Compare commits


No commits in common. 'master' and 'implementBackreferences' have entirely different histories.

@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
## Kleingrep
Kleingrep is a regular expression engine, providing a library and command-line tool written in Go.
It aims to provide a more featureful engine, compared to the one in Go's
[regexp](, while retaining some semblance of efficiency.
The engine does __not__ use backtracking, relying on the NFA-based method described in
[Russ Cox's articles]( As such, it is immune to catastrophic backtracking.
It also includes features not present in regexp, such as lookarounds and backreferences.
### Syntax
The syntax is, for the most part, a superset of Go's regexp. A full overview of the syntax can be found [here](
__For more information, see

@ -129,8 +129,6 @@ func main() {
matchIndices = regComp.FindAllSubmatch(test_str)
test_str_runes := []rune(test_str) // Converting to runes preserves unicode characters
if *printMatchesFlag {
// if we are in single line mode, print the line on which
// the matches occur
@ -160,10 +158,10 @@ func main() {
oldIndices := indicesToPrint.values()
indicesToPrint = new_uniq_arr[int]()
// Explanation:
// Find all numbers from 0 to len(test_str_runes) that are NOT in oldIndices.
// Find all numbers from 0 to len(test_str) that are NOT in oldIndices.
// These are the values we want to print, now that we have inverted the match.
// Re-initialize indicesToPrint and add all of these values to it.
indicesToPrint.add(setDifference(genRange(0, len(test_str_runes)), oldIndices)...)
indicesToPrint.add(setDifference(genRange(0, len(test_str)), oldIndices)...)
// If lineFlag is enabled, we should only print something if:
@ -184,7 +182,7 @@ func main() {
// the corresponding end index.
// 3. If not, just print the character.
if substituteFlagEnabled {
for i := range test_str_runes {
for i := range test_str {
inMatchIndex := false
for _, m := range matchIndices {
if i == m[0].StartIdx {
@ -195,24 +193,22 @@ func main() {
if !inMatchIndex {
fmt.Fprintf(out, "%c", test_str_runes[i])
fmt.Fprintf(out, "%c", test_str[i])
} else {
for i, c := range test_str_runes {
for i, c := range test_str {
if indicesToPrint.contains(i) {
color.New(color.FgRed).Fprintf(out, "%c", c)
// Newline after every match - only if -o is enabled and -v is disabled.
if *onlyFlag && !(*invertFlag) {
for matchIdxNum, idx := range matchIndices {
if matchIdxNum < len(matchIndices)-1 { // Only print a newline afte printing a match, if there are multiple matches on the line, and we aren't on the last one. This is because the newline that gets added at the end will take care of that.
for _, idx := range matchIndices {
if i+1 == idx[0].EndIdx { // End index is one more than last index of match
fmt.Fprintf(out, "\n")
} else {
if !(*onlyFlag) {
fmt.Fprintf(out, "%c", c)
@ -224,10 +220,6 @@ func main() {
if err != nil {
// If the last character in the string wasn't a newline, AND we either have don't -o set or we do (and we've matched something), then print a newline
if (len(test_str_runes) > 0 && test_str_runes[len(test_str_runes)-1] != '\n') &&
(!*onlyFlag || indicesToPrint.len() > 0) {

@ -36,7 +36,3 @@ func (s uniq_arr[T]) values() []T {
return toRet
func (s uniq_arr[T]) len() int {
return len(s.backingMap)

@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ const (
func isOperator(c rune) bool {
if c == '+' || c == '?' || c == '*' || c == '|' || c == concatRune || c == lazyPlusRune || c == lazyKleeneRune || c == lazyQuestionRune {
if c == '+' || c == '?' || c == '*' || c == '|' || c == concatRune {
return true
return false
@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ func isOperator(c rune) bool {
/* priority returns the priority of the given operator */
func priority(op rune) int {
precedence := []rune{'|', concatRune, '+', lazyPlusRune, '*', lazyKleeneRune, '?', lazyQuestionRune}
precedence := []rune{'|', concatRune, '+', '*', '?'}
return slices.Index(precedence, op)
@ -108,48 +108,6 @@ func getPOSIXClass(str []rune) (bool, string) {
return true, rtv
// isUnicodeCharClassLetter returns whether or not the given letter represents a unicode character class.
func isUnicodeCharClassLetter(c rune) bool {
return slices.Contains([]rune{'L', 'M', 'S', 'N', 'P', 'C', 'Z'}, c)
// rangeTableToRuneSlice converts the given range table into a rune slice and returns it.
func rangeTableToRuneSlice(rangetable *unicode.RangeTable) []rune {
var rtv []rune
for _, r := range rangetable.R16 {
for c := r.Lo; c <= r.Hi; c += r.Stride {
rtv = append(rtv, rune(c))
for _, r := range rangetable.R32 {
for c := r.Lo; c <= r.Hi; c += r.Stride {
rtv = append(rtv, rune(c))
return rtv
// unicodeCharClassToRange converts the given unicode character class name into a list of characters in that class.
// This class could also be a single letter eg. 'C'.
func unicodeCharClassToRange(class string) ([]rune, error) {
if len(class) == 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("empty unicode character class")
if len(class) == 1 || len(class) == 2 {
if rangeTable, ok := unicode.Categories[class]; ok {
return rangeTableToRuneSlice(rangeTable), nil
} else {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid short unicode character class")
} else {
if rangeTable, ok := unicode.Scripts[class]; ok {
return rangeTableToRuneSlice(rangeTable), nil
} else {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid long unicode character class")
// Stores whether the case-insensitive flag has been enabled.
var caseInsensitive bool
@ -208,6 +166,9 @@ func shuntingYard(re string, flags ...ReFlag) ([]postfixNode, error) {
// metacharacter. Later, in thompson(), these will be converted back. This avoids
// confusion in detecting whether a character is escaped eg. detecting
// whether '\\[a]' has an escaped opening bracket (it doesn't).
// 5. Check for non-greedy operators. These are not supported at the moment, so an error
// must be thrown if the user attempts to use a non-greedy operator.
for i := 0; i < len(re_runes_orig); i++ {
c := re_runes_orig[i]
if c == '<' && (i == 0 || (re_runes_orig[i-1] != '\\' && re_runes_orig[i-1] != '?')) {
@ -254,16 +215,8 @@ func shuntingYard(re string, flags ...ReFlag) ([]postfixNode, error) {
} else if c == ']' && (i == 0 || re_runes[len(re_runes)-1] != '\\') {
re_runes = append(re_runes, rbracketRune)
} else if slices.Contains([]rune{'+', '*', '?'}, c) && (i > 0 && re_runes_orig[i-1] != '\\') && (i < len(re_runes_orig)-1 && re_runes_orig[i+1] == '?') {
switch c {
case '+':
re_runes = append(re_runes, lazyPlusRune)
case '*':
re_runes = append(re_runes, lazyKleeneRune)
case '?':
re_runes = append(re_runes, lazyQuestionRune)
} else if slices.Contains([]rune{'+', '*', '?'}, c) && (i < len(re_runes_orig)-1 && re_runes_orig[i+1] == '?') {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("non-greedy operators are not supported")
} else {
re_runes = append(re_runes, c)
@ -356,30 +309,10 @@ func shuntingYard(re string, flags ...ReFlag) ([]postfixNode, error) {
} else if isHex(re_runes[i]) {
re_postfix = append(re_postfix, re_runes[i:i+2]...)
i += 1 // I don't skip forward 2 steps, because the second step will happen with the loop increment
i += 2
} else {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid hex value in expression")
} else if re_runes[i] == 'p' || re_runes[i] == 'P' { // Unicode character class (P is negated unicode charclass)
re_postfix = append(re_postfix, re_runes[i])
if i >= len(re_runes) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error parsing unicode character class in expression")
if re_runes[i] == '{' { // Full name charclass
for re_runes[i] != '}' {
re_postfix = append(re_postfix, re_runes[i])
re_postfix = append(re_postfix, re_runes[i])
} else if isUnicodeCharClassLetter(re_runes[i]) {
re_postfix = append(re_postfix, re_runes[i])
} else {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error parsing unicode character class in expression")
i-- // The loop increment at the top will move us forward
} else if re_runes[i] == '0' { // Start of octal value
numDigits := 1
for i+numDigits < len(re_runes) && numDigits < 4 && isOctal(re_runes[i+numDigits]) { // Skip while we see an octal character (max of 4, starting with 0)
@ -410,10 +343,10 @@ func shuntingYard(re string, flags ...ReFlag) ([]postfixNode, error) {
if i >= len(re_runes) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unclosed lookaround")
if (re_runes[i] == '(' && re_runes[i-1] != '\\') || re_runes[i] == nonCapLparenRune {
if re_runes[i] == '(' || re_runes[i] == nonCapLparenRune {
if re_runes[i] == ')' && re_runes[i-1] != '\\' {
if re_runes[i] == ')' {
if numOpenParens == 0 {
@ -426,7 +359,7 @@ func shuntingYard(re string, flags ...ReFlag) ([]postfixNode, error) {
if i < len(re_runes) && (re_runes[i] != '(' && re_runes[i] != nonCapLparenRune && re_runes[i] != '|' && re_runes[i] != '\\') || (i > 0 && re_runes[i-1] == '\\') { // Every character should be concatenated if it is escaped
if i < len(re_runes)-1 {
if re_runes[i+1] != '|' && re_runes[i+1] != '*' && re_runes[i+1] != lazyKleeneRune && re_runes[i+1] != '+' && re_runes[i+1] != lazyPlusRune && re_runes[i+1] != '?' && re_runes[i+1] != lazyQuestionRune && re_runes[i+1] != ')' && re_runes[i+1] != '{' {
if re_runes[i+1] != '|' && re_runes[i+1] != '*' && re_runes[i+1] != '+' && re_runes[i+1] != '?' && re_runes[i+1] != ')' && re_runes[i+1] != '{' {
re_postfix = append(re_postfix, concatRune)
@ -496,39 +429,6 @@ func shuntingYard(re string, flags ...ReFlag) ([]postfixNode, error) {
} else {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("not enough hex characters found in expression")
} else if re_postfix[i] == 'p' || re_postfix[i] == 'P' {
charClassInverted := (re_postfix[i] == 'P')
var charsInClass []rune
if isUnicodeCharClassLetter(re_postfix[i]) {
var err error
charsInClass, err = unicodeCharClassToRange(string(re_postfix[i]))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
} else if re_postfix[i] == '{' {
i++ // Skip opening bracket
unicodeCharClassStr := ""
for re_postfix[i] != '}' {
unicodeCharClassStr += string(re_postfix[i])
var err error
charsInClass, err = unicodeCharClassToRange(unicodeCharClassStr)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
} else {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error parsing unicode character class in expression")
var toAppend postfixNode
if !charClassInverted { // \p
toAppend = newPostfixNode(charsInClass...)
} else { // \P
toAppend = newPostfixDotNode()
toAppend.except = append([]postfixNode{}, newPostfixNode(charsInClass...))
outQueue = append(outQueue, toAppend)
} else if re_postfix[i] == '0' { // Octal value
var octVal int64
var octValStr string
@ -589,10 +489,10 @@ func shuntingYard(re string, flags ...ReFlag) ([]postfixNode, error) {
if i >= len(re_postfix) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unclosed lookaround")
if (re_postfix[i] == '(' && re_postfix[i-1] != '\\') || re_postfix[i] == nonCapLparenRune {
if re_postfix[i] == '(' || re_postfix[i] == nonCapLparenRune {
if re_postfix[i] == ')' && re_postfix[i-1] != '\\' {
if re_postfix[i] == ')' {
if numOpenParens == 0 {
@ -711,40 +611,7 @@ func shuntingYard(re string, flags ...ReFlag) ([]postfixNode, error) {
} else {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("not enough hex characters found in character class")
} else if re_postfix[i] == 'p' || re_postfix[i] == 'P' {
charClassInverted := (re_postfix[i] == 'P')
var charsInList []rune
if isUnicodeCharClassLetter(re_postfix[i]) {
var err error
charsInList, err = unicodeCharClassToRange(string(re_postfix[i]))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
} else if re_postfix[i] == '{' {
i++ // Skip opening bracket
unicodeCharClassStr := ""
for re_postfix[i] != '}' {
unicodeCharClassStr += string(re_postfix[i])
var err error
charsInList, err = unicodeCharClassToRange(unicodeCharClassStr)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
} else {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error parsing unicode character class in expression")
if !charClassInverted {
chars = append(chars, newPostfixNode(charsInList...))
} else {
toAppend := newPostfixDotNode()
toAppend.except = append([]postfixNode{}, newPostfixNode(charsInList...))
chars = append(chars, toAppend)
} else if re_postfix[i] == '0' { // Octal value
var octVal int64
var octValStr string
numDigitsParsed := 0
@ -945,10 +812,6 @@ func shuntingYard(re string, flags ...ReFlag) ([]postfixNode, error) {
outQueue[idx].startReps = startRangeNum
outQueue[idx].endReps = endRangeNum
if i < len(re_postfix)-1 && re_postfix[i+1] == '?' { // lazy repitition
outQueue[idx].isLazy = true
if c == '(' || c == nonCapLparenRune {
opStack = append(opStack, c)
@ -1242,9 +1105,6 @@ func thompson(re []postfixNode) (Reg, error) {
if err != nil {
return Reg{}, err
if c.isLazy {
stateToAdd.isLazy = true
nfa = append(nfa, stateToAdd)
case plusNode: // a+ is equivalent to aa*
s1 := mustPop(&nfa)
@ -1252,9 +1112,6 @@ func thompson(re []postfixNode) (Reg, error) {
if err != nil {
return Reg{}, err
if c.isLazy {
s2.isLazy = true
s1 = concatenate(s1, s2)
nfa = append(nfa, s1)
case questionNode: // ab? is equivalent to a(b|)
@ -1266,9 +1123,6 @@ func thompson(re []postfixNode) (Reg, error) {
if err != nil {
return Reg{}, err
if c.isLazy {
s2.isLazy = true
nfa = append(nfa, s2)
case pipeNode:
// A pipe operator doesn't actually need either operand to be present. If an operand isn't present,
@ -1324,9 +1178,6 @@ func thompson(re []postfixNode) (Reg, error) {
if err != nil {
return Reg{}, err
if c.isLazy {
s2.isLazy = true
stateToAdd = concatenate(stateToAdd, s2)
} else { // Case 2
for i := c.startReps; i < c.endReps; i++ {
@ -1334,9 +1185,6 @@ func thompson(re []postfixNode) (Reg, error) {
if err != nil {
return Reg{}, fmt.Errorf("error processing bounded repetition")
if c.isLazy {
tmp.isLazy = true
stateToAdd = concatenate(stateToAdd, tmp)

@ -60,24 +60,14 @@ Composition:
x|y Match x or y (prefer x)
xy|z Match xy or z (prefer xy)
x* Match x zero or more times, prefer more
x+ Match x one or more times, prefer more
x? Match x zero or one time, prefer one
x{m,n} Match x between m and n times (inclusive), prefer more
x{m,} Match x atleast m times, prefer more
x{,n} Match x between 0 and n times (inclusive), prefer more
x{m} Match x exactly m times
x*? Match x zero or more times, prefer fewer
x+? Match x one or more times, prefer fewer
x?? Match x zero or one time, prefer zero
x{m,n}? Match x between m and n times (inclusive), prefer fewer
x{m,}? Match x atleast m times, prefer fewer
x{,n}? Match x between 0 and n times (inclusive), prefer fewer
Repitition (always greedy, preferring more):
x* Match x zero or more times
x+ Match x one or more times
x? Match x zero or one time
x{m,n} Match x between m and n times (inclusive)
x{m,} Match x atleast m times
x{,n} Match x between 0 and n times (inclusive)
x{m} Match x exactly m times
@ -117,13 +107,17 @@ Numeric ranges:
The engine and the API differ from [regexp] in a few ways, some of them very subtle.
The key differences are mentioned below.
1. Byte-slices and runes:
1. Greediness:
This engine currently does not support non-greedy operators.
2. Byte-slices and runes:
My engine does not support byte-slices. When a matching function receives a string, it converts it into a
rune-slice to iterate through it. While this has some space overhead, the convenience of built-in unicode
support made the tradeoff worth it.
2. Return values
3. Return values
Rather than using primitives for return values, my engine defines two types that are used as return
values: a [Group] represents a capturing group, and a [Match] represents a list of groups.
@ -158,10 +152,10 @@ returns the 0-group.
The following features from [regexp] are (currently) NOT supported:
1. Named capturing groups
2. Negated POSIX classes
3. Embedded flags (flags are instead passed as arguments to [Compile])
4. Literal text with \Q ... \E
5. Finite repetition with no start (defaulting at 0)
2. Non-greedy operators
3. Unicode character classes
4. Embedded flags (flags are instead passed as arguments to [Compile])
5. Literal text with \Q ... \E
The following features are not available in [regexp], but are supported in my engine:
1. Lookarounds

@ -234,14 +234,14 @@ func addStateToList(str []rune, idx int, list []nfaState, state nfaState, thread
visited = append(visited, state)
if (state.isKleene || state.isQuestion) && (state.isLazy == false) { // Greedy quantifiers
if state.isKleene || state.isQuestion {
copyThread(state.splitState, state)
list := addStateToList(str, idx, list, *state.splitState, threadGroups, visited, preferLongest)
copyThread(, state)
list = addStateToList(str, idx, list, *, threadGroups, visited, preferLongest)
return list
if state.isAlternation || ((state.isKleene || state.isQuestion) && state.isLazy) { // Alternation or lazy quantifier
if state.isAlternation {
copyThread(, state)
list := addStateToList(str, idx, list, *, threadGroups, visited, preferLongest)
copyThread(state.splitState, state)

@ -16,11 +16,8 @@ var rparenRune rune = 0xF0006
var nonCapLparenRune rune = 0xF0007 // Represents a non-capturing group's LPAREN
var escBackslashRune rune = 0xF0008 // Represents an escaped backslash
var charRangeRune rune = 0xF0009 // Represents a character range
var lazyKleeneRune rune = 0xF000A // Represents a lazy kleene star
var lazyPlusRune rune = 0xF000B // Represents a lazy plus operator
var lazyQuestionRune rune = 0xF000C // Represents a lazy question operator
var specialChars = []rune{'?', lazyQuestionRune, '*', lazyKleeneRune, '\\', '^', '$', '{', '}', '(', ')', '[', ']', '+', lazyPlusRune, '|', '.', concatRune, '<', '>', lbracketRune, rbracketRune, nonCapLparenRune}
var specialChars = []rune{'?', '*', '\\', '^', '$', '{', '}', '(', ')', '[', ']', '+', '|', '.', concatRune, '<', '>', lbracketRune, rbracketRune, nonCapLparenRune}
// An interface for int and rune, which are identical
type character interface {

@ -34,7 +34,6 @@ type nfaState struct {
isKleene bool // Identifies whether current node is a 0-state representing Kleene star
isQuestion bool // Identifies whether current node is a 0-state representing the question operator
isAlternation bool // Identifies whether current node is a 0-state representing an alternation
isLazy bool // Only for split states - Identifies whether or not to flip the order of branches (try one branch before the other)
splitState *nfaState // Only for alternation states - the 'other' branch of the alternation ('next' is the first)
assert assertType // Type of assertion of current node - NONE means that the node doesn't assert anything
allChars bool // Whether or not the state represents all characters (eg. a 'dot' metacharacter). A 'dot' node doesn't store any contents directly, as it would take up too much space
@ -45,10 +44,10 @@ type nfaState struct {
groupBegin bool // Whether or not the node starts a capturing group
groupEnd bool // Whether or not the node ends a capturing group
groupNum int // Which capturing group the node starts / ends
isBackreference bool // Whether or not current node is backreference
referredGroup int // If current node is a backreference, the node that it points to
// The following properties depend on the current match - I should think about resetting them for every match.
threadGroups []Group // Assuming that a state is part of a 'thread' in the matching process, this array stores the indices of capturing groups in the current thread. As matches are found for this state, its groups will be copied over.
isBackreference bool // Whether or not current node is backreference
referredGroup int // If current node is a backreference, the node that it points to
threadBackref int // If current node is a backreference, how many characters to look forward into the referred group
@ -78,7 +77,6 @@ func cloneStateHelper(stateToClone *nfaState, cloneMap map[*nfaState]*nfaState)
isKleene: stateToClone.isKleene,
isQuestion: stateToClone.isQuestion,
isAlternation: stateToClone.isAlternation,
isLazy: stateToClone.isLazy,
assert: stateToClone.assert,
allChars: stateToClone.allChars,
except: append([]rune{}, stateToClone.except...),
@ -86,8 +84,6 @@ func cloneStateHelper(stateToClone *nfaState, cloneMap map[*nfaState]*nfaState)
groupEnd: stateToClone.groupEnd,
groupBegin: stateToClone.groupBegin,
groupNum: stateToClone.groupNum,
isBackreference: stateToClone.isBackreference,
referredGroup: stateToClone.referredGroup,
cloneMap[stateToClone] = clone
for i, s := range stateToClone.output {
@ -425,7 +421,6 @@ func (s nfaState) equals(other nfaState) bool { == &&
s.isKleene == other.isKleene &&
s.isQuestion == other.isQuestion &&
s.isLazy == other.isLazy &&
s.isAlternation == other.isAlternation &&
s.splitState == other.splitState &&
s.assert == other.assert &&

@ -44,7 +44,6 @@ type postfixNode struct {
lookaroundDir int // Lookbehind or lookahead
nodeContents []postfixNode // ONLY USED WHEN nodetype == CHARCLASS. Holds all the nodes inside the given CHARCLASS node.
referencedGroup int // ONLY USED WHEN nodetype == backreferenceNode. Holds the group which this one refers to. After parsing is done, the expression will be rewritten eg. (a)\1 will become (a)(a). So the return value of ShuntingYard() shouldn't contain a backreferenceNode.
isLazy bool // ONLY USED WHEN nodetype == kleene or question
// Converts the given list of postfixNodes to one node of type CHARCLASS.
@ -163,19 +162,10 @@ func newPostfixNode(contents ...rune) postfixNode {
switch contents[0] {
case '+':
to_return.nodetype = plusNode
case lazyPlusRune:
to_return.nodetype = plusNode
to_return.isLazy = true
case '?':
to_return.nodetype = questionNode
case lazyQuestionRune:
to_return.nodetype = questionNode
to_return.isLazy = true
case '*':
to_return.nodetype = kleeneNode
case lazyKleeneRune:
to_return.nodetype = kleeneNode
to_return.isLazy = true
case '|':
to_return.nodetype = pipeNode
case concatRune:

@ -117,7 +117,6 @@ var reTests = []struct {
{`\d{3,4}`, nil, "ababab555", []Group{{6, 9}}},
{`\bpaint\b`, nil, "paints", []Group{}},
{`\b\w{5}\b`, nil, "paint", []Group{{0, 5}}},
{`\w{}`, nil, "test", nil},
{`[^\w]`, nil, "abcdef1230[]qq';;'", []Group{{10, 11}, {11, 12}, {14, 15}, {15, 16}, {16, 17}, {17, 18}}},
{`[^\W]`, nil, "abcdef1230[]qq';;'", []Group{{0, 1}, {1, 2}, {2, 3}, {3, 4}, {4, 5}, {5, 6}, {6, 7}, {7, 8}, {8, 9}, {9, 10}, {12, 13}, {13, 14}}},
{`[\[\]]`, nil, "a[b[l]]", []Group{{1, 2}, {3, 4}, {5, 6}, {6, 7}}},
@ -431,7 +430,6 @@ var reTests = []struct {
{`^(.+)?B`, []ReFlag{RE_CASE_INSENSITIVE}, `ab`, []Group{{0, 2}}},
{`\0009`, []ReFlag{RE_CASE_INSENSITIVE}, "\x009", []Group{{0, 2}}},
{`\0141`, []ReFlag{RE_CASE_INSENSITIVE}, "A", []Group{{0, 1}}},
{`\0141\0141`, []ReFlag{RE_CASE_INSENSITIVE}, "AA", []Group{{0, 2}}},
{`a[-]?c`, []ReFlag{RE_CASE_INSENSITIVE}, `AC`, []Group{{0, 2}}},
@ -462,10 +460,8 @@ var reTests = []struct {
{`[\D5]+`, nil, `1234abc5678`, []Group{{4, 8}}},
{`[\da-fA-F]+`, nil, `123abc`, []Group{{0, 6}}},
{`\xff`, nil, "\u00ff", []Group{{0, 1}}},
{`\xff+`, nil, "\u00ff\u00ff", []Group{{0, 2}}},
{`\xFF`, nil, "\u00ff", []Group{{0, 1}}},
{`\x00ff`, nil, "\u00ff", []Group{}},
{`\x{0000ff}+`, nil, "\u00ff\u00ff", []Group{{0, 2}}},
{`\x{0000ff}`, nil, "\u00ff", []Group{{0, 1}}},
{`\x{0000FF}`, nil, "\u00ff", []Group{{0, 1}}},
{"\t\n\v\r\f\a", nil, "\t\n\v\r\f\a", []Group{{0, 6}}},
@ -489,25 +485,7 @@ var reTests = []struct {
{`[b-e]`, nil, `f`, []Group{}},
{`*?`, nil, `-`, nil},
{`a.+c`, nil, `abcabc`, []Group{{0, 6}}},
// Lazy quantifier tests
{`a.+?c`, nil, `abcabc`, []Group{{0, 3}, {3, 6}}},
{`ab*?bc`, []ReFlag{RE_CASE_INSENSITIVE}, `ABBBBC`, []Group{{0, 6}}},
{`ab+?bc`, []ReFlag{RE_CASE_INSENSITIVE}, `ABBC`, []Group{{0, 4}}},
{`ab??bc`, []ReFlag{RE_CASE_INSENSITIVE}, `ABBC`, []Group{{0, 4}}},
{`ab??bc`, []ReFlag{RE_CASE_INSENSITIVE}, `ABC`, []Group{{0, 3}}},
{`ab??bc`, []ReFlag{RE_CASE_INSENSITIVE}, `ABBBBC`, []Group{}},
{`ab??c`, []ReFlag{RE_CASE_INSENSITIVE}, `ABC`, []Group{{0, 3}}},
{`a.*?c`, []ReFlag{RE_CASE_INSENSITIVE}, `AXYZC`, []Group{{0, 5}}},
{`a.+?c`, []ReFlag{RE_CASE_INSENSITIVE}, `ABCABC`, []Group{{0, 3}, {3, 6}}},
{`a.*?c`, []ReFlag{RE_CASE_INSENSITIVE}, `ABCABC`, []Group{{0, 3}, {3, 6}}},
{`.*?\S *:`, nil, `xx:`, []Group{{0, 3}}},
{`a[ ]*? (\d+).*`, nil, `a 10`, []Group{{0, 6}}},
{`a[ ]*? (\d+).*`, nil, `a 10`, []Group{{0, 7}}},
{`"(?:\\"|[^"])*?"`, nil, `"\""`, []Group{{0, 4}}},
{`^.*?$`, nil, "one\ntwo\nthree", []Group{}},
{`a[^>]*?b`, nil, `a>b`, []Group{}},
{`^a*?$`, nil, `foo`, []Group{}},
{`a*?`, nil, `-`, nil}, // non-greedy operators are not supported
// Numeric range tests - this is a feature that I added, and doesn't exist
// in any other mainstream regex engine
@ -538,30 +516,6 @@ var reTests = []struct {
{`<389-400`, nil, `-`, nil},
{`<389-400>`, nil, `391`, []Group{{0, 3}}},
{`\b<1-10000>\b`, nil, `America declared independence in 1776.`, []Group{{33, 37}}},
{`\p{Tamil}+`, nil, `உயிரெழுத்து`, []Group{{0, 11}}}, // Each letter and matra is counted as a separate rune, so 'u', 'ya', 'e (matra), 'ra', 'e (matra)', 'zha', (oo (matra), 'tha', 'ith', 'tha', 'oo (matra)'.
{`\P{Tamil}+`, nil, `vowel=உயிரெழுத்து`, []Group{{0, 6}}},
{`\P`, nil, `உயிரெழுத்து`, nil},
{`\PM\pM*`, nil, `உயிரெழுத்து`, []Group{{0, 1}, {1, 3}, {3, 5}, {5, 7}, {7, 9}, {9, 11}}},
{`\pN+`, nil, `123abc456def`, []Group{{0, 3}, {6, 9}}},
{`\PN+`, nil, `123abc456def`, []Group{{3, 6}, {9, 12}}},
{`[\p{Greek}\p{Cyrillic}]`, nil, `ΣωШД`, []Group{{0, 1}, {1, 2}, {2, 3}, {3, 4}}},
{`(?<=\().*?(?=\))`, nil, `(abc)`, []Group{{1, 4}}},
{`((a|b)\2)`, nil, `aa`, []Group{{0, 2}}},
{`((a|b)\2)`, nil, `bb`, []Group{{0, 2}}},
{`((a|b)\2)`, nil, `ab`, []Group{}},
{`((a|b)\2)`, nil, `ba`, []Group{}},
{`((a|b)\2){3}`, nil, `aaaaaa`, []Group{{0, 6}}},
{`((a|b)\2){3}`, nil, `bbbbbb`, []Group{{0, 6}}},
{`((a|b)\2){3}`, nil, `bbaaaa`, []Group{{0, 6}}},
{`((a|b)\2){3}`, nil, `aabbaa`, []Group{{0, 6}}},
{`((a|b)\2){3}`, nil, `aaaabb`, []Group{{0, 6}}},
{`((a|b)\2){3}`, nil, `bbaabb`, []Group{{0, 6}}},
{`((a|b)\2){3}`, nil, `baabab`, []Group{}},
{`((a|b)\2){3}`, nil, `bbabab`, []Group{}},
var groupTests = []struct {
@ -754,18 +708,6 @@ var groupTests = []struct {
// {`(a|ab|c|bcd)*(d*)`, nil, `ababcd`, []Match{[]Group{{0, 6}, {3, 6}, {6, 6}}, []Group{{6, 6}, {6, 6}, {6, 6}}}},
// // Bug - this should give {0,3},{0,3},{0,0},{0,3},{3,3} but it gives {0,3},{0,2},{0,1},{1,2},{2,3}
// // {`((a*)(b|abc))(c*)`, nil, `abc`, []Match{[]Group{{0, 3}, {0, 3}, {0, 0}, {0, 3}, {3, 3}}}},
// Lazy quantifier tests
{`a(?:b|c|d)+?(.)`, nil, `ace`, []Match{[]Group{{0, 3}, {2, 3}}}},
{`a(?:b|(c|e){1,2}?|d)+?(.)`, nil, `ace`, []Match{[]Group{{0, 3}, {1, 2}, {2, 3}}}},
{`(?<!-):(.*?)(?<!-):`, nil, `a:bc-:de:f`, []Match{[]Group{{1, 9}, {2, 8}}}},
{`(?<!\\):(.*?)(?<!\\):`, nil, `a:bc\:de:f`, []Match{[]Group{{1, 9}, {2, 8}}}},
{`(?<!\?)'(.*?)(?<!\?)'`, nil, `a'bc?'de'f`, []Match{[]Group{{1, 9}, {2, 8}}}},
{`.*?x\s*\z(.*)`, []ReFlag{RE_MULTILINE, RE_SINGLE_LINE}, "xx\nx\n", []Match{[]Group{{0, 5}, {5, 5}}}},
{`.*?x\s*\z(.*)`, []ReFlag{RE_MULTILINE}, "xx\nx\n", []Match{[]Group{{3, 5}, {5, 5}}}},
{`^([ab]*?)(?=(b)?)c`, nil, `abc`, []Match{[]Group{{0, 3}, {0, 2}, {-1, -1}}}},
{`^([ab]*?)(?!(b))c`, nil, `abc`, []Match{[]Group{{0, 3}, {0, 2}, {-1, -1}}}},
{`^([ab]*?)(?<!(a))c`, nil, `abc`, []Match{[]Group{{0, 3}, {0, 2}, {-1, -1}}}},
func TestFind(t *testing.T) {
