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import type { EJSONOptions } from './extended_json';
import { BSONValue } from './bson_value';
/** @public */
export type BinarySequence = Uint8Array | number[];
/** @public */
export interface BinaryExtendedLegacy {
$type: string;
$binary: string;
/** @public */
export interface BinaryExtended {
$binary: {
subType: string;
base64: string;
* A class representation of the BSON Binary type.
* @public
* @category BSONType
export declare class Binary extends BSONValue {
get _bsontype(): 'Binary';
* Binary default subtype
* @internal
private static readonly BSON_BINARY_SUBTYPE_DEFAULT;
/** Initial buffer default size */
static readonly BUFFER_SIZE = 256;
/** Default BSON type */
static readonly SUBTYPE_DEFAULT = 0;
/** Function BSON type */
static readonly SUBTYPE_FUNCTION = 1;
/** Byte Array BSON type */
static readonly SUBTYPE_BYTE_ARRAY = 2;
/** Deprecated UUID BSON type @deprecated Please use SUBTYPE_UUID */
static readonly SUBTYPE_UUID_OLD = 3;
/** UUID BSON type */
static readonly SUBTYPE_UUID = 4;
/** MD5 BSON type */
static readonly SUBTYPE_MD5 = 5;
/** Encrypted BSON type */
static readonly SUBTYPE_ENCRYPTED = 6;
/** Column BSON type */
static readonly SUBTYPE_COLUMN = 7;
/** User BSON type */
static readonly SUBTYPE_USER_DEFINED = 128;
buffer: Uint8Array;
sub_type: number;
position: number;
* Create a new Binary instance.
* This constructor can accept a string as its first argument. In this case,
* this string will be encoded using ISO-8859-1, **not** using UTF-8.
* This is almost certainly not what you want. Use `new Binary(Buffer.from(string))`
* instead to convert the string to a Buffer using UTF-8 first.
* @param buffer - a buffer object containing the binary data.
* @param subType - the option binary type.
constructor(buffer?: string | BinarySequence, subType?: number);
* Updates this binary with byte_value.
* @param byteValue - a single byte we wish to write.
put(byteValue: string | number | Uint8Array | number[]): void;
* Writes a buffer or string to the binary.
* @param sequence - a string or buffer to be written to the Binary BSON object.
* @param offset - specify the binary of where to write the content.
write(sequence: string | BinarySequence, offset: number): void;
* Reads **length** bytes starting at **position**.
* @param position - read from the given position in the Binary.
* @param length - the number of bytes to read.
read(position: number, length: number): BinarySequence;
* Returns the value of this binary as a string.
* @param asRaw - Will skip converting to a string
* @remarks
* This is handy when calling this function conditionally for some key value pairs and not others
value(asRaw?: boolean): string | BinarySequence;
/** the length of the binary sequence */
length(): number;
toJSON(): string;
toString(encoding?: 'hex' | 'base64' | 'utf8' | 'utf-8'): string;
/** @internal */
toExtendedJSON(options?: EJSONOptions): BinaryExtendedLegacy | BinaryExtended;
/** Creates an Binary instance from a hex digit string */
static createFromHexString(hex: string, subType?: number): Binary;
/** Creates an Binary instance from a base64 string */
static createFromBase64(base64: string, subType?: number): Binary;
/** @internal */
static fromExtendedJSON(doc: BinaryExtendedLegacy | BinaryExtended | UUIDExtended, options?: EJSONOptions): Binary;
inspect(): string;
/** @public */
export type UUIDExtended = {
$uuid: string;
* A class representation of the BSON UUID type.
* @public
export declare class UUID extends Binary {
/** @deprecated Hex string is no longer cached, this control will be removed in a future major release */
static cacheHexString: boolean;
* Create a UUID type
* When the argument to the constructor is omitted a random v4 UUID will be generated.
* @param input - Can be a 32 or 36 character hex string (dashes excluded/included) or a 16 byte binary Buffer.
constructor(input?: string | Uint8Array | UUID);
* The UUID bytes
* @readonly
get id(): Uint8Array;
set id(value: Uint8Array);
* Returns the UUID id as a 32 or 36 character hex string representation, excluding/including dashes (defaults to 36 character dash separated)
* @param includeDashes - should the string exclude dash-separators.
toHexString(includeDashes?: boolean): string;
* Converts the id into a 36 character (dashes included) hex string, unless a encoding is specified.
toString(encoding?: 'hex' | 'base64'): string;
* Converts the id into its JSON string representation.
* A 36 character (dashes included) hex string in the format: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx
toJSON(): string;
* Compares the equality of this UUID with `otherID`.
* @param otherId - UUID instance to compare against.
equals(otherId: string | Uint8Array | UUID): boolean;
* Creates a Binary instance from the current UUID.
toBinary(): Binary;
* Generates a populated buffer containing a v4 uuid
static generate(): Uint8Array;
* Checks if a value is a valid bson UUID
* @param input - UUID, string or Buffer to validate.
static isValid(input: string | Uint8Array | UUID | Binary): boolean;
* Creates an UUID from a hex string representation of an UUID.
* @param hexString - 32 or 36 character hex string (dashes excluded/included).
static createFromHexString(hexString: string): UUID;
/** Creates an UUID from a base64 string representation of an UUID. */
static createFromBase64(base64: string): UUID;
/** @internal */
static bytesFromString(representation: string): Uint8Array;
* @internal
* Validates a string to be a hex digit sequence with or without dashes.
* The canonical hyphenated representation of a uuid is hex in 8-4-4-4-12 groups.
static isValidUUIDString(representation: string): boolean;
inspect(): string;