
// Only Cassandra 2.1 and above supports named parameters
throw new errors.ArgumentError('Named parameters for simple statements are not supported, use prepare flag');
let request;
if (!this.connected) {
// Micro optimization to avoid an async execution for a simple check
await this._connect();
if (!execOptions.isPrepared()) {
request = await this._createQueryRequest(query, execOptions, params);
} else {
const lbp = execOptions.getLoadBalancingPolicy();
// Use keyspace from query options if protocol supports per-query keyspace, otherwise use connection keyspace.
const queryKeyspace = types.protocolVersion.supportsKeyspaceInRequest(version) &&
execOptions.getKeyspace() || this.keyspace;
const { queryId, meta } = await PrepareHandler.getPrepared(this, lbp, query, queryKeyspace);
request = await this._createExecuteRequest(query, queryId, execOptions, params, meta);
return await RequestHandler.send(request, execOptions, this);
* Sets the listeners for the nodes.
* @private
Client.prototype._setHostListeners = function () {
function getHostUpListener(emitter, h) {
return () => emitter.emit('hostUp', h);
function getHostDownListener(emitter, h) {
return () => emitter.emit('hostDown', h);
const self = this;
// Add status listeners when new nodes are added and emit hostAdd
this.hosts.on('add', function hostAddedListener(h) {
h.on('up', getHostUpListener(self, h));
h.on('down', getHostDownListener(self, h));
self.emit('hostAdd', h);
// Remove all listeners and emit hostRemove
this.hosts.on('remove', function hostRemovedListener(h) {
self.emit('hostRemove', h);
// Add status listeners for existing hosts
this.hosts.forEach(function (h) {
h.on('up', getHostUpListener(self, h));
h.on('down', getHostDownListener(self, h));
* Sets the distance to each host and when warmup is true, creates all connections to local hosts.
* @returns {Promise}
* @private
Client.prototype._warmup = function () {
const hosts = this.hosts.values();
return promiseUtils.times(hosts.length, warmupLimit, async (index) => {
const h = hosts[index];
const distance = this.profileManager.getDistance(h);
if (distance === types.distance.ignored) {
if (this.options.pooling.warmup && distance === types.distance.local) {
try {
await h.warmupPool(this.keyspace);
} catch (err) {
// An error while trying to create a connection to one of the hosts.
// Warn the user and move on.
this.log('warning', `Connection pool to host ${h.address} could not be created: ${err}`, err);
} else {
* @returns {Encoder}
* @private
Client.prototype._getEncoder = function () {
const encoder = this.controlConnection.getEncoder();
if (!encoder) {
throw new errors.DriverInternalError('Encoder is not defined');
return encoder;
* Returns a BatchRequest instance and fills the routing key information in the provided options.
* @private
Client.prototype._createBatchRequest = async function (queryItems, info) {
const firstQuery = queryItems[0];
if (!firstQuery.meta) {
return new requests.BatchRequest(queryItems, info);
await this._setRoutingInfo(info, firstQuery.params, firstQuery.meta);
return new requests.BatchRequest(queryItems, info);
* Returns an ExecuteRequest instance and fills the routing key information in the provided options.
* @private
Client.prototype._createExecuteRequest = async function(query, queryId, info, params, meta) {
params = utils.adaptNamedParamsPrepared(params, meta.columns);
await this._setRoutingInfo(info, params, meta);
return new requests.ExecuteRequest(query, queryId, params, info, meta);
* Returns a QueryRequest instance and fills the routing key information in the provided options.
* @private
Client.prototype._createQueryRequest = async function (query, execOptions, params) {
await this.metadata.adaptUserHints(this.keyspace, execOptions.getHints());
const paramsInfo = utils.adaptNamedParamsWithHints(params, execOptions);
this._getEncoder().setRoutingKeyFromUser(paramsInfo.params, execOptions, paramsInfo.keyIndexes);
return new requests.QueryRequest(query, paramsInfo.params, execOptions, paramsInfo.namedParameters);
* Sets the routing key based on the parameter values or the provided routing key components.
* @param {ExecutionOptions} execOptions
* @param {Array} params
* @param meta
* @private
Client.prototype._setRoutingInfo = async function (execOptions, params, meta) {
const encoder = this._getEncoder();
if (!execOptions.getKeyspace() && meta.keyspace) {
if (execOptions.getRoutingKey()) {
// Routing information provided by the user
return encoder.setRoutingKeyFromUser(params, execOptions);
if (Array.isArray(meta.partitionKeys)) {
// The partition keys are provided as part of the metadata for modern protocol versions
return encoder.setRoutingKeyFromMeta(meta, params, execOptions);
// Older versions of the protocol (v3 and below) don't provide routing information
try {
const tableInfo = await this.metadata.getTable(meta.keyspace, meta.table);
if (!tableInfo) {
// The schema data is not there, maybe it is being recreated, avoid setting the routing information
execOptions.setRoutingIndexes( => meta.columnsByName[]));
// Skip parsing metadata next time
meta.partitionKeys = execOptions.getRoutingIndexes();
encoder.setRoutingKeyFromMeta(meta, params, execOptions);
} catch (err) {
this.log('warning', util.format('Table %s.%s metadata could not be retrieved', meta.keyspace, meta.table));
* Callback used by execution methods.
* @callback ResultCallback
* @param {Error} err Error occurred in the execution of the query.
* @param {ResultSet} [result] Result of the execution of the query.
module.exports = Client;