You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

1074 lines
35 KiB

* Copyright DataStax, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
'use strict';
const events = require('events');
const util = require('util');
const net = require('net');
const dns = require('dns');
const errors = require('./errors');
const { Host, HostMap } = require('./host');
const Metadata = require('./metadata');
const EventDebouncer = require('./metadata/event-debouncer');
const Connection = require('./connection');
const requests = require('./requests');
const utils = require('./utils');
const types = require('./types');
const promiseUtils = require('./promise-utils');
const f = util.format;
const selectPeers = "SELECT * FROM system.peers";
const selectLocal = "SELECT * FROM system.local WHERE key='local'";
const newNodeDelay = 1000;
const metadataQueryAbortTimeout = 2000;
const schemaChangeTypes = {
created: 'CREATED',
updated: 'UPDATED',
dropped: 'DROPPED'
const supportedProductTypeKey = 'PRODUCT_TYPE';
const supportedDbaas = 'DATASTAX_APOLLO';
* Represents a connection used by the driver to receive events and to check the status of the cluster.
* <p>It uses an existing connection from the hosts' connection pool to maintain the driver metadata up-to-date.</p>
class ControlConnection extends events.EventEmitter {
* Creates a new instance of <code>ControlConnection</code>.
* @param {Object} options
* @param {ProfileManager} profileManager
* @param {{borrowHostConnection: function, createConnection: function}} [context] An object containing methods to
* allow dependency injection.
constructor(options, profileManager, context) {
this.protocolVersion = null;
this.hosts = new HostMap();
this.log = utils.log;
Object.defineProperty(this, "options", { value: options, enumerable: false, writable: false});
* Cluster metadata that is going to be shared between the Client and ControlConnection
this.metadata = new Metadata(this.options, this);
this.initialized = false;
* Host used by the control connection
* @type {Host|null}
*/ = null;
* Connection used to retrieve metadata and subscribed to events
* @type {Connection|null}
this.connection = null;
this._addressTranslator = this.options.policies.addressResolution;
this._reconnectionPolicy = this.options.policies.reconnection;
this._reconnectionSchedule = this._reconnectionPolicy.newSchedule();
this._isShuttingDown = false;
// Reference to the encoder of the last valid connection
this._encoder = null;
this._debouncer = new EventDebouncer(options.refreshSchemaDelay, this.log.bind(this));
this._profileManager = profileManager;
this._triedHosts = null;
this._resolvedContactPoints = new Map();
this._contactPoints = new Set();
// Timeout used for delayed handling of topology changes
this._topologyChangeTimeout = null;
// Timeout used for delayed handling of node status changes
this._nodeStatusChangeTimeout = null;
if (context && context.borrowHostConnection) {
this._borrowHostConnection = context.borrowHostConnection;
if (context && context.createConnection) {
this._createConnection = context.createConnection;
* Stores the contact point information and what it resolved to.
* @param {String|null} address
* @param {String} port
* @param {String} name
* @param {Boolean} isIPv6
_addContactPoint(address, port, name, isIPv6) {
if (address === null) {
// Contact point could not be resolved, store that the resolution came back empty
this._resolvedContactPoints.set(name, utils.emptyArray);
const portNumber = parseInt(port, 10) || this.options.protocolOptions.port;
const endpoint = `${address}:${portNumber}`;
// Use RFC 3986 for IPv4 and IPv6
const standardEndpoint = !isIPv6 ? endpoint : `[${address}]:${portNumber}`;
let resolvedAddressedByName = this._resolvedContactPoints.get(name);
// NODEJS-646
// We might have a frozen empty array if DNS resolution wasn't working when this name was
// initially added, and if that's the case we can't add anything. Detect that case and
// reset to a mutable array.
if (resolvedAddressedByName === undefined || resolvedAddressedByName === utils.emptyArray) {
resolvedAddressedByName = [];
this._resolvedContactPoints.set(name, resolvedAddressedByName);
async _parseContactPoint(name) {
let addressOrName = name;
let port = null;
if (name.indexOf('[') === 0 && name.indexOf(']:') > 1) {
// IPv6 host notation [ip]:port (RFC 3986 section 3.2.2)
const index = name.lastIndexOf(']:');
addressOrName = name.substr(1, index - 1);
port = name.substr(index + 2);
} else if (name.indexOf(':') > 0) {
// IPv4 or host name with port notation
const parts = name.split(':');
if (parts.length === 2) {
addressOrName = parts[0];
port = parts[1];
if (net.isIP(addressOrName)) {
this._addContactPoint(addressOrName, port, name, net.isIPv6(addressOrName));
const addresses = await this._resolveAll(addressOrName);
if (addresses.length > 0) {
addresses.forEach(addressInfo => this._addContactPoint(addressInfo.address, port, name, addressInfo.isIPv6));
} else {
// Store that we attempted resolving the name but was not found
this._addContactPoint(null, null, name, false);
* Initializes the control connection by establishing a Connection using a suitable protocol
* version to be used and retrieving cluster metadata.
async init() {
if (this.initialized) {
// Prevent multiple serial initializations
if (!this.options.sni) {
// Parse and resolve contact points
await Promise.all( => this._parseContactPoint(name)));
} else {
this.options.contactPoints.forEach(cp => this._contactPoints.add(cp));
const address = this.options.sni.address;
const separatorIndex = address.lastIndexOf(':');
if (separatorIndex === -1) {
throw new new errors.DriverInternalError('The SNI endpoint address should contain ip/name and port');
const nameOrIp = address.substr(0, separatorIndex);
this.options.sni.port = address.substr(separatorIndex + 1);
this.options.sni.addressResolver = new utils.AddressResolver({ nameOrIp, dns });
await this.options.sni.addressResolver.init();
if (this._contactPoints.size === 0) {
throw new errors.NoHostAvailableError({}, 'No host could be resolved');
await this._initializeConnection();
_setHealthListeners(host, connection) {
const self = this;
let wasRefreshCalled = 0;
function removeListeners() {
host.removeListener('down', downOrIgnoredHandler);
host.removeListener('ignore', downOrIgnoredHandler);
connection.removeListener('socketClose', socketClosedHandler);
function startReconnecting(hostDown) {
if (wasRefreshCalled++ !== 0) {
// Prevent multiple calls to reconnect
if (self._isShuttingDown) {
// Don't attempt to reconnect when the ControlConnection is being shutdown
if (hostDown) {
`Host ${host.address} used by the ControlConnection DOWN, ` +
`connection to ${connection.endpointFriendlyName} will not longer be used`);
} else {
self.log('warning', `Connection to ${connection.endpointFriendlyName} used by the ControlConnection was closed`);
function downOrIgnoredHandler() {
function socketClosedHandler() {
host.once('down', downOrIgnoredHandler);
host.once('ignore', downOrIgnoredHandler);
connection.once('socketClose', socketClosedHandler);
* Iterates through the hostIterator and Gets the following open connection.
* @param {Iterator<Host>} hostIterator
* @returns {Connection!}
_borrowAConnection(hostIterator) {
let connection = null;
while (!connection) {
const item =;
const host = item.value;
if (item.done) {
throw new errors.NoHostAvailableError(this._triedHosts);
// Only check distance once the load-balancing policies have been initialized
const distance = this._profileManager.getDistance(host);
if (!host.isUp() || distance === types.distance.ignored) {
try {
connection = this._borrowHostConnection(host);
} catch (err) {
this._triedHosts[host.address] = err;
return connection;
* Iterates through the contact points and tries to open a connection.
* @param {Iterator<string>} contactPointsIterator
* @returns {Promise<void>}
async _borrowFirstConnection(contactPointsIterator) {
let connection = null;
while (!connection) {
const item =;
const contactPoint = item.value;
if (item.done) {
throw new errors.NoHostAvailableError(this._triedHosts);
try {
connection = await this._createConnection(contactPoint);
} catch (err) {
this._triedHosts[contactPoint] = err;
if (!connection) {
const err = new errors.NoHostAvailableError(this._triedHosts);
this.log('error', 'ControlConnection failed to acquire a connection');
throw err;
this.protocolVersion = connection.protocolVersion;
this._encoder = connection.encoder;
this.connection = connection;
/** Default implementation for borrowing connections, that can be injected at constructor level */
_borrowHostConnection(host) {
// Borrow any open connection, regardless of the keyspace
return host.borrowConnection();
* Default implementation for creating initial connections, that can be injected at constructor level
* @param {String} contactPoint
async _createConnection(contactPoint) {
const c = new Connection(contactPoint, null, this.options);
try {
await c.openAsync();
} catch (err) {
throw err;
return c;
* Gets the info from local and peer metadata, reloads the keyspaces metadata and rebuilds tokens.
* <p>It throws an error when there's a failure or when reconnecting and there's no connection.</p>
* @param {Boolean} initializing Determines whether this function was called in order to initialize the control
* connection the first time
* @param {Boolean} isReconnecting Determines whether the refresh is being done because the ControlConnection is
* switching to use this connection to this host.
async _refreshHosts(initializing, isReconnecting) {
// Get a reference to the current connection as it might change from external events
const c = this.connection;
if (!c) {
if (isReconnecting) {
throw new errors.DriverInternalError('Connection reference has been lost when reconnecting');
// it's possible that this was called as a result of a topology change, but the connection was lost
// between scheduling time and now. This will be called again when there is a new connection.
this.log('info', 'Refreshing local and peers info');
const rsLocal = await c.send(new requests.QueryRequest(selectLocal), null);
this._setLocalInfo(initializing, isReconnecting, c, rsLocal);
if (! {
throw new errors.DriverInternalError('Information from system.local could not be retrieved');
const rsPeers = await c.send(new requests.QueryRequest(selectPeers), null);
await this.setPeersInfo(initializing, rsPeers);
if (!this.initialized) {
// resolve protocol version from highest common version among hosts.
const highestCommon = types.protocolVersion.getHighestCommon(c, this.hosts);
const reconnect = highestCommon !== this.protocolVersion;
// set protocol version on each host.
this.protocolVersion = highestCommon;
this.hosts.forEach(h => h.setProtocolVersion(this.protocolVersion));
// if protocol version changed, reconnect the control connection with new version.
if (reconnect) {
this.log('info', `Reconnecting since the protocol version changed to 0x${highestCommon.toString(16)}`);
await c.closeAsync();
try {
await c.openAsync();
} catch (err) {
// Close in the background
throw err;
// To acquire metadata we need to specify the cassandra version
if (!this.options.isMetadataSyncEnabled) {
this.metadata.initialized = true;
await this.metadata.refreshKeyspacesInternal(false);
this.metadata.initialized = true;
async _refreshControlConnection(hostIterator) {
if (this.options.sni) {
this.connection = this._borrowAConnection(hostIterator);
else {
try { this.connection = this._borrowAConnection(hostIterator); }
catch(err) {
/* NODEJS-632: refresh nodes before getting hosts for reconnect since some hostnames may have
* shifted during the flight. */
this.log("info", "ControlConnection could not reconnect using existing connections. Refreshing contact points and retrying");
await Promise.all( => this._parseContactPoint(name)));
const refreshedContactPoints = Array.from(this._contactPoints).join(',');
this.log('info', `Refreshed contact points: ${refreshedContactPoints}`);
await this._initializeConnection();
* Acquires a new connection and refreshes topology and keyspace metadata.
* <p>When it fails obtaining a connection and there aren't any more hosts, it schedules reconnection.</p>
* <p>When it fails obtaining the metadata, it marks connection and/or host unusable and retries using the same
* iterator from query plan / host list</p>
* @param {Iterator<Host>} [hostIterator]
async _refresh(hostIterator) {
if (this._isShuttingDown) {
this.log('info', 'The ControlConnection will not be refreshed as the Client is being shutdown');
// Reset host and connection = null;
this.connection = null;
try {
if (!hostIterator) {
this.log('info', 'Trying to acquire a connection to a new host');
this._triedHosts = {};
hostIterator = await promiseUtils.newQueryPlan(this._profileManager.getDefaultLoadBalancing(), null, null);
await this._refreshControlConnection(hostIterator);
} catch (err) {
// There was a failure obtaining a connection or during metadata retrieval
this.log('error', 'ControlConnection failed to acquire a connection', err);
if (!this._isShuttingDown) {
const delay =;
this.log('warning', `ControlConnection could not reconnect, scheduling reconnection in ${delay}ms`);
setTimeout(() => this._refresh(), delay);
this.emit('newConnection', err);
this.log('info',`ControlConnection connected to ${this.connection.endpointFriendlyName}`);
try {
await this._refreshHosts(false, true);
await this._registerToConnectionEvents();
} catch (err) {
this.log('error', 'ControlConnection failed to retrieve topology and keyspaces information', err);
this._triedHosts[this.connection.endpoint] = err;
if (err.isSocketError && {;
// Retry the whole thing with the same query plan
return await this._refresh(hostIterator);
this._reconnectionSchedule = this._reconnectionPolicy.newSchedule();
this._setHealthListeners(, this.connection);
this.emit('newConnection', null, this.connection,;
this.log('info', `ControlConnection connected to ${this.connection.endpointFriendlyName} and up to date`);
* Acquires a connection and refreshes topology and keyspace metadata for the first time.
* @returns {Promise<void>}
async _initializeConnection() {
this.log('info', 'Getting first connection');
// Reset host and connection = null;
this.connection = null;
this._triedHosts = {};
// Randomize order of contact points resolved.
const contactPointsIterator = utils.shuffleArray(Array.from(this._contactPoints))[Symbol.iterator]();
while (true) {
await this._borrowFirstConnection(contactPointsIterator);
this.log('info', `ControlConnection using protocol version 0x${
this.protocolVersion.toString(16)}, connected to ${this.connection.endpointFriendlyName}`);
try {
await this._getSupportedOptions();
await this._refreshHosts(true, true);
await this._registerToConnectionEvents();
// We have a valid connection, leave the loop
} catch (err) {
this.log('error', 'ControlConnection failed to retrieve topology and keyspaces information', err);
this._triedHosts[this.connection.endpoint] = err;
// The healthy connection used to initialize should be part of the Host pool;
this.initialized = true;
this._setHealthListeners(, this.connection);
this.log('info', `ControlConnection connected to ${this.connection.endpointFriendlyName}`);
async _getSupportedOptions() {
const response = await this.connection.send(requests.options, null);
// response.supported is a string multi map, decoded as an Object.
const productType = response.supported && response.supported[supportedProductTypeKey];
if (Array.isArray(productType) && productType[0] === supportedDbaas) {
async _registerToConnectionEvents() {
this.connection.on('nodeTopologyChange', this._nodeTopologyChangeHandler.bind(this));
this.connection.on('nodeStatusChange', this._nodeStatusChangeHandler.bind(this));
this.connection.on('nodeSchemaChange', this._nodeSchemaChangeHandler.bind(this));
const request = new requests.RegisterRequest(['TOPOLOGY_CHANGE', 'STATUS_CHANGE', 'SCHEMA_CHANGE']);
await this.connection.send(request, null);
* Handles a TOPOLOGY_CHANGE event
_nodeTopologyChangeHandler(event) {
this.log('info', 'Received topology change', event);
// all hosts information needs to be refreshed as tokens might have changed
// Use an additional timer to make sure that the refresh hosts is executed only AFTER the delay
// In this case, the event debouncer doesn't help because it could not honor the sliding delay (ie: processNow)
this._topologyChangeTimeout = setTimeout(() =>
promiseUtils.toBackground(this._scheduleRefreshHosts()), newNodeDelay);
* Handles a STATUS_CHANGE event
_nodeStatusChangeHandler(event) {
const self = this;
const addressToTranslate = event.inet.address.toString();
const port = this.options.protocolOptions.port;
this._addressTranslator.translate(addressToTranslate, port, function translateCallback(endPoint) {
const host = self.hosts.get(endPoint);
if (!host) {
self.log('warning', 'Received status change event but host was not found: ' + addressToTranslate);
const distance = self._profileManager.getDistance(host);
if (event.up) {
if (distance === types.distance.ignored) {
return host.setUp(true);
// Waits a couple of seconds before marking it as UP
self._nodeStatusChangeTimeout = setTimeout(() => host.checkIsUp(), newNodeDelay);
// marked as down
if (distance === types.distance.ignored) {
return host.setDown();
self.log('warning', 'Received status change to DOWN for host ' + host.address);
* Handles a SCHEMA_CHANGE event
_nodeSchemaChangeHandler(event) {
this.log('info', 'Schema change', event);
if (!this.options.isMetadataSyncEnabled) {
promiseUtils.toBackground(this.handleSchemaChange(event, false));
* Schedules metadata refresh and callbacks when is refreshed.
* @param {{keyspace: string, isKeyspace: boolean, schemaChangeType, table, udt, functionName, aggregate}} event
* @param {Boolean} processNow
* @returns {Promise<void>}
handleSchemaChange(event, processNow) {
const self = this;
let handler, cqlObject;
if (event.isKeyspace) {
if (event.schemaChangeType === schemaChangeTypes.dropped) {
handler = function removeKeyspace() {
// if on the same event queue there is a creation, this handler is not going to be executed
// it is safe to remove the keyspace metadata
delete self.metadata.keyspaces[event.keyspace];
return this._scheduleObjectRefresh(handler, event.keyspace, null, processNow);
return this._scheduleKeyspaceRefresh(event.keyspace, processNow);
const ksInfo = this.metadata.keyspaces[event.keyspace];
if (!ksInfo) {
// it hasn't been loaded and it is not part of the metadata, don't mind
return Promise.resolve();
if (event.table) {
cqlObject = event.table;
handler = function clearTableState() {
delete ksInfo.tables[event.table];
delete ksInfo.views[event.table];
else if (event.udt) {
cqlObject = event.udt;
handler = function clearUdtState() {
delete ksInfo.udts[event.udt];
else if (event.functionName) {
cqlObject = event.functionName;
handler = function clearFunctionState() {
delete ksInfo.functions[event.functionName];
else if (event.aggregate) {
cqlObject = event.aggregate;
handler = function clearKeyspaceState() {
delete ksInfo.aggregates[event.aggregate];
if (!handler) {
// Forward compatibility
return Promise.resolve();
// It's a cql object change clean the internal cache
return this._scheduleObjectRefresh(handler, event.keyspace, cqlObject, processNow);
* @param {Function} handler
* @param {String} keyspace
* @param {String} cqlObject
* @param {Boolean} processNow
* @returns {Promise<void>}
_scheduleObjectRefresh(handler, keyspace, cqlObject, processNow) {
return this._debouncer.eventReceived({ handler, keyspace, cqlObject }, processNow);
* @param {String} keyspace
* @param {Boolean} processNow
* @returns {Promise<void>}
_scheduleKeyspaceRefresh(keyspace, processNow) {
return this._debouncer.eventReceived({
handler: () => this.metadata.refreshKeyspace(keyspace),
}, processNow);
/** @returns {Promise<void>} */
_scheduleRefreshHosts() {
return this._debouncer.eventReceived({
handler: () => this._refreshHosts(false, false),
all: true
}, false);
* Sets the information for the host used by the control connection.
* @param {Boolean} initializing
* @param {Connection} c
* @param {Boolean} setCurrentHost Determines if the host retrieved must be set as the current host
* @param result
_setLocalInfo(initializing, setCurrentHost, c, result) {
if (!result || !result.rows || !result.rows.length) {
this.log('warning', 'No local info could be obtained');
const row = result.rows[0];
let localHost;
// Note that with SNI enabled, we can trust that rpc_address will contain a valid value.
const endpoint = !this.options.sni
? c.endpoint
: `${row['rpc_address']}:${this.options.protocolOptions.port}`;
if (initializing) {
localHost = new Host(endpoint, this.protocolVersion, this.options, this.metadata);
this.hosts.set(endpoint, localHost);
this.log('info', `Adding host ${endpoint}`);
} else {
localHost = this.hosts.get(endpoint);
if (!localHost) {
this.log('error', 'Localhost could not be found');
localHost.datacenter = row['data_center'];
localHost.rack = row['rack'];
localHost.tokens = row['tokens'];
localHost.hostId = row['host_id'];
localHost.cassandraVersion = row['release_version'];
setDseParameters(localHost, row);
this.log('info', 'Local info retrieved');
if (setCurrentHost) {
// Set the host as the one being used by the ControlConnection. = localHost;
* @param {Boolean} initializing Determines whether this function was called in order to initialize the control
* connection the first time.
* @param {ResultSet} result
async setPeersInfo(initializing, result) {
if (!result || !result.rows) {
// A map of peers, could useful for in case there are discrepancies
const peers = {};
const port = this.options.protocolOptions.port;
const foundDataCenters = new Set();
if ( && {
for (const row of result.rows) {
const endpoint = await this.getAddressForPeerHost(row, port);
if (!endpoint) {
peers[endpoint] = true;
let host = this.hosts.get(endpoint);
let isNewHost = !host;
if (isNewHost) {
host = new Host(endpoint, this.protocolVersion, this.options, this.metadata);
this.log('info', `Adding host ${endpoint}`);
isNewHost = true;
host.datacenter = row['data_center'];
host.rack = row['rack'];
host.tokens = row['tokens'];
host.hostId = row['host_id'];
host.cassandraVersion = row['release_version'];
setDseParameters(host, row);
if (host.datacenter) {
if (isNewHost) {
// Add it to the map (and trigger events) after all the properties
// were set to avoid race conditions
this.hosts.set(endpoint, host);
if (!initializing) {
// Set the distance at Host level, that way the connection pool is created with the correct settings
// When we are not initializing, we start with the node set as DOWN
// Is there a difference in number between peers + local != hosts
if (this.hosts.length > result.rows.length + 1) {
// There are hosts in the current state that don't belong (nodes removed or wrong contactPoints)
this.log('info', 'Removing nodes from the pool');
const toRemove = [];
this.hosts.forEach(h => {
//It is not a peer and it is not local host
if (!peers[h.address] && h !== {
this.log('info', 'Removing host ' + h.address);
if (initializing && this.options.localDataCenter) {
const localDc = this.options.localDataCenter;
if (!foundDataCenters.has(localDc)) {
throw new errors.ArgumentError(`localDataCenter was configured as '${
localDc}', but only found hosts in data centers: [${Array.from(foundDataCenters).join(', ')}]`);
this.log('info', 'Peers info retrieved');
* Gets the address from a peers row and translates the address.
* @param {Object|Row} row
* @param {Number} defaultPort
* @returns {Promise<string>}
getAddressForPeerHost(row, defaultPort) {
return new Promise(resolve => {
let address = row['rpc_address'];
const peer = row['peer'];
const bindAllAddress = '';
if (!address) {
this.log('error', f('No rpc_address found for host %s in %s\'s peers system table. %s will be ignored.',
peer,, peer));
return resolve(null);
if (address.toString() === bindAllAddress) {
this.log('warning', f('Found host with as rpc_address, using listen_address (%s) to contact it instead.' +
' If this is incorrect you should avoid the use of server side.', peer));
address = peer;
this._addressTranslator.translate(address.toString(), defaultPort, resolve);
* Uses the DNS protocol to resolve a IPv4 and IPv6 addresses (A and AAAA records) for the hostname.
* It returns an Array of addresses that can be empty and logs the error.
* @private
* @param name
async _resolveAll(name) {
const addresses = [];
const resolve4 = util.promisify(dns.resolve4);
const resolve6 = util.promisify(dns.resolve6);
const lookup = util.promisify(dns.lookup);
// Ignore errors for resolve calls
const ipv4Promise = resolve4(name).catch(() => {}).then(r => r || utils.emptyArray);
const ipv6Promise = resolve6(name).catch(() => {}).then(r => r || utils.emptyArray);
let arr;
arr = await ipv4Promise;
arr.forEach(address => addresses.push({address, isIPv6: false}));
arr = await ipv6Promise;
arr.forEach(address => addresses.push({address, isIPv6: true}));
if (addresses.length === 0) {
// In case dns.resolve*() methods don't yield a valid address for the host name
// Use system call getaddrinfo() that might resolve according to host system definitions
try {
arr = await lookup(name, { all: true });
arr.forEach(({address, family}) => addresses.push({address, isIPv6: family === 6}));
} catch (err) {
this.log('error', `Host with name ${name} could not be resolved`, err);
return addresses;
* Waits for a connection to be available. If timeout expires before getting a connection it callbacks in error.
* @returns {Promise<void>}
_waitForReconnection() {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const callback = promiseUtils.getCallback(resolve, reject);
// eslint-disable-next-line prefer-const
let timeout;
function newConnectionListener(err) {
this.once('newConnection', newConnectionListener);
timeout = setTimeout(() => {
this.removeListener('newConnection', newConnectionListener);
callback(new errors.OperationTimedOutError('A connection could not be acquired before timeout.'));
}, metadataQueryAbortTimeout);
* Executes a query using the active connection
* @param {String|Request} cqlQuery
* @param {Boolean} [waitReconnect] Determines if it should wait for reconnection in case the control connection is not
* connected at the moment. Default: true.
async query(cqlQuery, waitReconnect = true) {
const queryOnConnection = async () => {
if (!this.connection || this._isShuttingDown) {
throw new errors.NoHostAvailableError({}, 'ControlConnection is not connected at the time');
const request = typeof cqlQuery === 'string' ? new requests.QueryRequest(cqlQuery, null, null) : cqlQuery;
return await this.connection.send(request, null);
if (!this.connection && waitReconnect) {
// Wait until its reconnected (or timer elapses)
await this._waitForReconnection();
return await queryOnConnection();
/** @returns {Encoder} The encoder used by the current connection */
getEncoder() {
if (!this._encoder) {
throw new errors.DriverInternalError('Encoder is not defined');
return this._encoder;
* Cancels all timers and shuts down synchronously.
shutdown() {
this._isShuttingDown = true;
// Emit a "newConnection" event with Error, as it may clear timeouts that were waiting new connections
this.emit('newConnection', new errors.DriverError('ControlConnection is being shutdown'));
// Cancel timers
* Resets the Connection to its initial state.
async reset() {
// Reset the internal state of the ControlConnection for future initialization attempts
const currentHosts = this.hosts.clear();
// Set the shutting down flag temporarily to avoid reconnects.
this._isShuttingDown = true;
// Shutdown all individual pools, ignoring any shutdown error
await Promise.all( => h.shutdown()));
this.initialized = false;
this._isShuttingDown = false;
* Gets a Map containing the original contact points and the addresses that each one resolved to.
getResolvedContactPoints() {
return this._resolvedContactPoints;
* Gets the local IP address to which the control connection socket is bound to.
* @returns {String|undefined}
getLocalAddress() {
if (!this.connection) {
return undefined;
return this.connection.getLocalAddress();
* Gets the address and port of host the control connection is connected to.
* @returns {String|undefined}
getEndpoint() {
if (!this.connection) {
return undefined;
return this.connection.endpoint;
* Parses the DSE workload and assigns it to a host.
* @param {Host} host
* @param {Row} row
* @private
function setDseParameters(host, row) {
if (row['workloads'] !== undefined) {
host.workloads = row['workloads'];
else if (row['workload']) {
host.workloads = [ row['workload'] ];
else {
host.workloads = utils.emptyArray;
if (row['dse_version'] !== undefined) {
host.dseVersion = row['dse_version'];
module.exports = ControlConnection;