Added easysock files

Aadhavan Srinivasan 9 months ago
parent b5a8fd599d
commit 24cf8a9a78

@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
#include "easysock.h"
int create_socket(int network, char transport) {
int domain;
int type;
if (network == 4) {
domain = AF_INET;
} else if (network == 6) {
domain = AF_INET6;
} else {
return -1;
if (transport == 'T') {
} else if (transport == 'U') {
type = SOCK_DGRAM;
} else {
return -1;
int newSock = socket(domain,type,0);
return newSock;
int create_addr(int network, char* address, int port,struct sockaddr* dest) {
if (network == 4) {
struct sockaddr_in listen_address;
listen_address.sin_family = AF_INET;
listen_address.sin_port = htons(port);
return 0;
} else if (network == 6) {
struct sockaddr_in6 listen_ipv6;
listen_ipv6.sin6_family = AF_INET6;
listen_ipv6.sin6_port = htons(port);
return 0;
} else {
return -202;
int create_local (int network, char transport, char* address, int port,struct sockaddr* addr_struct) {
int socket = create_socket(network,transport);
if (socket < 0) {
return (-1 * errno);
int addrlen;
if (network == 4) {
addrlen = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in);
} else if (network == 6) {
addrlen = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in6);
} else {
return -202;
/* The value of addrlen should be the size of the 'sockaddr'.
This should be set to the size of 'sockaddr_in' for IPv4, and 'sockaddr_in6' for IPv6.
See */
int i = bind (socket,addr_struct,(socklen_t)addrlen);
if (i < 0) {
return (-1 * errno);
return socket;
int create_remote (int network,char transport,char* address,int port,struct sockaddr* remote_addr_struct) {
struct addrinfo hints; /* Used to tell getaddrinfo what kind of address we want */
struct addrinfo* results; /* Used by getaddrinfo to store the addresses */
if (check_ip_ver(address) < 0) { /* If the address is a domain name */
int err_code;
char* port_str = (char *)malloc(10 * sizeof(char));
sprintf(port_str,"%d",port); /* getaddrinfo expects a string for its port */
hints.ai_socktype = char_to_socktype(transport);
err_code = getaddrinfo(address,port_str,&hints,&results);
if (err_code != 0) {
return (-1 * err_code);
remote_addr_struct = results->ai_addr;
network = inet_to_int(results->ai_family);
} else {
int socket = create_socket(network,transport);
if (socket < 0) {
return (-1 * errno);
int addrlen;
if (network == 4) {
addrlen = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in);
} else if (network == 6) {
addrlen = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in6);
} else {
return (-202);
/* The value of addrlen should be the size of the 'sockaddr'.
This should be set to the size of 'sockaddr_in' for IPv4, and 'sockaddr_in6' for IPv6.
See */
int i = connect(socket,remote_addr_struct,(socklen_t)addrlen);
if (i < 0) {
return (-1 * errno);
return socket;
int check_ip_ver(char* address) {
char buffer[16]; /* 16 chars - 128 bits - is enough to hold an ipv6 address */
if (inet_pton(AF_INET,address,buffer) == 1) {
return 4;
} else if (inet_pton(AF_INET6,address,buffer) == 1) {
return 6;
} else {
return -1;
int int_to_inet(int network) {
if (network == 4) {
return AF_INET;
} else if (network == 6) {
return AF_INET6;
} else {
return -202;
int inet_to_int(int af_type) {
if (af_type == AF_INET) {
return 4;
} else if (af_type == AF_INET6) {
return 6;
} else {
return -207;
int char_to_socktype(char transport) {
if (transport == 'T') {
} else if (transport == 'U') {
return SOCK_DGRAM;
} else {
return -250;

@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
#ifndef EASYSOCK_H_
#define EASYSOCK_H_
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <netdb.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <errno.h>
/* This function takes:
a layer 3 - network layer - integer, which must be '4' for IPv4
and 6 for IPv6; and
a layer 4 - transport layer - character, which must be 'T' for
TCP or 'U' for UDP.
It returns the created socket, or -1 if the socket creation failed.*/
int create_socket(int network, char transport);
/* This function fills in the sockaddr struct 'dest' based on the given information.
'network' is an integer that contains '4' for IPv4 or '6' for IPv6;
'address' is the address that is filled into the struct;
port is self-explanatory;
and dest is a pointer to the sockaddr struct that will be filled in.
The function returns with -202 if the network parameter contained neither '4'
nor '6'. */
int create_addr(int network, char* address, int port,struct sockaddr* dest);
/* This function utilizes the above two functions; it creates the socket and
_binds_ the addresses. It is used for local sockets (server sockets). Parameters are
same as above.
It prints the error returned by 'bind' if something went wrong, and returns ( -1 * errno ).*/
int create_local (int network, char transport, char* address, int port,struct sockaddr* addr_struct);
/* This function utilizes the same functions as 'create_local' but _connects_ to the
requested address. It is used for remote sockets (client sockets). The paramters are same
as above. This function needs an empty 'sockaddr *' structure passed to it, which it will fill.
If something goes wrong, this function returns with ( -1 * errno ). */
int create_remote (int network,char transport,char* address,int port,struct sockaddr* remote_addr_struct);
/* check_ip_ver - This function checks if the given string is an IPv4 address (returns 4),
IPv6 address (returns 6) or neither (returns -1). */
int check_ip_ver(char* address);
/* int_to_inet - Takes an int value (4 for IPv4, 6 for IPv6) and returns AF_INET or
AF_INET6 respectively. */
int int_to_inet(int network);
/* char_to_socktype - Takes a character that represents a transport-layer protocol
(currently only supports 'T' for TCP or 'U' for UDP - it returns -250 if
the given characters is neither of these) and return the appropriate SOCKTYPE value. */
int char_to_socktype(char transport);
/* inet_to_int - Takes an int value that corresponds to AF_INET or AF_INET6,
and returns the appropriate int value. */
int inet_to_int(int af_type);