nodeContents[]postfixNode// ONLY USED WHEN nodetype == CHARCLASS. Holds all the nodes inside the given CHARCLASS node.
nodeContents[]postfixNode// ONLY USED WHEN nodetype == CHARCLASS. Holds all the nodes inside the given CHARCLASS node.
referencedGroupint// ONLY USED WHEN nodetype == backreferenceNode. Holds the group which this one refers to. After parsing is done, the expression will be rewritten eg. (a)\1 will become (a)(a). So the return value of ShuntingYard() shouldn't contain a backreferenceNode.
referencedGroupint// ONLY USED WHEN nodetype == backreferenceNode. Holds the group which this one refers to. After parsing is done, the expression will be rewritten eg. (a)\1 will become (a)(a). So the return value of ShuntingYard() shouldn't contain a backreferenceNode.
isLazybool// ONLY USED WHEN nodetype == kleene or question
// Converts the given list of postfixNodes to one node of type CHARCLASS.
// Converts the given list of postfixNodes to one node of type CHARCLASS.