You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

338 lines
10 KiB

* Copyright DataStax, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
'use strict';
const https = require('https');
const fs = require('fs');
const util = require('util');
const AdmZip = require('adm-zip');
const { URL } = require('url');
const errors = require('../../errors');
const utils = require('../../utils');
const { DsePlainTextAuthProvider, NoAuthProvider } = require('../../auth');
// Use the callback-based method fs.readFile() instead of fs.promises as we have to support Node.js 8+
const readFile = util.promisify(fs.readFile);
* When the user sets the cloud options, it uses the secure bundle or endpoint to access the metadata service and
* setting the connection options
* @param {ClientOptions} options
* @returns {Promise<void>}
async function init(options) {
if (! {
const cloudOptions = new CloudOptions(options);
await parseZipFile(cloudOptions);
await getMetadataServiceInfoAsync(cloudOptions);
if (!cloudOptions.clientOptions.sslOptions.checkServerIdentity) {
// With SNI enabled, hostname (uuid) and CN will not match
// Use a custom validation function to validate against the proxy address.
// Note: this function is only called if the certificate passed all other checks, like CA validation.
cloudOptions.clientOptions.sslOptions.checkServerIdentity = (_, cert) =>
checkServerIdentity(cert, cloudOptions.clientOptions.sni.address);
class CloudOptions {
constructor(clientOptions) {
this.clientOptions = clientOptions;
if ( {
this.secureConnectBundle =;
this.serviceUrl = null;
} else {
this.serviceUrl =;
// Include a log emitter to enable logging within the cloud connection logic
this.logEmitter = clientOptions.logEmitter;
this.contactPoints = null;
this.localDataCenter = null;
* The sslOptions in the client options from a given map.
* @param {Map<String, Buffer>} zipEntries
setSslOptions(zipEntries) {
this.clientOptions.sslOptions = Object.assign({
ca: [zipEntries.get('ca.crt') ],
cert: zipEntries.get('cert'),
key: zipEntries.get('key'),
rejectUnauthorized: true
}, this.clientOptions.sslOptions);
* @param username
* @param password
setAuthProvider(username, password) {
if (!username || !password) {
if (this.clientOptions.authProvider && !(this.clientOptions.authProvider instanceof NoAuthProvider)) {
// There is an auth provider set by the user
this.clientOptions.authProvider = new DsePlainTextAuthProvider(username, password);
* @param {CloudOptions} cloudOptions
* @returns {Promise<void>}
async function parseZipFile(cloudOptions) {
if (cloudOptions.serviceUrl) {
// Service url already was provided
if (!cloudOptions.secureConnectBundle) {
throw new TypeError('secureConnectBundle must be provided');
const data = await readFile(cloudOptions.secureConnectBundle);
const zip = new AdmZip(data);
const zipEntries = new Map(zip.getEntries().map(e => [e.entryName, e.getData()]));
if (!zipEntries.get('config.json')) {
throw new TypeError('Config file must be contained in secure bundle');
const config = JSON.parse(zipEntries.get('config.json').toString('utf8'));
if (!config['host'] || !config['port']) {
throw new TypeError('Config file must include host and port information');
cloudOptions.serviceUrl = `${config['host']}:${config['port']}/metadata`;
cloudOptions.setAuthProvider(config.username, config.password);
* Gets the information retrieved from the metadata service.
* Invokes the callback with {proxyAddress, localDataCenter, contactPoints} as result
* @param {CloudOptions} cloudOptions
* @param {Function} callback
function getMetadataServiceInfo(cloudOptions, callback) {
const regex = /^(.+?):(\d+)(.*)$/;
const matches = regex.exec(cloudOptions.serviceUrl);
callback = utils.callbackOnce(callback);
if (!matches || matches.length !== 4) {
throw new TypeError('url should be composed of host, port number and path, without scheme');
const requestOptions = Object.assign({
hostname: matches[1],
port: matches[2],
path: matches[3] || undefined,
timeout: cloudOptions.clientOptions.socketOptions.connectTimeout
}, cloudOptions.clientOptions.sslOptions);
const req = https.get(requestOptions, res => {
let data = '';
utils.log('verbose', `Connected to metadata service with SSL/TLS protocol ${res.socket.getProtocol()}`, {}, cloudOptions);
.on('data', chunk => data += chunk.toString())
.on('end', () => {
if (res.statusCode !== 200) {
return callback(getServiceRequestError(new Error(`Obtained http status ${res.statusCode}`), requestOptions));
let message;
try {
message = JSON.parse(data);
if (!message || !message['contact_info']) {
throw new TypeError('contact_info should be defined in response');
} catch (err) {
return callback(getServiceRequestError(err, requestOptions, true));
const contactInfo = message['contact_info'];
// Set the connect options
cloudOptions.clientOptions.contactPoints = contactInfo['contact_points'];
cloudOptions.clientOptions.localDataCenter = contactInfo['local_dc'];
cloudOptions.clientOptions.sni = { address: contactInfo['sni_proxy_address'] };
req.on('error', err => callback(getServiceRequestError(err, requestOptions)));
// We need to both set the timeout in the requestOptions and invoke ClientRequest#setTimeout()
// to handle all possible scenarios, for some reason... (tested with one OR the other and didn't fully work)
// Setting the also the timeout handler, aborting will emit 'error' and close
req.setTimeout(cloudOptions.clientOptions.socketOptions.connectTimeout, () => req.abort());
const getMetadataServiceInfoAsync = util.promisify(getMetadataServiceInfo);
* Returns an Error that wraps the inner error obtained while fetching metadata information.
* @private
function getServiceRequestError(err, requestOptions, isParsingError) {
const message = isParsingError
? 'There was an error while parsing the metadata service information'
: 'There was an error fetching the metadata information';
const url = `${requestOptions.hostname}:${requestOptions.port}${(requestOptions.path) ? requestOptions.path : '/'}`;
return new errors.NoHostAvailableError({ [url] : err }, message);
* @param {{subject: {CN: string}, subjectaltname: string?}} cert A certificate object as defined by
* TLS module
* @param {string} sniAddress
* @returns {Error|undefined} Similar to tls.checkServerIdentity() returns an Error object, populating it with reason,
* host, and cert on failure. Otherwise, it returns undefined.
* @internal
* @ignore
function checkServerIdentity(cert, sniAddress) {
// Based on logic defined by the Node.js Core module
// SNI address is composed by hostname and port
const hostName = sniAddress.split(':')[0];
const altNames = cert.subjectaltname;
const cn = cert.subject.CN;
if (hostName === cn) {
// quick check based on common name
return undefined;
const parsedAltNames = [];
if (altNames) {
for (const name of altNames.split(', ')) {
if (name.startsWith('DNS:')) {
} else if (name.startsWith('URI:')) {
parsedAltNames.push(new URL(name.slice(4)).hostname);
const hostParts = hostName.split('.');
const wildcard = (pattern) => checkParts(hostParts, pattern);
let valid;
if (parsedAltNames.length > 0) {
valid = parsedAltNames.some(wildcard);
} else {
// Use the common name
valid = wildcard(cn);
if (!valid) {
const error = new Error(`Host: ${hostName} is not cert's CN/altnames: ${cn} / ${altNames}`);
error.reason = error.message; = hostName;
error.cert = cert;
return error;
* Simplified version of Node.js tls core lib check() function
* @private
* @returns {boolean}
function checkParts(hostParts, pattern) {
// Empty strings, null, undefined, etc. never match.
if (!pattern) {
return false;
const patternParts = pattern.split('.');
if (hostParts.length !== patternParts.length) {
return false;
// Check host parts from right to left first.
for (let i = hostParts.length - 1; i > 0; i -= 1) {
if (hostParts[i] !== patternParts[i]) {
return false;
const hostSubdomain = hostParts[0];
const patternSubdomain = patternParts[0];
const patternSubdomainParts = patternSubdomain.split('*');
// Short-circuit when the subdomain does not contain a wildcard.
// RFC 6125 does not allow wildcard substitution for components
// containing IDNA A-labels (Punycode) so match those verbatim.
if (patternSubdomainParts.length === 1 || patternSubdomain.includes('xn--')) {
return hostSubdomain === patternSubdomain;
// More than one wildcard is always wrong.
if (patternSubdomainParts.length > 2) {
return false;
// *.tld wildcards are not allowed.
if (patternParts.length <= 2) {
return false;
const [prefix, suffix] = patternSubdomainParts;
if (prefix.length + suffix.length > hostSubdomain.length) {
return false;
if (!hostSubdomain.startsWith(prefix)) {
return false;
if (!hostSubdomain.endsWith(suffix)) {
return false;
return true;
module.exports = {