You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

35 lines
930 B

/* eslint no-param-reassign: off */
const afterPattern = /:$/;
const beforePattern = /^:(\s+)?/;
// const bracketsPattern = /\{/;
module.exports = (node) => {
const { name, params = '' } = node;
// situations like @page :last { color: red } should default to the built-in AtRule
// LESS variables are @name : value; < note that for them to be valid LESS vars, they must end in
// a semicolon.
if ( !== ':') {
if (afterPattern.test(name)) {
const [match] = name.match(afterPattern); = name.replace(match, '');
node.raws.afterName = match + (node.raws.afterName || '');
node.variable = true;
node.value = node.params;
if (beforePattern.test(params)) {
const [match] = params.match(beforePattern);
node.value = params.replace(match, '');
node.raws.afterName = (node.raws.afterName || '') + match;
node.variable = true;