Fixed some commenting issues; Added code to detect if game was quit by peer and, if so, quit the game locally

Aadhavan Srinivasan 12 months ago
parent 50c090cd88
commit 91bf5e2ce1

@ -264,34 +264,36 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv) {
if (game_started) {
/* Serialize the data that we need to send, and then send it to the peer paddle */
if (type.mode == M_SERVER) {
/* Serial_create_data creates a Serial_Data struct from our values, and Serial_serialize serializes it Paddle 2 is controled by the server, Paddle 1, by the client.*/
to_send_data = Serial_create_data(pad2.getRect().x, pad2.getRect().y, ball.pos.x, ball.pos.y);
/* Serial_create_data creates a Serial_Data struct from our values.
Paddle 2 is controlled by the server, Paddle 1, by the client.*/
to_send_data = Serial_create_data(pad2.getRect().x, pad2.getRect().y, ball.pos.x, ball.pos.y, false);
else if (type.mode == M_CLIENT) {
/* The _server_ is the authoritative peer for the ball position, so the client sends (0, 0) as the ball position instead of actually sending a position */
to_send_data = Serial_create_data(pad1.getRect().x, pad1.getRect().y, 0, 0);
to_send_data = Serial_create_data(pad1.getRect().x, pad1.getRect().y, 0, 0, false);
/* Only send and receive data if the game is not in single player mode */
if (type.mode != M_SINGLE) {
type.netsock->sendAll((char *)Serial_serialize(to_send_data), 9);
/* Serial_serialize serializes the struct into a byte_array. Since sendAll accepts a string, we have to convert this byte array into a string. */
type.netsock->sendAll((char *)Serial_serialize(to_send_data), sizeof(Serial_Data) + 1);
/* Create Serial_data struct from the response of the server. Since recvAll returns a char*, we need to convert it to a byte array */
uint8_t* response_array = (uint8_t *)(type.netsock->recvAll());
if (response_array != NULL) {
/* If the response is NULL, that means it timed-out. In this case, there's no value to print */
response_data = Serial_deserialize(response_array);
std::cout << response_data.pad_x << "\t" << response_data.pad_y << "\t" << response_data.ball_x << "\t" << response_data.ball_y << std::endl;
} else {
/* If the response is NULL, that means it timed-out. In this case, there's no value to print */
std::cout << "NOTHING RECEIVED" << std::endl;
/* When updating the paddle positions, update the peer paddle's positions based on the vector set earlier */
std::string to_send = "";
/* Update paddle velocity */
/* Check to see if peer has quit the game */
if (response_data.should_quit == true) {
std::cout << "Peer unexpectedly quit game." << std::endl;
break; // Break out of main game loop
/* Left paddle (controlled by client) - I use type.mode != M_SERVER, because I also want the single player
mode to be able to control the paddle. Therefore, the only mode that _can't_ control the paddle is the server
mode. */
@ -327,7 +329,8 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv) {
pad2.velocity.y = 0;
/* The client should set the ball position based on the data sent by the server. It doesn't have to do any calculations of its own. */
/* Why did I use 'type.mode != M_CLIENT'? - The client should set the ball position solely based
on the data sent by the server. It doesn't have to do any calculations of its own. */
if (type.mode != M_CLIENT) {
/* Update ball velocity based on collision detection */
if (pad1.getRect().CheckCollision(ball.pos, ball.radius)) { /* Collision with paddle 1 */
@ -366,7 +369,8 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv) {
ball.vel.y = ball.vel.y * -1;
/* Update positions based on velocities - Client only updates pad1, server updates pad2 and ball */
/* Update positions based on velocities - Client only updates pad1 (and receives data for pad2),
server updates pad2 and ball (and receives data for pad1) */
if (type.mode != M_CLIENT) {
@ -390,7 +394,11 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv) {
/* If the game has been quit, ask the peer to quit as well */
to_send_data = Serial_create_data(0, 0, 0, 0, true);
type.netsock->sendAll((char *)Serial_serialize(to_send_data), sizeof(Serial_Data) + 1);
