@ -53,6 +53,59 @@ func ExampleReg_FindSubmatch() {
// 2 3
func ExampleReg_FindAllSubmatch() {
regexStr := `(\d)\.(\d)(\d)`
regexComp := regex.MustCompile(regexStr)
matches := regexComp.FindAllSubmatch("3.14+8.97")
fmt.Println(matches[0][0]) // 0-group (entire match) of 1st match (0-indexed)
fmt.Println(matches[0][1]) // 1st group of 1st match
fmt.Println(matches[1][0]) // 0-group of 2nd match
fmt.Println(matches[1][1]) // 1st group of 2nd math
// Output: 0 4
// 0 1
// 5 9
// 5 6
func ExampleReg_FindAllString() {
regexStr := `<0-255>\.<0-255>\.<0-255>\.<0-255>`
inputStr := ` pings`
regexComp := regex.MustCompile(regexStr)
matchStrs := regexComp.FindAllString(inputStr)
// Output:
func ExampleReg_FindAllStringSubmatch() {
// 'https' ...
// followed by 1 or more alphanumeric characters (including period) ...
// then a forward slash ...
// followed by one more of :
// word character,
// question mark,
// period,
// equals sign
regexStr := `https://([a-z0-9\.]+)/([\w.?=]+)`
regexComp := regex.MustCompile(regexStr, regex.RE_CASE_INSENSITIVE)
inputStr := `You can find me at https://twomorecents.org/index.html and https://news.ycombinator.com/user?id=aadhavans`
matchIndices := regexComp.FindAllStringSubmatch(inputStr)
fmt.Println(matchIndices[0][1]) // 1st group of 1st match (0-indexed)
fmt.Println(matchIndices[0][2]) // 2nd group of 1st match
fmt.Println(matchIndices[1][1]) // 1st group of 2nd match
fmt.Println(matchIndices[1][2]) // 2nd group of 2nd match
// Output: twomorecents.org
// index.html
// news.ycombinator.com
// user?id=aadhavans
func ExampleReg_Expand() {
inputStr := `option1: value1
option2: value2`