Updated nodeType constants so that they aren't exported

Aadhavan Srinivasan 1 month ago
parent ca8f8e1030
commit 73c6a442ce

@ -450,7 +450,7 @@ func shuntingYard(re string, flags ...ReFlag) ([]postfixNode, error) {
// 'regex' should now contain the lookaround regex, plus the characters at the start (which indicate pos/neg, ahead/behind)
// Now we should filter that out.
toAppend := postfixNode{nodetype: ASSERTION, startReps: 1, endReps: 1}
toAppend := postfixNode{nodetype: assertionNode, startReps: 1, endReps: 1}
if regex[0] == '<' { // Lookbehind
toAppend.lookaroundDir = LOOKBEHIND
regex = regex[1:]
@ -489,7 +489,7 @@ func shuntingYard(re string, flags ...ReFlag) ([]postfixNode, error) {
topStack, _ = peek(opStack)
outQueueFinalElement, _ := peek(outQueue)
if (c == '*' && outQueueFinalElement.nodetype == KLEENE) || (c == '+' && outQueueFinalElement.nodetype == PLUS) { // You cannot apply a quantifier to a quantifier in this way
if (c == '*' && outQueueFinalElement.nodetype == kleeneNode) || (c == '+' && outQueueFinalElement.nodetype == plusNode) { // You cannot apply a quantifier to a quantifier in this way
return nil, fmt.Errorf("illegal use of token '%c'", c)
opStack = append(opStack, c)
@ -751,7 +751,7 @@ func shuntingYard(re string, flags ...ReFlag) ([]postfixNode, error) {
idx := len(outQueue) - 1
// Get the last added node
if idx < 0 || outQueue[idx].nodetype == LPAREN {
if idx < 0 || outQueue[idx].nodetype == lparenNode {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("numeric specifier with no content")
outQueue[idx].startReps = startRangeNum
@ -814,7 +814,7 @@ func thompson(re []postfixNode) (Reg, error) {
for _, c := range re {
if c.nodetype == CHARACTER || c.nodetype == ASSERTION {
if c.nodetype == characterNode || c.nodetype == assertionNode {
state := State{}
state.transitions = make(map[int][]*State)
if c.allChars {
@ -865,7 +865,7 @@ func thompson(re []postfixNode) (Reg, error) {
state.output = make([]*State, 0)
state.output = append(state.output, &state)
state.isEmpty = false
if c.nodetype == ASSERTION {
if c.nodetype == assertionNode {
state.isEmpty = true // This is a little weird. A lookaround has the 'isEmpty' flag set, even though it _isn't_ empty (the contents are the regex). But, there's so much error-checking that relies on this flag that it's better to keep it this way.
state.content = newContents(EPSILON) // Ideally, an assertion shouldn't have any content, since it doesn't say anything about the content of string
if c.lookaroundDir == 0 || c.lookaroundSign == 0 {
@ -917,7 +917,7 @@ func thompson(re []postfixNode) (Reg, error) {
nfa = append(nfa, &state)
if c.nodetype == LPAREN || c.nodetype == RPAREN {
if c.nodetype == lparenNode || c.nodetype == rparenNode {
s := &State{}
s.assert = NONE
s.content = newContents(EPSILON)
@ -926,7 +926,7 @@ func thompson(re []postfixNode) (Reg, error) {
s.output = append(s.output, s)
s.transitions = make(map[int][]*State)
// LPAREN nodes are just added normally
if c.nodetype == LPAREN {
if c.nodetype == lparenNode {
s.groupBegin = true
s.groupNum = numGroups
@ -940,7 +940,7 @@ func thompson(re []postfixNode) (Reg, error) {
// If the middle node doesn't exist (ie. something like '()' ), that's fine, I just connect the LPAREN
// and RPAREN nodes.
// If neither node exists, that's a problem so I return an error.
if c.nodetype == RPAREN {
if c.nodetype == rparenNode {
s.groupEnd = true
middleNode, err1 := pop(&nfa)
lparenNode, err2 := pop(&nfa)
@ -969,7 +969,7 @@ func thompson(re []postfixNode) (Reg, error) {
if c.nodetype == CHARCLASS { // A Character class consists of all the nodes in it, alternated
if c.nodetype == charclassNode { // A Character class consists of all the nodes in it, alternated
// Map the list of nodes to a list of states, each state containing the contents of a specific node
states := funcMap(c.nodeContents, func(node postfixNode) *State {
s := newState()
@ -996,7 +996,7 @@ func thompson(re []postfixNode) (Reg, error) {
// Must be an operator if it isn't a character
switch c.nodetype {
case concatenateNode:
s2 := mustPop(&nfa)
// Relax the requirements for concatenation a little bit - If
// the second element is not found ie. the postfixNodes look
@ -1008,7 +1008,7 @@ func thompson(re []postfixNode) (Reg, error) {
s1 = concatenate(s1, s2)
nfa = append(nfa, s1)
case KLEENE: // Create a 0-state, concat the popped state after it, concat the 0-state after the popped state
case kleeneNode: // Create a 0-state, concat the popped state after it, concat the 0-state after the popped state
s1, err := pop(&nfa)
if err != nil {
return Reg{}, fmt.Errorf("error applying kleene star")
@ -1018,7 +1018,7 @@ func thompson(re []postfixNode) (Reg, error) {
return Reg{}, err
nfa = append(nfa, stateToAdd)
case PLUS: // a+ is equivalent to aa*
case plusNode: // a+ is equivalent to aa*
s1 := mustPop(&nfa)
s2, err := kleene(*s1)
if err != nil {
@ -1026,14 +1026,14 @@ func thompson(re []postfixNode) (Reg, error) {
s1 = concatenate(s1, s2)
nfa = append(nfa, s1)
case QUESTION: // ab? is equivalent to a(b|)
case questionNode: // ab? is equivalent to a(b|)
s1, err := pop(&nfa)
if err != nil {
return Reg{}, fmt.Errorf("error applying question operator")
s2 := question(s1)
nfa = append(nfa, s2)
case PIPE:
case pipeNode:
// A pipe operator doesn't actually need either operand to be present. If an operand isn't present,
// it is replaced with an implicit 'matchZeroLength' state (this is the same thing that we add at the top if our
// input has zero postfixNodes).

@ -10,16 +10,16 @@ var escapedChars []rune = []rune("wWdDbBnaftrvsS0")
// This is a list of the possible node types
const (
CHARACTER NodeType = iota
characterNode NodeType = iota
// Helper constants for lookarounds
@ -49,11 +49,11 @@ type postfixNode struct {
// it will not match.
func newCharClassNode(nodes []postfixNode, negated bool) postfixNode {
rtv := postfixNode{}
rtv.nodetype = CHARCLASS
rtv.nodetype = charclassNode
rtv.startReps = 1
rtv.endReps = 1
if negated {
rtv.nodetype = CHARACTER
rtv.nodetype = characterNode
rtv.contents = []rune{ANY_CHAR}
rtv.allChars = true
rtv.except = nodes
@ -70,55 +70,55 @@ func newEscapedNode(c rune, inCharClass bool) (postfixNode, error) {
toReturn.endReps = 1
switch c {
case 's': // Whitespace
toReturn.nodetype = CHARACTER
toReturn.nodetype = characterNode
toReturn.contents = append(toReturn.contents, whitespaceChars...)
case 'S': // Non-whitespace
toReturn = newPostfixDotNode()
toReturn.except = append([]postfixNode{}, newPostfixNode(whitespaceChars...))
case 'd': // Digits
toReturn.nodetype = CHARACTER
toReturn.nodetype = characterNode
toReturn.contents = append(toReturn.contents, digitChars...)
case 'D': // Non-digits
toReturn = newPostfixDotNode()
toReturn.except = append([]postfixNode{}, newPostfixNode(digitChars...))
case 'w': // word character
toReturn.nodetype = CHARACTER
toReturn.nodetype = characterNode
toReturn.contents = append(toReturn.contents, wordChars...)
case 'W': // Non-word character
toReturn = newPostfixDotNode()
toReturn.except = append([]postfixNode{}, newPostfixNode(wordChars...))
case 'b', 'B':
if c == 'b' && inCharClass {
toReturn.nodetype = CHARACTER
toReturn.nodetype = characterNode
toReturn.contents = append(toReturn.contents, rune(8))
} else {
toReturn.nodetype = ASSERTION
toReturn.nodetype = assertionNode
toReturn.contents = append(toReturn.contents, c)
case 'n': // Newline character
toReturn.nodetype = CHARACTER
toReturn.nodetype = characterNode
toReturn.contents = append(toReturn.contents, '\n')
case '0': // NULL character
toReturn.nodetype = CHARACTER
toReturn.nodetype = characterNode
toReturn.contents = append(toReturn.contents, rune(0))
case 'a': // Bell character
toReturn.nodetype = CHARACTER
toReturn.nodetype = characterNode
toReturn.contents = append(toReturn.contents, rune(7))
case 'f': // Form feed character
toReturn.nodetype = CHARACTER
toReturn.nodetype = characterNode
toReturn.contents = append(toReturn.contents, rune(12))
case 't': // Horizontal tab character
toReturn.nodetype = CHARACTER
toReturn.nodetype = characterNode
toReturn.contents = append(toReturn.contents, rune(9))
case 'r': // Carriage return
toReturn.nodetype = CHARACTER
toReturn.nodetype = characterNode
toReturn.contents = append(toReturn.contents, rune(13))
case 'v': // Vertical tab
toReturn.nodetype = CHARACTER
toReturn.nodetype = characterNode
toReturn.contents = append(toReturn.contents, rune(11))
case '-': // Literal hyphen - only in character class
if inCharClass {
toReturn.nodetype = CHARACTER
toReturn.nodetype = characterNode
toReturn.contents = append(toReturn.contents, '-')
} else {
return postfixNode{}, fmt.Errorf("invalid escape character")
@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ func newEscapedNode(c rune, inCharClass bool) (postfixNode, error) {
if isNormalChar(c) { // Normal characters cannot be escaped
return postfixNode{}, fmt.Errorf("invalid escape character")
toReturn.nodetype = CHARACTER
toReturn.nodetype = characterNode
toReturn.contents = append(toReturn.contents, c)
return toReturn, nil
@ -142,36 +142,36 @@ func newPostfixNode(contents ...rune) postfixNode {
to_return.startReps = 1
to_return.endReps = 1
if len(contents) > 1 { // If the node has more than element, it must be a character class - the type must be CHARACTER
to_return.nodetype = CHARACTER
to_return.nodetype = characterNode
to_return.contents = contents
} else { // Node has one element, could be anything
switch contents[0] {
case '+':
to_return.nodetype = PLUS
to_return.nodetype = plusNode
case '?':
to_return.nodetype = QUESTION
to_return.nodetype = questionNode
case '*':
to_return.nodetype = KLEENE
to_return.nodetype = kleeneNode
case '|':
to_return.nodetype = PIPE
to_return.nodetype = pipeNode
case CONCAT:
to_return.nodetype = CONCATENATE
to_return.nodetype = concatenateNode
case '^', '$':
to_return.nodetype = ASSERTION
to_return.nodetype = assertionNode
case '(':
to_return.nodetype = LPAREN
to_return.nodetype = lparenNode
case ')':
to_return.nodetype = RPAREN
to_return.nodetype = rparenNode
to_return.nodetype = CHARACTER
to_return.nodetype = characterNode
to_return.contents = append(to_return.contents, contents...)
// Special cases for LPAREN and RPAREN - they have special characters defined for them
if to_return.nodetype == LPAREN {
if to_return.nodetype == lparenNode {
to_return.contents = []rune{LPAREN_CHAR}
if to_return.nodetype == RPAREN {
if to_return.nodetype == rparenNode {
to_return.contents = []rune{RPAREN_CHAR}
@ -183,7 +183,7 @@ func newPostfixDotNode() postfixNode {
toReturn := postfixNode{}
toReturn.startReps = 1
toReturn.endReps = 1
toReturn.nodetype = CHARACTER
toReturn.nodetype = characterNode
toReturn.allChars = true
toReturn.contents = []rune{ANY_CHAR}
return toReturn
@ -194,7 +194,7 @@ func newPostfixCharNode(contents ...rune) postfixNode {
toReturn := postfixNode{}
toReturn.startReps = 1
toReturn.endReps = 1
toReturn.nodetype = CHARACTER
toReturn.nodetype = characterNode
toReturn.contents = append(toReturn.contents, contents...)
return toReturn
