You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

189 lines
4.9 KiB

* Copyright DataStax, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import { types } from '../types';
import { Client } from '../../';
import Long = types.Long;
export namespace mapping {
interface TableMappings {
getColumnName(propName: string): string;
getPropertyName(columnName: string): string;
newObjectInstance(): any;
class DefaultTableMappings implements TableMappings {
getColumnName(propName: string): string;
getPropertyName(columnName: string): string;
newObjectInstance(): any;
class UnderscoreCqlToCamelCaseMappings implements TableMappings {
getColumnName(propName: string): string;
getPropertyName(columnName: string): string;
newObjectInstance(): any;
interface Result<T = any> extends Iterator<T> {
wasApplied(): boolean;
first(): T | null;
forEach(callback: (currentValue: T, index: number) => void, thisArg?: any): void;
toArray(): T[];
type MappingExecutionOptions = {
executionProfile?: string;
isIdempotent?: boolean;
logged?: boolean;
timestamp?: number | Long;
fetchSize?: number;
pageState?: number;
interface ModelTables {
name: string;
isView: boolean;
class Mapper {
constructor(client: Client, options?: MappingOptions);
batch(items: ModelBatchItem[], executionOptions?: string | MappingExecutionOptions): Promise<Result>;
forModel<T = any>(name: string): ModelMapper<T>;
type MappingOptions = {
models: { [key: string]: ModelOptions };
type FindDocInfo = {
fields?: string[];
orderBy?: { [key: string]: string };
limit?: number;
type InsertDocInfo = {
fields?: string[];
ttl?: number;
ifNotExists?: boolean;
type UpdateDocInfo = {
fields?: string[];
ttl?: number;
ifExists?: boolean;
when?: { [key: string]: any };
orderBy?: { [key: string]: string };
limit?: number;
deleteOnlyColumns?: boolean;
type RemoveDocInfo = {
fields?: string[];
ttl?: number;
ifExists?: boolean;
when?: { [key: string]: any };
deleteOnlyColumns?: boolean;
type ModelOptions = {
tables?: string[] | ModelTables[];
mappings?: TableMappings;
columns?: { [key: string]: string|ModelColumnOptions };
keyspace?: string;
type ModelColumnOptions = {
name: string;
toModel?: (columnValue: any) => any;
fromModel?: (modelValue: any) => any;
interface ModelBatchItem {
interface ModelBatchMapper {
insert(doc: any, docInfo?: InsertDocInfo): ModelBatchItem;
remove(doc: any, docInfo?: RemoveDocInfo): ModelBatchItem;
update(doc: any, docInfo?: UpdateDocInfo): ModelBatchItem;
interface ModelMapper<T = any> {
name: string;
batching: ModelBatchMapper;
get(doc: { [key: string]: any }, docInfo?: { fields?: string[] }, executionOptions?: string | MappingExecutionOptions): Promise<null | T>;
find(doc: { [key: string]: any }, docInfo?: FindDocInfo, executionOptions?: string | MappingExecutionOptions): Promise<Result<T>>;
findAll(docInfo?: FindDocInfo, executionOptions?: string | MappingExecutionOptions): Promise<Result<T>>;
insert(doc: { [key: string]: any }, docInfo?: InsertDocInfo, executionOptions?: string | MappingExecutionOptions): Promise<Result<T>>;
update(doc: { [key: string]: any }, docInfo?: UpdateDocInfo, executionOptions?: string | MappingExecutionOptions): Promise<Result<T>>;
remove(doc: { [key: string]: any }, docInfo?: RemoveDocInfo, executionOptions?: string | MappingExecutionOptions): Promise<Result<T>>;
query: string,
paramsHandler: (doc: any) => any[],
executionOptions?: string | MappingExecutionOptions
): (doc: any, executionOptions?: string | MappingExecutionOptions) => Promise<Result<T>>;
namespace q {
interface QueryOperator {
function in_(arr: any): QueryOperator;
function gt(value: any): QueryOperator;
function gte(value: any): QueryOperator;
function lt(value: any): QueryOperator;
function lte(value: any): QueryOperator;
function notEq(value: any): QueryOperator;
function and(condition1: any, condition2: any): QueryOperator;
function incr(value: any): QueryOperator;
function decr(value: any): QueryOperator;
function append(value: any): QueryOperator;
function prepend(value: any): QueryOperator;
function remove(value: any): QueryOperator;