You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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/** @type {import('tailwindcss').Config} */
module.exports = {
content: ["public/**/*.{html,js}", "views/pages/index.ejs"],
theme: {
extend: {
fontFamily: {
rubik: ['Rubik', 'sans-serif'],
grenzeGotisch: ['GrenzeGotisch', 'serif'],
fingerpaint: ['FingerPaint', 'sans-serif'],
narrow: ['PTSansNarrow', 'sans-serif'],
animation: {
type: 'type 1.8s ease-out .8s 1 normal both',
keyframes: {
type: {
'0%': { width: '0ch' },
'5%, 10%': { width: '1ch' },
'15%, 20%': { width: '2ch' },
'25%, 30%': { width: '3ch' },
'35%, 40%': { width: '4ch' },
'45%, 50%': { width: '5ch' },
'55%, 60%': { width: '6ch' },
'65%, 70%': { width: '7ch' },
'75%, 80%': { width: '8ch' },
'85%, 90%': { width: '9ch' },
'95%': { width: '10ch' },
variants: {
extend: {
width: ["responsive", "hover", "focus"],
plugins: [